
Ep.#3.11 - "The First Ranger" (The Frontiers Saga - Part 3: Fringe Worlds) de Ryk Brown

de Ryk Brown - Género: English
libro gratis Ep.#3.11 - "The First Ranger" (The Frontiers Saga - Part 3: Fringe Worlds)


Ryk Brown Publisher: Frontiers Saga Publishing Inc., Year: 2024

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In the last book, the Arora had the Jung battleship defeated and the Ghatazhak troops had found and rescued his father. Nathan had killed his brother in a stand-off. The Jung were attempting to destroy all the major cities on Earth.

The Jung battle fleet is almost to Earth. The Aurora and Celestia are racing to repair severe battle damage and get the Celesta’s jump drive operational. The messenger with the Data Storage containers has reached Tug (Prince Casimin) and he has set about to obtain ships and crew to set a fleet to help the Arora.

The Ghatazhak troops are fighting insurgent skirmishes on Earth while the spaceships are trying to fix the ships, manufacture parts and find basic raw or salvaged materials for the replicators. The suspense builds as the Jung Fleet keeps getting closer and a massive battle platform is missing. Is it on the way to Earth? Then the battle begins: the Aurora and Celestia against two Jung battleships and their protecting ships and a battle platform coming.

Brown keeps improving with each book. The characters continuing to mature and develop with each book. The story continues to becoming more complicated as there are more people and side stories evolving. We are left with a cliff hanger as the Jung fleet arrives and the battle begins. I am so glad I discovered this series; it is turning out to be one of the better military sci-fi series.

Jeffrey Kafer does an excellent job narrating the story. Kafer has narrated all the books in the series so far. I think it is critical to have the same narrator for an entire series.
audio-book fiction science-fiction4 s Ray PerreaultAuthor 32 books142

This book was Okay. In my opinion, it had too much dialog, too many lectures, too little action and the author seemed to change his technology for added suspense. He also needs to check the definition of 'wonder.' Many times a character 'wondered something' and another character responded. He also seemed pre-occupied with old submarine techniques, where he took a long time to 'compute a firing solution,' when he used an energy weapon. This really added to the excess dialog, because he has an overly detailed battle scene where he describes each shot, with the associated delays to compute the firing solution, announce the solution, get direction to execute the shot, then confirm the shot was made. This type dialog for a hundred shots was little too much. Could have been a lot faster paced.4 s Ian Dubaurrenfield31

This series got off to a great start. A young and flawed, but altogether able, MC rises to overcome daunting challenges. New worlds and cultures, but human based and familiar. Nothing original, but good space opera. Very old school with an underlying Heinlein influence.

But things went downhill when the author decided to milk this idea way, way beyond its shelf life. At least 4 of the middle books could be condensed into one good novel.

Now that we're up to the eleventh book, with no end in sight, it's gone beyond being merely repetitive. Page after page of space battle that contributes nothing to the basic story. Jump after micro jump, all called out on the bridge. Mind numbingly dull.

Sum: Series begins at a 4 star but slides to a 2. If this had been a stand alone, I would never have finished it.3 s Jim1,090 44

So You Want to Protect Earth?

Another exciting episode in the life and times of the Star Ship, Aurora! Another highly exciting and improbably story. This was fun although a little tiring. I can't put these books down when I'm in the middle of a battle which seems to be all the time for the Aurora and now the Celestia. I find myself reading very late into the night!

While the whole premise of the story is highly questionable, the crews of both ships have learned things the hard way, under fire! I do not know how they can repair as much damage as they seem to have taken after every battle and still be back for the next round. This also happens without any assistance from the Earth or Tanna. I guess Tanna did get the Celestia back in fighting shape but neither ship stayed there very long. I also have problems with these ships jumping all over the place as though it was done every day. While in battle they must be loosing a lot of jump emittors. Still, they just keep jumping.

It seems the title for this book should be the title of the next book. But, I do hope we get to read about the Aurora and Celestia taking this war to the Jung and their home world. It was surprising that none of the Jung ever communicated with the Aurora. It might have helped them to have surrendered a few times.

Fantastic reading, keep them coming. Buy this series, you won't regret it! 2 s arthur w watson28 6

Best series going right now

Best series going right now

this is one of the very few series I eagerly anticipate this next episode. this is one very good series if you have not read it I suggest you start with episode one and by the time you get to 11.you will definitely be wondering where the next one is2 s Jeff Norton8

Fantastic, ongoing serial of the Jung-Terran war. Ryk is crafting a robust cinematic image, and writing form a television series. Well crafted, great characters, and tense cliffhanger. Another fine work.2 s Christian Leonard Quale241 4

Born of the Ashes continues what is becoming the increasingly epic tale that is The Frontiers Saga, and while this instalment is a bit of a slow burn, the fuse certainly reaches the explosives eventually, and it ends with an appropriately large bang.

The more I read this series, the less I feel that it’s fair to judge each book in the series as… well… a book. This was far from my favourite book in the series overall, as a large part of it was housekeeping to bridge the gaps in the story. But in the whole it’s understandably inevitable, and I can’t really blame it.

While I started having serious doubts as to whether all the setup would pay itself off in this book, in the end it really did. Sure, the book threw most of the applicable clichés and tropes under the sun at the reader all at once, but sometimes there is something to be said for clichés. Sometimes they work – and, for me, in Born of the Ashes, they really did work.

If you feel reading a sci-fi with an incredible amount of books, that’s still being written, there is no reason not to start this series. At 11 books I’m not even halfway through the books that have already been written, and at this point I have no doubts that the sum of these books is going to be epic in every sense of the word. I can’t see these books not becoming iconic at some point, so you might as well start reading them sooner rather than later.1 Per Gunnar1,198 69

This is a great book in The Frontiers Saga series. It is perhaps the best one so far. The crew of the Aurora have liberated Earth…almost. Jung infiltrators are still making life miserable down on Earth and the problem with liberating a world is that afterwards you must be able to hold it which is easier said than done.

In this book we get to follow the crew of the Aurora, their friends and what is left of Earth’s government in their struggle to hold on to what they have liberated. At the same time Prince Casimir is struggling with an uncooperative parliament when trying to bring reinforcements to Earth. There is plenty of action, both dirt side and in space interleaved with preparations to survive the coming onslaught by the Jung. Unfortunately the Jung also have some surprises for the defenders and when they bring in their huge battle platforms go downhill rapidly.

Although the Jung do not play exactly as Captain Scott & Co would have d to the book do not really bring us any big surprises. It is good, solid and uncomplicated adventure with our bunch of likable, and now familiar, characters. The action is really good. Especially the one in space and, although not fully completed yet, Aurora’s sister ship now joins the fight.

If I should complain about something it would be the obstructive dimwits in the Takaran parliament. I simply do not that kind of political nonsense. Also, our friends are now capable of fabricating pretty much anything, including new fabricators, thus I find it rather strange that they still seem incapable of equipping the Aurora and her sister ship with shield generators instead of letting them be shot to pieces all the time.

Anyway, I am quite looking forward to the next book. I would not say that this one ended in a cliffhanger but rather at a logical pause in the conflict. It will be interesting to see where the author goes next.
military science-fiction1 M(^-__-^)M_ken_M(^-__-^)M349 80

book 11 , another exciting read. Had to wait nearly 3 months from my library but finally got a copy, Nathan, Josh, Loki even lieutenant Tallos are still my favorite characters, Just wish some characters from the Jung come into the series, love this series.

Clayton Falter83 1 follower

Plenty of action

Still a very good series. Most the flaws are tiny or easily overlooked. The biggest science and common sense SNAFU in the novel is when author says its better for battleship to burn up in orbit than self destruct in orbit. What does the author think happens when antimatter is released into atmosphere (ultimate containment failure)? It would have been better to say antimatter cores are designed to eject and survive fall to planet intact. Also author failed have protagonist take advantage of antimatter cores there were stated to be ejected (cargo jump shuttle drop into path of FTL weapon platform). Instead antimatter cores of damaged ships that do not explode by containment loss are treated as evaporating.

No detached spec ops or system entry action so none of the intermittenant FL common and active scan bloopers crop up. Still have the explosive chemical propellant issue. Author needs to read proposals for real Mars mission nuclear engine (low energy compared to novel antimatter engines) proposals where propellant doubles as shielding from micrometers and radiation as well as potable water. And also ion driven long distance probe to Port and beyond where propellant ions are stripped off drive anode (metal bar). Again looks author is playing to current movie industry who have always had strong ties to pyrotechnics funded by oil industry. MichaelAuthor 128 books37

Before you start this book, please realize it is #11 in a series: if you haven’t read the first ten of the series in order, this one will make no sense to you.

After the last two volumes seemed to tread water and lay the groundwork for future installments, this installment picked up the pace significantly with action / battle scenes and less of the inner reflection by the main characters we saw previously. Similar to the other novels, the author does a great job describing the scenes, events, etc. that make you feel as if you are right there in the thick of things. I also appreciate how the advances in future technologies aren’t described over your head, and you can get your arms around it and understand it.

As usual, there was yet another cliffhanger ending but the sage has been set for the Earthlings to punch it to the bad guys vs. being reactionary. Un other space operas that may have worn out their welcome after a few books, I’m ready for the next episode… John (JP)542 3

Born of the Ashes (The Frontiers Saga, #11). Ryk Brown has written the best book in this series to date. I feel no character is too important not to be killed. The situations that the crews of the Aurora and the Celestia are exciting and compelling. I have enjoyed how Brown has not created one dimensional characters. Brown uses this book to examine the hard choices war forces the t leaders to make. There are no simple solutions given in this book. Brown asks the reader to explore the possible responses to guerrilla warfare on Earth and to deal with the possible consequences of defeat in space. Do you go with the tactics of the Ghatahzak soldiers. Could you make the call to abandon Earth to save the fleet as Nathan Scott is ordered to do. Brown has written best story so far of the Jung-Terran war.military-scifi science-fiction JP954 7

Getting a bit harder to find things to say. The Aurora/Celestia/their crews may have kicked the Jung off the Earth for now, but there's an entire fleeting coming their way and not nearly enough time to do everything they really need to defeat them.

All sorts of ridiculous (both in the crazy and the awesome sense of the word) space battles and of course eventually the Aurora will save the day--but at what cost. The idea of the Jung bombing entire cities out of existence out of little more than spite and to deny them to the Terrans escalates the scale of battle yet again.

Another solid entry on the series, although at some point the Aurora/Celestia are going to have to take the fight to the Jung. A defensive war against an empire with who knows how many star systems worth of resources to draw on is a losing battle. I just hope it doesn't take the rest of the series to get there... Andrea974

The crew of the Aurora and the Celestia are trying to repair their damaged ships before the another contingent of Jung ships get to Earth to attack. The Jung survivors are letting in wait and trying to attack the Earth’s burgeoning governments.

This book is both sad and incredible. There are so many heart warming parts of this book but there are equally horrific examples of human violence.

Nathan is really starting to settle into the role of the commander. The Gotajoc are even more terrifying than they were when they wetter first introduced.

The only thing that bothered me was the ending. It seemed a bit too convenient for my liking nevertheless I really d the ending.

R - Swearing. Very violent deaths. read-in-2020 science-fiction Elaine5

Definitely full of spoilers.

I’m currently in love with this whole series. The way the writer takes you on emotional rollercoasters is so thrilling. First I was seriously convinced we lost Josh and Loki than was so delighted they made it!
But the part where Nathan realizes it was time to abandon the fight for earth and the Corinari showed up just in the nick of time really moved me. Ryk Brown is such an amazing writer! He conveyed that moment so perfectly I felt I was watching it. I actually cheered out loud and grinned with such relief.

Look, if you love science fiction and especially space exploration you must read this series. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Hakan Jackson635 6

As I've said in previous in this series, the titles are so spot on without giving too much away. I'm still very invested in the characters and also find myself the new characters that come into this story. I have to admit that I thought this book would be a bit more rosy from the name of the title, but wins don't come easy. They aren't predictably difficult either. Some missions go as planned, some go wrong. That way you don't find yourself expecting every mission to go smoothly or have complications. Beach Bum476 1 follower

You're never really sure what's happening next

There really is no obvious route this story is going. One minute you have it figured out, the next it goes off on an unexpected tangent
A number of side stories appear to be coming main stream and characters becoming more relevant, especially Tells
There are areas where you suspect the next surprise is coming from, I'm thinking Garret currently, but given my first comment I could be completely wrong
I look forward to the next book, which I guess is a compliment in itself Marie M Williams66

Amazing action!

This book was a true space opera. The battle scenes are intense and scary and bite your nails suspenseful. The characters by this book are well developed and I love them. I don't know if the earth will survive, but I know this group will never given up trying. Woohoo! David754 2

Nathan Scott and his crew have liberated the Earth. Now there are Jung ships headed to the Earth, but they don't know how many, or when they will arrive. They must repair the damage from the liberation, and prepare for a battle for the survival of the Earth.

This book is full of excitement, agony, action, missile, and resignation. fiction narr-jeffrey-kafer ryk-brown ...more Thomas James547 12

Here we go again!

Last review (10) I mistakenly thought I was through the series. Not so! Now the war begins. To appreciate a battle you must have a worthy opponent. The Jung are a worthy opponent. Can people unite enough to work together to defeat them even for their own survival? Richard1,625

I am a sucker for space operas.
This series has sucked me in.
I am only able to the works available on Overdrive, so I will not be reviewing the whole series.
In fact I'll give the same review for all of them.
Ryk Brown writes a consistent space opera and any fan will enjoy the action and little twists.
Suspend disbelief and enjoy.military science-fiction series PabloAuthor 1 book42

Another great one in the series. I love how much logistics were in this one. So much preparation. I wish it included more about the politics of the Earth government(s) and the EDF. It started to go in that direction at one point and I was excited but in the end there wasn't a lot of depth. The ending was super exciting once again and I jumped straight to the next one. Craig Dean467 3

Arguably the best book in the series to date. The complex
geopolitics of a ravished earth provides a stark contrast to the pulp sci-fi theme of homogenous planets. However, Brown’s failure to avoid that trap in previous outings only serves to make this much improved narrative jar with what has gone before. Laurie Pitts33

Frontier Saga Goes Superman?

Everyone who as read any of Ryk Brown’s ‘Frontiers Saga’ books already knows Capt. Nathan Scott is not Superman, , , only because he is human! But what you do get is a great Sci-Fi read that will make both laugh & cry, and ultimately jump for joy. Ryk Brown is simply an exciting story teller whose books are almost impossible to put down! Chris446

a lot less action in this book than many other books in this series, but it was an interesting look at other socio economic issues and personal character issues. I still enjoyed it a lot. there was a lot less bad language than other ones in the series, but still enough to lose one star Darren McMillan8

I don't know how Ryk does it, but each book seems to get better and better, this one simply put was incredible.

What a nail-biting finish! Now onto the next book, I can't wait to see what happens next.

Keep up the good work! Jackie254

Wow nail biter until the very last page

Wow! This book was a nail biter down to the very last page...I'm so glad that some of my favorite characters have not been killed so far. I'm dying to know what happens next, so on to the next book! Louise Pass283 1 follower

Battle after battle

The war for earth continues. Against tremendous odds our hero's continue the fight, bringing to bear mind and body to defeat the enemy. Read this series! Peter Sidell717 8

Exciting but a bit tedious at times

Ends with a lot of action, and with a bit of a surprise. Sets the scene for further episodes. Leaves me wanting to read the next episode. Kyle146 2

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