
Assignment Paris de Robert Brightwell

de Robert Brightwell - Género: English
libro gratis Assignment Paris


This book introduces a new central character, fledgling war correspondent, Thomas Harrison. Readers of Robert Brightwell’s earlier series may find descriptions of his grandfather familiar and certainly this Thomas has similar personality traits.

His first assignment sees him sent to Paris. After an idyllic start, things go downhill fast when he joins the French army on its march to Berlin in the Franco–Prussian war of 1870. He soon learns that despite advantages in weaponry, he has joined a force that can turn snatching defeat from the jaws of victory into an art form. Suffice to say that the citizens of Berlin evade trouble and Paris soon finds itself under threat.

Thomas is at the heart of a crucial period in French history that would later lead to two World Wars. He risks death by shelling, is sentenced to death in a bizarre kangaroo court and nearly freezes in a winter attack. Having fought with the French army, he later finds himself attacked by it, as he is drawn by a vision of beauty into a world of rebellion and revolution.

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The Flashmans are back! Sort of.

Author Robert Brightwell brings us Thomas Harrison; grandson of Thomas Flashman and second cousin to the more famous Harry Flashman created by George MacDonald Fraser.

Thomas Harrison is another member of the family with a knack for being in the right place at the right time to bring us first hand accounts of significant moments in history. However, Thomas speaks to us not as a soldier, but as a fledging war correspondent.

Just as his grandfather and cousin interacted with actual historical figures, so does Thomas. His uncle Frank Harrison-Hill was actually the editor of the London DAILY NEWS at the time this novel is set. His colleague and mentor Archibald Forbes was the real correspondent for that paper.

Thomas's first assignment sees him sent to Paris. Here we witness that he has his grandfather's talent for chicanery when he scoops his rival, a pompous TIMES reporter. Thomas frames Chalmers with transmitting classified information and steals that buffoon's credentials as well.

From Paris he accompanies the French army on its march to Berlin in the Franco–Prussian war of 1870. During this time he demonstrates the Flashman propensity for picking ostensibly safe battlefield positions that ultimately turn into deadly hot-spots. He soon learns that despite advantages in weaponry, the French are masters of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. They never get past the Rhineland. In fact Paris soon finds itself under threat.

Thomas is at the heart of a crucial period in French history that would later lead to two World Wars. He risks death by shelling, is sentenced to death in a bizarre kangaroo court and nearly freezes in a winter attack. Having fought alongside French soldiers at Sedan, he later finds himself hunted by the French army as it goes about the bloody business of reducing the Paris Commune in the spring of 1871.

I'm glad that Mr. Brightwell has found a way to extend the Flashman Family Chronicles with Thomas Harrison. The story is a ripping yarn with plenty of swashbuckling adventure. But it has some heartbreak as well. Be prepared. John Walker454 3

Robert Brightwell (author of the Thomas Flashman series begins a new series of Thomas Harrison, journalist of the London Daily News. In 1869 his first assignment is to go to France to write of the negotiations between Napoleon III and Prussian Otto Von Bismarck, which is going to lead to the Franco-Prussian War, which will lead to the infamous Paris Commune, which will eventually lead to the Third Republic, which leads to a united Germany; and it doesn't stop there since two world wars will follow in the next century.
Lots of battles, the folly of the French leaders and the victorious Prussians the bravery or foolishness of the citizens of Paris against the population of the rest France leads to more death and destruction, not to mention t loss of sanity between politicians.
Thomas, meanwhile finds that there are grand times in his profession, but the first hand accounts of battles defeats and especially his love for the beautiful Justine will change him in ways he never thought possible.
Great first novel in this series. I can't image why a big time publisher can't sign him up. Of course I will await for the next title in this series. Everett Sharp71

A book of two halves

...but put together still make for a very good story that covers several historical tragedies. The Franco-Prussian War was mismanaged and bungled by the French under Napoleon 111 who might have shared the name but not the talent of his uncle. This is followed by the disaster of the early continued fighting by the fantasists of the newly established post war French Republic, the Prussian seige of Paris and finally the internal tragic bloodletting of the Paris Commune.
Everything is described well but with so much to cover the first half of the book relies on a great deal of coincidences. The second half gives the feel of an actual observer and is very well done.
I look forward to many more adventures of the 'hero'.
Phillip Mclaughlin492 4


A very well done novel on the Franco-Prussian War, and the commune of Paris.
Not a history, but just a good telling of the events leading to the conflict , which in telling the tale presents the complete failure of the French to succeed. Kevin Neese12

Another excellent historical novel from Robert Brightwell. The continuing effort to "see" the historical events from the eyes of the protagonist is a literary method that I much enjoy. And I Harrison! Glad to hear that we'll be seeing more of him. a l shaw7

Too much history

More of a history lesson than an adventure story. Lacked any tension . Much Flashmans Winter
Back to the style of early Thomas Flashman please Mrs VA Rayson1 review

Fantastic start

This is a very promising start to a new series of adventures for the war correspondent Harrison. He is not at all flahman, and I am he will guide us through some interesting times. PlumAuthor 1 book

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