
The Lake of Fire de Robin W. Bailey

de Robin W. Bailey - Género: English
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Cover title: The Dungeon

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In The Lake of Fire, the fourth volume of Philip Jose Farmer's The Dungeon, Clive Folliot and gang, with brother Neville in tow, cross a landscape out of Dante's Inferno, with none other than Baron Samedi as their guide. Who will they find once they reach their destination, Castle of the Morning Star and what truths will be revealed about The Dungeon?

This volume kicks into high gear. The revelation that many of the Dungeon's denizens are clones explains a lot. The lord of Morning-Star was somewhat surprising and well done. Hints that the Dungeon is somehow linked to the Folliot family were tantalizing. Hopefully they'll be explored in the final two books.

Robin Wayne Bailey's writing is passable but not spectacular. Shriek and User Annie continue to morph but I'm chalking that up to multiple writers working on different books in the same series at the same time.

If you've stuck around the Dungeon this long, I can't imagine not reading this one.fantasy9 s Kirk Macleod148 1 follower

As I've now finished volume four of Phillip José Farmer's The Dungeon, subtitled The Lake of Fire and written by Robin W. Bailey, I think I'm finally getting the hang of the series. Each new writer looks at the stuff that came before, and then moves the main characters to an entirely new setting, hopefully putting them back the way they were when the writer began his particular entry in the series (not an uncommon issue for comic book writing, come to think of it).

Some of the writers have been pretty great at this, my favourite being Charles de Lint, who split the group in book three allowing the story to bounce back and forth between the groups, only to reunite them in the last chapter before sending them on to the next world.

Volume four takes place mostly in a hell- world (including devil and demons) and actually tests the characters beyond mere survival, which in itself was pretty neat, as well as reminding the reader that although Major Folliott is our main character, every other member of the group has their own goals and intentions, which should all be taken into account as well.

The fourth book was a pretty strong entry in the series, and has me looking forward to checking out book five.1 Melanie161 3

I wonder if Robin Bailey had read the 3 in the series previous to his novel. For some reason Shriek's syntax resembled Yoda's suddenly which made me wince, as did the prefix "Being" before someone's name. There is no reason for either affectations. If it wasn't for the fact that I have become fond of the characters, this book would only have got one star. It almost feels a moral duty to continue reading to see them out of the Dungeon. Thank heavens the next one is by the wonderful Charles De Lint. Hopefully their speech patterns will be restored. 1 The Honest Book Reviewer1,200 19

This is better than the third book in the series, but I don't know why Shriek is suddenly speaking with a different syntax. It doesn't match the other books, and makes this a bit jarring to read. It makes me wonder if the authors wrote all books in the series at the same time. There are enough points to counter this, but they've now been two big character shifts that don't make sense.

The thing I d about this book is that it sought to explain a bit about why there are so many copies of everything on other levels. It also displays some growth in the characters, and emphasises the desires of the characters as well. They all need different things, and there is space now to explore these angles in the series.

I still feel the series if predictable, but I'm learning to take it with a grain of salt and go along for the ride. It's not really a series of any depth, it's more just a run and fight action fantasy.2021 fantasy Xabi19902,026 1,123

Prefiero al Farmer de CF, pero esta saga de fantasía (6 libros) se llevo yb 7/10 en todas y cada uno de ellos. Entretenida, vamos. Harold CouttsAuthor 2 books15

apart from the weird dialogue choices i really d this book John15 1 follower

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