
Fey Conquest de S. Rodman

de S. Rodman - Género: English
libro gratis Fey Conquest


S. Rodman Series: Fey Lords 01 Publisher: Dark Angst Publishing, Year: 2024

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This book was an arc given to me by the author.

This book was enjoyable, I d the little pieces of lore, the romance was decent, my only critic is the s*x scenes, they are way to much.

I would love for half of the scenes to be eliminated to give space for more lore and more world building.

This world is very promising, if handled right it will be an amazing series, give us more plot, more world building, more intriguing characters (but without much angst please) and I'm sure people will gravitate to this series!mm-gray-area mmromance okayish-books6 s megan.m.reads616 33

Probably more of a 3.5 but I’m rounding up because I did end up enjoying this and absolutely will read the next in the series!

So here’s the deal: the first half is pretty meh. The book is first person present and only from Jamie’s perspective. The fey world we’re dumped into is confusing and I didn’t really care about their politics. Rhydian and Jamie barely speak but do engage in (imo unsatisfying to read and completely one-sided) non-penetrative sex. I was a bit bored.

The second half is a completely different pace. There’s feelings!!! Drama! Hot hot smut. Mutual obsession but complicated by the social politics of the fey. I cared about people - which is good because each brother is getting a book!! The ending was lovely and perfect. No Jamie can’t single-handedly tame the wild fey but he puts his stamp of human kindness on the court and it was brilliant.

I received an ARC and this is my honest opinion.arcs captor-captive fantasy-paranormal ...more5 s Jacquie Stewart2,371 73

While I was expecting something a little darker, I was pleasantly surprised with this book. It didn't push my limits too hard.

Okay, so Jamie is a captive throughout, however he does have some freedom and agency in his life. It's pretty clear, fairly early on, that his captor has developed a soft spot for him and actually treats him pretty well on the whole.

That's not to say there isn't a darker undertone. Jamie is still a prisoner, and there is the s*xual sl*very some of the characters are victims to, such as Rhydian's brother. Jamie does his best to impart to his lover and the other brothers why this is so very wrong.

Jamie, it's all too easy to forget these aren't humans, they are fey, and as such, have different morals altogether.

Pretty steamy with some violence, the story focuses mainly on Jamie coming to terms with his captivity, his growing feelings for his captor, and what he can do with his limited power to enact change.

Maybe I'm looking through Jamie's rose-colored glasses, but the fey taking over doesn't seem to be a terrible thing for the planet. The humans? Well, they'll adjust. Tiny cameo from the DragonRiders.2 s Amelia9 1 follower

Rating: 4/5
Finished in 1 Day

This book has me wanting so much more in a good way, the way the author writes the characteristics of each character is so well done. This book had me on a rollercoaster of emotions, sitting up in suspense, as well as giggling and kicking my feet. I am so excited about this series, the world-building and characters' plots will be so satisfying to read. Mabon quickly became my favourite brother and character so I am very excited that the next book is his storyline.

This book is a continuation from the DragonKin trilogy but can be read as a standalone series, this book did feel slower and more drawn out but I wasn't bored as the added length was about the world-building and extra details which is why I only lowered my rating by one star.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.fae magic mmromance ...more2 s Saskia Veldhuis 970 9

Excellent world building combining present Earth time with folklore about Fey beings. I d how Jamie managed through his unstoppable compassion to help a few beings in trouble. Some of the first half was a bit repetitive and dragged a bit. The brothers were particularly interesting and the next book sounds really appealing.1 KillerMomma45 2

I had the pleasure of beta reading this book, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The story is cleverly written and draws you in almost immediately.

The characters are able unless they are meant to be unable, and I found myself wanting to know more about the secondary characters, too, which is always a sign of a good story.1 Angel17

another reviewer posted, I too am at a 3.5 but rounding this up to a 4 because the story was entertaining and a page turner that left me interested in reading the stories of the other characters. I do believe there was definitely potential to add more emotional scenes, more background to the characters and the general story that would have made it stronger.

The pacing was good for the most part, with a couple areas where it slowed and became repetitive. The story gradually built up, with each chapter revealing a new day, or a new character, a new event, etc. The steamy and romantic parts also built up as the story progressed. I found some of the steamy scenes in the first half to be a bit cringe. It reminded me of the tropes I see in manga and manhwa. If that doesn’t bother you, then you will be entertained, as the steamy scenes… are quite steamy and ramp up as the story and relationship develops.

I d Rhydian’s brothers and how each of them had unique personalities ranging across the spectrum from able to distrusting.

The romance between Rhydian and Jamie eventually grew, but still feels a bit shallow. I think it could have been a lot stronger if there were a few deeper scenes between them. For example, I really enjoyed the scene where Jamie and Rhydian were outside expressing how they saw their current world from their own perspectives. Even though it was short, it was intriguing, and I wish it was fleshed out a bit more. When they talked of their perspectives and experiences of love and what their dreams are, I wish those scenes were expanded.

When I finished the story, I was still left with many questions.

I know the Fey invaded and took over Earth but the backstory on that was brief. What happened to the rest of the world?

Overall, this was an entertaining read. The chapters are concise and short enough to keep you flipping the pages till you get to the end. Though there were cringy and cliched parts, I’m still interested reading about the other brothers. Hopefully the sequels introduce more context how the Fey kingdom works and the state of Earth and more questions are answered. It would be nice to see different perspectives on the Fey takeover from other humans and how they felt trying to adapt to their new circumstances.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Overall Rating: 3.5/5arc Bol.D.84

Tags: easy to read, captivating, fey and human, steamy, witty, forced proximity - captivity, intriguing characters, no cliffhanger, single POV.
This novel is an engaging blend of fantasy and contemporary romance. Set in the realm of the fey after they invade Earth, it combines a dynamic and mischievous narrative with eloquent and vibrant writing, making it a compelling page-turner.
Although the plot is straightforward with minimal suspense and angst, Jamie’s inner turmoil — emotions ranging from fear and hate to attraction and affection, mixed with passion, love, witty banter, and intriguing characters — makes it enjoyable and worthy of reading. Adding more depth and insight into Rhydian’s perspective and the fey world, both material and societal, would enhance the reading experience.

The story revolves around the relationship between Jamie, an average human, and the fey prince Rhydian, who selects Jamie as his pet and takes him to live in Buckingham Palace in a parallel fey world. Jamie encounters fey societal norms and interpersonal relationships, which cause confusion and resonate in his mind in a witty way, driving his determination to fight and change them. Though initially treated as Rhydian’s prisoner, Jamie gradually evokes feelings, empathy, and trust in the cold and distant fey prince.
The author skillfully turns the clash of fey and human personality traits and their perceptions of each other into an exciting, humorous, and engaging read.

What to expect: witty, entertaining, and easy-to-read romance with intriguing and likable characters, some hilarious misunderstandings and situations, mystery, and passion.
What not to expect: dark drama full of angst, misery, and suspense, with conflicted and damaged characters.

Disclaimer: I firmly believe that for every book written, there is a reader who will appreciate and enjoy it. This review reflects my personal and subjective opinion and should be read as such.
I received an ARC of this book with no obligation to provide a positive review. It is an independent and genuine reflection of my thoughts.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Fey Conquest is a fantasy MM book in first person narrated only by one of the main characters. In this book, the Fey have taken over the Earth and Prince Rhydian has decided that Jamie is going to be his pet. But being a pet comes with many duties and Jamie is going to need to do well if he wants to survive and even escape. Will he?

First of all, I decided to read this arc because it just felt something I needed to read to distract myself and for sure it did the job. I ended it all in one evening because it was that readable and it scratched an itch for me.

Now, I really d the plot and the idea the author had in mind, and for quite most part, I was content with it. Still, I feel that this story had a lot of potential but fell short on it. I would have totally loved more development of the world, knowing the Earth has been taken over, and more development of the Fey, their world, what they do, who they are and even Jamie. Sometimes the plot, the characters, their actions and important moments felt a little plain and superficial. Nothing wrong with it, but I truly feel this world created can be an amazing thing if it develops more, but I needed and wanted to see more in general.

Sometimes it got a bit repetitive, which I get, but once we get an interaction between the main MCs or other characters, the chapter tends to end and the following one is another day or another situation. I wanted to see more of them. Also, while reading it, there were times that I felt the book wasn't fluent but individual and different pieces put together, but that's my impression.

As a whole, I d it. As I said, it scratched an itch for me and for sure it did the job to entertain me. The writing is also nice and Jamie made me laugh. In the end, I think I would've still chosen this book if it had already been published.lgbtq Precociousp 115

Fey Conquest," the first book in S. Rodman's Fey Lords series, is my introduction to Rodman's work. Described as a "Gay Dark Romantasy," it blends romance and fantasy genres. While the book is overall entertaining, it didn't quite meet my expectations as a fantasy novel. Rodman excels at world-building and creating likable characters. The vivid descriptions of the fey realm and the intricate social structures are commendable, immersing readers in a unique and enchanting world. However, these strengths are somewhat overshadowed by the novel's weaknesses.

I hold higher expectations for fantasy M/M novels than for pure romance. Fantasy novels demand a robust creative vision that transports readers to another world. "Fey Conquest" is narrated in the first person by a single character, which felt limiting. Introducing a second narrative voice could have enhanced the story by providing different perspectives and improving the pacing.

While the romance elements are well-developed, they often overshadow the fantasy aspects, leading to a narrative imbalance. The emotional depth between the characters is compelling, but it sometimes feels it comes at the expense of plot development and world-building. In summary, "Fey Conquest" is a good read for those who enjoy a mix of romance and fantasy, but it might not fully satisfy hardcore fantasy fans. S. Rodman has potential, and with some adjustments in narrative structure and a stronger focus on the fantasy elements, future installments in the Fey Lords series could be more compelling.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Lydia R69

*Note - this is the beginning of a new series, but it picks up right where the “Dragon Kin” trilogy ends. I highly recommend reading those books for background information first.

This is a *lot* darker than the Dragons Kin books. , woah. I know Rodman’s work, so I knew I would the book as a whole (no surprises there, I fucking loved it) but please please please practice self love and check the TW before picking it up. It is there for a reason, and you need to be kind to yourself.

I did love Jamie and Rhydian’s story. I was **very** hesitant because of Rhydian’s role in the Dragon Kin books, but I said - I know Rodman’s work and I knew I would enjoy it. I did have to kind of squint and power through some scenes, because the overall story was so worth it.

Jamie’s decision to bring kindness and compassion to the Fae was wonderful to watch. He showed the Fae that human traits were not all bad, and the friendships he made along the way - however unly - were strong. I want to see more of Pinky in the future - I have a feeling we aren't done with her!

Rhydian needs a hug, a cry, and a drink. Probably in that order. His love for Jamie couldn't be obvious, but the way these two grew around each other was a treat to watch.

Pick up if you love:
Captors who love their captives but don't know how to handle that
“Who. Did. This. To. You.”
Just because they're considered lesser doesn't mean they need to be treated less
Tricky tricky fae
Hairstyling tips
Bathtime tips
Dream walking
Two beings whose souls speak to each other2024-arc dragon erotic-romance ...more Bee488 9 Shelved as 'did-not-finish'

DNF at 70% —- NO rating

While I normally give 1?? automatically to books I DNF…. I think this was more a cas of “it’s not you, it’s me”

I don’t think the book is great outside of my personal hangups … but I still don’t think it warrants 1??

I’m a mood reader and I picked this up because I’ve been craving Dark romance books. ( I mean almost always, but I don’t want to read anything else right now) but also because I’ve read so many dark romance books I can get a bit picky.

And this book just didn’t quite scratch the itch ….. it’s what I would call dark-lite.

The fey MC is I guess technically morally gray…. But it’s more so because he’s a victim of circumstance which is my least favorite time of villainous MC. If you’re bad…. I want you to be bad….. not because you’re just as much of a victim as the person you are victimizing.

The human MC doesn’t really go through anything. He spends his days and nights being pleasured by a fey prince who rarely takes any pleasure of his own… and when he’s not doing that he’s eating fey food and becoming prettier. His biggest hardship is watching other people suffer.

So yea…. If you want a dark romance….. I would say dark-lite. And all for stuff happening outside the couple. Truly nothing bad happens to the weaker human MC. At least not so far and I’m 70% in. He literally helps somebody escape from the castle and nothing bad happens…..

It’s watching June in the handmaid’s tale, get away with everything while everybody else has horrible things happen to them. It doesn’t really make sense. Book Fairie112 2

The Fey have been the big bad evil in every book series (to a greater or lesser extent) Rodman has written so I was super intrigued how we were going to get a satisfying romantasy featuring one of them, and I'm absolutely thrilled with how it turned out! So, it's worth saying that each of Rodman's series are set within the same world - a fact that is far from obvious when you start reading them, as the paranormal, magical and human elements live as separate as possible - and each series stands alone, but having read some other (and having read all the books from the very beginning) I can say you will definitely get the most out of Fey Conquest if you've read at least some of the others because Rodman's books are fast paced and dialogue/action driven without getting too heavy into the background world building. This for me is what makes them great reads but if you want the backstory - it's there! Go read it! - the Dragon Riders series will give you everything you really need, particularly about how our poor little earth got overrun with beautiful and deadly Fey. The writing sparkles - so many brilliantly written lines are highlighted in my copy - and it's super hot. The book deals with very dark themes (really really dark ones) without actually feeling too dark (don't worry, it doesn't make light of very nasty things either), it just all adds to the complex emotional layers for our cute lil MC Jamie who seems to be dealing with a serious case of Stockholm syndrome.mm paranormal CandaceElaine85

I Gobbled this book up. This is easily one of my favorite books of 2024, I can NOT wait for the continuation of this series. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.

MM. Dark Romance. Enemies to lovers. Spice *****. Captor/Captive. High Fantasy.
Political Intrigue. Dystopian world

Fey Prince Rhydian Y Mabinogi Claims Human Jamie Broadwith as his pet. He quickly discovers the complications of owning a human pet in the Fey world. He isn't prepared for silly things feelings, emotions which Jamie has in abundance. Ryydian was raised without love, care and companionship. In his world it's take or be taken; predator or prey and he can not show a moment of weakness.

The human world was taken over by the Fey and when Jamie returns to work he is claimed by the prince and taken into to custody. Jamie is immediately collared, leashed and must tow the line in an unfamiliar world. He doesn't understand the lack of feeling and constant political manipulation; it is beyond his scope perception. He keeps his head down and begins to pay attention to his new surroundings in order to navigate for himself and those he cares for.

This Author created an incredible beautiful world with clever dialog, deep character
base and interesting subplots.


(I'm so not trying to give away to much)

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. J42 3

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. I had my misgivings about this book in the beginning, but at around the halfway point it became impossible to put down. Jamie and Rhydian's story is imperfect, but their arc is satisfying and complete. Jamie is plucky and fun, while Rhydian is seemingly aloof but secretly tender. They are perfect complements to one another, and though their relationship does not begin under the best circumstances, they forge a path that works for them. Although their story lagged in the beginning, by the end I was wholeheartedly invested in their happily ever after.

The biggest issue with the book is the lack of fey backstory. I was hoping more would be revealed about the fey, but I was left largely in the dark about their origin and motivations for coming to the Earth dimension. Perhaps this will be explored more in future books, but it was not fleshed out in this story. Another issue was the lack of Rhydian's POV. One thing that I love about romances is the dual POV chapters. I love being able to peek into both MC's minds, so the lack of Rhydian's voice was a little disappointing.

Having said that, this was a compelling story, and I fully intend to continue reading the future installments. I look forward to Mabon's story; I am sure he will get into all sorts of shenanigans! Nicole260 13

First in series (Fey Lords). Paranormal fantasy. Forced proximity. Captor/captive to lovers. Single POV. Heed content warnings.

Becoming the unwilling pet of a fey prince, Jamie is thrust into the royal court of the fey that have conquered Britain, and although he wishes to fight, he finds himself fully subservient to Prince Rhydian. An interesting world build that doesn’t quite explain how the fey are now in control of earth, but with Jamie as the fish out of water we slowly learn bits and pieces of how the fey conduct themselves similarly to folklore, although more background for the characters would have been welcome.

Of course there is a power imbalance, but slowly Rhydian’s small kindnesses and high sexual chemistry with Jamie begin the stirrings of affection. As expected with an S. Rodman book, there is high heat and a sense of A/o dynamics in a world where there are plenty of injustices and only small victories to try and make things better. An entertaining story, with a main character underdog with a secretly cinnamon roll alpha type, and some supportive secondary characters that are lined up to get their own stories. 4.5 rounded up1 Jen19

Another super fun, super hot read by S. Rodman! All of Sez's books are fast-paced and full of action (if you get what I mean) and this is no exception.
The book is told from a very tight, first person POV of Jamie, a regular human who gets thrust into the paranormal world suddenly and unexpectedly. If you have read any of Sez's other works, you'll have a better understanding and background of what's going on. Particularly the Dragonkin series, since this book is sort of a direct sequel to what's going on in the world after the end of that trilogy. If you haven't read Sez's other works, you can still read and follow this book pretty easily, but you'll miss some of the previous world building that's been established and sprinkled in Easter eggs throughout the book.
There are a few loose ends that I felt were not really wrapped up by the end of the book... but I am hoping that there will be a broader storyline that expands on some of these in the future installments of the Fey Lords series.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Looking forward to the next installment.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Lea Gesser64 2

Fey Conquest[Fey Lords book 1]. Mr. Rodman, this book really needs a warning. Along the lines of, sleepless nights may be a health hazard. I loved this book, the story was well put together and the characters were delightful. Prince Rhydian Y Mabinogi and James [Jamie] Broadwith. The Earth is in the hands of the aliens, the Fey, and they call the shots. And Jamie finds out that he is not just any young man. He becomes Prince Rhydian's pet. Jamie has to adapt to a completely different culture. Something he finds it very difficult to do anymore. But on the other hand, he has also resolved to teach Prince Rhydian a lesson. He experiences difficult moments, but there is always the cold, emotionless Rhydian. However, they slowly come together when something happens to Rhydian. I really couldn't put this book down. Had to know how it ended and what was going to happen. I laughed and cried. All I can say is that I highly recommend this book. I'm curious about the adventures of the other princes. Aimee 937 12

Interesting start…

I enjoyed this book a great deal considering it is a spin-off of The Dragonkin series, however, I felt I couldn’t give it 5 stars because if you took out all the sex scenes, the book would be very short. I know, I know… who doesn’t sex scenes but it felt every time Jamie and the Fey Prince saw each other that is all they did. The overall plot of the story was very limited and I wanted to know more about the human rebels and I really wanted to see Jamie actually fight for himself since he was a captive after all. He seemed to give up quite early and quite easily.

I do admit that I d that Jamie helped the princes see that emotions and feelings aren’t a bad thing, that even Fey can be kind and possibly even have friendships.

I most definitely will continue this series as I am very intrigued to see how the other princes find their HEA and how the conquering of earth by the Fey plays out. I also hope we get more glimpses of the MCs from the Dragonkin. Jeanette Waters1,189 1 follower

This new series by S. Rodman is set in the same world as the Dragonkin series. Told from the view of a conquered human. Abducted from the call center he worked at by the Fae ruler of Great Britain, Jamie becomes the pet of Prince Rhydian. All because his father, who he'd never met, was the most influential man in Britain.

Jamie isn't sure if it's Stockholm syndrome, or if he's truly falling for Rhydian. One minute he wants to escape. The next he wants to get horizontal with his hot and sexy prince.

The worldbuilding is excellent. The secondary characters are wonderful. The story was so absorbing, I couldn't put it down. Jamie is a loveable twink and once he lets his mask drop, Rhydian is sexy and he adores his Jamie. I can't wait for the rest of the princes to be conquered by their human mates.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Flick797 4

Interesting start to a new series!

This was an intriguing one for me. The series as a concept is really exciting and I’m looking forward to more books for the brothers. I did however find it hard to get into Jamie and Rhydian as a couple initially. For quite a while I just didn’t feel any connection. However once it clicked, I was all for these two. I think maybe it was just that first book in the series clunkiness that can sometimes happen because probably from around 40ish% (I might be slightly off I forgot to mark it) it felt an energised version of what id been reading previously. Jamie and Rhydian became more complex and I actually could see how they could end up happy together. For me, the biggest thing that I’m looking for in a start to a series is whether I’m really looking forward to what’s next and that totally hit the mark here. I’m intrigued as to what’s to come and really looking forward to see how far society might get changed/shaken up a bit with some fresh blood! True Loveislovereview2,532 1 follower

A fantasy story with magical creatures and shelved, for me, in the categoric of erotica, because dang there are a lot of sex and sexual related thoughts and acts.

Earth has been conquered, and Jamie is abducted by the new Prince of Great Britain and is now Prince Rhydian Y Mabinogi’s pet. Collared and leased to follow and obey.

Sadly for Rhydian, Jamie isn’t obeying as he wants him.
Did I see the stoic Prince secretly smirk?

Jamie’s mind is running wild, all the time, I love to watch him that.
His body acts on itself. Completely tuned to Rhydian and his orders.

“Seems I have lost everything. My freedom, my family, my friends, and now my mind.”

Thousand little gestures prove how Rhydian cares, but he can never show it in public.
He’s the ruler, the Prince, and Jamie is just a pet, as if!

A lovely read, I expected it a bit darker, but still it was all very entertaining and amusing.
There’s a nice plot line about Jamie and his opinions.
Overall a wonderful story!2024 fantasy hurt-comfort ...more Becky351 6

This book was not what I expected, but I still enjoyed it. It's advertised as a dark romantasy, but I didn't find it particularly dark. Yes, Jamie is held captive, and there are definitely elements of dubcon/noncon, but he becomes pretty content with his situation really quickly. This book is very high heat, but there is some plot as well. The story takes over where the DragonKin series ended, but prior reading is not required.

As usual, I love this author's writing. We are immediately dropped into the story and it's a very immersive experience. While I generally prefer my books to be a bit more plot heavy, I didn't find myself skipping/skimming anything, even the many spicy scenes, due to the writing. I enjoyed the secondary characters in the book, and I'm excited to see all Rhydian's brothers get stories.

I received an ARC of this book from the author and this is my honest opinion. arc dark-romance dubcon-noncon ...more RN178 4

I would give this book 6 stars if I could. Just writing about the fey court seems a dangerous undertaking, and as the story builds, more and more is revealed of the intrigues and dangers of the court. The story has a lot of spice in it, and there are some very dark things which happen (thankfully, more alluded to that described in detail). The evolution of Rhydian and Jamie’s relationship is sweet and tender, despite how it starts. Jamie is a giver, and Rhydian is so much more than the cold, cruel prince he portrays to the fey court. What happens in their private world is so very different from what happens in public. There are so many characters to care about in this dangerous, frightening fey court, and I hope there will be many more books in this series.

The story follows on from the DragonRider series, but it can be read as a standalone.
Maureen1,378 25

What a beautiful story this was to read, I absolutely totally enjoyed reading every bit of this book.

Fae have taken over Earth, and now things are totally different for all humans a. But its Jamie who the Prince is interested in, and its all because of who is father is. Prince Rhydian claims Jamie as his Pet. However the more time Jamie spends with the Prince, the more he gets to him. However Jamies eyes are truely awakened when he see what goes on in court and he really doesn't what he sees.

This book is an absolute must to read, and I really look forward to the next book coming out.

The characters in this book are absolutely amazing and their appearances aren't really what they are …..love them all.. Emi Rose47 1 follower

3.5 stars

This was a well executed story. Jamie and Rhydian had a good character arc. I think it would have been interesting to be able to get some of Rhydian’s POV, just because it was difficult to understand his motivations, especially at the beginning and I think having some insight into him would have helped, given how he acted at the beginning. He was the love interest, but he was pretty terrible at first.

Rodman did a good job of showing the horrors of the fae society, though I do think it was a little much at times. While I know that their society was structured that way, I do think the amount of times we were shown felt too much to me.

All in all, a good new series that builds on the Dragon Rider books and I am interested to see where it goes next.

I surprisingly enjoyed this book. Suprising because although I found Jamie to be a bit rambly and superficial (don't know if I would ever be friends with this character to be honest), and didn't Rhydian at all in the beginning because he is pretty much abducted Jamie and made him his slave, these characters grew on me.. I think it helped that the antagonists are truly vile! I also enjoyed the brief addition of some characters from other books from this author. All in all, an enjoyable read and I'm curious to read more stories from this new Fey invaded world.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Cynthia M Brow576 2

Fey Conquest is the first book in the new Fey Lords series by S Rodman. I think S Rodman started the new series off with some great writing. This is Rhydian a few Prince and Jamie the human he took as a pets story. This series can be read as a standalone but it is a continuation of the DragonKin trilogy. I wasn't able to put the book down once I started. I loved all the characters and world building put into the story. I loved learning about the fey and how they are different. I loved the ending and can't wait for the next book in the series. I would definitely recommend this book. It is a 5 star read in my opinion.s-rodman Anne & Boris22 1 follower

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

While I enjoyed the idea of this book, the story itself didn't immediately grab me. There are a few loose ends I'd still to see tied off and some characters I would love to know more about. At times some things just went without any questioning, which threw me off a bit. Next to that, there were changes in the world that confused me slightly without too much explanation. Other than that and without going into the specifics, it comes down to personal preferences as well. the writing, which was done well, just not in a style I enjoy reading most of the time. Cindy1,153 10

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