
Spring Rains de RJ Scott

de RJ Scott - Género: English
libro gratis Spring Rains


RJ Scott Series: Whisper Ridge, Wyoming 03 Publisher: Love Lane Books Ltd, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781785644771

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My absolute favourite one in this series so far and one that, while it touches on serious subjects, feels far less angsty than the previous two.

Chris and Noah are a perfect match, with unique strengths that help bolster the vulnerabilities of the other.

The Whisper Ridge setting is more focused on the town itself, although Chris, who is Daniel from book one's younger brother, goes riding with Levi (from book two) on the Lennox Ranch.

Noah's inherited his great aunt Lily's diner and is escaping from an abusive marriage and also has his ex-husband's son Fox with him, both of them choosing to leave behind the traumas of their life.

The meet cute isn't so much! Chris confronts what he thinks is someone breaking into the diner he has very fond memories of, as Lily's was one place he always could go and get a sympathetic ear when life as an amputee sometimes got rough.

But once over this sticky introduction, the two men find they have plenty that keeps them close and their friendship is a really wonderful organic development, Fox included, that takes its time to move into more.

I really d the slower pacing of this book, there's plenty of reasons for both men to want to take their time with things moving into a physical connection and it's treated with the serious it needs.

Their found family is a lovely addition to the series as a whole, the tension in the plot comes mainly from outside sources, although I did feel that perhaps that element wrapped up a tad too easily.

However, it may be we get more of that in the final book of the series, which I've been dying for, which will seen Quinn's best friend and bodyguard Connor brushing up local Sheriff Neil in all the deliciously wrong places!

#ARC kindly received from the author. I am voluntarily leaving a review.6 s Dan1,373 33

It was very sweet. Noah and Chris both have baggage but they get to choose to carry it together and that leaves me with a very sweet taste in my mouth. Plus seeing the whisper ridge crew after so long was a real treat4 s Penumbra1,043 13

Spring Rains is the third book in the ‘Whisper Ridge, Wyoming’ series. It stars Chris, a high school teacher, and Noah, a pastry chef. This is told in first person from Chris and Noah’s povs.

The blurb does a good job of describing the plot so IÂ’ll only add a little to it. The plot moves slowly because Noah is getting out of an abusive relationship and starting a new life with his son. Noah is still wary, and he wants to focus on making his son, Fox, comfortable in the new town and school after ripping Fox away from his previous life.

I didnÂ’t read the first two books in this series, which I think are about ChrisÂ’s brother and could be someone who works on the farm or it may be another brother. Because I didnÂ’t read the first two books, I was confused about the characters that kept popping up in the story. This book can be read as a stand-alone, but I think itÂ’s best if the series is read in order because youÂ’d understand more about the relationships between the people.

I the book cover. I think the cover model is Noah, because Chris has scars on his face from injuries suffered in a fire. The cover matches the looks of the other ones, creating a nice eye-pleasing theme.

I d Noah, Chris, and Fox. Noah was unsure of himself and worried a lot if he could make a go of their new life. He had to contend with FoxÂ’s outbursts of anger when life didnÂ’t go smoothly. Noah worked hard at getting along with the townspeople while re-opening LilyÂ’s Diner. Chris was a teacher and the students d him. He was still going to therapy to learn to deal with his depression left over from his accident, and his belief that he wasnÂ’t fully capable of defending others because of his physical disability. Chris wanted to pursue a relationship right away with Noah, but Noah declined, wanting to focus on FoxÂ’s adjustment to their new life. Fox was a pretty well-adjusted teen and loved Noah. Fox was an essential part of the plot but didnÂ’t overwhelm the storyline. He did approve of Noah and ChrisÂ’s relationship and even encouraged it, which helped Noah relax and move on with his life.

I d Spring Rains, although I probably should have read this series in order. The relationship grows slowly, but thatÂ’s expected after what Noah and Fox went through. The author did a good job of having the characters grow in their lives. I recommend this book to others, and give this, 4 Stars.

I received an ARC from the author and am giving my honest and unbiased opinion.format-ebook free-arc-copy free-ebook ...more3 s1 comment Edga1,905 26

Best in the series so far, what a lovely romance, between Noah and Chris. Very well written, it's such an emotional, heart breaking in parts, yet heart warming story that delves into the sensitive subject of domestic abuse. Noah shows a lot of courage, determination, resilience, and strength to save himself and his stepson Fox, from his abusive husband. After their initial not so successful meeting, he and Chris prove to be well matched. Chris, an amputee, suffered from depression in his past, I loved his strength of character, and how he decides to work on himself and his mental health, swearing never to give up. When he and Noah get together, they help one another recover from dark times, and their relationship develops at a perfect pace, from friendship to lovers. The book was sweet, powerful and just amazing. It's an uplifting story of second chances and survival.

.1 LeeAnn695

I so enjoyed this book!
Not only do we get an amazing love story for Chris and Noah but we get to visit a bit with the boys from the previous books! ALWAYS a favorite part for me.
I love these boys so much!
Noah and his son Fox's backstory is so tragic due to Noah's ex. But they made it out safely and made a place for themselves and found love and a family with Chris.
This story has many aspects to it. There is an amazing love story, unfortunate angry homophobia, family support and love, pulling together of a town to support everyone.
I highly recommend this book!

5/5 cupcakes1 Xenia MelzerAuthor 129 books87

A great story about Chris, Micah's best friend who lost part of his leg in the accident that drove Micah, the main character from the first book in the series, out of Whisper Ridge. He meets Noah and his son, Fox, who have come to take over Lily's Diner. Noah has escaped an abusive relationship and is wary at first, but the chemistry between him and Chris is off the charts! If you a little drama with your love stories and a HEA this is the book for you.
I translated the book so I got a free copy.1 Sandra 1,833 336

4.5 stars!

This may be my favorite in this series so far. The book, set before and around the Spring Rains festival in this sleepy but welcoming Wyoming town, has exactly that feeling - of gentle cleansing, of renewal and new growth, of washing away the past.

Chris is Daniel's brother (read my review of Winter Cowboy if you want my thoughts on Daniel), who was in the car with Micah during the accident, and who not only lost his leg, but also got some bad scars from the fire that consumed the vehicle, only narrowly escaping certain death when Micah pulled him from the wreckage. Chris is still grappling with guilt and some depression from the events at the end of Summer Drifter (a book you should definitely read).

Noah and his son Fox have escaped Noah's abusive cheating ex-husband, coming to Whisper Ridge where Noah has fond memories of his great-aunt Lily and her diner where he spent many hours as a child. He's inherited the place and looks to make a fresh start with his son. Running a diner isn't as easy as one might think, especially considering that the place has sat empty for about a year and needs some repairs and new equipment. But Noah is determined to make this work, determined to give Fox a sense of normalcy again, and to provide as best as he can for his son.

First off, this is a romance, so romance things happen between Chris and Noah, but most breathtaking for me was the gentleness and sureness with which their love develops and grows, how it cleanses them as they grow closer, how they find hope and trust in each other, how Noah looks at Chris not with pity but treats him a whole person, something that Chris has been missing in quite a while.

Sure, there's some drama, but not within the relationship, even when Noah's asshole ex tries to screw with their new life, and it was over quickly. I enjoyed visiting with Micah and Scott and Rachel again, and even Daniel seems to have got his head out of his ass, probably thanks to Micah.

Fox was well portrayed as a teenager, who's had to deal with the uprooting of the only life he's known, having to watch his father abuse his dad (Noah), but also allowed the mood swings of teenagedom and the angst and confusion that comes courtesy of that age. Thankfully, he finds some good friends quickly at the high school where Chris teaches. I think the author did a fabulous job with him, making him feel very realistic and believable.

Both Chris and Noah are vulnerable, but both possess a quiet strength and abilities that complement each other. Their relationship felt organic to me, and I really enjoyed their open honest conversations, and how easily they fell in love. I also quite d how the author allowed their story to unfold without rushing anything, and how well suited she made these two characters to each other.

There is some drama with the local bigoted preacher man, but it doesn't really impact the relationship between Chris and Noah negatively. I don't want to reveal too much here - you should read this book.

This also nicely sets up the next book, Into The Fall, which is going to be Neil's (the town sheriff) and Connor's (Quinn's bodyguard/PI) story. Having seen some of their interactions, that book promises to be lots of fun!! Can hardly wait.

Spring Rains was a great read, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Would definitely suggest you read this book, and while it could be read as a standalone, I would not recommend that. Start with Winter Cowboy, rage at Daniel I did, enjoy Summer Drifter, and then slide ride into Spring Rains. So worth it!

** I received a free copy of this book from its author as an ARC. **2024-book-challenge angst-and-drama arc-publisher-direct ...more Heather1,526 53

I didn't let this one flounder on my TBR list for years the second book and I'm so glad too. Spring Rains is a beautiful tale of healing, starting over, life never keeping you down. I was going to say second chances but generally second chances in the fictional world tend to refer to people getting a second chance to get it right but Chris and Noah are strangers when the story starts, they are both looking for a second beginning or starting the next chapter of their lives but not quite the usual definition of the "second chance" label.

Noah is an amazing father and despite Fox's initial reaction to living in Whisper Ridge, he actually settles in quite nicely and he too is healing, starting over, and becoming a better person. Now that's not to say he wasn't already a great kid because he is as we see through Noah's internal thoughts and fears and truth is the reaction to the move is quite typical for a teenager. I'll admit I was surprised at the choice of friends RJ Scott gave Fox as I was expecting him to be closer involved with the two boys we got to know in Summer Drifter up at Lennox Ranch but then I suddenly remembered they were younger and then I was pleased as punch with the young man's friendships.

The cute meet that set off a tidal wave of chemistry between Chris and Noah was short but powerful. Chris barging in thinking more vandals were messing about in the old diner shows the kind of man he is and Noah first thoughts of protecting his son went a long way to show his character as well. I love the natural progression of the relationship in Spring Rains, especially considering Noah recently having escaped an abusive marriage and Chris's fears what being an amputee could mean to a significant other. So real, so beautifully scripted. Just all around yummy.

As for the amputee and Chris' fears about intimacy. I'm going to bring up a couple of personal points of my family here to address my review point. My grandfather, though he had both legs he lost use of them as the MS took over his body but it never dampened my grandparents love for each other. My mother too has both legs but her health has weakened their strength along with other changes to her body. She went through a 3 week outpatient pain clinic about 12 years ago to help adjust to daily life with chronic pain without narcotics and one of the courses was managing intimacy. Now, this is a subject I don't want to think too much about in terms of my grandparents and parents but my point is that the way the author deals with Chris's fears is believable, honest, and flat-out realistically heartwarming. A short moment in terms of wordage and pages but a hugely powerful moment in storytelling. Thank you, RJ Scott, for once again touching on things too often glossed over.

Simply put before I start revealing too much(wink wink): Spring Rains is deserving of it's place in Whisper Ridge, Noah and Fox have earned their place in the community, and Chris is a perfect example of staying where you're comfortable isn't out of fear of venturing into the world but knowing where you feel at home. They have all found a home in this reader's heart 2024-reads rj-scott WycEd Reader2,341 37

Check out our full post for SPRING RAINS on Wicked Reads, which includes an excerpt.

Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Ruthie – ????
This is the third book in the series, and I think you would enjoy the richness of the story more if you had read the previous installments, as those couples feature in here too.

Noah has left the world of baseball behind, his abusive household name ex-husband lost all their money in gambling and match fixing scandals. All he has is custody of his ex's son, Fox, and a diner in Whisper Ridge, inherited from his Aunt Lily. He is a brave man with only good in his heart and only a better future for Fox in his mind. That he should find himself interested in a man again is utterly unexpected, and he finds it difficult to trust it is real, or that he can acknowledge his needs as well as take care of Fox.

Chris has been in dark places since his teenage accident robbed him of his leg and left burn scars on his face and body – but the new guy in town is definitely shining a light on the possibility of a great future. I love that they are both strong, independent survivors, and that those around them only want the best for them. Fox is very mature in his behaviour, and also great fun. He and his new friends are the perfect foil for the two guys as they explore their interest in each other.

Just the right mix of drama, romance, and small-town life – thank you for another delicious love story in Whisper Ridge.

Angie – ???
This is the third book in the series and I think you could read it as a standalone but we see characters from previous books that enhance knowing who they are. Noah and Chris have both gone through some crap. It's been tough. They are both such sweet guys and have such good hearts. As much as I wanted to love this book, it was just a little slow for me. My favorite character was actually Fox. That kid is amazing, he's been through so much but has such a good head on his shoulders. Fox and his two besties just made me smile every time. Looking forward to the next installment.

Reviewers received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

arc-author arc-blog-tour contemporary-romance ...more1 ButtonsMom20033,132 30

Another wonderful story from RJ Scott!

It's been nearly three years since the last book in the Whisper Ridge, Wyoming series was published (that's not a complaint – RJ has published plenty of books since then) so I can't remember all of the details about the secondary characters in this story and that is why I think you can read this as a standalone. The other books are wonderful however and I think you might enjoy this one a little more if you read books one and two first – and they are great books!

Take a look at the excellent blurb and trigger warning. This book made me feel so many things – just every other RJ Scott book I've read. Spring Rains has a bit of suspense relating to Noah's ex and the mysterious Connor (a secondary character we've met before). I'd say it's a fairly low angst story overall.

Noah and his son Fox are starting over after having left a big city and an abusive relationship. Noah inherited his great-aunt's diner and he wants to reopen it as part of his starting over. Chris is an amputee and survivor of a horrible car crash that also left him scarred. He has had dark thoughts in the past but he now recognizes when he needs help with those thoughts and he seeks out a counselor.

I loved all of these characters. Noah and Chris take things slow because Noah can't face jumping into a new relationship after getting out of a bad one so recently. Chris knows that Noah is the one for him and is content to go as slow as Noah needs. It was fun to see how much Fox supported his dad and Chris's relationship and how much Chris cared for him.

It's stories this one that has had RJ Scott firmly on my list of favorite authors ever since I started reading her books back in 2016.

A copy of this book was provided to me at my request and my review was voluntary and not influenced by the author.

***Reviewed for Xtreme-Delusions dot com***
arc-from-author blog versatile1 Ruthie Taylor3,684 39

~~I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads ~~

This is the third book in the series, and I think you would enjoy the richness of the story more if you had read the previous installments, as those couples feature in here too.

Noah has left the world of baseball behind, his abusive household name ex-husband lost all their money in gambling and match fixing scandals. All he has is custody of his ex's son, Fox and a diner in Whisper Ridge, inherited from his aunt Lily. He is a brave man with only good in his heart and only a better future for Fox in his mind. That he should find himself interested in a man again is utterly unexpected, and he finds it difficult to trust it is real, or that he can acknowledge his needs as well as take care of Fox.

Chris has been in dark places since his teenage accident robbed him of his leg, and left burn scars on his face and body - but the new guy in town is definitely shining a light on the possiblity of a great future. I love that they are both strong, independent survivors, and that those around them only want the best for them. Fox is very mature in his behaviour, and also great fun. He and his new friends are the perfect foil for the two guys as they explore their interest in each other.

Just the right mix of drama, romance and small town life - thank you for another delicious love story in Whisper Ridge.

2 s Xanthe2,163 37

An emotional read set in Whisper Ridge where Noah and his son, Fox, move to the small town as a fresh start for them both after escaping an abusive ex. Chris has lived there most of his life but is realising how lonely he is, outside of his meddling family.
They don't have the best of introductions as Chris storms into the diner that Noah has inherited, assuming he's a vandal, and has some choice words to share. What is good is that he's not afraid to go back and apologise which sets the two men on track to friendship and a caring and supportive relationship. Heat isn't necessarily the name of the game between them, more having someone trustworthy, dependable and supportive. When they do get a moment together though, hidden away from Fox, family and customers, they clearly have a strong chemistry there too.
Fox is a great addition to the story, full of fourteen-year-old angst but also justified strong emotions when it comes to his father and the life they had to leave behind. Whispering Ridge is a wonderfully welcoming community for them both, even if things seem tough to start with, basically starting over with nothing is a big challenge to face.
This is actually my first book from this series but I definitely need to go back and read the others. I'm also intrigued by Connor, and hoping he has his own story in the future.
A highly recommended read from RJ Scott by please be aware of the trigger/content warnings.
**Content warnings - memories of a car accident that caused scarring and amputation, physical/domestic abuse by spouse, homophobia by religious leader/parent**
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.4-5-stars content-warning disability ...more Ramsi466 1 follower

First let me say it was great after nearly 3 years to meet some of the characters again. I really enjoyed that! It was a wonderful continuation of the series. But it can be read as a standalone, just for your info.

Back to the story:
- found family
- slow burn
- single dad

All things I really enjoy. Pair it with two able MCs and we have a winner in my book.
The voices of the MCs were different enough that I could tell them apart easily. Always a big plus for me

Chris, Fox and Noah have all a past that still haunts them in some ways.
Noah is trying to start a new life after an abusing relationship and financial ruin with his son Fox and Chris still struggles with 'feeling less' since his accident cost him part of his leg and gave him scars on top of that.

I really loved getting to know these three and falling in love with them slowly. The relationship developed slower but that felt natural and right for them.

Great supporting secondary characters rounded off the story. And I was so glad that Fox managed to find new friends relatively easy.

The only thing...the ex...when he tried to make trouble it went away a bit too easily for my liking. But that's definitely a me thing.

So, I can say, it was an entertaining, interesting story, that grabbed my attention and held it. I had fun reading and was invested in the story as well as rooting for the new family.

I had a smile on my face when I finished it, what more is there to ask for?

So, it's a clear recommendation. Give it a try yourself.gay-dads Elizabeth D503 2

4/5 It was lovely seeing Noah and Chris find one another. They were both great people with their own past histories to overcome. Fox was a great kid, and I thought he very believably straddled that line of being a teenager: occasionally moody and angry and sullen, but mostly smart and protective and sweet. It was also entertaining watching the relationship grow through his eyes. His “early nights” made me laugh. I thought he and Noah had a great relationship, and I how Chris always included both of them. I loved how Noah seemed scarcely to notice Chris’s scars, and he approached Chris’s prosthetic as something to learn about his partner just he wanted to learn everything about him and care for him the best he could. I d how Chris was able to regain his equilibrium through this novel. (It was something I was really happy to see in book 1, how much he’d moved past the accident, but book 2 undid a bit of that hard work.) This found family made me very happy.

Looking forward to Neil and Connor continuing to butt heads and falling in love next! Kendra Patterson683 9

This is a really good installment to the Whisper Ridge series. We have Chris, Noah and Fox who are all still hurting but recovering from hurts in a slow burn romance with found family. I'm really glad Rj let Chris and Noah take it slow going since they were both still healing from past hurts. Noah coming to open a diner he inherited and meeting someone new after what his ex-husband did is a lot. Chris still healing from his childhood trauma, even all these years later, show that people don't always get over things; they learn to deal with them. I the world these books are set in. I felt the character building was good. I really d Fox and that he wasn't the kind of kid to keep his dad from finding happiness again. Although this can be read alone, I don't recommend it. There are people mentioned from the previous books that may confuse you. Start from book one I don't think you'll regret it. CJ508 1 follower

I was so so looking forward to Chris's story
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