
Intencion criminal de Robin Cook

de Robin Cook - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Intencion criminal


Robin, Cook Year: 2009

Comentarios de lectores del libro Intencion criminal

Combinando sus conocimientos de medicina con una trama de vértigo, logra que el suspense esté asegurado.

Autor del comentario: NECKAR BADEN
Combinando sus conocimientos de medicina con una trama de vértigo, logra que el suspense esté asegurado.

Autor del comentario: NECKAR BADEN
Flojita.... me gusta mucho Robin Cook, pero este libro me ha decepcionado un poco, las descripciones no me parecía suyas. Previsible y con una trama enrevesada por personajes que no tenían su lugar. Poco creíble.

Autor del comentario: SONSOLESAR
El primer libro de Cook que he leído es francamente decepcionante. Como thriller es más bien mediocre, ya que si bien consigue interesarte en ciertos momentos, no logra atraparte completamente.Está bien escrito, si obviamos los momentos de verborrea técnica, pero toda la trama de la conspiración resulta un poco confusa, los misterios se resuelven demasiado rápido y no se ahonda en las motivaciones del criminal. Sinceramente, me ha parecido un libro muy flojo y sin demasiado interés. No me dan demasiadas ganas de leer más libros de Robin Cook...

Autor del comentario: REAH_29
Pues muy interesante el inicio, el desarrollo.... Me tuvo muy intrigado en su trama, y siempre deseando avanzar páginas. Buena narrativa, descripciones justas para ambientar, pero no más de lo necesario. Aunque quizás a veces un exceso de acción innecesario, me tuvo enganchado y tenía el listón de mi interés muy alto, pero el final....regular, esperaba más y mejor.

Autor del comentario: FRANJAV
¿Floja? Peor que eso. Mucho (supuesto) término médico, mucho mundillo hospitalario pero una trama, una historia y un desarrollo simple como él solo. Vamos, una verdadera decepción

Autor del comentario: BI03358

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Harmful Intent is a pretty decent medical thriller. This is another one where you might wonder if I d it because it took me a pretty long time to read it. But, the amount of time it took me was because I chose to read this one on Kindle, and I go through phases where the Kindle is kind of "out of sight, out of mind" - which means I will go days without reading it. That was 100% the case here, nothing to do with the quality of the book.

Robin Cook is a writer who uses a formula to write his books. Each one of his I have read had a similar feel to the story, the characters, the progression, etc. I am totally fine with this - I enjoy what I have read of his so far so I know I am sitting down to a book I can ly get into. If you don't care for formula writers or have read Cook before and didn't him, it's probably not worth trying this one.

One of Cook's traits is pure escapism. Nothing too deep here, several of the characters are kind of silly/cartoonish/stereotypical, and there are a few plot twists that might have you saying,"yeah right!!!" But, with Cook, again, I know what I am getting and I find his usual characters and plot entertaining. So, what might be detrimental in some cases is perfectly fine with me here.

Basically, if you are looking for some decent, cheesy thrills and outlandish mystery, Cook should be right up your alley. Harmful Intent carries on the tradition nicely.2019 kindle library ...more44 s Kasia401 323

I've read Robin Cook books since I was a teenager and this really reminds me of those great vintage Cooks I used to gobble up back then. Once I discovered him I was completely immersed in the world of medical thrillers, surprisingly they make for great reads, if you books, have a bit of interest in science that is easy to understand, no worries about fancy jargon, then look no further, once you start this genre it's hard to stop.

The main character is a good guy with a bit of bad luck that turns against him in the worst way possible. Anesthesia isn't fast or easy, but when a healthy, young pregnant patient suffers from a grand mal seizure and dies, all eyes are on you. Jeffrey was having one of those days, the worst thing possible happens on a day that sends shock waves through all the layers of his life, in a moment everything seemed to collapse and not only is there a death, but punishment that will follow, both leave Jeffrey a man on the run. He decides to do the opposite of what is supposed to happen, he goes out to prove his innocence and earn back his freedom. Taking a huge risk, he dodges the law and in turn is followed by a nasty bounty hunter who gives him the worst chases of his life but only to find an enemy so weird, evil and cold hearted that his freedom suddenly seems a higher price to pay than he could have imagined. The book starts and doesn't stop, the thrills, chases, close calls, some funny moments and plenty of suspense kept me glued to the story, it was hard not to read it, once started it begged to be completed.

Reading this book was a lot of fun, just when I thought that Jeffrey had it hard, something else would come barging in, shaking up everything making me say things out loud. Fast and fun, it really is what good reading is all about, taking a trip somewhere, being taken prisoner and left breathless until the ending finally releases you exhausted but ready for more.

- Kasia S. 15 s Bodosika Bodosika262 51

An interesting medical thriller and I guess I will be reading another book by this Author soon but I give it a 3 Star.10 s Jamie Rose532 14

This was a good story - as Robin Cook's stories usually are. I wouldn't recommend this for anyone who is nervous of the medical profession / hospitals...There is a fair bit of medical jargon, however the author does make it easy to comprehend.6 s Maryse81

Jeffrey Rhodes est un anesthésiste qui est reconnu coupable d'une erreur médicale ayant causé la mort d'une parturiente à laquelle il avait administré une péridurale.

Ayant aucun doute sur son innocence et voulant échapper à la prison, il s'enfuit et mène sa propre enquête afin de découvrir qui se cache derrière ce meurtre.

L'intrigue est captivante et son rythme est rapide, trrrès rapide. En cinq jours, notre superhéros commence par prendre plein de décisions très discutables, échappe à des tueurs aguerris en dépit de sa maladresse et de son jugement défaillant et finit par résoudre un complot incroyable en compagnie de la nouvelle femme de sa vie rencontrée au début de sa cavale. C'est tout qu'un horaire!!

Malgré toutes ces invraisemblances, j'ai bien aimé l'intrigue. Le complot est bien tordu, comme je les aime (dans la fiction, bien sûr!).3 s Sam14

In "Harmful Intent" by Robin Cook, Jeffrey (an anesthesiologist) gets wrongly charged with malpractice and is constantly on the run from police, lawyers, bondsman, his soon-to-be ex-wife, and a crazy bounty-hunter named Devlin. While he tries to find proof that he is innocent, and later that some of the medicine was poisoned, he also struggles with his relationship and feelings towards his dead friends' widow and local hospital nurse, Kelly Everson.

I particulary enjoyed the continuously growing relationship between Jeffrey and Kelly. What at first is just a friendly correspondance and familar face ends up being much more than either of them saw coming.

I thought this book was ok, but there's not very many people I would recommend it to. If I had known more medical terms and understood the science and nature before I had started reading it, I feel I would have been able to understand it better. However, if you really a challenge and love the medical field, this book could definitly be for you. 2 s Antriksh8 3

Harmful Intent was an incredible read. It was a bit long and some parts could have cut down a lot on words, the book was fantastic overall.

Characters were perfectly developed. Robin Cook has taken care of not skipping over any detail of any person the novel. For example, he even mentioned The fact that Devlin had to wait at the airport for his gun, even though it was a useless fact. Small things this went a lodng way.

The plot is serious and intense, especially after the first couple of chapters, while also being appropriately peppered with bits and pieces of light humor.

Overall, I will recommend this book to anyone who loves a good, longwinded thriller and is going on long flights sometime soon.favorite-fiction2 s Sarah497 19

Two things happen when you decide to read an author you d when you were young:

- Warm and happy nostalgic feelings

- Utter shock at how you ever thought this was cool

Sadly, mine was an odd combination of the two.
mixed-feelings suspense thriller2 s Marina Gareis351 33

Algunas cosas medio tiradas de los pelos, y un tanto "innecesariamente" largo, pero se parece más al Cook que me enganchó en su momento, el de los primeros libros que leí (comparándolo con los dos o tres últimos que agarré, que eran de sus inicios). Supongo que ha evolucionado (?)e-books2 s Csferguson22280 2

Robin Cook has some pretty good books, and some fairly poor books. This one was his best - you can't put it down.2 s Kuppilidivya1 review9

I am loving this book ..will add more once i finish reading it :)2 s Rmslis172

An unputdownable suspense thriller by that maestro of medical mayhem and malfeasance.

Anesthesiologist Dr. Jeffrey Rhodes is found guilty of medical malpractice when after performing a simple, routine medical procedure, his patient goes into seizures and suddenly dies during the procedure. Immediately after the verdict is issued, criminal charges are then brought against him for the death of the patient. Refusing to spend any time in jail, the doctor goes on the lam when he fails to provide payment to his bondsman for bail. While being pursued by a bounty hunter for skipping bail, the doctor eventually discovers that within the hospitals of the very same city there had been other cases suspiciously similar to his and he is determined to do his own investigation to hopefully help clear his name.

The story appeared to become resolved not too far into the book, with the lines clearly forming between the dots and only requiring a few more strokes to connect everything and then fully complete the picture. But then near the end of the book the author includes a surprising chain of events that makes the storyline go off on a heretofore unforeseen tangent. It takes until practically the last page for the reader to fully learn of the underlying cause of the events throughout the book. The story had me guessing all the way to the very end. IÂ’ve read a number of books by this author and think this one was definitely one of his better stories.1 Maria Hausmann7

Spannend, aber zwischendrin etwas schleppend.1 Bibliophilic Word Nerd214 15

Old Robin Cook.
As expected.
Kept me occupied.
medical-thriller1 Motunrayo93 8

Mine! Mine! Harmful Intent is the bomb!Robin Cook never disappoints me. He took his time writing this particular book. Doctor on the run, doctor fighting and running a pro, lawyers doing what they know best, funny hitman, every thing about this book is just PERFECT! So many funny characters, I Delvin in particular, a very funny and smart hitman. Apart from the characters, I learnt so many things as usual, (I always learn one or two thing when reading Robin's book) I learnt about the difference between a Toxin and Poison, with details and examples. Everything one wants to know about life is always in Robin Cook's book. He's the perfect medical crime writer.favorites medical-crime1 Korrapati Srujan13 1 follower

Probably one of the best prologues i came across in my limited reading experience. The author has his love for medicine on wide display in this action cum medical thriller. After having done a good job in laying a plot the ending did not really seem something atypical and was'nt really a gotcha moment when read. Although full points to the romance depicted amidst all the action.1 María37

Aunque la trama es interesante y engancha, me ha decepcionado. Hacía mucho que no leía nada de este autor y, desde luego, no es el Robin Cook que yo recordaba. Para mi gusto hay demasiada narrativa innecesaria, con excesivos términos médicos y detalles poco importantes, como los repetitivos nombres de las calles. Además, tiene un final algo precipitado y dejando cosas sin acabar.1 Eric12 3

Loved this book! My heart kept racing and wondering what was going to happen next. The odd thing was is that I read this book while my wife was pregnant. So to say the least, I was relieved when I found out that my wife would be having a C-Section and not getting an epidural! Freaky!robin-cook1 Josephine5

This book was awsome!!!!1 Gale130 2

it kept me on the edge of my chair!1 Rick75 1 followerRead

very good1 Sheldon Lehman338

With this book, Cook takes his already great stories to another level. This one is more in depth and he finds new avenues of suspense.1 Jen Acheson43 3 Read

Ive been a cook fan for a long long time he was my first medical thriller author I followed and I still enoy his reads- always a new twist or social issue is tied in to keep it fresh1 Clara Walker5 3

This was the first Robin Cook book that I have ever read. I really enjoyed it, and aboslutely could
not put it down. It definitely keeps your attention and your interest!1 Cindy3

excellent fast- paced thriller. Be sure to read as a fun way to spend your down time.!1 Wendy GambleAuthor 2 books84

I really d this one. I was captured by the main character right from the start, and in suspense. I felt depressed before he decided to commit suicide and understood why he made the decision. I cringed but believed possible his attempts to run, and his learning curve for being a fugitive was a great idea. This one made me curse the family rule of no reading at the dining table unless itÂ’s a reference that relates to a discussion.
Though I hate to hear of divorces, that was a good touch to bring home the point of legal system problems. From what IÂ’ve heard, once lawyers get into things, they bring up points that shouldnÂ’t be brought up just because itÂ’s their job to win. I found the ending satisfying and believable for both plot and characters. It would have been fun to see more of Randolph and what he was doing or thinking. I thought Jeffrey should have sent him an info pack long before he had completed his investigation. Just the fact that something so similar happened on previous occasions would have been worth his investigating. I wondered if Randolph shouldnÂ’t have found that out when looking for precedence in similar cases? I was disturbed at the notion that someone wouldnÂ’t get a new trial for lawyer malpractice. It seems to me if itÂ’s found out the lawyer didnÂ’t do a good enough job the client shouldnÂ’t have to suffer or even die because of it. Dr. Cook certainly got across the point about the dire effects of malpractice suits on the medical practitioners involved, and society in general, in a suspenseful and emotionally gripping way.
Karla Mercer53 7

It all started out as a harmful uneventful day for Dr. Jeffrey Rhodes. He was at work and not feeling the greatest and a labor and delivery case came on his board. He went and did the epidural and Patty Owens ended up having to have an emergancy c-section. While Dr. Jeffrey Rhodes was administering the Marcaine to Patty Owens, little did he know that it had been contaminated with a poison that is secreted by frogs in the amazon. Patty Owens had a very bad reaction to the toxin/pioson and ended up dying while the baby was deliveried not being able to move his limbs. Jeffrey Rhodes was sued for malpractice and found guilty on a murder charge all because he used to suffer a morphine addiction sometime ago. He ends up trying to kill himself, flee the country, and then he goes and ends up staying with Kelly Everson his deceased friend's wife. During his time staying with her, they ended up falling in love. During this time with them both working together, they figured out that Trent Harding a nurse that worked in the OR was actually the real killer who was working for a couple of lawyers who handled malpractice lawsuits. In the end, Jeffrey Rhodes did go to jail for a little while and was later exonerated of all charges.

Robin Cook is an amazing author and I love reading his books. He knows how to keep his audience attention throughout the whole book. Thalita Ribeiro18 4

Ao pensar nessa resenha vi que tinha vários pontos positivos e negativos para o livro, porém sabia que ele seria rankeado abaixo da média. Por quê? Simplesmente os pontos negativos pra mim pesaram bastante.

O livro é um leitura rápida, possui jargões médicos mas é possível compreender. O personagem principal é bem "real" afinal ele é um anestesista se numa fuga ele virasse o Usain Bolt não faria o menor sentido, o autor mantém a limitação física do personagem. Os pontos negativos pra mim estão nos diálogos que nos personagens principais são horríveis (MUITORUINSMESMOMEUDEUS)

Falando dos personagens principais: Kelly e Jeffrey são um saco. Nossa que sacrifício ler qualquer cena entre os dois! Sem falar que no momento em que os dois se encontram a gente já sabe que vão ser um casal, nós temos um "instalove" da Kelly e umas atitudes dela que não fazer O MENOR sentido. Miga cê tá muito sedenta calma.

Sem falar no final bem maisoumenos (nem vou entrar nesse assunto haha). Enfim, livro que seria "ok" se não fosse a relação/diálogo dos personagens principais.personal-library read-in-2018 Dwayne Wojtowicz223 4

Robin Cook has delivered once again in his novel, "Harmful Intent."

When a pregnant mother arrives at the hospital for a routine childbirth, everything goes to hell in a hen basket. The mother dies in delivery, the child is born with brain-damage, and Jeffrey Rhodes, the anesthesiologist, is running for his life.

After being charged with malpractice, he is found guilty of harmful intent and reckless disregard for human life. Rhodes takes off and almost loses his bail, but he is on the track to clear his name.

Cook has hit the head on the nail of all aspects of this novel. He captures the reader at the very beginning and keeps reeling the reader in. From characters, to dialogue, to scenes, to transition and plot, this was one of the fastest pace novels that I have ever read.

Very highly recommended. Deepesh Rammoorthy15 1 follower

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