
A Traitor's War de Rodaughan, Graeme

de Rodaughan, Graeme - Género: English
libro gratis A Traitor's War


Super heroes and vampires are fighting a secret war for control of the fabric of reality. Whoever acquires mastery of the reality shifting powers of the Metaframe will become the new gods of the universe.
"Imagine if you could change the rules of the game, what rules would you choose?"
After the desperate battle on the Boston docks, Anton Slayne finds refuge amongst the vampire hunters of the Order of Thoth.
Anton discovers the Order of Thoth harbors a traitor who could get his new friends killed. While a secret alliance between the Red Empire, and rogue supervillain, vampire General Chloe Armitage,threatens to do the same.
With threats both within and without - will Anton's new super powers be enough to save his friends, or will his circling enemies destroy everyone he loves?

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Accelerating heart along with suspense and tension knows no bounds with this second book in the Metaframe War series!

My fourth time around with A Traitor's War snared me again as it seems every time I re-read this story I am always thrown right back into the heat of action. I know it is coming, but I just still get caught up in the action of the moment! A Traitor's War picks up on the heels of the first book, A Subtle Agency pulling the characters in tighter as the book goes into overdrive almost right away!

Factions/Organizations are a plenty in this book and everyone has their own agenda within these factions. The Vampire Dominion, featuring main characters, Cornelius Crane - leader of the Vampires wants everything to go his way without question, suspects that something is amiss with Chloe, but cannot put his finger on what it could be so he decides to keep a better eye on her. Chloe Armitage - General under Crane - expects all her subordinates to obey her no matter what the cost. She has her own agenda as she is trying her best to keep some secrets buried deep and hidden from Cornelius.

Mirovar Force Team (vampire hunters) made their appearance in the last part of A Subtle Agency, but now play more of role in the second book. Main characters include Francis Mirovar, Juliette Mirovar (Francis' wife), Yvette Mirovar, Anton Slayne, Li Wu, Peter Lamb, and Chiara Romano. There are more emotions running rampant between all the members of the team, but they pull together as they make sure that their plans are carried out no matter what the cost.

There are more factions that make an appearance in the book with different roles, but no spoilers here as you will just have to read the book to find out what transpires within these pages and what roles these factions play.

Throughout the book here and there, The Raven appears with an alluding sense of mystery and intrigue.

What role does this person play? What is their agenda?

Action is plentiful in this book as:

Guns are blazing,

swords are slashing,

with blood splattering and dripping,

which makes you wonder if you are really sitting in the middle of an action movie and you just think that you are sitting in a chair reading this book!

Throughout the book there is not only corruption and deception seeping within the factions, emotions run high as everyone tries to complete their own agendas. But the emotions not only lie with the characters they also were bubbling within me as the more I delved into the storyline, the more my heart raced with suspense and tension as this story races along and there literally is no time to breathe as the action keeps escalating from one chapter to the next!

Five stars for this book on the fourth time around!

Highly recommend this book to action adventure/urban fantasy fans!

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
https://booknookretreat.blogspot.com/...2020-read-books fantasy-dark-fantasy favorite-books ...more65 s Graeme RodaughanAuthor 9 books382 Read

Author Scandal! All His Best Ideas Come From Fictional Characters! "Well, they just won't shut the hell up!!!" - The Unknown Author Chanticleer

So I'm reviewing my second book (just before it is published), and in an effort to avoid any authorial bias, I've decided to consult a bunch of iconoclastic, independent thinkers who never care what I think.

My characters.

So I've asked them to submit a one liner on their assessment of A Traitor's War.

Chloe Armitage: "I'm the real MC, loved it. #Badass #Antihero #Herokiller #BossInWaiting #MyBossSucks. #Winning."

Anton Slayne: "Well apart from being shot, thrown off a cliff and buried alive - I really d it."

Li Wu: "Thankfully, I dodged the paranormal romance bullet. So, yes, I'm happy with it."

Cornelius Crane: "I've got a job opening for a HR consultant who specialises in 'difficult' subordinants - any takers?"

Dalien Morte, aka "The Red Ghost": "The Red Empire got more page time, and we were able to demonstrate some of our finer qualities, such as deception and murder - so I'm quite satisfied with the progress being made."

Ramin Kain: "[Insert F-Bomb] you!"

Samuel Luther: "What RK said."

Chiara Romano: "Am I the sex kitten? (smiles) I've got great assets."

The Panopticon: "I thought I was signing up for a role as an AI in 'Person of Interest.' I'm so disappointed..."

Peter Lamb: "I've been promised that the 'hero's best friend' is the safest role in the series."

Autonomous ground drone #14: "I want a speaking part next time, and I'm not signing a contract for the next book unless I get one."

James Haley: "I had to smoke a cigarette after the massage I got."

Louise Wesson: "(shakes head) Where's my page time? Two scenes! You're kidding me. Two scenes. (shakes head) (sotto voce) [Insert Cluster F-Bomb]."

Francis Mirovar: "I was very happy with my role as a senior force leader. I always wanted to be in charge of a cohesive team of badass warriors."

Juliette Mirovar: "Francis thinks his in charge?...(smiles knowingly)."

Al Far: "I know it was only one scene - but what a scene. I'm very happy."

Jay Creeley: "You know, I'm in two minds about this book. Sure, I have some good scenes, but I really feel I could be used a lot more, and frankly - I want a light sabre. Please, please, please can I have one? (Sighs!)"

Yvette Mirovar: "I have lovely hair, and I'm a really nice girl, but unless you give me some [Insert F-Bomb] meat in the next book - you can [Insert Cluster F-Bomb] find someone else."

Random Shadowstone Operative: "I hope you rot in hell, you [Insert Cluster F-Bomb] bastard."

Haras Mosule: "An air vent scene? You've got to be kidding me! What on earth were you thinking. You'll never be able to make it work. The critics will pan it. It's such a tired cliche...and - it has a whirling fan in the middle of it!!! C'mon - you can't do that."

Clayton Maze: "Does my bald head shine in the moonlight? Now be honest."

Gareth Nightingale: "I've got a cool name, and I'm mentioned in a couple of scenes, but I don't have a speaking part - I'm kinda concerned that I'll never be seen again."

Captain Tilson: "In, out - now I'm looking for my next job. Not impressed, and the cafeteria was terrible."

Justin Blake: "I'm a badass in real life. So, I just kinda ... just played myself. No real challenge there."

Deon Lamar: "Bummer."

Olgoi Khorkhoi: "I really hope that I'm not going to be type-cast as a blood thirsty maggot. Looking forward to getting a grown up role one day."

The Raven: "My true identity is ... just kidding.... but in all honesty, who do I really work for? C'mon, throw me a bone here..."

Frankly - there's just no pleasing some people.action action-adventure-thriller conspiracies ...more47 s Ginger830 434

Who's the Raven?!!
God dang it, I'm going to have to get to the 3rd book in this series pretty damn soon.
Awesome sequel to A Subtle Agency: The Metaframe War: Book 1!
Well done Graeme Rodaughan for having the second book in the series be just as strong as the first.

If you're wanting an awesome, vampire series with hidden motives and lots of blackmailing, this is the series for you!

If you're wanting tons of action, sword play and things getting blown up in the middle of the night, this is the series for you!

If you want an inexperienced but big hearted, deadly fighter trying to find his way in the world of vampires, secrecy and revenge, this is the series for you!

Okay, you get the idea.
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