
Mountain Man's Dream: The Diaz Family of Moonshine Ridge de Rocklyn Ryder

de Rocklyn Ryder - Género: English
libro gratis Mountain Man's Dream: The Diaz Family of Moonshine Ridge


Rocklyn Ryder Publisher: Magpie Press, Year: 2024

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It was cute, short, fun. A bit unrealistic to fall in love with someone in a day but one can dream.spicy6 s Kristen Lewendon7,761 48

What Hyacinth is feeling isn’t exactly love at first sight. In fact, it’s a lot closer to fear. And running scared on the side of a mountain is a good way to get hurt. Ash, on the other hand, is pretty sure he’s just clapped eyes on his future wife. Can these two make it to Forever when they can’t even see eye to eye? It’s cute, quick, and oh so spicy. Ash has already convinced me to start falling in love with the McAllister family, so I can’t wait to see what the author has in store for the rest of them.
I received a complimentary advance copy of this book from the author.3 s lf9,464 39

A camping trip to remember

Trusting the Mountain Man is the first book in The McAllister Men of Moonshine Ridge series. This is an OTT, quirky, funny, smexy hot, passionate and very entertaining series. The McAllister men are all big, burly, lava hot, and way Alpha possessive and protective mountain men. This first book introduces the reader to Hyacinth and Ash. Hyacinth has decided to celebrate her graduation not with a big party but a camping trip up on the mountain for a couple of days. She drives her stock Jeep up and as a newbie uses the cheaper equipment she bought for the trip. Ash runs the local outdoor equipment store in town and is an avid outdoor adventurer. He is finally able to take a few days away from the store and heads up the mountain to one of his favorite spots. When he arrives he realizes there is a young woman camping on the other side of the river from him and he is sure from seeing her campsite that she is a newbie and will not last, especially with the weather they are expecting to have. Even with bad weather and all that brings Hyacinth is not about to call it quits and give up....that is until it is evident that there is no hope for her. But when she is trying to drive out things go from bad to worst and it is up to Ash to save her, while putting his own life in danger. But true love is about to be found on the mountain between these two as they are stuck together until they can leave safely.....especially while sharing one tent and sleeping bags. 1 Lil Ms Reads A LOT163

"Trusting the Mountain Man" is the first story in author Rocklyn Ryder's new series: The McAllister Men of Moonshine Ridge. The story is a quick, fanciful read that packs more heat than her previous stories. ;)

Ash McAllister is a man who knows what he wants-- a week's camping trip among the local nature that he loves but seldom gets to enjoy due to his work schedule. When he notices a young, naked woman with siren red hair and curves that kill taking a dip in the swimming hole across the river, he immediately decides to claim this woman as his. Doesn't matter that he has yet to even speak a single word with her. Her body is calling out to his and she will one day soon be his wife. 

At 18 years old and just graduated from high school, Hyacinth is young and naive-- in every way. Deciding to go camping alone despite not having the proper equipment or any real knowledge regarding what she's doing, she quickly finds herself in trouble. Unfortunately it's the scary looking mountain man she spied across the river who comes to her rescue. 

Will Hyacinth learn to trust the man who rescued her or will she run far and fast back down the mountain to safety? 

This is a super quick read. Quite a few elements in the plot are very unrealistic, but if the reader dives into the story expecting a fanciful ride into insta-love and lust, this book is actually a very cute story. Definitely entertaining and I'm looking forward to reading Birch's story next. 

1 Peaceful682 14


Super quick, fast paced and still love. Girl goes camping the very first time. Not in man rescues her and makes her his.1 Marcia1,759 28

I enjoy the author's quirky stories and writing style, especially the RavenSwan series. However, I have a lot of reservations about this novella. There was no character development, which the author usually provides. 18 year old Hyacinth, recent high school graduate, has a bucket list starting with going camping all by herself. Why? Where is her family and friends that she would do this all alone? What are her plans after high school? Her inexperience gets her into trouble and she is rescued by sporting goods and hardware store owner Ash McAllister. First she is terrified of the mountain man and then turns around a gives up her virginity? Although he was in love at first sight, he was hung up about her age when he found out she was only 18. How old is he? Too many holes for me. Perhaps they will be filled in the next story in the series.

I read an ARC provided by the author. This is my unbiased and voluntary review. Dora1,739 12

With very simple knowledge about camping, meaning having a tent, some utensils and something to eat, Hyacinth launched into what she hoped would be a rewarding adventure for her. Nope! I laughed out loud at her naivete. And what an imagination! I was imagining her face expressions facing what she thought was danger. And with her comments and her mind running at full speed it was hilarious. Ash turned out to be her survival guide. A bonus in the wild for both. The story was a quick read, very entertaining, with a truly dangerous situation that kept me intrigued and with romance and passion. I really d the epilogues which I feel contributed to the story closure. I hadn't read stories about 'mountain men' before and I d how Hyacinth and Ash got their HEA. I voluntarily reviewed this copy that I received free from BookFunnel. Di2,109 17

When Hya decides to go on a camping adventure on her own, she expects to be alone in the mountains until she spots a big man across the lake and starts coming up with not so good scenarios on him. Ash is finally getting to go camping to be alone and enjoy the peace and quiet, until he spots a woman across the lake and decides that she is his….will he succeed….
A short and steamy read that doesn’t waste time on drama, just insta everything for these two. I would have d to know if Ash was ever bothered by her age as she thought he was as it only would have taken a sentence or two to confirm or deny. Otherwise I enjoyed it, a good read for a quick break and to put a smile on your face.
*I voluntarily read an advanced copy and expressed my honest opinion* Kathy Wideman2,460 38

This is the first book by Rocklyn I have read. Ash and his brothers have lived on Moonshine Ridge their whole life. He is part of the local rescue group. Hyacinth is finally doing what she wants. She has always wanted camp and enjoy the outdoors. She is unprepared for the experience though. Ash has to rescue her and then helps her while they are waiting for the water level to go done. Ash falls fast and hard for Hyacinth. She is taken with the mountain man. But what could a man him want with a girl her. This is an instalove, mountain man, short read. Hyacinth is young and a little naive. I d the characters in this series. I can’t wait to read about Ash’s brothers and how they find their one. Great job Rocklyn. danger emotional erotica-sex ...more Sally1,526 5

This is an insta love story from Rocklyn.
Hyacinth has gone on her first camping trip but alone.
Ash is on a long awaited camping trip. He has always lived and loved the mountains and is part of the mountain rescue team.
When Ash first sees Hyacinth he is instantly in love but could she feel the same way.
When Hyacinth gets into trouble when the weather changes can he save her in time.
I loved how they were together after Hyacinth gets to know Ash.
Absolutely loved the ending and looking forward to the next book.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book. Marina 93 3

**I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book** Rocklyn has done it again!! This is book one in the new series The McAllister Men of Moonshine Ridge and it was short but both very sweet and super steamy. Hyacinth and Ash are both camping up in the mountains on the opposite side of the river, when a dangerous rise in the river causes Ash to rescue Hyacinth. The attraction is almost instantaneous but will there be a HEA? Knowing Rocklyn, you can probably already figure it out. I loved this book and I look forward to reading more in the series. Lexee Toste2,348 13

I enjoyed this story. It was a quick and entertaining read. Things happen quickly, insta-love at first sight, at least for our mountain man Ash. Hyacinth takes just a little bit longer but still insta-love with it being that first night. This was a low angst, easy to read, hot story that I enjoyed. It was lighthearted and enjoyable. I loved that we got the epilogue as it lets us get a little bit more of their story to fill in that happily ever after.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. Rodney Wiedrick152

This is a great story. The characters are well written and developed. You can relate to them easily. The story starts with Hyacinth going camping after she graduates high school and winds up not knowing anything about camping. She has the cheapest gear she could get and did no research into what she actually needed. She had a friend who went camping every year with her parents but she never asked her or her parents about what she would need or where the best camp sights were. If you love a good mountain man rescue story then you should check out this series. Bill Jakobsen2,555 15

A really good mountain man love story

I enjoy instant love, love stories. Hyacinth recently graduated high school and wanted to start working on her bucket list...camping. She made it to a beautiful spot not knowing she wasn't there alone. Ash was on a weeks vacation camping across the water. After a series of mishaps, they ended up meeting. The area they were in sounded a great place. Their connection didn't start out the best but it progressed. On the the next love story. Written by Cindy :) Beverly1,676 13

Hyacinth has the wildest imagination I have read in a long time. She also seemed very immature. Ash thinks of Hyacinth as his upon his first voyeuristic sighing of her. If you insta everything, this is your jam. This felt it should have been set in the 1800's , then it would have been more believable. I just could not get behind this insta everything, and it felt more a fairytale to me. Tripip742 4

A super quick steamy read. Given its modern setting, I would have preferred Hyacinth to be older. But I guess her age would have explained her ignorance and poor planning for camping. Apart from the modern conveniences ( a Jeep), it had the feel of a historical romance. Ash was a suitably growly alpha male but a sentence about his age would have helped explain his supposed anxiety about Hyacinth’s age.

I received a free copy from the author. This is my unbiased review. Trish625 3

Sweet story

The only thing, I didn't was her being only 18. It just seemed odd, that she's just graduated high school, with a new jeep , and no mention of her family, as she attempts camping by herself, with no experience. I tried to think of Ash, as maybe 23, 25 at most. I did love the whole family gathering at the epilogue. Lots of grand babies, and Hy, and Ash, still try to sneak away for some alone time in the woods Diane2,256 18

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of "TRUSTING THE MOUNTAIN MAN" I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful story that grabs you from the start with danger, humor, steam, fear, suspense, intrigue, angst, you can't put down a page turner to the end.
Ash McAllister along with his brothers Birch & Cedar grew up in Mountain Ridge he's an experienced local volunteer for the Rescue & Recovery Crew in town.
Hyacinth drove to Mountain Ridge to go camping she turned 18yrs old ger parents never took her when she was you her always wanted do it so here she was by herself & loving it until something frightens her she gets into some pretty scary accident.
Ash trys to save Hyacinth from crossing a river gone wrong he could see the fear she was panicking he saw her earlier baked on the beach that was it for him he wanted to claim her for himself he had to save her.
I definitely recommend to get this short delightful adventurous read what happens when Ash finds out why she ran can he get her to trust him, will they get the HEA he was hoping for its a must read to see what happens.
I'm so looking forward to next book in this series
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