
Another First Chance de Robbie Couch

de Robbie Couch - Género: English
libro gratis Another First Chance


They Both Die at the End meets You've Reached Sam, in this heart-stopping speculative young adult novel from New York Times bestselling author Robbie Couch that explores all the different ways love can live on after tragedy.
It's been a year since eighteen-year-old River Lang's best friend died in a car accident. And every day since, he's had to pass by the depressing billboard that appeared as a result: a texting and driving PSA that reduces Dylan to a cautionary tale and River to the best friend of the dead kid at school. Dylan was so much more than a statistic, though, and River hates that everyone in town seems to have forgotten.

When he's caught improving (a.k.a. vandalizing) Dylan's billboard, River is blackmailed into joining the Affinity Trials—a research study that's observing teens who are "struggling socially." But as soon as he arrives, River's social struggles only worsen as he's thrown together with the last person...

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rumor has it this book is legit51 s3 comments Marieke (mariekes_mesmerizing_books)596 579

Death isn’t the end but a conclusion to a single chapter within the infinite story of us.

I find it hard to review Robbie Couch’s newest book. I’m a huge fan of his writing, and even though I read this story pretty fast and constantly wanted to know what was going to happen, I didn’t completely feel flooded by it. I’m a sucker for sadder stories and had high hopes for this one. The blurb seemed just up my alley.

For a long time, I was sure I was going to rate this one three stars. I guessed quite a few things from the start, so I wasn’t shocked about the plot twist. But I d the last part way more than the rest of the book. That last part did flood me. With knots in my throat and tears in my eyes.

So, now I’m doubting. Do I rate this three stars because I didn’t feel emotionally invested enough (for the most part) in this story, or do I rate this four stars because of that ending? At these moments, I wish there were half stars. For now, I decided to round my overall 3.5 star rating up to four. Because I loved Dustin and because that letter at the end knocked the breath out of me, and those tears I was trying to blink away finally started falling. So yeah, four stars. But I could change my mind in the future. For those who love lighter-hearted stories but don’t mind some sadness, too, this one is for you! Be aware, though, that this isn’t a romance.

Thank you so much, Simon and Schuster Children’s and Edelweiss, for allowing me to read this story early!

Follow me on Instagram29 s5 comments Rebekah414 25

“And marvel at the fact that, of all the pebbles spinning around all the fiery specks, you get to share this pebble with these dots at this exact moment within infinity.”

1 Sentence Summary: A year after River’s best friend, Dylan, died in a car accident, he joins the Affinity Trials—a week-long research study observing teens that are struggling socially—but as the week goes on, strange things start happening, the researchers may not be telling the truth, and worst of all, River has to spend the week with Mavis: his ex-best friend, Dylan’s former girlfriend, and the only one who knows the truth about the night Dylan died.

My Thoughts: I AM SOBBING. That was A LOT OF EMOTIONAL TRAUMA that this book put me through. Once again, Robbie Couch never disappoints. In fact, how is it possible that his books just keep getting better and better with each one he releases?!

This was so well written. And so freaking depressing. You know the writing and character development is good when you feel every emotion the characters are feeling. In this case, I felt everything, and it shattered my heart into a million tiny pieces.

I fell in love with all the characters instantly. They were complex and three dimensional and felt real people dealing with real problems. And the pov switches between River in the present and Dylan in the past were great, but also heartbreaking. Dylan’s pov was so sad, just knowing that in the present he isn’t alive anymore :’(

Dylan and River absolutely destroyed me. Their relationship was sooo bittersweet, because you know it ends in tragedy. I loved the explorations of grief and friendship and first love and moving on after loss. It was well done and felt very realistic and not at all a plot device or gimmick to make the story dramatic.

“Death isn't the end but a conclusion to a single chapter within the infinite story of us a cosmic transfer when our essence merges with the skies above. In death, we return to stardust, forever woven into the celestial tapestry of a universe that cannot be anything but immortal.”

There was so much emotion in this book. And extremely well written emotion that shone through the pages. I was so invested in the story; it really felt it was happening and I was experiencing every emotion along with the characters. Robbie Couch writes emotion SO WELL and his books always have so much heart.

The sci-fi elements were super cool. I always love a good contemporary with a touch of magic or sci-fi. It’s adding vanilla to your cookie dough—makes it extra good. I can’t say more without spoiling the book, but let’s just say the Affinity Trials might not be what they seem…

Also, LOVED all the space references and the fact that River & Dylan bonded over being space nerds :’) The astrophysicist Dr. Skelemont that they were obsessed with reminded me so much of Neil deGrasse Tyson, who is one of my favorite people ever.

This book was unputdownable (except when I had to put it down to cry). AND THE ENDING—THAT LETTER DESTROYED ME. I’m still recovering from reading this, and will definitely be re-reading it.

While you’re waiting for this book to come out on May 28th, it’s the perfect time to read Robbie couch’s entire backlog because all of his books are amazing!!

Recommend to: Fans of emotional YA books with messy realities and lots of heart.

(Warnings: swearing; death)

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing me an eARC in exchange for an honest review

Bonus—the full Dr. Skelemont quote:

“The catastrophic thought pestering you was born from a series of electrical reactions contained in a three-pound sponge of flesh floating between your ears. That three-pound sponge of flesh floating between your ears lives in your one, singular body.

And your one, singular body is just one tiny dot, surrounded by billions of other tiny dots, all clinging to a pebble spinning through space.

That spinning pebble is circling a bigger, fiery speck that's clustered together with billions of other bigger, fiery specks. And that cluster of bigger, fiery specks is just one of billions of clusters of bigger, fiery specks suspended throughout infinity.

So when that catastrophic thought tries to convince your three-pound sponge of flesh that the fate of the universe rests on your shoulders, remember that you're just that one tiny dot clinging to that one spinning pebble.

And marvel at the fact that, of all the pebbles spinning around all the fiery specks, you get to share this pebble with these dots at this exact moment within infinity.”

5-stars arcs close-to-favorites ...more18 s Amina 714 481

? 3.5 stars ?

“Death isn’t the end but a conclusion to a single chapter within the infinite story of us—a cosmic transfer when our essence merges with the skies above.

In death, we return to stardust, forever woven into the celestial tapestry of a universe that cannot be anything but immortal.”

River and Dylan were best friends, until the tragic car accident that claimed Dylan's life and left River with an aching sense of loss that in his own hindsight - never really had a chance to take a closer look at.
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