
Embassy de S. Alex Martin

de S. Alex Martin - Género: English
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Arman Lance wants nothing more than to join the Embassy Program and fly across the galaxy. He wants to find Ladia Purnell, a girl who visited his planet years earlier. They had fallen in love, but their time together was short. Arman has become determined to find her again — to the point of obsession. He believes his happiness, and future, depends on it. Arman expected people in the Embassy to think he'd follow his father's footsteps. He also expected to slip into a simple routine, a path that would take him straight to Ladia. But he never expected anyone to stop him, especially not the ever-smiling adrenaline junkie Glacia Haverns, who decides it's her job to show Arman there's more to life than chasing desperate dreams.

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Okay so I finally have time to kind of jot down my thoughts about this book.

First off, the world building was simply amazing. This book is set in the future and Martin did a great job of creating a world that is very futuristic while still realistic. His descriptions of the planets, their governments, the gadgets that they use, and even the history of how the Embassy came to be was very intricate and well thought out. This was probably my favorite aspect of this book.

The cast of characters were really interesting. They all seemed very realistic and I d how they all had histories behind them that, when revealed, gave the characters a new dimension to them. I really d the contrast of Arman's personality with Gladia's personality. They fit together really well and I d how they were both supportive of each other while also not putting up with the other's shit. Letting to see them get to know each other and grow closer was another favorite aspect of mine.

Now on to some of the problems I had with this book. There wasn't enough dialogue. Especially when it came to Arman who hardly said anything throughout the entire book even though he was the main character. A lot of the scenes were just the Arman and another character sitting around in silence watching the scenery. It got a bit boring and it left a lot to be desired in terms seeing Arman make connections with other people, and also using dialogue to move the plot along.

The other problem I had was that the plot seemed to drag a lot. There was a part where they were on the Embassy and each day was described even though Arman wasn't doing anything. I can understand why Martin did this, to show how boring life was on the ship, but it became a bit boring to read and I had to put the book down because of this and it took me a little while to pick it back up.

All in all though, this book was good and I'd still recommend it to people who fantasy. I'm also pretty intrigued about the sequel and will most ly read it!6 s Becky394 183

This is honestly one of the ultimate best books of this particular genre that you will find; it's interesting, exciting, intense and diverse with absolutely phenomenal world building, amazing character growth and stunning writing! This is one of my all time favourite books for many reasons - one alone being that the world that this is written within is absolutely brilliant; it's well thought out, interesting, unique and doesn't follow the lines of a "typical" story of this genre!

This is a book that I would recommend to everyone purely because of how grippingly brilliant it is! I can't wait to read the sequel; but I am honestly considering a re-read just to fill the gaps.

- full review coming very, very soon!5-stars fantasy-and-scifi on-my-bookshelves-read5 s Adrianna2

At first, it seems a story that is all about the future: flying Molters, exploring other planets, and finding that some stars and planets are no more. But it is so much more than that.
Once you really get into "Embassy" by S. Alex Martin – which is incredibly easy to do – you find that it’s more than a story of the future. Arman Lance lives his life with one goal: reuniting with a girl from another planet. He had fallen in love with her during one summer, and only thought about finding her again. But as the years pass and he becomes a part of the Embassy, he realizes just how much he may have wasted those years. Arman had isolated himself from his friends and worse…but still only yearned for Ladia.
Arman’s story teaches us a lesson some of us might not want to hear. He quite literally had almost missed the moon while counting the stars, and in more ways than one, letting his happiness be dependent upon returning to Ladia. With the help of some his new friends – Glacia especially – Arman sees just how much he has been missing in the past few years. Some people live their lives going through the motions of an everyday routine, working for the destination and not enjoying the journey; we see this in Arman. "Embassy" teaches you to live life to the fullest and be the happiest you can be. After all, you don’t want to look back on life at the end and say, “Eh, it was okay.”
The book constantly leaves you ready for the next page, toys with your emotions, and leaves you in suspense, all the way up to the most important decision Arman makes in his life thus far, walking all the way to the cliff of self-destruction. A work un any other I have ever read, it has truly lead me to wonder, am I living my life in the best way that I can, or will I look back and say that it could have been better?
4 s Nate6 1 follower

Embassy is an entertaining and well written novel. It's based in the 44th century and is split into three parts - the first and last on two different planets (Undil and Belvun respectively), and the middle is about the travel between them. The main character, Arman Lance, is from Undil, his father is an Ambassador who travels between planets. Arman met Ladia, a girl his age from the planet Belvun), several years before the start of the story when she visits Undil with her father, who is also an Ambassador. Arman enters the Embassy program, determined to end up on Belvun after he falls in love with her during her visit.

The story has a very strong sci-fi setting, but the introduction to this future comes at a good pace, and never leaves you overwhelmed as you learn more about it. The descriptions were very vivid and really helps to create a clear image of the worlds and the technology, and more importantly the characters.

I've seen a few sci-fi stories create new sports for their settings, but usually don't turn out very well. Hologis, the sport in this book, however was very well explained and thought out it's almost a futuristic fusion of dodgeball and paintball - complete with holograms - with a very dynamic playing environment: I'd definitely to play it!

The story was driven by its characters, especially the main character as well as narrator, Arman Lance. Arman was both protagonist and antagonist rolled into one. He's pretty depressed and withdrawn at the beginning, having pulled away from all of his friends and classmates, trying to deal with a personal loss and focusing only on getting through each day to get another step closer to seeing Ladia again. Throughout the book he learns - through the help of some friends - to open back up and that he's been wasting his life living the way he has been. My other favorite character is Glacia, who had gone to Secondary school with Arman and then joined the Embassy expedition with him - she sort of inserts herself into his life and decides to try to coax him from his seclusion and back into the real world and help him learn to appreciate life again.

Overall, this was a very refreshing book, with an interesting setting and a good plot with some important life-lessons throughout it.

Disclaimer: I received a free review copy from the author, who asked for an honest review of the book3 s E.B. DawsonAuthor 35 books146

There were so many things about this book that I loved. The world was incredibly detailed, full of relevant technologies, history, and culture. The main characters were very life. They had real flaws but were endearing in their own ways. I would have to say my favorite characters were Arman and Captain Blitner. Arman was moody and single-minded but I d him all the same. Captain Blitner was so real and life- that he stood out against the other characters.

The story is not fast paced or action driven, but I didn't mind that. The stakes aren't life threatening or earth-shattering (for the most part). For the most part, I was content to explore the world and go on this journey with Arman into the Embassy program.

That being said, there were a few moments where the story lagged a bit and I wasn't sure what was driving the plot forward. I think the author could have drawn out character interactions and subtext more to compensate for this. And the ending was a bit mixed for me. I really enjoyed the emotional impact as one subplot arc was concluded, but another one felt the timing was off and made the additional content a little awkward. Finally, a lot of the secondary characters were a bit flat and forgettable.

But the good definitely outweighed the bad for me. It's a more of an old-school Asimov science fiction. I'm so looking forward to continuing the series with this author!!indie-authors2 s Saffyre FalkenbergAuthor 1 book8

Normally, I have a hard time reading sci-fi books because plot and world-building are elevated at the expense of character development. This was not so in Embassy. The characters were interesting and well-developed. Arman, the narrator, has a rich inner world and he experiences quite a lot of personal growth throughout the novel, which is always something I .

Also, this book is perfect for anyone who s slow-burn romances. Seriously, each tantalizing moment in this relationship’s development was perfectly paced. I may have squealed aloud in public on more than one occasion. , I never thought cans crumpling would make me so emotional.

Finally, it’s clear that this book was extremely well-researched. I’m not a scientist, but I am interested in physics and space travel enough to know when something isn’t even remotely plausible. There were no moments where bad science pulled me out of the narrative, which is really impressive for a sci-fi book to be able to maintain that kind of suspension of disbelief so well.

I would have d to see a little more of the universe and more of the different cultures within it. The world-building was good, but I wanted more of it. There are several unanswered questions I have that I’m hoping will be answered later in the series. Which is why I’m super excited to read the sequel, Resonance, which just came out last weekfavorites sci-fi2 s Levi5

In this terrific book Embassy, by S. Alex Martin, I was immersed in the world of the author. He has words to describe places that have reality and spirit in them. I clearly understood all thoughts in the book, and agreed to all of them. In a nutshell, he put life into perspective from different views.

Keep writing Alex!

-Levi2 s Bree Dawn171 7 Shelved as 'tentative-tbr'

I literally found this book through his meme/rant on Pinterest
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