
La Respuesta Area 51 de Robert Doherty

de Robert Doherty - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis La Respuesta Area 51


Robert, Doherty Year: 2010

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3.0 stars. Very good sequel to Area 51. As with the first book, this is a fun, quick read. Ties into the plot most of the most famous alien conspiracy theories and moves at a fast pace. Not deep thinking fare, but a fun ride. Definitely worth reading. 1990-1999 conspiracies-and-weird-science invasion ...more7 s Jacques Hollands178 3

As was the case with the first book (Area 51) in the series, Area 51, The Reply was a fun read, but at times felt disjointed. I felt I was reading an abridged version of the book. As a matter of fact, I researched whether there were different versions of the book. Things tended to happen seemingly out of the blue with no lead on.

These types of series can often take a while to get invested in the characters and the storyline. Therefore, I will probably continue reading the series but hoping that the editing and storyline will be a bit tighter going forward.3 s Mary JL419 41

I enjoyed the first book in this series---"Area 51". So I immediately read book 2 "Area 51: The Reply".

A good sequel to the first book, it is also a Sf thriller, taking up directly after the action of Book 1 and taking the reader a little further into the mysterious happenings. Again decent plot and characters and lots of action and fairly easy reading. As before, suitable for age 12 on up.

This total series runs to ten books. Although I did enjoy them, I personally did not enjoy them enough to plan on reading eight more. But I am a slow reader due to vision problems----sone of you younger kids could probably read the entire ten book seriesv in a month. These must be read in order as it is one continous story. So read the first one, and if you enjoy it read as many as you . The last few are harder to find; all are out of print but I often see them in used bookstores.main-sf-fantasy2 s wally2,712 4

just finished this one. good read. i really d it. haven't read the 1st (this is the 2nd) but i've already downloaded the 3rd. don't know if there is more. prolly ought to read the 1st, too now. or not. either way. onward and upward. (not too bad of a price, either) doherty1 David Elkin285

a good follow up and still a blast1 Ann140 2

The 2nd installment of the series was definitely fun and the story interesting. Admittedly, I listened a lot to the audible book - and ly learned understanding the narrator better by now - but I found the plot and characterizations easier to follow than in volume 1.
There are two qualms I have with this book, though. The first one it shares with the first book: the very short, very compact chapters - work well for effect in print, but don't lend themselves well for audiobooks. However, the fast, thrill pace they create partially make up for that.
The second qualm is with a plot point / event sequence of this book specifically. In order to resolve the final quest, the hero shows a skill in rocket maneuvering I don't consider believable without proper training and/or at least previous experience of zero-G-flights, and then there's the issue of an outright murder committed for which I don't see how a functional judicial system will let him get away with it - even if the murdered person turns out to be what is hinted at earlier on.
Anyway, all this aside, the story is way too entertaining to stop here. Continuing with the third volume!audio-books ebooks military ...more1 Shari Scott258

Geeeeez...I'd forgotten how addictive these books are! What a ride!1 Maria Rose621

This book starts with a memory stored in the guardian pyramid on Easter Island that Nabinger was in contact with which tells a partial story of the events that resulted in the destruction of the Island of Atlantis as told from the viewpoint of an Airilia showing that it had occurred by weapons powered up by the Mothership, hence the need to not power up the Mothership. Meanwhile at Area 51, near Groom Lake, a new organization of personnel headed by Major Quinn, who was selected by Lisa Duncan and Mike Turcotte as best liaison to handle the site. Kelly Reynolds, the journalist, who held uncover what happened to her friend Johnny Simmons decides to go to Easter Island to get an exclusive viewpoint of what was happening by talking to Nabinger, who had been communicating with the guardian there. The guardian there had contacted Mars and had gotten a response, which translated into a reply to Earth along the lines of we are friends and will do you no harm. Meanwhile, Turcotte has a meeting with a Russian, using the name Karol Kostanov, who really is Yakov from Sector IV, the Russian version of Area 51. He offers them information about a site in south-western Ethiopia, that is a possible Airlia site but the Russians never were able to investigate. Mike and a team go in and find a large ruby sphere suspended over a hole drilled down to the Earth's core, (a doomsday device), surrounded by Airlia computer technology covered in high runes. They get the impression that this has to be handled with care.
The team has discovered that there are at least 2 warring agents of Airlia who are effecting the information they receive not knowing there's another and none of these groups want humans to know the full story, which makes choosing who is telling the truth confusing. Meanwhile, Mars has replied to the guardian and has sent 6 Talonships to Earth. Nabinger has discovered that the original part of the Great Wall is a high rune for the Word Help. After a discussion of which sites the foo fighters (in reaction to the Talonships coming), it was decided that the team would go to the tomb of Qian-Ling, where a Che Lu was attempting to enter because she had found high runes evidence and wanted Nabinger's help to translate. Of course, there's Airlia equipment inside with a warning defense mechanism in place to a lower level they can't enter without a key, but they find another guardian also which Nabinger communicates with and gets conflicting information about the Airlia who are coming from Mars but he is able to translate a good deal of information from the high runes inside. The team is also helped by a Russian team, who had penetrated the tomb from a different entry but them was locked inside, until Nabinger triggers an escape hatch out, but not everyone lives to continue on because of the Chinese Rebel army attack. Nabinger dies when the helicopter he was on was shot down, taking all his research with him. Back at Area 51, a new person enters the scene, who seems to have access to help the team battle the incoming Talonships. Turcotte takes a bouncer to the site where the Ruby Sphere is and gets it, while 4 nuclear suitcase bomb is prepared for him and placed inside the Mothership, plus a modified bouncer for him to return to Earth. He puts the Ruby sphere inside the mothership and flies it up to space in a high orbit around the Earth. Meanwhile, Kelly Reynolds has decided to stay on Easter Island alone and ventured down to the guardian to try to create a contact. The bomb and the sphere explode as Mike figured killing all the Airlians who came from Mars and their ships except for the single Talonship whose occupants died and the ship was spinning uncontrolled in space.
A new member to the team, Kincaid from NASA, who was the person who was in control of the satellites in space, was helped by Conrad (a member of STAAR) in getting the satellite orbiting Mars (Surveyor) to freefall down with its nuclear bomb, but it didn't cause enough damage. Paquita Gabarró320

Un libro con bastante acción y misterio, aunque no me empezó a enganchar hasta casi la mitad, porque la primera parte está bastante llena de datos que vienen bien como introducción para situarte, pero creo que con menos de esos datos hubiera bastado. Por otra parte el libro me ha gustado, no digo que no, la trama está bien construida y las situaciones bien enlazadas unas con otras, incluso hay momentos de verdadera angustia por lo que le pueda pasar al "bueno" de la historia. En definitiva un libro recomendable, para los que les guste la ciencia ficción, mezclado con aventuras y riesgos, secretos gubernamentales, etc.
la-meva-biblioteca llegits Velma Hayes305 3

I wasn't sure I would this one. It was a slow, but steady read. The plot-line was well done, and a little twisty. With it being the "Holidays", (who started that anyway ... there is nothing "holiday" about it). I think that I would have enjoyed this book a lot more if I could have read it straight through. But, it was the "Holidays". Ugh.
Once everyone left, I was able to read the last half straight through. I was riveted, and really enjoyed all the sneaky, one upperness, and the jumping up and down, cheering the characters along.
I'll have to read it again. Steve503 3

“Good” is too strong a term; “Entertaining” is a better description

The strongest part of this story is that Book #2 definitely picks up from the ending of Book #1. And, it continues the tale, which is also a plus. After that, though, there are A LOT of things that occur which make it difficult to willingly suspend one’s disbelief. Add to that mix is confusion for the Reader, because there are many, many things being thrown at you ... and, if you don’t have all of the terms and people’s names and relationships down pat — ugh! Jamie Wise242

Okay, there are so many things to say about this book, but I will keep it short.

So we found a Guardian in Eastern Ireland. They sent a message to a ship, or Aliens called the ASPASIA. We also know there were some aliens on earth called Airlia.

So, in this band, we are trying to figure out if we can trust them. And band together as a world and save the world.

We also get some insight on an alien and what she is thinking and doing. Michael GreenfieldAuthor 2 books1 follower

Enjoyable read with good characters and a fast paced plot. Get the feeling I'll be reading book 3 very soon.

It's definitely one for those that enjoy scifi based action/adventure, with the definite feel of the old 30's cinema serials or the Indy series of films. Not a dated feel, but the enjoyment of our heroes bouncing from one trial to the next.

Great fun. Niki650 10

This is the second book in the series. At first I thought that certain characters were getting on my nerves but then I stopped to think that their reactions are true to the way the character is written. That being said, it is my opinion that this series should be good for awhile since the author actually cared enough to give the characters some depth.2020-reads audible kindle-unlimited ...more Jim Hopkins20

Thriller pacing, but that’s not enough

Book 2 in the series continued much the first, but a few of those elements started to wear thin. Chief among them are thin characterization and a transparent plot. The pacing and military details are a fun ride, but I don’t being able to figure out the plot early in a book. Area 51 is part of a long, too transparent, series. Elizabeth Adkisson24 1 follower

Hard to put down.

I loved the first book in the series. This one was actually even better. The more I read, the more I was pulled into the story. I never was able to guess what was going to happen next. Time to get the next book in the series. Awesome sci-fi. Tony Durham8

Good easy read and fast paced same as part one the only down side I had was to much repeating of the first book, had to skip through around 30% all at different stages. Would be better if the recap was in the prologue. Otherwise enjoyed the story.
Richard W. McCuistian132 1 follower

Bob Mayer can pull a story together very few other authors I've read. And I've read a lot of books. This is some rich reading - but you need to read the Area 51 series in order to appreciate it. Outstanding work, Bob - I just bought part 3 and can't wait to see what happens next. Edmond Dantes376 28

Lettura Piacevole che mescola l'action militaresca anni 80/90 con la SF e la archeoastronomia (da VonDaniken/Kolosimo in poi)
Non sarà certo altra letteratura, ma tiene decisamente incollati alle pagine (a dispetto dei possibili errori scientifici)
Chance795 12

Aliens worst roomies

The story was to similar to the first book but just different to make seem new in the premise. I also didn’t how you didn’t add date and locations at start if chs to help reader know when and where things had happened. Noodle The Naughty Night Owl2,315 38

8/10: Excellent read, well written, fell right into the fictional world created.

“I’m a soldier in the United States Army and I’ve been ordered by my chain of command to do this. I’m not happy about it, but there wasn’t a happiness clause in my enlistment contract.”aliens kindle-unlimited science-fiction ...more Andrew D Flynn71 3

Continuing from the first book in the series. Again, well done and 'believable'. Author does a good job of bridging common myths and sensationalism into a story that seems to fit.

Liking this guilty pleasure!read-in-2016 Kathleen Lubbers30


Just as informative and as much action packed adventure as book one in the series! Onto book 3. Will aliens take over planet earth? Can't wait to find out! EsterAuthor 21 books146

This was a fast paced read. Very intriguing. I couldn't put the book down. The ending left me wanting more.books-for-research Linda63 5

An interesting and engaging continuation of book 1 with an ending I didn't expect Todd5

A good, fast paced read!
Emma389 2

Enjoyable for what this series is. Keith 18

Great series

Restarting this series. Didn't get to finish before. Well worth the time. Great writing style and characters. Makes it believable

William Hutchcraft6

very good read moves well so far good series Chris Knight27 1 follower

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