
Incubus Broken de S. Rodman

de S. Rodman - Género: English
libro gratis Incubus Broken


S. Rodman Year: 2021 ISBN: 9781646374441

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You know, this book is an odd one. It’s very enjoyable, it’s a different storyline to anything I’ve ever read. But the ending… oh the ending…
Daniel is a normal guy, raising his children who he shares with his friend because they’re both gay. He meets Ezekiel who he believes is a rent boy, getting attacked by a priest. Against his better judgement he takes Ezekiel into his home and slowly starts to fall for the very broken boy. Ezekiel has had a brutal childhood after his father got him possessed with a demon as a very young boy. What followed was a life of pain, unwanted sex and no love.
Eziekial finds love and acceptance with Daniel and his kids, which are some of my favourite moments. Ezekiel seems born to work with kids and its sweet to see him come out of his shell when he’s around Daniel’s family.
Daniel is shocked to learn Ezekiel doesn’t even know what a kiss is, which is honestly so sad. When Ezekiel reveals what he is, after being taken to a club for sex, which Daniel believes is for drugs, the two do become closer. The problem is that Ezekiels father is still pulling the strings, and Daniel isn’t enough for him.

Spoilers ahead.

Which is my problem with this book. I loved it until it was mentioned that Ezekiel would keep having to hook up with randoms so he wouldn’t become ill. This was awful to me. For Ezekiel to finally know loved after being raped with alarming frequency almost his entire life, the idea that he would still have to go out and have sex with people he doesn’t want to, breaks my heart. Daniel does seem all cool with it, but it doesn’t feel this was a good way to end the book.

Which means all in all, I was just disappointed.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of this book.
arc4 s Relly1,420 25

3 Stars

This was an ok read, but I wanted to it more than I did.

I d the set up and thought it had a lot of room to expand but it wasn't executed well.
Daniel was a good character and I enjoyed his relationship with the kids mother, it was nice to see a couple of parents that co-parent well. I d his steadfastness, he was a rock at times and that was what Ezekiel needed. My only issue with him is he made some really stupid decisions a couple of times during the book.

Ezekiel was a character that needed more work. He could have had a really good character arc but that didn't eventuate IMO. Things from his past needed more work to make it work.

*** ARC Provided by GRR. This is my voluntary and honest review ***

arc b-2021-reads b-grr-2021 ...more2 s Maddy765

Sorry, but I didn't it. It was too full of plot points, the insta-love was very, very instantaneous and with no reason whatsoever. Plus, it was very, very dark with some seriously dark events and plot points. It lacked depth, descriptions and any real basis for what happens in it. I am sorry, but I didn't it.

**I was provided an ARC of this book from the GRR for an honest review** arc dark fantasy ...more2 s Stephen1,128 213

I’ve a weakness for broken winged birds. Ezekiel, an incubus who’s been abused since childhood, who’s unfamiliar with the concept of a kiss, and who thinks of a hug as “that squishing thing,” clearly qualifies.

This short novella is an inventive tale of a hulking, single, gay dad who rescues an incubus mid way through an exorcism mistaking a priest for a mugger. Being about an incubus, this tale contains plenty of sexual situations. But it’s really not all that graphic and is actually more sweet than sexual.

Though over-sized, overthinking, Daniel (see Cover Image) doesn’t really understand very quickly what’s going on, the tale is pretty low-angst. It’s basically a romantic read – with the bumfuzzled gay dad trying to resist temptation that no one, himself included, really wants to resist. It’s also entertaining to imagine a sex demon being so fond of the pink & glittery. Daniel’s learning about exactly how Ezekiel needs to feed is really rather sweet as well.

And how could you not love a naive, well meaning Incubus who sees the everyday with child- wonder?

Of course, without a bad guy this wouldn’t be much of a tale. But the wizard here that controls Ezekiel does the majority of his lurking off-page, until it’s time for him to be vanquished by our heroes.

At only 97 pages, it’s a quick, and quirky, fun-filled read. I enjoyed it, and can recommend it for those looking for some romantic flirty fun.

3-read-for-review gay gay-paranormal ...more1 llv2,108 12

Rating: 3 stars

I wanted to this book more than I did. I d both characters, but I think the book suffered from us getting only Daniels point of view. There was so much that was not really explained. Overall, it was okay but nothing really special.

(This book is no longer available on Amazon.)20221 Anabela.M.959 14

While Incubus Broken had an interesting premise, it sadly lacked in execution. There were too many disbelieving moments throughout that frankly put me off and I never really got invested in the characters and their plight. Sad, really, because this could have been amazing. 1 Lily 141 5

I’m having a really hard time rating this book.

I really enjoyed the story. I adored Ezekiel, I wanted to hug him and protect him. Daniel was a good protector for him.

The Journey of Ezekiel and Daniel coming together it was sweet and satisfying. The challenges they had to face the together were difficult. I suppose it’s difficult to build a fully developed story in less than 50k words, so taking that into consideration the book was good.

I would have love to see more relationship development between Daniel and Ezekiel, as well as more detail when it came to fighting the “bad guy“ towards the end. I originally volunteered for this one because I love stories about incubus. I would have love to see more on page sex between Daniel and Ezekiel, there was really only one full scene. In the beginning, Daniel tells Ezekiel that he (E) can top because he’s had such traumatic experiences when he bottoms. But we never see that play out on page. I also would have d to learn more about Ezekiel and his powers.

I’m not sure if this is planned as a series, but the ending suggests so. I would definitely pick up the next book if that’s the case.

Heat: 5/10 (I would have d to see more on page connection between Daniel and Ezekiel)
Story line: 7/10 (had great potential but definitely could’ve been developed further)
Characters: 8/10 (I got a good sense of who Daniel and Ezekiel are, I hope to see more in future books)
World building: 6/10 (The reader see some of Ezekiel’s magic but the rules of this magic and world are not fully fleshed out)
Overall: 8/10 (would recommend if you’re looking for a relatively short read) Flick788 4

A good solid read, 3.5 stars

I'm a bit torn because while I did this book, as I said it was a good solid read, it could have been so much better with a bit more work. The premise was great and I d the characters but I was left with the feeling that we were scratching the surface a bit. I definitely think we got more of a fully rounded character with Daniel (who was so sweet in his strength and support, even if sometimes I felt he needed a slap upside the head with some of his decisions). Ezekiel fell a bit flat and it felt we were told we needed to feel certain things for him but because his character wasn't as fleshed out it didn't go that bit further to where those feelings developed naturally. Maybe I'm being overly picky but I think even with a short book you should be able to get a real feel for the characters and that didn't happen as much here. I think what disappoints me the most is that this could have been so much better with only a little bit more. It was still a solid read and there were some really sweet parts which I enjoyed. Juniper2,988 21

I loved the premise of this book: a nice guy rescues someone he thinks is a young man in distress (and who *is* a young man in distress, just, you know, also a demon) and a relationship unfolds from there. It’s a great story, and it takes some interesting turns. For me, however, the style didn’t always live up to the substance: the prose is sometimes awkward, especially the dialog, which is weirdly allergic to contractions and can come off as wooden. We’re told, more often than shown, what characters are thinking and feeling, and there are some things I found oddly off-putting (casual descriptions of Ezekiel as a “domestic goddess” when he cleans/does the chores unasked, for example -- because housework is somehow inherently feminizing? The assumptions and judgment with which Daniel approaches the idea of sex work, etc.) Tl;dr: while the form didn’t always live up to the content for me, stylistic taste is subjective, and I enjoyed the idea of the story enough to give it 4 out of 5 stars.

*I received an ARC of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
L H2,222 17

Daniel is returning home late at night in the rain when he spots a slight young figure being manhandled and springs to the rescue. When he scares off the attacker he finds a beautiful younger guy that he feels for and is attracted to. When he realizes they have nowhere to go he takes them in. Ezekiel is not what he seems but still he did need the help. That he happens to also be a demon is just an added wrinkle in the story. Despite the very real differences and the complications that come with building a life with a demon, this pair comes together and Ezekiel becomes a part of Daniel's family. Theirs' was not a path without danger and things get bumpy but even so they work on working through what they have to wind up together in the end. Interesting premise.
I received an ARC from GRR for an honest review. Susan Bee407 1 follower

So I d this story it had a lot of action to it. I think there was a lot of misunderstandings between Daniel and Ezekiel but hey Ezekiel is an incubus and it's new for both of them.

Ezekiel had a rough life and yes there are difficult subjects to read in this book. But as an incubus they feed on sex so that has to be the subject matter in the story.

I d Ezekiel and Daniel. At times their bickering was repetitive. But Daniel kept after Ezekiel because he believed he loved him.

The writing style was difficult at times because you couldn't tell who was saying what. But might have just been how it was formatted, not sure.

Overall, I d the story I would read another by this author DMCechak1,561 19

Ezekial is a fortunate incubus, when he is saved by co-parenting dad, Daniel, in S. Rodman’s interconnected story, Incubus Broken.

As a rent boy, Ezekial has no say in his tragically abusive life. Being an incubus, he needs sex to survive and revive his magic. He has just never had a choice, until Daniel. Daniel, the computery dad of two, that he co-parents with his lesbian best friend.

This is a story that will tear at your heart, as, with Daniel’s help, Ezekial comes to terms with his abuse, and works on becoming part of a family.

Of course, evil will haunt them throughout this entire book, and many scenes can be considered traumatic. The joy of watching Daniel and ‘Zee’ find the love they each deserve makes this a memorable read. Rachwithheadinabook1,799

This book drew me in with it's blurb, as I am a bit of a sucker when the mood strikes for a paranormal hurt/comfort story, this novella had that in spades. Ezekiel was the sweetest thing and I had the biggest urge to give him plenty of 'the squishing things'. Daniel is a golden hearted giant of a man, a genuine good guy, one that you would want supporting you. Mistakes were made and challenges faced and overcome but these two made a very sweet couple. I would have d to see more character and relationship development but what the readers got was good for the length of the book. Overall enjoyable enough. smatchell726 2

Warning: There are some pretty dark parts to this book and no trigger warnings, so here you go: off-page past childhood sexual abuse, somewhat vaguely described sexual abuse in a porn film, kidnapping, intimate partner violence, dubious consent…I think that about covers it. Daniel’s character is pretty naive, but overall well-intentioned. Ezekiel’s character is sweet, sad, and indeed broken but gets the opportunity to heal some of those cracks. The author’s writing style is a little rough but overall ok, and I ultimately d this book. Melissa PolkAuthor 9 books59 Read

This was a free-with-newsletter thing, if I recall correctly. I don't know if the file was messed up or what, but there were tons of paragraphs repeated a bunch of times which made reading a bit difficult. I don't think that affected my enjoyment, but there it is.

The premise for this story is pretty interesting. Because it's so short, there were some jumps in logic and behavior that I feel could have been smoothed better, but trade offs are made for length. All in all, I enjoyed it. Not my favorite of S. Rodman's work, but a decent way to pass the evening. SFBookReviewer609 2

Incubus Broken tells the story of a human, Daniel that falls in love with an Incubus, Ezekiel. The premise is good, but overall delivery falls somewhat flat. The book is an ok read, as it contains some magic, demons, and humans. However it was difficult to finish the book, but I did want to know what happens at the end. K-Me1,776

This book started off good but I personally could not finish it after a particular incident midway through. sorry just a hard No.. I do not want to give spoilers, but if you are looking for a romance where neither of them is "with" someone else once they are interacting this is Not the book for you. I received an ARC but unfortunately I just could not finish it. Lydia Devlin387 2

I thoroughly enjoyed this super sweet romance.
The story held my attention straight from the beginning and I adored both main characters.I found myself rooting for them,hoping they would gain their happily ever after.
I don't want to give too much away as I don't want to spoil this for anyone.
I received an ARC copy of this book from Gay Romance Reviews and this is my honest review. Ida Umphers4,394 35

I did not expect to find a demon to the be sweet, innocent one in a story this, but Ezekiel is so sweet that Daniel and his kids, you just want to take him in and introduce him to all the love the world has to offer. That's pretty much this story and I adored it. Yes, there is evil and suspense here but it's the love and comfort that takes center stage. Kaila5,702 35

good story... interesting and different.. odd and curious.. it was a different type of story but i enjoyed it. i would def read this author again. RACHEL REED950 1 follower

I absolutely loved this MM paranormal romance.

Such a great book with a solid storyline and great characters.

I eagerly look forward to reading more from this author.

A definite recommend!
CB3,187 6

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