
A Perfect Place to Cry de S-Jay Hart

de S-Jay Hart - Género: English
libro gratis A Perfect Place to Cry


Rowan isn’t sure she believes in love. Not the romantic type, anyway. She’s been hiding from the prospect of it for years now, an easy thing to do when you live in the middle of an eighty acre campground. She likes her quiet existence, greeting campers, pitching tents, and kayaking on the little river that leads to Lover’s Lake. Besides, her best friend Amber fills her life with enough love related dama for the two of them.

Indie knows a thing or two about secrets. She’s good at keeping them and exceptional at being one. When her three year love affair comes to an abrupt end, heartbroken, she begins to question everything she thought she knew about life and love. But it’s not as easy as simply moving on. Not when her ex can’t seem to let her go. When an accidental invite forces her into close proximity with her secret lover, Indie decides to accept.

Will she be able to get through this and find the closure she’s looking for? Sometimes the answers we seek aren’t as important as the answers we find.

Hearts Can Heal

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If I would have to describe S-Jay Hart writing style in one sentence I would tell you that I can’t. I would love to describe it in the way S-Jay Hart describes things in her stories, but I feel I literally don’t have the words. I would want to give her and her stories the justice she deserves. But it’s not only the words, it’s all the feelings she makes me feel. Having aphantasia means I don’t see things, it’s why words matter so much to me. So I feel them when I read. And let me just say there is rarely an author out there who makes me feel so much S-Jay Hart. The way she describes her character’s feelings, it’s I feel them myself. She pulls you in and makes you a part of the story. She makes you wanting to have them as your friends or at least be a tiny part of your life.

For me Rowan and Indie couldn’t be more perfect for each other. Both were hurt deeply by others and are lost. One of them believes she isn’t made for love and probably won’t ever find it. The other thought she has found hers only to find out, it’s not what she thought or hoped for. There is just this deep hurt in both of them. It made me wanna hug them so hard and tell them it will be ok. But of course that wasn’t needed, because what they needed was to find each other. When they meet it feels a veil in front of their eyes was lifted or a wall was torn down. Things start to fall into place and trust slowly starts to build.

I know so far I haven’t said much about the story but I feel I don’t wanna spoil anything. And for me what mattered way more than the storyline was how I felt. How I was sad and cried during some scenes. How I related to the loss, to the lack of trust, to not believing you’re worthy to be loved etc. when you get so deeply insecure, that you don’t believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But also how much I smiled and laughed during other scenes. The laughing definitely had to do with a certain side character I fell in love with. Ok ok there were more than one side character I loved, but this feisty redhead definitely got to me the most.

I already said before S-Jay Hart has a way to describe things. She puts words out there I’m just in awe. Once again we get such beautiful references to books and other things. It’s having a combo between fiction and lyric. Because she isn’t just an author but also a poet. And I just adore this combo. I don’t think she even realises herself what a huge talent she has with her storytelling or rather her way with words. For me this is unique. It’s a uniqueness I want to see more of it. Yes, I am totally selfish and hope we get more by her very soon.

I don’t wanna say that I love this book more than Oh My Stars. I love both stories very much in their own way. So I will just say they both get the number one spot. Maybe this story contains more hurt and sadness in some parts, but it also contains so much hope. Hope of finding happiness and actually finding it. Most of all it’s about finding yourself and to know you are worthy, you are enough just the way you are.

Thank you S-Jay Hart for taking me on this journey. Thank you for making me feel all of these things. I know these characters will stay with me and I can’t wait for more.
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