
Three Strikes and You're Mine de R.S. Grey

de R.S. Grey - Género: English
libro gratis Three Strikes and You're Mine


R.S. Grey Year: 2023

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Three strikes, and... Grey is officially off my one-click list. There was a time when Grey was one of my favorite rom com authors - if not my #1 - so it is REALLY disappointing to acknowledge how bland and generic this was. This 3-star rating leans more towards a 2 than a 4, and that's mostly because I was genuinely bored while reading. The interactions between this couple were just so surface-level, and their relationship development felt VERY rushed. Romance novels have been getting longer and longer recently, so it was actually refreshing to start a light and quick rom com this one, but it felt the plot meandered so much that the focus was not on the romance. It also wasn't that light or playful, to be honest. (MINOR SPOILER) Not only does our heroine get cheated on by her ex, but she also gets harassed/assaulted by someone - both on the page. So it really didn't deliver any of the things that I was hoping for, which is a major disappointment.

The story follows Chloe, a woman whose life is turned upside down when she discovers that her boyfriend - who is also her boss - is cheating on her. In need of a new place to stay AND a break from her career, Chloe takes a housesitting job for a former baseball player. Luke doesn't seem to be too excited about having Chloe come live in his home, but he's a sweetheart with his young daughter. And as Chloe's role in the household changes, she soon finds herself falling for both Luke and his daughter. But Chloe just got out of a relationship with another older man who was also her boss, and that causes both of them to hesitate about taking things further. As Chloe and Luke navigate the complexities of resisting their attraction, things become complicated.

So why didn't I DNF this one, if it was clearly boring me early on? Well, it's short, so there's that. But I also wanted to give Grey the benefit of the doubt - there was nothing truly WRONG with the story, there just wasn't a whole lot that was compelling about it either. I kept thinking that the slow burn would pick up speed at some point, and the chemistry would become apparent. That simply wasn't the case for me. I never became emotionally invested in the relationship, and the slow burn was so slow that it felt incredibly underdeveloped by the end. I always know it's a bad sign when I don't save quotes while reading, and I saved exactly ZERO quotes from this one. So it was not terrible, but definitely underwhelming. It feels it's finally time to admit that Grey is no longer a good fit for me, and leave it at that.27 s Monique410

Talented pastry chef loses her job after finding her boyfriend/boss cheating on her. She takes a job as the personal chef to big time baseball player, they make eyes at each other for 80% of the book, then finally give in and the last 20% is a rushed romance and the talented chef becomes the live in nanny/fiancee of the big time baseball player...in summary.

That last bit really rubbed me the wrong way to be honest, especially when the author took great pains to tell us over and over that he wasn't just moving their relationship timeline at a breakneck speed (he asks her to move in with him 2 weeks after they make it official) so he could return to baseball and have someone to take care of his daughter yet that appears to be exactly what happens according to the epilogue. What happened to her business idea? A year passes and all she seems to do is look after his daughter and follow him to baseball games. I don't see why there couldn't have been mention of her at least getting some of it started or doing something for her career. It bugs me when women give up careers for men.

Overall this is a no angst, no drama, very light book and I think when there is absolutely no conflict or anything you kind of get a bit bored? It was also very slow burn which is so my jam, I love slow burn so much but when a very short book I think barely 300 pages has nothing much in terms of romance until 80% and then spends the last 20% telling us instead of showing us the progression of them as a couple it just felt a bit of a let down. So much attention was given to what she cooked them for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday but the build up to them getting together was basically that they thought each other to be really good looking and that was pretty much it for tension.

I didn't dis the book, in fact I finished it in almost 1 sitting but without this review to look back on I'll probably forget all about this book in a few weeks. I didn't hate the main characters but I didn't love them either. I didn't feel I really knew all that much about the H so he was just kind of...nice and very big and tall and attractive. That's about it
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