
The Phoenix Ballroom de Ruth Hogan

de Ruth Hogan - Género: English
libro gratis The Phoenix Ballroom


From the wildly popular bestselling author of The Keeper of Lost Things: a heartfelt and inspiring story about a wealthy widow who revives a beloved famous local landmark—and restores joy and sparkle to her own life in the process.

It's never too late to start dancing again...

For fifty years, Venetia Hargreaves's world revolved around her husband. She built their life around his big career, with dinner on the table at six, a lovely home, and a dutiful son just as business-minded as his father. Now Venetia's a wealthy widow left with a beautiful but empty home, an enviable bank balance, and a distinct feeling that she missed the boat. Once upon a time, she was a dance instructor who dreamed of opening her own ballroom school with a fellow teacher who won her heart. Instead, Venetia chose the safer path.

So, at seventy-four years of age, Venetia declares her independence, first with a makeover, and then by adopting a new...

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The once glorious Phoenix Ballroom is now sadly neglected and down at heel, though if the light is right its once bright chandeliers cast a vibrant spectrum across the dirty floor.

Seventy four year old Venetia Hamilton Hargreaves attends the funeral of her husband Hawk around whom her world has revolved for the last fifty years, her dreams subsumed to motherhood, home and loyalty. However, despite the views of her son Heron, Venetia has decided it's time for a last tango in Bedford, a reinvention which includes a personal makeover, the employment of Liberty Bell (yes, I know!) as her PA/companion and she even gets a blooming great, soft as, German Shepherd, formerly known as Terminator and renamed Colin Firth. Don’t ask. A chance meeting with Evangeline whilst in the park with Colin, leads Venetia back into her past but also catapults to a different and hopefully brighter future. This is a novel of redemption, of reinvention, of embracing new challenges and the second chance lifeline it offers - a phoenix rising from the ashes.

A new Ruth Hogan leads to some highly appropriate happy dancing in Yorkshire! This is a very entertaining, feel good novel at a time when that’s exactly what’s needed although that’s not to say that some characters haven’t suffered or made sacrifices but they find their way to happier days. This adds layers to the storytelling and some back stories are sad or they shock.

Ruth Hogan is a wonderful writer who really makes me care about her often quirky characters and in her latest creation we meet some who are so colourful they jump off the pages. At the centre is Venetia whose generosity of spirit is easy to see as her household expands exponentially. However, it’s probably her ten year old grandson Kite who steals the show. He’s absolutely delightful and funny as he often tells it how it is and he too has a generous warm spirit. Another show stealer is Colin Firth - a big woof and a hug for him! Hawk’s eccentric sister Swan is also marvellous with her very individual and colourful outfits that make me smile. You watch Liberty grow and grow surrounded by this fabulous cast.

Overall, this is a captivating novel with terrific dialogue that is frequently funny. Although it is predictable in some ways but as it’s the outcome I want, who cares! It’s a reminder that just because characters have reached their 70’s it doesn’t mean they should purchase a bath chair just yet!

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Atlantic Books, Corvus for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review. 31 s18 comments Jenny Kline48 3

Ruth Hogan has a knack for writing beautiful stories that give hope about the goodness of ordinary people. I had previously read The Keep of Lost Things, and this has a similar vibe, but it's a completely original story.

The plot follows the connection of the recently widowed Venetia, and Liberty, who recently lost her mother. As they each enter this new chapter of their lives, they have a renewed chance to find and become their best selves.

During the process, they learn and grow. Venetia discovers new information about her husband that helps her let go and move on. Liberty finally understands that she made mistakes, and being pushed up against a wall, she figures out how to make something more of herself.

The plot involves a spiritual church and a ballroom, of course. There's a bird theme that comes into all parts of the story and adds a layer of meaning throughout. There are multiple people who have made mistakes or have been hurt and feel guilt and the weight of life. Can they forgive themselves? Can they forgive people who hurt them? Can they start to fly?

This is a feel-good novel about redemption and the courage to move on from the past. Some readers may not love the religious aspect or the way things tie up perhaps a bit too nearly at the end. It's that kind of story, meant for readers to feel there is a lot of good in the world, and things really can turn out ok, even when they look hopeless.

I really enjoyed this. 4.5 stars rounded up.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for an advanced copy for review.14 s2 comments Cheri1,913 2,773

3.5 Stars

In typical Ruth Hogan fashion, this is a book that is filled with charm, unforgettable characters, a few twists here and there, navigating life as the years pass, and, eventually, fulfilling a dream.

This is a very character oriented novel, and while it has a story line that was interesting, this is all about the characters. Some family, some not, and how they eventually connect as the story continues, and the impact they have on each other. If you’ve ever read Ruth Hogan before, you ly know that this is more about their lives, how they connect, and navigate their lives. The characters’ names alone seem to share that this family wants nothing to do with living a conventional life.

This is very much about the connections we make, friend or foe, and how much our thoughts and opinions change as the years pass, and how much we are able to open our hearts to others.

Pub Date: 11 Jun 2024

Many thanks for the ARC provided by William Morrow
2024-publication 2024-reads family ...more8 s4 comments Margie Bunting633 27

Ruth Hogan, your fabulous books are just what I look for when I need to reinvigorate my faith in human nature or just need the perfect comfort read. I have savored all of your previous four books, and I think The Phoenix Ballroom just might be your best (to date).

This lovely book has everything I look for in a life-affirming, entertaining read: quirky characters of diverse ages who instantly feel friends, initially questionable characters who develop into more engaging humans, past secrets or troubles that need to be resolved, dreams that haven't yet been fulfilled, sparkling dialogue, a vibrant setting, and heartfelt emotion. Throw in a rescue German shepherd named Colin Firth, and I am even more invested.

The central character, Venetia, is a spirited widow of a certain age whose fussy son nevertheless insists on hiring her a "granny nanny" before he and his wife move to France on business. Their 10-year-old son, Kite (all of the males in the family have bird names), is left behind at a boarding school but would rather live with his beloved "Nisha." Venetia's fortyish personal assistant (definitely not a granny nanny) is also facing a big life change and isn't at all sure this live-in job is going to work for her. And Venetia's brash, larger-than-life sister-in-law comes to visit and never leaves. Then there's a neighborhood spiritual church that's in danger of losing its lease and a rundown ballroom where Venetia taught dancing many years ago.

I absolutely loved every page of this book, and now I sadly have to wait for the next one. Ruth, please keep them coming. You are one of my go-to authors, and you deserve all of the accolades you are sure to collect when this book is released in June.

My review is based on a complimentary pre-release copy of the book.5 s Sarah Reads133 6

The Phoenix Ballroom by Ruth Hogan is a novel about love, sacrifice, friendship, and the importance of never giving up on your dreams. We follow Venetia Hargreaves after the death of her husband of 50 years. Venetia must learn to live again and willingly confronts difficult circumstances in search of peace and closure. With Her personal assistant Liberty, a sweet German Shepherd called Colin Firth, and her mischievously brilliant grandson, Kite, Venetia navigates her new life and has some fun doing it! Yet something is still missing. 50 years ago, she gave up her dream to own a dance studio to marry her husband. She still longs to do so, but is 74 too old to make her dreams come true?

Liberty Bell has been living a safe, albeit boring life. He fear has kept her on a path of little risk and little joy. When her vivacious mother passes away, leaving her without a home or inheritance, she is devastated and confused. Her mother loved her. How could she leave her homeless? Upon meeting with her mother's solicitor, she is told that her mother did leave her something but that she can't have it until she meets her mother's requirements. What are those requirements, you ask? Her mother has given her solicitor strict guidelines not to say. So, with no guidance on how to earn her inheritance and no place to live, she seeks a job as a personal assistant to the newly widowed Venetia Hargreaves.

As their lives become more and more intertwined, they not only become chosen family and friends, but it seems their dreams will take them on parallel paths.

Thank you #NetGalley, #WilliamMorrow, and author Ruth Hogan for early access to read The Phoenix Ballroom in exchange for an honest review. I LOVED it!5 s Jan farnworth1,457 130

The Phoenix Ballroom is a delightful, cozy, inspiring, feel-good light read. We have two amazing women who are both saying goodbye to loved ones. One is 74 and has just lost her husband, and the other is a 45-year-old who just laid her mother to rest. Liberty Bell is thrown for a loop when, at the reading of her mother, she finds that she basically gets kicked out of her home and is left with some test she needs to pass to gain her inheritance. But unfortunately, she was not told what this test entails. Venita is a widower who is lost and adrift after her husband dies. Her son is taking the reigns of her life and assigning her what her grandson calls a granny nanny. The connection between these two women and the sweet outcome of this book tugged at my heartstrings, and I was thrilled to see myself in the character Liberty Bell and how she rides out life after her mother's passing—a great summer read.3 s Meghan140 7

***Net Galley**

I was reading a different library book that I was just not connecting with when I started this book. I figured I would pick it up to read a chapter or two as a type of palate cleanser and to improve my mood. Yup, still haven't picked the library book back up. Ruth Hogan’s books are a much needed break from the dark, dystopian books I tend to read. I love to be reminded there are good and kind people in the world. This book left me with a smile on my face and a lot of days, that is really needed.

This book is not all smiles and rainbows. It starts with a couple funerals, a husband for one, mother for the other. The stories intertwine in a beautiful way, with each character having a well developed back story. I especially appreciated Venetia’s relationship with Kite. There is something about that generational gap that works. The side characters really rounded out the overall story. Swan was my favorite!

Side notes:
* They never explained what dead fly biscuits are, what are they? It didn’t seem even Liberty knew.
* How does no one comment on Liberty Bell’s name? Not a single comment. Is that because it is England?, At one point,Heron even forgot her name!
* I didn’t realize that Kite was a bird, had to look it up.net-galley3 s5 comments Lissa561 9

So, this book is quite sentimental, and I read it in one sitting on an unexpected snow day, and I cried several times, but I didn’t mind because it’s nice when people with hard things in their pasts can find ways to have happy futures. (That’s not a spoiler because the word phoenix is literally in the title.) 3 s Julie LeongAuthor 1 book57

Lovely, gentle, and understated. A deeply kind and life-affirming book with heroes of the sort one doesn't usually get to root for.2 s SueK709

Charming, and hopeful, with the delight of a vital 74 year old main character.

This story centers on Venetia, a 74 year old recent widow who is adding new meaning to her life and starting over. I love that Hogan has taken the main character as well as the auxiliary characters and given them fullness and joy. I also love the wink to her previous novel, Keeper of Lost Things, with the collection of donations at the drop in church.

The story takes not only Venetia, but Venetia’s new “granny nanny” Liberty, grandson Kite, sister-in-law Swan, and son Heron, and made them lovable characters with great purpose in the story (beyond unusual names). Add in a ballroom renovation (said building also houses a drop in center and church), a bookstore, and a dog rescue, and there is plenty to enjoy in this novel.

It’s definitely a positive novel, where all setbacks are overcome, which some may describe as unrealistic. However, I find it refreshing and much needed in our current climate, and am happy to embrace.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC. Opinions are my own.net-galley2 s Susan J. BarrettAuthor 2 books28

This is a lovely, gentle story about second chances.
When Venetia’s husband dies, she has a chance to examine her life; who she’s become and what she wants to do with her remaining years. She’s part of a large and colourful family and has always taken a back seat. Her new-found freedom gives her a chance to spread her wings, and in doing so, she makes a number of chance encounters that influence her choices and future direction.
Liberty has also suffered a recent loss, and is hurt and disappointed to learn that her mother has left her nothing in her will, other than a mysterious set of conditions to be met, known only to her solicitor, who’s instructed not to disclose them. Liberty is also searching for something, and a new job opportunity might just help her find it.
Swan, Venetia’s eccentric sister-in-law, and Kite, her young grandson, steal the show in this novel, which is nicely paced and beautifully written.
Five stars from me, with thanks to NetGalley and W.F.Howes Ltd for a chance to listen to the audiobook ARC. The Phoenix Ballroom publishes on 26 June.1 Susan1,304 213

THE PHOENIX BALLROOM tugged on my heart and had me crying many times. Ruth Hogan squeezed my heart and never let go until the very last page. She had my emotions all over the place and I had a hard time putting this wonderful story down. I tried to read THE PHOENIX BALLROOM slowly to make it last, but it was impossible. I had to know what was going to happen to Venetia and Kite. I kept thinking that this story should be made into a movie that comes with a tissue alert! This is a story that is going to stay with me for a long long time. I’m excited to read more by Ruth Hogan as she knows how to pull her readers in and make them fall in love with her heart-tugging characters.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Fresh Fiction. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

You can read my full review at:

https://freshfiction.com/review.php?i...20-books-of-summer-2024 review-for-fresh-fiction1 Patricia Williams163 6

As one might expect from a book written by Ruth Hogan The Phoenix Ballroom was a totally delightful read. It was so easy to become immediately caught up in the adventures of Venetia, Kite, Liberty and Swan and their assorted family and friends. Cheering them on in their endeavours as they worked to solve the mystery of Liberty's mother's strange will and to return the ballroom to it's prime. Within minutes of beginning to read one cares deeply for this raggle taggle collection of people with their fears, hopes and secrets. A book I hope everyone enjoys as much as I did. If you're looking for the ultimate feel good read look no further. Recommended++++
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.1 Aliciamarie11

The Phoenix Ballroom is a story of starting over and finding community.

Venetia, a 74 year old widow, is the main character who is trying to rebuild her life after the death of her husband. Venetia’s life had revolved around her husband so she decides to purchase the ballroom where she worked as a dance instructor as she and her husband met there.
Along the way, we meet several well-developed characters that add to Venetia’s story of becoming her own independent woman.

I would definitely recommend this book.

Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy. My opinions are my own.
1 Darlene190 13

Thank you Goodreads for this giveaway win!

I loved this book. It's about Venetia who's husband passes and Liberty who's Mom passes and they find each other. Then they end up together along with quite a few other funny characters, Swan and Kite end up finding themselves.
Sure there were sometimes parts that I kinda knew already the outcome but I loved the story along with it and it made me laugh at times.books-i-own1 Melanie Lafortune135 4

This book was refreshing. The mash of characters who are all flawed but grow to find themselves was wonderfully done. I love how the author intertwined the past and present. This author is new to me but I will definitely be reading her other books soon. Thank you to William Morrow Books and Net Galley for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.1 Sheri126 10

“The Phoenix Ballroom” by Ruth Hogan is a charming story about the ability to reinvent oneself after the death of a spouse. The story revolves around a vital 74 year old woman whose son decides she needs a Granny Nanny because of her age. She however is determined to pick up her past life as a dance instructor by buying a building which held the Ballroom where she worked in her past. She also winds up caring for her precious grandson as his parents find themselves in a crisis of their own. This book is entertaining with quirky fun characters, a great dog, secrets to be discovered, and hopes and dreams yet to be fulfilled.

Thank you NetGalley & William Morrow for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.1 Karyn Silverman1,146 123 Read

This was mis-tagged and listed in Fantasy in Netgalley, which it is not, except inasmuch as everything working out in life is a fantasy. But I’m glad for the error because it’s a lovely little book, very reminiscent of that huge stack of Rosamund Pilcher books I devoured decades ago: family, grief, love, interconnections, secrets that aren’t too dire but reverberate through the years. Just lovely. 2023-reads arcs1 Kirsten540 10

Ruth Hogan's newest novel, The Phoenix Ballroom, is the story of a group of people that come together, each in their time of need. The characters each have their own struggles that they work to overcome through the book. Some start out as strangers, some are even already family, but they grow together as they heal and develop bonds.

I’ve read other books by this author and enjoyed them, so was excited to get the email letting me know I’d been approved to download and read the ARC of The Phoenix Ballroom by Ruth Hogan. While I enjoyed this story of the various characters coming into their own, there were a few small issues I had with the story. One of the main things is that given the description I assumed the book would center more on the ballroom itself which I thought would be interesting, but it didn't even come into the story until about the last third of the book.

Overall I really enjoyed this book, as I have her others, and grew to love each of the characters, flaws and all. I recommend this to those who have enjoyed her other books, as well as similar stories of people coming together to form a community and overcome their past issues.

Thank you to William Morrow for the gifted ARC copy provided through NetGalley.netgalley y-arc1 Judith130 1 follower

Ruth Hogan is one of my favorite writers whose books I often turn to as my selection for the neighborhood book club. Her books are always filled with delightfully quirky characters and her stories are heartwarming without being saccharine, so I was overjoyed to receive an ARC of her latest novel, “The Phoenix Ballroom.”

The book opens with Venetia Hamilton Hargreaves attending her husband, Hawks, funeral. The reader senses that although she loved him, there was something missing in their relationship. For some unknown reason, she had given up her dreams of opening a dance studio at a nearby ballroom run by her and Brandon, with whom she was in love. Instead, she subsumed herself in her role as wife and mother. She wonders if it’s too late for a second chance at life.

Shortly after the funeral, Venetia’s son, Heron, informs his mother that he has started the process of hiring a caretaker for her, and despite her objections that at 73 she is more than capable of taking care of herself, she finally relents with the condition that she be allowed to choose the “caretaker.” She takes an immediate liking to Liberty Bell, one of three potential candidates.

Liberty Bell has just lost her mother, only to discover from her mother’s solicitor, Mr. Court, that Liberty was not provided a bequest in her mother’s will and her house was to be sold within the next two weeks. Mr. Court informed Liberty that there was a provision for her in the will, but she would have to meet unspecified criteria before she could receive the bequest. One of the criteria was that she meet Mr. Court for lunch every few months, at which time he would determine whether or not she had satisfied the requirements. Desperate for employment since she had lost her previous job when her married boss dumped her, Liberty answers Venetia’s ad for a caretaker, which included a furnished flat above the detached garage.

Soon Venetia’s house is filled with a cast of characters, including her 10 year old grandson, Kite, along with her sister-in-law, Swan. Kite escaped from boarding school where he had been placed after his parents moved to France to expand their real estate business, and Swan moved in because her sister, with whom she had lived since their parents died, had recently acquired a boyfriend.

Each of these lost souls find love, confidence and purpose as they pursue their own personal growth and happiness through Venetia’s purchase of a building and the restoration of an abandoned ballroom situated above a church and refreshment center for impoverished, homeless or lonely people. It is at this building that their lives intertwine with Evangeline, who runs the church and center and was best friends with Liberty’s mother.

Beautifully written with endearing characters, “The Phoenix Ballroom” is an uplifting novel full of charming characters who the reader will come to love. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves character driven novels full of heart.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins for providing me an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

Jo Lee560 5

Having read The Keeper of Lost Things some time ago I was delighted to be approved for this audiobook on NetGalley. I was not at all disappointed. Ruth Hogan writes silent heroes so beautifully. This was a joyful uplifting read/listen. A gentle reminder that the world is full of good people and sometimes you can be lucky enough to find yourself surrounded by them.

Newly widowed Venetia at 74 (younger than Cher) has been left in a vast home with a vast bank balance and a wonder what she does now after 50 years of marriage and motherhood. Her son Heron is heading to France along with her grandson Kite, and has decided a granny nanny is what she needs. Enter Liberty Bell, who has recently lost her mother and any hope of inheritance, as there’s a clause in her mothers will, Liberty’s mother has left her nothing in the way of money, instead she’s left her a photo album and instructions to meet regularly with her solicitor who over time will decide if she is ready to receive the secret part of her will, Liberty must fend for herself, and this sees her become Venetia’s assistant, a perfect pairing!

When a chance meeting in the park while walking Colin Firth (German Shepherd dog whom Venetia has rescued from a drug gang) introduces her to a worried Evangeline, fretting over the sale of the building where she runs her spiritual church and a drop in for the lost and lonely, takes Venetia back in time to when the same building was once a ballroom from where she taught dance lessons and had big aspirations. It’s time for Venetia to find herself again. What ensues is a heartwarming journey overflowing with wonderful characters and a mission to restore the ballroom to its original glory and save the church along the way.

The characters in this book were so well written, each of them endearing in their own way, each champions in their own way. Swan and Kite were my favourites.

The narration by Joan Walker was perfect (I usually listen at 1.75 and slowed to 1.5 to find the perfect fit)

All the stars
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