
With Prejudice de Robin Peguero

de Robin Peguero - Género: English
libro gratis With Prejudice


The "exciting" and "clever" debut thriller (New York Times Book Review): No one knows what happened that night. Seven strangers must decide.

Earl Thomas, a straight-laced taxman with his fair share of police encounters, is the begrudging foreperson in a high-stakes trial in Miami. Laura Hurtado-Perez is a physician whose unassuming manner conceals a private pain. Joseph Cole is the founder of his local neighborhood watch, unduly obsessed with the families around him.
Along with four others, these jurors of varying ages and walks of life whose paths would likely never have otherwise crossed must come together to make one of the most important decisions of their lives.
On the night Melina Mora, a free-spirited woman both proud and kind, was murdered, she was seen with a young man of Gabriel Soto’s description. Two strands of her hair were found in his bedroom. Sandy Grunwald, a young prosecutor whose...

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Have you ever wondered what it would be to sit on a jury for a murder trial?

Well, get ready to be seated in the jury box for the trial of Gabriel Soto, accused of murdering Melina Mora.

There are no witnesses and there is no murder weapon.

Throughout this legal thriller, we will get snippets of the events which touched the lives of the jurors we meet, causing them to bring to the deliberations, certain biases and beliefs, which may shape the verdict.


This ENLIGHTENING view into our legal system is the STRENGTH of the novel.


Sandy Grunwald, is an ambitious young prosecutor, sleeping with a reporter, who has her sights set on a Political career.

That is about all of the character development that we get.

This is the book’s WEAKNESS.

We watch her in court, trying to manipulate the witnesses with quick thinking, using what little evidence she has to secure a win-but we don’t spend much time with her outside of the courtroom.

The story would have benefited from more BALANCE between court case and story.

Although I felt I was supposed to be rooting for Sandy-I didn’t get to know her well enough and I never felt a connection.

I always enjoy the “back and forth” banter between opposing counsel in legal thrillers, but this trial took 258 pages before the State rested its case.

With ONLY 51 pages left, we are treated to some VERY surprising twists, and the truth about what really happened on the night in question…

BUT-It just took too long to get to this part.

Will a last minute witness change everything? Or once again expose the flaws in our justice system?

No doubt that debut author, Robin Peguero, a prosecutor with many other admirable accomplishments, knows his stuff-and I look forward to seeing what’s next from him as he grows as an author.

Thank You to Grand Central Publishing for the gifted ARC. It was my pleasure to offer a candid review!

Available May 17, 2022buddy-read legal-drama netgalley ...more116 s Kaceey1,225 3,896

One of my favorites go-to reads are legal thrillers! Always love the fascinating courtroom drama, anxious for my Perry Mason, jaw-dropping moment.

This book begins in the jury room as we meet a few of the jurors selected to sit in on a murder trial. We also meet the prosecutor and get a glimpse of the trial itself. At the start I was all in and enjoying! But that came to a quick dead-end.

There are so many convoluted back stories and side stories that the actual legal components got lost. The transitions between these stories and the trial totally flip when you least expect it. As a result I was constantly confused. Never knowing if I was reading someone’s backstory or which juror that story belonged to as they would only be referred to as numbers at the trial.

And though there were important social issues within the pages, the entirety of the book became too confusing and all but impossible to follow along.

Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing

netgalley78 s DeAnn1,441

2.5 Legal Stars

This is a courtroom drama where the jurors are center stage. We learn the backgrounds and stories for the jurors while watching the trial unfold.

The trial is around the murder of Melina Mora and Gabriel Soto is the accused. We meet prosecutor Sandy Grunwald and learn some of her philosophy and strategy around the case. We also get a bit of insight into the judge.

Unfortunately, this one did not hold my interest. I found the transitions in describing the characters to be abrupt and it interrupted the flow of reading for me. There are definitely biases we all have about the legal system and those showed up here in the stories with each character. I didn’t really connect with the characters, nor did I find myself rooting for them.

There is one twist at the end that caught me off guard and I had to go back and re-read that part.
I think this author is very knowledgeable about legal matters, but this was not a compelling legal thriller for me.

My thanks to Grand Central Publishing for the gifted ARC. This one is scheduled to publish books-i-own27 s Lisa (NY)1,680 744 Shelved as 'unable-to-finish'

dnf at page 177 - started off promising but veered off course. The author is trying to cram every minor character's back story into the novel instead of focusing on what matters. 22 s Denise509 396

I love legal thrillers and had high hopes for this one after reading the author's bio, but unfortunately this is one of those books in which the juice is definitely not worth the squeeze. In fact, it was nearly a DNF for me.

A young woman is brutally raped and murdered, a suspect is in custody, and a courtroom drama ensues. That's the long and the short of it. There was much potential at the beginning, but it quickly turned into a jumbled, complex, hot mess. The plot explores not only the defendant, but also the prosecutor and the public defender, their second chairs, and every single member of the jury. The characters are all stereotypical in nearly every way - although Peguero tries to mix it up. He makes the court appointed defense attorney a sexist republican, and a radical feminist as a prosecutor, who is very confident in her progressivism. The problem is that honestly none of the characters are likable in any way, despite their portrayals. The actual murder plot was bizarre and erratic, at times I had no idea what really took place at all. There were also too many choppy transitions involving the secondary characters - mostly the jurors - sometimes they were referred to by juror number and then other times by name, making it confusing to even know who is being referred to and their relevance to the plot. My biggest disappointment though was that by about halfway mark, I said to myself, "x is going to happen when it comes to the verdict, and then you will find out x" and I was completely right. And not because of great legal intuition - it was just that predictable.

While I applaud Peguero for his noble effort to try and shine a light on the prejudices that taint trials in the US, in the end, the only thing memorable about this book was the overall sense of disappointment I felt after finishing it. 2 stars.17 s myo ??? ? *992 7,563 Shelved as 'dnf'

dnf @ 20% i’m bored im sorry… ill try to get back to this in the future but not rn 15 s Carrie3,337 1,611

Review coming soon.
netgalley12 s Shereadbookblog720

I really don’t want to say too much about the plot except it involves the trial of a man accused of rape and murder. It is an interesting approach to a legal thriller. We learn not only the machinations of the prosecution and the defense, but also get insight into the life experiences (and prejudices) brought to a trial by individual jurors, police, attorneys, witnesses.

The author has a good sense of today’s societal, racial and cultural divides and there is even some humor injected. There are a lot of characters and that could be confusing. It is only near the end when some of that confusion is clarified. I could say more about that, but it might be considered a spoiler.

This was a fast read that I enjoyed.

Thank you to netgalley and grandcentralpublishing for the DRC

Follow me on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/shereadbook...10 s Stacy40pages1,553 191

With Prejudice by Robin Peguero. Thanks to @novelsuspects and @grandcentralpublishing for the gifted Arc ??????????

Social recluse Gabriel Soto is accused of murdering fun-loving Melina Mora. Prosecutor Sandy Grunwald knows this case can make her future, but everyone has their own story in the courtroom.. including the jury.

Reading this I wondered why I don’t come across more mainstream legal thrillers. I was enthralled by this and couldn’t put it down. The court room scenes are tense and dramatic, but we get way more than that. I loved the look into each character’s history and how we all have prejudices. There were some wild twists that I was not expecting. This is one you’ll want to reread immediately after closing it.

“The facts don’t matter. All that matters are the lenses with which people view those facts. And that isn’t shaped here in the courtroom. That was shaped long ago, over the course of a lifetime of experiences.”

With Prejudice comes out 5/17. 7 s Danielle Mootz829 7

It's been awhile since I read a court drama and I enjoyed this one very much. It reminded me of a Shakespearean story within a story with lots of twists and turns and unforseeable happenings. I loved the character development with the attorneys. The depth of these characters made the novel all the more addicting. 6 s Morgan 923 217

The author has written a court room drama set in Miami with race as the prime suspect.

This is not just a court room drama because more than half of the book is taken up with back stories of every character – including all sixteen (or was it eighteen?) jurors.

The author does the old switcheroo with time lines, one minute he is in the present the next he is in the past. (Who is he talking about now?). I find this a deterrent to storytelling.

Court room drama turns on its head at the end with a switch that is somewhat bizarre and leaves the reader wondering what the hell??? At least it did me. Still not sure what to make of the whole thing.
So the best I can do is 2 -1/2 stars.
6 s Maureen Tumenas638 8

Thanks to NetGalley and to Grand Central Publishing for the review copy.

This is an excellent legal thriller. The characters are well-developed and the story is fast-paced, keeps you on your toes. It was interesting to see both sides of the trial, both prosecution and defense, as well as a peak at the judge's perspective.

Hope to see the sequel very soon.

Highly recommended.netgalley6 s Monte Price731 2,112

I would love to thank all of my lovely subscribers for joining me for the reading sprints, without which I might not have finished this as quickly as I was able to. I'd also to thank the good people over at Grand Central Publishing without who provided me with a copy of the book.

At the time that I requested the book I thought legal thrillers might be the place to go, and honestly I think that calling this book a legal thriller feels incorrect. There is a level to suspense and twists and turns that a reader expects from something calling itself a thriller. Some of this I think is readers just calling everything with a mystery component a thriller and as such publishing is just doing the same when it comes to promoting new releases, and the label of legal crime just don't have the same heft and buzz as calling something a thriller does.

That said, this worked for me. I did have some of the same issues that other readers did, which is the book does spend a lot of time giving you miscellaneous background into the lives of both the members of the jury we start the book following, and the people involved in the trial that the book is meant to be chronicling. It's the kind of setup I can see so clearly working in an adaptation of this work, my mind has the camera angles and visual cues set up, but as a book it definitely undercuts from some of that suspense building being a labeled a thriller sets a book up to have.

It was worth it to me though. I d how the book misdirected me and had me believing I had figured out the twist only to be proven wrong. I d how the timeline following the jurors ultimately played out and how the book came to a conclusion I didn't see coming. The book isn't a new favorite necessarily, but I will be keeping an eye out for what Peguero comes out with next because this was a solidly enjoyable time. 5 s CariAuthor 16 books151

This book was so fast-paced that I finished it in a day! I couldn't believe it when I looked at my Kindle and saw I was already at 70%. If you're a sucker for trial books ( THE HOLDOUT and any of Jodi Picoult's trial books) this one is for you. Peguero has been a homicide prosecutor and now works in the House as investigative counsel. He knows his stuff. The trial starts at the beginning and is interspersed with information from other perspectives, mostly from jury members. But the judge and a reporter sneak in there too, among others. The point of view is omniscient, which is a risky choice but works well here. The lead prosecutor is Sandy Grunwald, whose father was an eminent judge. This is an important case for Sandy--she needs to prove that the defendant, Gabriel Soto, killed the victim, Melina Mora. Jordan Whipple, the smarmy lawyer on the opposite side, gives her a run for her money. I'm really hoping there will be a sequel and Sandy will appear again. I d her and want to see more of her.5 s Emily Christopher661 36

With Prejudice
Genre: Thriller
Format: Kindle eBook
Date Published: 5/17/22
Author: Robin Peguero
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Pages: 320
Goodreads Rating: 3.72

Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for providing a copy of the book for me to read in exchange for my honest opinion.

Synopsis: These jurors of varying ages and walks of life whose paths would ly never have otherwise crossed must come together to make one of the most important decisions of their lives.On the night Melina Mora, a free-spirited woman both proud and kind, was murdered, she was seen with a young man of Gabriel Soto’s description. Two strands of her hair were found in his bedroom. Sandy Grunwald, a young prosecutor whose political ambitions depend on securing a conviction, finds herself pitted against Jordan Whipple, a preening public defender armed with a freshly discovered, dynamite piece of evidence on the eve of the trial—if the Honorable Darla Tackett will admit it. What Sandy, Jordan, and Judge Tackett all know, however, is that the criminal justice system is complicated, and everyone has a story—especially the jury. And it’s their experiences, biases, and beliefs that will ultimately shape the verdict.

My Thoughts: The chapters are long but there are only 12 chapters so it does go by pretty fast. There are multiple POVs in the story. Sometimes, it was hard to follow who was talking about what, but eventually I caught on, once I continued reading. I really love how we read the facts of the case, the jurors background, the verdict, and what really happened, that was very cool. The author did an amazing job on character development. My favorite had to be the prosecutor, Sandy. I felt I was right there with Sandy prosecuting this case. Legal thrillers are my favorite, probably because I am a paralegal by day. This book releases tomorrow, I would highly recommend purchasing it. A very good read that I thoroughly enjoyed.
#books #reading #bookstagram #whatimreading #booklover #thriller #legalthriller #suspense #bookclubpicks #2022bookgoals #bookpost #bookclubpicks #Book-Reviews #bookstagrammer #bookpost #netgalley #withprejudice #robinpeguero #grandcentralpublishing 4 s Suzanne1,220 4

4.1 - interesting glimpse into the jurors, judges, and attorneys in the trial - not often that jurors get much attention in a novel; some of the flashbacks could have been clearer as to dates, but that let to some of the suspense/thrill; would have been a great contender for the Harper Lee Prize if it wasn't on hiatusfirst-reads4 s Aimee Dars1,030 94 Read

Melina Mora, a fun-loving and generous woman living in Miami, disappears from a bar after having last been seen with a man matching the description of Gabriel Soto, a young man living in an isolated area outside the city. Two strands of her hair are found in his rented house—but only in the third search. Much of the remaining evidence is circumstantial.

Prosecutor Sandy Grunwald, the daughter of a lawyer who became a well-known judge, has political ambitions, but needs to win this case in order to position herself as viable future candidate. Public defender Jordan Whipple, competitive and unrelenting, knows the system as well as Sandy and is confident he can achieve a not guilty verdict—especially if the Honorable Darla Tackett will admit a piece of evidence discovered at the eleventh hour that casts doubt on his client’s guilt.

Regardless of the evidence, the lawyers know that the verdict depends not only on the story they tell the jury, but on how the individual jury members interpret it. And their individual perspectives are unique to their family backgrounds, past experiences, and attitudes, beliefs, and biases. If they can determine the best way to appeal to the jury, using all the techniques at their disposal, they have a better chance of winning. The question is, does winning equate to justice?

This is the best, most thrilling courtroom drama I have read in recent memory. Peguero, who attended Harvard Law School, spent seven years as a prosecutor, and the book benefits from his expertise. Everything felt extremely authentic and believable, especially the objections made by the lawyers! Before becoming a lawyer, Peguero was a journalist and speechwriter. I d his writing, but more that the style, I was fascinated by the construction of the story. I was very invested in the case and the characters, and then I was just blown away by the ending. It reminded me of some of the most clever courtroom movies I’ve seen which I won’t mention because of possible spoilers.

I had no idea that Florida juries had only six people. Each of the six jurors—all with their particular surprising backstories that influence their decision-making—have chapters, as do the counselors and judge. The multiple perspectives in this book are effective and necessary but keeping a character list is a good idea!

WITHOUT PREJUDICE is a good choice for those interested in courtroom dramas, legal thrillers, or small group decision-making.

Thank you so much to Grand Central Publishing for sending me an advanced reading copy!arcs mysteries-thrillers3 s Tamara234 21

Wow! It is not often that I am caught off guard by a plot twist, and the big twist in this book felt being jerked side to side on a roller coaster and then sent careening down a steep drop into the big revelation.

This book was written by Robin Peguero, a former Miami homicide prosecuter, which is fitting because this legal thriller centers around a murder trial set in Miami. I love how Peguero takes us behind the scenes of the structure and players in a homicide trial. His insight is refreshing and my favorite quote is "You don't pick a jury. You're left with a jury."

The book takes us into the backstories of jurors, judge and attorneys as we dive deeper into the murder of a young woman. We get insight into the biases and experiences (such as prior racial bias by police) that impact juror deliberations. It's not always cut and dry as juries are made up of real people with complex personal backgrounds and belief systems.

As the story progressed, I started to see some connections between some of the characters' backstories, which made me want to re-read the book with a closer eye before I had even finished it - I was also tempted to make an outline of the characters, their histories and possible past connections (although that still may not have prepared me for the major twist.) I am still tempted to re-read this book soon!

The book is set in 2010 or 2011 and the shift from present day to the characters' histories often occurred abruptly in the middle of a chapter. As I was reading, I wished that the time jumps would contain a header with the date and location and maybe even the character's name. However, once I was jolted into The Big Twist, I understood why the author didn't do that.

I was also intrigued by the very last chapter of the book which seemed to be setting the scene for a sequel - I really hope we get one!

Overall, I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys legal thrillers and mysteries. Just make sure to buckle up because it will be a wild ride!

Trigger Warnings: Domestic Abuse, Murder, Alcoholism, Alleged Sexual Assault, Racial Profiling, Police Harassment, Drugs

*This booka was gifted by Grand Central Publishing4 s Dana StabenowAuthor 82 books2,003 Read

Justice delayed and denied. Well written but be warned, also very grim.3 s Ceylan (CeyGo)636

?? fast paced
?? most legal thrillers focus on the accused, the victim and the lawyers; this one also gives us insights into each of the jurors , and some other key characters in the trial- I loved this, although I kind of wish I had a list of all jurors with a brief description to refer back to - I was getting confused
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