
One More Wish: Christy & Todd: The Married Years Series de Robin Jones Gunn

de Robin Jones Gunn - Género: English
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As Christy blows out the 26 candles on her birthday cake, she closes her eyes and makes a wish. Could this be the year that she and Todd finally have a baby? They know that everything will change once they have a child. Are they ready for all the adjustments a new little one would bring? Christy isn't sure. But as her closest friends announce they are expecting, Christy's heart carries an ache for a child of her own. On their way home from Sierra's wedding, Todd opens up the discussion of adoption and soon a simple invitation turns into a life–changing season. Christy's patience and understanding are stretched beyond her limits, and she finds herself holding not just one baby in her arms, but two. Everything Christy and Todd thought about family and hospitality shifts as the two of them dare to make one more wish and believe that God's timing is flawless.

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I just want more of this series! So much beautiful-ness! CHRISTY & TODD: THE MARRIED YEARS is definitely my favorite series by Robin Jones Gunn! Marriage, faith, trials, adventure, bliss, struggle, fear ... It's such an incredible journey that Christy and Todd go on in the first few years of their marriage. It was so wonderful to see them mature, fall deeper in love, grow stronger and firmer in their faith in Jesus Christ. There's such a realness to these books. I think married couples today can be encouraged by One More Wish and the two books that come before it. And single people myself ... I was encouraged! *smiles*

Married life isn't always easy for Todd and Christy, but with God as the center, it's something beautiful and worth treasuring forever.

Please write more, Robin Jones Gunn! ^_^adult adult-content christian-fiction ...more10 s Lena Morrison469 1 follower

I do my in the form of a letter, which is why they are written this.

Dear Robin Jones Gunn,

Wow. Honestly, I wasn't that sure about what to expect when I got this book. I had it in my house for almost a month, since I wanted to reread the whole series. Well, that idea failed. I picked the book up yesterday because I didn't want to wait any longer.

This is probably my favorite of the Married Years series so far. I d it because it wasn't as depressing as Forever With You, but also because it had a lot more Todd and Christy moments. Those are my favorites. I read the books because I love Christy and Todd. I love how they love each other, I love their characters, and I just love them. They are fantastic.

I really d that we got to see more of Tracy and Doug in this book. The way that all four people learned to love one another was realistic and touching. Forever friends truly are golden. Seeing Sierra, and Katie, and even (surprise!) Alyssa was so much fun. I love all those characters. I didn't miss Rick or Nicole, especially since I still have a bone to pick with those two characters.

Christy and Todd truly do love each other. I appreciate the fact that you don't write scenes that are too much or even too awkward. And I hope that they do have kids soon. By the way, the ending killed me! I need to read another Christy and Todd book. It just can't end!!

Anyways, thank you for writing this book. It was amazing and it exceeded my expectations and I can not WAIT for the next one.


Lena MarieThis entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewchristian-fiction-read favorites9 s Dawn781 81

As Christy makes her 26th birthday wish and blows out the candles, what will she wish for? Will she and Todd finally have a baby this year? With all of her close friends announcing pregnancies, Christy isn't sure. When she and Todd have a heart to heart talk returning from Sierra's wedding, Christy learns that her husband would be open to adoption. As the months pass by, both Christy and Todd learn so very important lessons about each other, their relationships with God, and of course what is really important.

I don't think there is a single one of Robin's books I've not enjoyed. This one has been one of my most anticipated books of the year. Christy is one of my Forever Friends.

I loved catching up with Sierra and Katie. I also loved how both Todd and Christy are using their gifts in ministry. Maybe not the way that they had planned on it, but certainly the way that is best.

I'm really hoping that there will be at least one more book, because the ending has me begging for more!

I read this book for pure pleasure.diminishing-pile-of-tbr-challenge read-in-20156 s LauraAuthor 2 books51

I've loved the Christy Miller series for most of my life, so I'm so excited RJG is continuing the series. It's catching up with old friends.
I loved how all the old characters were in this book. Tracy and Doug are a huge part of the story, and Sierra and Katie make appearances. So, I loved that.
At times, the story dragged, but since I love the characters so much, it was okay.
In the last book, Christy and Todd were pretty immature in a couple ways, but it seems they grew up a lot in this book, learning to stand on their own and not always rely on Marti and Bob.
I also thought RJG delved into Marti and Christy's relationship, and I really hope that's continued in the next book.

Overall, fans will enjoy this book and REALLY look forward to the next. 4 s Alicia361 80

I've grown up with the Christy Miller and her friends' books and it was so nice to "catch up" with them in The Married Years trilogy. This book especially was filled with pretty much all the characters; Sierra, Alissa, Rick, Katie, Tracy, Doug, and more are all an important part of the story. I hope that Robin Jones Gunn keeps on writing about them because I just love these characters!

This trilogy focused on Christy and Todd's first few years of marriage, where they struggled with finances, job hunting, deciding if they should start a family, and communication with each other. Not something I can relate to right now, but I feel as if this would be a great re-read when the time comes. Even if you haven't read any of the Christy books, but want a wonderful story with some very good advice about trusting God...then I highly recommend this trilogy! adult-fiction own-it-hardcopy3 s Pamela Hubbard869 29

I just love diving into Christy's world. Once again, I felt I could relate to every single thing Christy was dealing with emotionally, spiritually and in practical life issues. Gunn has done a fantastic job of "growing up" with Christy and I love following the journey of the characters.character-doorway christian-fiction reality-fiction ...more3 s Lilian270 11

OH MY WORRRRRRRRD3 s Lydia Therese312 2

One More Wish by Robin Jones Gunn is the third and final book in the Christy & Todd: The Married Years series.

This was definitely the best book in the series. I agree with some other reviewers when they said that Christy and Todd seemed more mature in this volume.

I enjoyed the appearances of Katie, Eli, Tracy, Doug, Sierra, and Jordan. Plus, I was super excited when Alissa was talked about near the end of the book and Glenbrooke was finally tied in with the Christy series! (I haven't actually gotten around to reading Glenbrooke yet, but I have most of the books.)

Christy and Todd are adorable, but what really got on my nerves with this book were all the implied scenes. Nothing was actually described, but it was implied over and over and I just did not want to hear it. It wasn't cute, it wasn't endearing, it was just cringy. And it was repeated over and over. This was a problem with the other two books, too. Ugh.

Overall, though, I enjoyed the plot way more than the plot of the first two books, and the end of the book was cute. This is definitely probably the best in the series. Soooo cheesy, but I still do catching up with Christy and her friends.

4 stars out of 5!2018-reads christian-fiction2 s Misti966 7

Forever With You, Home of Our Hearts, and One More Wish by Robin Jones Gunn constitute a trilogy continuing the story of some of this prolific inspirational romance author's best-loved characters. Christy and Todd are a young married couple just out of college. Over the course of these three books, they face challenges with jobs, finances, and housing. They learn to communicate and compromise, and start planning for the future, including the possibility of children. They also reconnect with many old friends known to Gunn's readers from other connected stories.

I probably would not recommend these books as a starting point for readers unfamiliar with Gunn's works -- she uses this trilogy to tie up several loose ends and catch up with many old characters. Readers who have not already "met" Doug and Tracy, Katie and Eli, Sierra and Jordan, and the many others who appear in these pages would probably be a bit confused -- going to a party where you don't know anyone, but everyone seems to know everyone else. On the other hand, readers who are familiar with Gunn's stories will enjoy catching up with everyone. Gunn's greatest strength as an author is her skill at creating memorable, relatable characters. I felt that the writing was rather weak compared to some of her earlier works (I always feel that the Glenbrooke series is her best). In this trilogy the authorial voice veered to the preachy side at times, which I've never noticed before in Gunn's writing. I also found myself occasionally rolling my eyes at the coy references to sex. I get the feeling that Gunn was taking special pains to keep the books squeaky clean for the youngest and most innocent of her readers, but it comes across a bit stilted. Of course, none of that kept me from burning through these books in a very short amount of time. I appreciate getting some closure for several long-running story lines, and I hope to see Gunn move on to focus on creating some new characters for her readers to enjoy. (When I saw the title of this series, I joked, "What next? Christy and Todd: The Parenting Years? Christy and Todd: Midlife Crisis? Christy and Todd: The Retirement Years? Christy and Todd: Til Death Do Us Part?" I think I may be kind of over Christy and Todd.)2 s Emily29 29

I just want to preface this by saying that this book was lovely. Really, truly, it was-- just all the other books of the Christy Miller series (should it be called a saga now since it spans tons of books and characters?). Robin Jones Gunn always crafts these characters who feel so true-to-life; I've always admired Christy (even though Katie and Sierra are more my favorite characters) and her journey in trusting the Lord through everything-- even the waiting, for love and marriage and now for a baby.

Why four stars? Well, right now it *looks* this is going to be the last book in the Christy Miller series. That is, I don't know of any future plans Ms. Gunn has up her sleeve. But this book certainly didn't feel an adequate enough conclusion to the whole series, all the storylines woven together. And that cliffhanger though...
SHE'S PREGNANT, YAY. Okay, wonderful, yay, but what happens next? I MUST KNOW ABOUT THE SPENCER BABY. And what Christy and Todd decide on doing with themselves. Are they left all alone in Newport Beach without friends? Even though it's a bit cliché, I'm hoping they end up being called to move to Glenbrooke with the rest of their people. But I'm not sure how Todd's surfer-boy soul would take it... Also, what's up with Katie and Eli? (I LOVE THE LORENZOS. They're adorably hilarious. I NEED MORE KATIE AND ELI.) And will Aunt Marti ever come to know Christ? She's grown and softened so much over the series that I actually her now. But she's brokenness covered in all the things of this world-- a whitewashed tomb. Girl needs some Jesus. And this lovely series needs a proper conclusion. *ramble over*

All that to say-- I will be looking forward to whatever comes next, and hoping that this book isn't the end of Christy's story!This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Kelly Bridgewater1,076 55

Finally, Robin Jones Gunn concludes her Married Years series with One More Wish. With what seems majority of Christy and Todd's friends having children, Christy feels the urge to produce her and Todd a child. While the story centers around the many relationships Christy and Todd have, the story stills focuses on the grim reality of married life, especially when a friend moves in with her two-year-old son and is expecting more children. I love this story and these people, so I can't wait to see more. favorites2 s Jennifer604 37

Sometimes I think that Robin Jones Gunn is the author/voiceover narrator from Stranger Than Fiction for my life-- or maybe it's really all God's timing that I receive these books during similar corresponding life stages. Either way, it is so good to be reminded of these truths of identity and faith and trust, both for a fictional character and my own very real life.20152 s Megan Griffin207 1 follower

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the interactions between Tracy, Doug, Christy, and Todd. The ending was so exciting! Can't wait to see what happens next!1 Janelle607

This review appears on my blog: https://confessionsofabookwormweb.wor...

I have been a fan of the Christy Miller series for about 6 years now. It's probably because in the original series there were several things that Christy went through that made her relatable. I have read through all three series that Robin Jones Gunn has written so far about Christy and Todd. I finally got a chance to read this latest installment (even though it has been out for over a year now) on my first flight home. I enjoyed reading about these familiar characters again, however there were a couple of things that I did not about this installment.

Firstly, the synopsis is kind of misleading, I can't go into too much detail because it will basically spoil the whole book, but it ended very differently from how I expected it to. I also felt a lot of what happened in this book has happened in the other two books in this series. There were also several phrases that were constantly repeated throughout the book and there was no need for that.

Despite those few things, I did enjoy reading this book. I especially enjoyed how it shows that both Todd and Christy are still growing as individual and in their marriage. The author also isn't afraid to show the ups and downs of marriage, which I feel some Christian authors seem to avoid. And there were several inspiring quotes that were mentioned within the novel, however I forgot to highlight them so I can't remember what they are, however I do remember that I found them encouraging.

I flew through this book on my first flight back home, it probably took me about three hours to read, probably even less than that, I just could not put it down. I can't wait for the sequel series to come out, although I feel it could just be a part of this series. But I can't wait to see what adventures await these beloved characters.

I am giving this book 3/5 Stars because even though I flew through it and there was a lot of nostalgia, there were still things I didn't and the plot fell flat in several places.1 Emily Kidd337 Read

As I have regretfully reached the conclusion of this book, I solemnly close the cover feeling as if my soul has received a long-neglected bath. I pre-ordered this (signed!) copy before it was published in 2015, but have waited for God to give me the go-ahead to read it. It was a hard wait, but I was patient because I knew it would be opened at just the right time, and it was. In fact, one of the book's main topics was on waiting (Isaiah 49:23b)! The best God-thing about it, though, is that the theme can best be summed up in the motto I have taken on for this 2016 year, chosen back in January: "TRUST God, and in His TIMING." Falling in love with God is an incredible experience, and I can't help but feeling Robin Jones Gunn is a genius. I would change nothing, not-a-thing, and that is a mentality we should all strive for no matter the circumstances that surface in our lives. God is teaching me so many things, and this miraculously continuous, paralleled life-story has encouraged my heart to be happy, to be at peace in the times of waiting, and to confidently hope (or have faith) in the goodness of all His glad tomorrows. And, of course, to TRUST God and His TIMING. :) 1 Sarah Miller52 1 follower

I have been a big fan of the Christy Miller series since I was in high school. Her friendships with the other God lovers and with Todd has always been something I loved. In the married books the only thing I find kind of annoying is how perfect Christy and Todd seem. Their relationship seems too good to be true and a little too idealistic for me at times. I still love them as much as ever, but that is on the annoying side. I was so so excited at the end when Tracy and Doug ended up in Glenbrooke! I was hoping throughout the book that her parents were moving to Glenbrooke and bringing that beloved place into the narrative. I'm so excited to see what happens in the next book! I'm really hoping they visit Doug and Tracy there, so I can find out how some of my favorites are doing in Glenbrooke. I also love learning more about Aunt Marti. I wish we learned more of her backstory. She is such a complicated character. You dis her at times and at other times you are drawn to her. She reminds me of a west coast version of Emily Gilmore from Gilmore Girls. Overall, still a big fan of this series and can't wait for the next book in November! This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Diana1,812 66

I think my favorite of this Christy and Todd series. Another reviewer said it too, they seemed a little immature in the earlier two books but not as much in this one. PLUS, so many appearances from other characters: Katie, Sierra, Tracy and Doug (and more but don't want to spoil it). Nice to catch up with many new people. I still have issues with how they seem to complain/worry about not having money but then their spending doesn't line up with being frugal. That annoys me. But overall, it was wonderful to catch up with these characters. They really feel old friends at this point. I don't think this book would have much appeal to those who haven't read the previous 30+ books about these people but for those who have its a wonderful treat. I hope there are more!2015 2016 2018 ...more1 Meg247 18

A beautiful end to a beautiful series. While rereading the main set of Christy Miller books, I discovered the married years and was ecstatic at the continuation of her story. I think it is poignant, especially being such a romance-focused series, to see the struggles (and joys) experienced even after -and sometimes because of - becoming married. This series profoundly influenced and uplifted me when I read it as a teenager, and has managed to do that and even more thus time in the midst of my transition to adulthood. For any young people - especially all the hopeless romantics out there - who are set on following God and shaping their lives accordingly, I urge you to read this series. It has been an immense blessing to me and I believe it could be for you too.favorites1 Abigail42 4

Once again, Robin Jones Gunn has crafted a beautiful book. The story of Christy and Todd in this book was one that I could relate to. It gave a realistic insight into what the characters were thinking. Those thoughts were ones that I think everyone has had from time to time. Sometimes it's not convenient to help others. Sometimes you want to have that time for yourself. I loved that the author showed Christy having perfectly normal reactions to situations and being a normal person. It's so easy for authors to portray characters as perfectly good or completely evil. For an author to make characters flawed and relatable is what make a good book.1 Emma6 8

This was an enjoyable, read-it-in-an-afternoon kind of book. Having read many other books by Robin Jones Gunn, with these characters, I knew I was going to love delving back into the story. I think this might be my favourite from the Married Years series, because of the way Gunn captures Christy's emotions and responses to events in a real and identifiable way. I am so glad we see her struggles and the growth that comes from these - in her relationship with God as well as others around her.

A must-read if you have been following and enjoying Christy and Todd's story (you probably don't need telling...)!
christian1 Katy370

I have really enjoyed the Christy & Todd series since the beginning. In the previous few books, I felt as though Todd's character had become static. In this book, he begins to grow and change as a character. Christy and Todd both find employment that they are passionate about and begin to think about starting a family. Christy begins using her gift of hospitality by opening her home to teens on Friday nights and to Doug and Tracy and their son when Tracy's parents move away. I am not very gentle and I am always encouraged and reminded how my thoughts can be sensitive when reading from Christy's perspective.babies christian-fiction christian-life ...more1 Lexi453 17

I really needed to read this book right now. I found the part where Tracy and Doug moved to Oregon perfectly fit a situation I am going through currently. I also d the repetition of the aphorism "The teacher is always silent during the test" to be very comforting. Thank you, Robin Jones Gunn, for continuing to write quality inspirational fiction that touches my heart in all the right places.september20151 Elise28 1 follower

This was an amazing book! I loved catching up with my friends christy todd Doug Tracy and Katie and Eli and rest of my favorite forever friends. This book was a blessing. I loved the pearls of wisdom that were sprinkled throughout this book. The words of faith encouraged me and reminded me to keep wishing and praying and waiting for God's perfect timing. Love this series. I can't for the next book. 1 Melissa287

When this heavily anticipated book came in the mail today, I started reading immediately and finished it in one night. It was soooo great to be back with Christy and Todd! Thankful for this series that has changed my life. I have learned so much on how to wait on the Lord, and place every desire of my heart in His hands and trust in His f l a w l e s s timing. He is a faithful, loving Father. Love love this book and hope there is another! 1 Katie216 3

These books always feel old friends to me. I didn't enjoy this one as much because I felt the plot stalled in some places, and I'm not so sure about the idea of "the teacher is always silent during the test" theology that both Christy and Traci ascribe to when they are having a hard time.read-20151 Melissa664 8

I was so excited to find this book in my library this afternoon. Christy is turning 26 and ready for the next phase of her relationship with Todd...hard to believe after all these years, we might actually see these two become parents!

The development of Tracy's character seemed a bit out of place, but I was happy to see how that storyline resolved. 2016-books1 Alyssa Tabor817 28

Once again, Robin Jones Gunn combines reality with hope and beauty and creates a work that does not seem it could possibly be fiction. These characters are so real to me. They are my friends and every time I spend time with them, my faith in Jesus Christ grows. 1 Denise881

Significantly better than the first two Christy and Todd married years. It's still sappy, but this time a little more real. If you haven't followed the whole series (or multiple series), I wouldn't read this one though. It's not a stand alone story. fiction-christian past-15-reads1 Emily188 10

Perfect in every way, shape, and form. But I need MORE! This one was a cliffhanger and I'll be in the edge of my seat until I get to see what happens next. This book TEACHES. It's "awesome" in a million ways. RJG, can we have a Sierra and Jordan married years series? Pretty please?re-reads1 Keri Murcray1,010 55

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