
Misunderstood de R.L. Mathewson

de R.L. Mathewson - Género: English
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R.L. Mathewson Series: The Neighbor from Hell Chronicles 01 Publisher: Rerum Carta Industries, Inc., Year: 2020 ISBN: 9780998601779

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Here comes the next generation!

d reading about the kids of the Neighbor From Hell series. This one is about Trever and Zoe's son from the second book of the series, Sebastian, and Reece's stepdaughter, Mikey, from book ten.

I d this story, but it is interspersed with Cole and Chile's prequel story. I'm not to thrilled about that. When this happens I feel the main characters are getting cheated out of their story.

Also, I am not understanding the whole prologue and epilogue with the whole reporter thing. I guess it will be cleared up in the rest of the series...hopefully?0-read-202010 s ?lkim1,422 11

Bir sonraki neslin hikayesi tam olarak ihtiyac?m olan ?eymi?, ?ahane bir kurgu, tan?d?k “sniff”ler - ki Mikey do?u?tan Bradford bile de?il... Çok güldüm kesinlikle, sonlara do?ru üzülüp birkaç damla gözya?? bile dökmü? olabilirim. Sebastian’?n hikayesi süperdi - ve de bariz bir ?ekilde yar?m kald?. Zaten cliffhanger ile bitiyor bir nevi, ayr?ca Cole’un hikayesi de inan?lmaz sevimli geldi ?imdiden, dört gözle s?radaki hikayeyi bekliyorum. Daha farkl?, daha iyi bir yöne gitmi? bence yazar, çünkü bir süredir eh ortalama geliyordu hikayeler. Büyük bir heves ve istekle okuyaca??m tek YA seri bu olacak gibi.2020 contemporary e-book ...more10 s Casey Leigh920 5

Loved this book!!
The Bradford younger generation get their own voice. Full of shenanigans, family banter and lots of emotions. Misunderstood gives a deeper look at Sebastian and others of the Bradford clan.
A wonderful extension to the Neighbour From Hell series. The more the merrier after all.7 s Vfc1,516

The Bradford younger generation featuring the infamous Neighbours from Hell 2.0.

Bradford Family Tree

Timothy and Regan Bradford’s children are:

1. Jared, married Megan, their son is Jason Bradford, (m. Haley) father of Cole, Elizabeth, Joshua, and Hunter

2. Sarah, passed away. Her son is Trevor who married Zoe, and fathered, Jonathan, Sebastian, Mathew, and Jessica.

3. Ethan, married Mary, and their children are, Duncan (m. Necie), Danny (m. Jodi), Lucifer (m. Rebecca), Kenzie (m. Roger), Arik, Garrett, Reese (m. Kasey, child Mikey, two sets of twin boys), Darrin (m. Marybeth, triplet girls), and Aidan (m. Melanie, one son)

4. Mark married Jessie, sons are Reed (m. Joey) and Matt.
5. Ryan, married Amanda, their children are, Eric and Theo.
6. Shane, married Caylee, son is Devin (m. Charlie) children are Abbi and Dustin.
7. Thomas, married Heather, daughter is Nikki.

The James Family
(Cousins to the Bradfords)

Raised by Wes and Beth Bradford:
David James, divorced, raised children by himself, Rory (m. Connor, two children), Bryce, Johnny, Craig, Brian, and Sean.

Fourteen year-old Sebastian and Mikey, the younger version of themselves. Sebastian is selfless. Mikey, is Sebastian’s best friend and staunchest ally. His father’s cousin married her mum. They’re not related. The rest of the family considers her part of the family, but he does not, she’s his best friend.

Mr. Rose looked at her book report, to her, as he reached for the red pen only to reconsider and grabbed the thick red marker instead. A moment, and two more bewildered looks in her direction “Mikey, can I talk to you for a moment?” Since she knew that this wasn’t going to end well, at least, not for her, Mikey cleared her throat and decided to go with a hopeful smile as she grabbed her bag and got to her feet as she said, “I can explain?” while the rest of the class filed out of the room, several of her friends throwing her pitying looks as they went. “I’m sure you can,” Mr. Rose murmured as he gestured toward the paper covered in red marker. “Did you read the book, Mikey?” “I don’t think that it would be in my best interest to answer that question,” she said, nodding solemnly. “Probably not,” Mr. Rose murmured absently as he turned her book report over and skimmed the back before saying, “You didn’t explain how the book ended.” “I didn’t want to ruin the ending for you,” Mikey said with a sad shake of her head and a heartfelt sigh that had him chuckling. “That’s very considerate of you,” he drawled. “I try,” Mikey said, nodding solemnly. “Can I ask you something?” Mr. Rose asked, leaning back in his chair as he considered her for a moment. “Just as long as it doesn’t end with a call to my parents,” she said, making his lips twitch. “Why are you failing my class?” “Because you don’t accept bribes,” Mikey said, making him chuckle as he pushed his chair back and headed toward the bookshelves overflowing with books that Sebastian would probably kill to get his hands on. He’d probably this class, Mikey thought absently as she watched Mr. Rose search through the bookshelves. “I can see how that would be a problem,” Mr. Rose murmured as he paused when he came to a thick black book on the bottom shelf. “It really is,” Mikey said, nodding solemnly.

“You have a choice, you’re not going to it,” Mr. Rose warned her.
“Probably not,” Mikey murmured in agreement.
“Let me ask you something first, what were you hoping for when you handed in that book report?” “That it would bring tears of joy to your eyes when you read it,” Mikey said, nodding solemnly. “It came close,” he said, matching her nod with one of his own.

She’d treated everything within reach as a baseball and after several unfortunate incidents that had ended with two broken windows, her mother flinching anytime she reached for her sippy cup, and the mailman refusing to deliver their mail if she was home, her mother bought her a toddler-sized baseball glove and a tennis ball. That had quickly led to her mother banning balls in the house, begging the T-ball coach to let her play even though she’d only been three at the time and her obsession with everything baseball. She played every chance she got, begged everyone that made the mistake of making eye contact with her to play catch, and quickly learned to apologize for any and all unfortunate accidents that happened as a result. As the years passed, one thing became clear, she was meant to play baseball. It was the only thing that she wanted to do. After she’d accidently sent Reese to the hospital with a fastball, she’d expected her mom to put an end to her dreams. What she hadn’t expected was for Reese to work with her and show her how to control her aim better. Once he’d married her mom, they’d moved closer to his family and she’d finally found a team that would let her play.

There’s a Bradford curse involving Sebastian’s great-grandparents growing up on neighbouring estates, taking immense satisfaction from tormenting and making each other’s lives a living hell. They didn’t see each other again until they were both forced to attend the same ball and were mesmerised with each other. Realising each other’s identity, they were furious. They continued antagonising each other and fell in love in the process. Since then, every Bradford has met the same fate. Sebastian knew better than to tell her anything that she could use to torture him with later, and he knew damn well that she would torture him if she ever found out more about the Bradford curse.
“Did he tell you that Bradfords don’t propose?”
“No, he didn’t get to that part yet,”
“Then I got here just in time,” Jonathan said, taking his time finishing off his hot dog as Sebastian sat there, contemplating killing the little bastard.
“Why don’t they propose?”
“Because if they’re thinking clearly enough to propose then they’re not really in love,” “So, no Bradford has ever proposed?”
“There have been a few…”
“What happened?”
“It didn’t end well, they ended in disaster before they even made it to the altar. Uncle Eric tried, but ended up dumping his fiancée at the dinner rehearsal.”
“Wait. Uncle Eric dumped Aunt Morgan at the wedding rehearsal?”
“No, Uncle Eric was engaged before he married Aunt Morgan, which brings us to rule number two, Bradfords elope. Or it ends in divorce. They also don’t go on honeymoons until after the first year.”
“But my mom and Reese went on a honeymoon right after they got married,” Mikey pointed out.
“And how did that end?” even though they all knew how it ended. Badly. Uncle Reese ended up trying to surprise Aunt Kasey with a trip to the Bahamas, which ended with them both being detained by customs, losing all their luggage, losing their original resort reservations and ended up getting kicked out in the middle of the night from the only motel they’d been able to find a room, and somehow ended up spending the night in jail. Blinking, Mikey whispered, “We do not speak of it.” Nodding, Jonathan said, “Exactly”.
Okay, so Bradfords don’t propose, they don’t have traditional weddings, and they can’t go on honeymoons until a year after they get married, is that it?” Mikey asked, pursing her lips up as she thought it over while Sebastian sent Jonathan a look that told him that he’d better keep his mouth shut. With a mouthed, “I won’t tell,” and a wink in Sebastian’s direction, Jonathan climbed off the chaise lounge with a nod and an absently mumbled, “Pretty much,” that had Mikey frowning as she glanced back at Cole, who was sitting off to the side, glaring at the house next door. “That doesn’t make sense,” Mikey said, gesturing to Cole as she looked back at Jonathan. “What does this so-called curse have to do with Jessica calling that girl Cole’s future wife?” “Does she live next door?” Jonathan asked, making a show of studying his nails as Sebastian shook his head, vowing to kill the little bastard if he said another word. “Yes, why?”
“Just a lucky guess,”
“Oh, I almost forgot something,”
“What’s that?” Mikey absently asked as she opened her book and settled in to read right around the time that Sebastian found himself moving, desperate to get to his brother before he could screw him over and– “Bradfords only marry their neighbors”.

Mikey’s father died of cancer before he was sixteen, leaving her mum pregnant at fifteen years old. They’d all expected her to end up her grandmother, but her mother refused to do that. She got her GED, worked multiple jobs, exhaustively working to make her cooking website a success. She married the man of her dreams, has five wonderful children, Mikey most especially being the favourite–her website is highly successful, and now, she has a catering company that’s in high demand.

Sebastian’s mother grew up in foster care, ran away when she was fifteen. She finished school, put herself through college, and after struggling to make it on her own, she fell in love with his father, is happily married, and has her own business. It all worked out. His father, managed to get his act together after dropping out of school and earned his GED. He’s confident that his mother lost a bet and had to marry him.

“I’m sitting right here,” his father, who had been kind enough to take the day off to drive them so that they could take the test, bit out, drawing their attention. Sebastian, “I know.” “There was no bet,” his father said, narrowing his eyes dangerously on him. “Your mother loves and adores me and cried tears of joy when I married her.”
“Are you sure they were tears of joy?” Mikey asked with a sympathetic wince that had his father’s lips twitching. “You kids are brutal,” his father said, chuckling.
“And you knew this,” Mikey said.

Sebastian has had behavioural issues that prohibits him from attending high school. The school refuses to reconsider and he’s been home schooled. In elementary school, He had an extensive history from disrupting class, property damage, skipping school, fights, bringing animals into school, detentions, suspensions, and on one occasion, he even locked his teacher in a closet with a large snake. Since we’re bringing up his elementary school records, why don’t we discuss his grades?” Uncle Garret suggested, pulling out a small stack of folders and handed them out. “Even with all those behavioral issues and missed school, Sebastian was able to maintain his grades and even set several academic records. Before his expulsion, Sebastian had skipped several grades and was placed in middle school–” “Where he hacked into the computer system, tore through the firewall, made changes to his schedule, destroyed a science lab causing over ten thousand dollars’ worth of damage, and got into a screaming match with several teachers in the cafeteria, and that was all on his first day,” Principal Miller said, interrupting him. “Sebastian has already accepted responsibility for those issues and as for the last, I believe he was coming to the defense of several students that the school decided to make an example of because they didn’t have lunch money and chose to publicly humiliate them instead of showing them compassion.”
“We’re not here to discuss school policy,” the Superintendent cut in. “That’s exactly why we’re here. You’re refusing to allow Sebastian the right to a full education based on school policy,” Uncle Garret pointed out. “And virtual school will allow Sebastian to do that,” the principal said firmly. “It’s not the same,” Sebastian’s mother said. “Sebastian has more than paid for his mistakes and he’s learned from them. He’s not the same kid anymore and he deserves another chance.”

Mrs. Blaine and the secondary characters offer incredible support and unconditional love. A hilarious, witty coming of age tale. Braxton’s family was vile and materialistic.

Epilogue at the end... “You’ve gotta tell me what happened with Mikey. And Braxton, what did his family do to him? Was Mrs. Blaine able to save him? Did Mikey end up killing Jonathan? And Cole? Why does your mother’s food send people to the hospital? What happened with Chloe? Please, you can’t leave it that!” Jamie said, not really caring that she was begging the man that was the key to her future, not when she had so many unanswered questions.
Resigning herself to spending the rest of her life wondering what happened, but… She wanted to know what happened with Mikey, damn it.

That makes two of us, I eagerly await the next instalment. Truly charming. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewadore-this-book favourite-writers favourites ...more3 s Darcy13.2k 512

I found myself laughing so much while reading this one. There is just something about Sebastian and Mikey and their relationship that is sweet. They both support and antagonize each other, but their friendship is rock solid. I think that was proven by their essays. I that their families don't try to hamper them too much, more just go with the flow. And much the reporter (loved that twist) I really want to know more about this couple and all the other kids, want to see more high jinxs that they all get into.2020 e-book romance ...more3 s solomiya515 51

can't wait for the next one!young-adult3 s Stephanie Annie Nummer1 review1 follower

I love R.L. Mathewson's books. I literally read this book this morning in 4 hours.

I would give it 5 stars, if not for the ADHD in me needing to know all of the answers to the questions that Jamie posed now! , are we going to glimpse Mickey and Sebastian as adults. Will we know any of the answers as to how their lives turn out? Can you tell I am an impatient reader who legitimately has ADHD? lol. I tend to read about the first 1/3 of a book, then the last 5 chapters, and then finish the book if it is good. Often times, I can wait to read the middle portion now that I know how it ends. Not with this book! While I did read in my typical order, I had to finish every sentence in order to get on with my day, and still, I want to know how things end up in the future for them. I am hoping that if they don't get an adult book to update us that they will show up in her chronicles. Can't wait for the next YA and Adult Neighbor from Hell book.3 s Christin188 3

Yay for the baby Neighboaurs!

Absolutely loved getting to know Sebastian, Mikey and all the kids.

Sebastian is such a selfless kid, I was seriously impressed.
Mikey is hilarious, as in SO HILARIOUS I CAN’T.

These two are giving all the other Neighbours a run for their money.

An added bonus were Cole and Chloe, and especially Chloe’s little sister Katie, who is even more vicious than all the Bradfords combined!

The only reason why the book is 3.5 stars is because of the lack of formatting. The chapters aren’t marked and sometimes even start at on the same page, which really annoyed me when I needed to go back to an earlier chapter to check something.2 s Naomi356 11

oh I love the Bradfords!

And now it's the next generation, this story had me spell bound form the start, i couldn't put it down, it was lovely to read about Sebastian and Mikey about how it is all starting, spoiler alert!! its not over yet, i give this story 5 Bradford stars *****2 s LiteratureLover112 12

~My Thoughts~
Have been a fan of R.L. Mathewson for a couple of years now and I was hesitant to read her YA because I wanted to get a sense of what the book was about and a person ready to read it but doesn't want the author to ruin her characters I read the . I know, I know that was dumb to read the , but not all are positive and sometimes they rant about the books. I kept up with the "Neighbor from hell" series and wanted to know more about the young adult who follows and in this book you follow not only Sebastian and Mikey but also Cole and his relationship with his neighbor. The NFH series gave you an understanding of how the men in the Bradford are but Sebastian is still young and he knows who he has to keep his eye on before she notices the Bradford curse. This book touches on the next generation of Bradford's and what might be next to come? (I want to say because I don't believe that the Neighbor from Hell is over because it was left open with other couples and she left room here to introduce more characters by chance?)
While you have most of the characters from the NFH series, you also have the next generation of Bradford.
One issue that I did have throughout this book was the school system sucks. While I understand there should be issues it's one of those that you're that not fair!
I don't know when the series will end I hope that when it does it goes adult because I want to know who ends up with who.
This is not a spoiler because this is just the prologue this journalist confesses while riding an elevator with a stranger that she wants to interview Sebastian Branford and she will bribe her way into getting an interview all while riding an elevator and not knowing who Sebastian Branford is or what he does. This interview can be a change for her and Sebastian gives her a chance, low and behold the guy in the elevator is none other than him. All you know is that Sebastian Branford runs a company and you don't know what it is but he is successful. The story unfolds a little after Sebastian's parent's argument from Fire & Brimstone I believe. This is where the story unfolds and you get his perspective of why he did what he did and it's been three years from the time that he made that decision to when the story takes place and you see how he is handling his decision. (This decision that he made is a big spoiler soooooo I don't want to give it away.) Because of the decision that he made, his parents are worried and that leads to therapy but he doesn't talk about his issues with his therapist, or his parents or his brother the only person he really talks to is Mikey. From Sebastian's point of view, he feels he is tip-toeing the line, and even though he is a preteen he feels pressured. You get the perspective of Sebastian, Mikey, Cole, and Chole, even though Sebastian is the main protagonist. It doesn't really say what age they are but this is before they are entering high school for Sebastian and Mikey, while Cole and Chole are in high school already.
The way this Mathewson wrote the book makes Sebastian feel he is an adult living in a preteen body but it's understandable considering that the author made him smart enough to pass several grades but somehow he gets caught in his mischief. He believes that he fucked up his life and he is trying to make it right.
Mikey just wants to play baseball and in school, this is her chance where she can be part of her school team. She believes that making it into this team will be a doorway into the rest of her school life.
Cole and Chole feel a little a side storyline and are focusing on ( yes!!!!) being neighbors and how they interact with each other. I love how they are introduced into this book, let me just ruin for you, Cole is being beaten up by Chole's little sister because Cole didn't pay for the lemonade. From there, their interaction becomes memorable per se.
Braxton: Now he is one of those characters that Sebastian doesn't really and will not tell Mikey why. you don't really get his point of view but you do get his mindset because of what he believes and he interacts with Mikey because he isn't sure about the rest of the family. The reason I mention this character is because not only is he part of the sub-plot, but he makes Sebastian see there is more than meets the eye with Braxton. favorites1 Maria186 3

Great bradford story

I loved mikeys nd sebstians story i just wished it that chloe and cole's story wasnt included in this story. I am looking forward to reading what happens next. I will always be a huge bradford fan1 ????Author 4 books29

Could not have LOVED this book more.
Soooo goood.
And as for kicking off the Bradford Next Generation w (the beginning of) Sebastian and Mikey’s story, while at the same time teasing Cole & Chloe’s?Freakin’ genius.
Want more.
Need more.
Must. Have. More!
1 Zudana4 1 follower

I absolutely love the books by R.L. Mathewson but I really didn't this book...it starts in the present when Sebastian Bradford meets a journalist and he tells her his childhood story as part of an interview and basically that's it ...the whole book is about his childhood without any glimpses of connection between the past and the present...there is no explanation as to why he decided to tell this journalist specifically his story even though he is known not to be willing to give interviews, basically I really didn’t get the concept of the book....1 Amy S1,101

Clean YA romance. Sweet and funny.
There were some pieces of the backstory that didn’t make sense and I was a little confused about all the characters and how they related to each other.
I really enjoyed the dialogue and the youthful banter.
I was pulled right in to the emotions and the connection of the relationship and loved how the author built the intensity while keeping it PG.

Violence. No sex. Mild language. 1 Harlynn190433 1 follower

Clearly Ms. Mathewson enjoys playing with her readers…

Alright…so I was warned, I knew what I was walking into but yet I just kept going. Why? Why did I do that? Because I’m a die-hard Ms. Mathewson and NFH fan? Yes…yes, that absolutely must be it because normally I would not go into a series that isn’t already completely published yet. I knew this. Yet I still did it anyway.

And you know what? Mikey and Sebastian’s story is as good as I wanted it to be…It’s just going slower than I wanted it to…yet I’ve enjoyed the whole experience so far
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