
Super Villain Dad de R.J. Ross

de R.J. Ross - Género: English
libro gratis Super Villain Dad


You're probably wondering why we're trying to be so quiet. Well there's a reason. A really BIG reason. He's standing over there--no--to your right--no, THROUGH the fence. Yes, on the other side of the big, nasty looking security fence that is literally shaking because of electric jolts. Yes, him. He's pretty scary looking, right? He's got to be six five, and he's got the face of a serial murderer. It's all sharp and needing shaved. And that whole skin tight prison body suit thing--it's really not fashionable at all, I admit. What? Why's he got a streak of white in his hair? Well, see, that's why we're here.

He's a super villain.

So why is an innocent little freshman like me and her annoying twin brother sneaking peeks at him through a prison fence? Well...

He's our father. At least, that's what we think.

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Series Review:

A group of young Superheroes (and Supervillains) come into their powers.

Though called young adult, with Characters aged 13-18, the Cape High books are written more middle grade. (Not a bad thing!)

They are predictable, light, funny and just plain fun. I know going in it's all going to be happy in the end and nobody's going to die and that's what I about these books.

For once our young characters don't know how to control their powers, in some cases at all, but that's the point, they're learning. It's nice to watch their powers grow and mature.

Each book is told by a different main character, with a back up narrator (usually the love interest) and short minor povs of various adults good and bad. My favorite character is by far the school principal! He's an ex Supervillain who will do anything for his kids. Plus he's funny and sometimes still acts a bit villainous. (Not to mention he's super powerful!)

This is a character oriented series. The main conflict is spread out over the Arc and sometimes not much happens in one book to progress the continuing plot. Plenty happens though, there's a nice balance between personal stuff and action.

The action is obviously super powered fights, but half of them are staged. Many of the Supervillains are really more pro wrestlers where it's all choreographed.

The characters grow and deal with their issues, but mostly it's about them making friends and often there's a cute little romance. (So far all the couples are still together and the books have covered over a year, so maybe it's not realistic, but oh well)

The Bad:

One of the school's mentors is a pastor so there's the occasional God talk, but there isn't much so it's ignorable.

Point of View: First Present (Main Character) Third Present (Secondary Characters)
Series: Ongoing. (Currently 12 books)
Predictability: 5 out of 5 (Where 1 is totally unpredictable and 5 is I knew what was going to happen way ahead of time.)
Mood: 5 out of 5 (light, happy, and fun)
Errors: low (about 20 per book)

Distort Arc (books 1-4) A high school for teens with powers is started. Meanwhile an evil scientist tries to give powers to Norms.

Mimic Arc (books 5-7) Noelle arrives at Cape High from the future and accidentally lets the Supervillain Mimic out of the cape cells.

Southern Branch Arc (books 8-10) Vinny is sent to the southern Branch, then a supervillain follows his mentor north. Meanwhile an old man continues to experiment to create super powers.

Healer Arc (books 12-?) Aubrey wants to find more healers, but she inadvertently puts them in jeopardy.

Book 1: Zoe, technopath powers
Max, gravity manipulation
Book 2: Trent, tank: strong & tough
Emily, duplicator
Book 3: Adanna, panther shapeshifter
Sunny, plant and earth elementalist
Book 4: Jack, metal manipulation
Aubrey, healer
Book 5: Morgan, power stealer
Justin, super voice
Book 6: Ace, Illusionist
Book 7: Noelle, technopath & gravity
Jason: Metal & Healer
Book 8: Vinny, flame manipulation
Jimena, power absorber
Book 9: Emily, duplicator
Book 10: Sunny, elementalist
Book 11: Aubrey, healer
Book 12: Justin, super voice 2015 indie kindle ...more10 s Coyora Dokusho1,432 146

I read the description and had to read it. That's what pulled me over and it was on kindleunlimited! So it was a "duh" choice.


Well, I can't blame the books, but this started a reading binge. I went thirty-six hours without sleep or food and read about 12 books in the series. (the heat exhaustion episode taught me well though and I remained well-hydrated!!!)

The books are great though!! Not as hardcore as DIRE : BORN or Worm but just as good! If you Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain you'll probably these ones, a little bit older though.chuckle i-love-kindle-unlimited laugh-out-loud ...more5 s Deanna Stanley212 7

I had originally planned on giving this a three - due to the fact that every character's "voice" is the same, the unrealistic emotions (getting over your father abandonment takes more than a day or two). The plot is pretty flat - very little ups and downs. The only way you know you hit a climax is by checking how many chapters are left. Really, this reads more as a short story than a novel.

But... that would have left this as a 3. So what caused me to completely tank it? Well, I realized that the superhero stuff is really camouflage for what is a teen romance. Nothing wrong with that... except what the book is telling kids a romance should be .

If the girl you s says no, keep trying. If she runs away force her to sit down and talk to you. No means maybe. Maybe means yes. Girls don't know their own mind, so keep at her till she gives in and loves you. It's okay, because it's LOVE!


The girl says no many times, and even runs away (crossing state borders!) but he keeps going at her, acting she is his girlfriend already - up to and including bribing her father to force her into a date.

But it's LOVE, right?

WRONG. This is unacceptable behavior. At any age. It's stalking. It's harassment, it's creepy. It's definitely worth a restraining order or two. But do the adults even care? Oh no, they're HELPING the boys. Because the girls don't know what's good for them. And they think it's CUTE.

This book is subtly teaching teens all the wrong lessons in relationships - that subterfuge is good, than refusing to let her say no is good, that forcing her to do what you think is right is acceptable. How can anyone want to read this? And how can the author this this is appropriate behavior by ANYONE?

It isn't. And you shouldn't support it by reading this.superheroes2 s Hobbes424

Another indie read which is not for those who get niggled by incorrect grammar and typos. It didn't bother me as the story was fun.

Teenager Zoe and twin brother Sunny's superpowers are awakening. For Zoe, her first crush is just as distracting and she cannot afford to become emotionally unstable without some fallout - often ending with a mighty BOOM! As awesome as her superpower is, I certainly wouldn't want that one.

The plot is simple as we learn about super villains/heroes who are not portrayed as one might expect. Some of the super villains are funny and cute! As super villain dad, Nico, declares... there would be no heroes without villains, albeit their dark role is showboating most times. Nico tries to entice his twin kids to the dark side in many humorous comments and asides (his commentary on black super outfits had me convinced).

A fun, light, easy read and promising start to this Young Adult series that I'm sure will improve with subsequent books. young-adult2 s Melissa160 7

Genre: Young Adult, Super Hero

This book is a fun, easy read (only took me a few hours to read)

The story is mostly told in 1st person, from Zoe's point of view, but sometimes switches to 2nd person for the parts that happen when Zoe is not present.female-lead reviewed super-hero-villain ...more2 s DJay433 70

This was a fun read. A nice coming of age story where everyone has some growing up to do. Zoe was the main character of this book along side Max, so I'm wondering in the next book if it's going to feature more of Sunny in it. I really don't have much to say about this other than it's a nice coming of age story of a bunch of people thrown into a weird situation trying to figure out life.

What I d most about this was the way that it's set up that super powered people have the same everyday issues that regular people have....Just with super powers added ( blowing out the electric grid of a city if you get jealous). I'll be picking up the next book in the series after I finish marching down the long list on my current TBR pile. action-adventure drama slice_of_life1 tayla williams109

listen to me. this is the stupidest book you will ever read and if you look at it objectively (whatever that means) it is just horrible in every way.

- the writing is not good. if i remember correctly it even switches tenses a few times.
- the power fantasy is why the book was written i stg
- good christian teaching is badly integrated into almost every book in this series
- the plot is also not good and barely there. in this entire series there is never any tension because the characters are impossibly overpowered
- the characters just...their emotions and their feelings and their actions because of said emotions and feelings make 0 sense

but...but...it is an experience to read. read it with a friend, aloud, yes i mean that. you will not regret it.

extra notes: i have read almost every book in this series, so i can definitively say that it goes on for way too long. however, i did enjoy book 6, 13, 16, and yes i do love zoe because power fantasy. i am not ashamedfavorites1 ??XAR the Bookwyrm2,327 17

This was a fairly interesting short story centered around superhero/villain teenagers. I really d Zoe and Max, I could easily connect with them and some of their antics had me laughing quite a bit! Sunny was an interesting character and I’m interested to see where that goes. The story was extremely short, and ended with a lot of unresolved plot points, but I was interested enough to want to read the next book in the series!challenges-2015 series-challenge-20151 Daniel334 3

I didn't expect to it

It was an interesting read, if you're interested in the lives of would-be teenage super-heroes and super-villains. I didn't think I'd it due to the slow start, which was actually groundwork being lain and didn't consume a lot of the book.

The book is mostly told from the point of view of Zoe, twin to Sunny and daughter of the super-villain Technico. There is the occasional perspective of other characters. Zoe is unique in that she frequently breaks the fourth wall, which is to say that she knows there are readers out there and she speaks directly to us. It's an interesting approach and great even done well. If you've ever read John Byrne's run on She-Hulk, you'll see it fine well. I enjoyed our here as well. It didn't detract from the story, instead giving something along the lines of an inner monologue.

The cast includes Zoe, Sunny, Max and Technico. Minor roles go to Trent, Jack, Ken and Jack. There are subplots left dangling, including Jack and what it means to be a "Superior". We don't even know why people have super powers, which be explored in future books on the series.

I found it to be a fun read. Despite the powers, there is plenty of teen drama. It makes them more real, something for which we can thank Spider-Man. I the book enough that I will read the next book in the series. Chris97

Meh. Spent the whole book waiting for something super to happen. Spoiler - it didn't.

If you want to read a book about people obsessing over super powers and maybe hurting people with them, but not really ever doing much, then this book is for you. What will Zoe and Sunny be able to do with their powers? Not really sure because they are too afraid to use them. All the characters are pretty similar. They have the same snarky attitude when speaking with each other. I read through this pretty fast because I kept hoping that something would happen soon, and then it never did. They use super powers to run fast to get fast food over lunch break. They work construction jobs and use their powers in some vague unspecified way to do so. There is no real villain or villain showdown, maybe you could call it a minor altercation. There is a tease that some super hero/villian training is going to happen soon. Nope. Maybe it happens in the next book. Kayla2

Adore This Series

Have read this book and the whole series multiple times and it continues to be one of my favorites. The characters are fun and quirky, the jokes adorably cheesy, the wide variety of powers are amazing, the world beautifully built and there are some good lessons and epic hero showdowns in the mix. Perfect for a young teen reader or adult that need a little goofy superhero antics in their lives.

The whole series is wonderful and worth checking out but have read this first book well over twenty times and still continue to love it so will probably read it many more. Gerard Rinaldi56

Super generic

I d the overall story. It centers around a brother and sister and their not really a supervision dad. He made a big hole somewhere in Missouri. What I didn't was all the characters had generic super abilities. Strength, speex, invulnerability, etc. I more uniqueness in characters powerwise.

Outside of Zoe, Sunny and their dad Nico is Max, Trent and Jack. All supers except Jack. There is a strange love quadrangle
Going on. This first installment just sets up what is to come Cape High. I will say more after I read the next installment. Stephen Graham3

Absolute garbage! The story is all over the place, there is little to no action for a superhero novel, and the way the author moves between the 1st and 2nd person makes for a very confusing read at times. Nearly gave up on this on several occasions but stuck with it as there were some positive and hoped it might improve. It didn't. There's lots of other great superhero series out there, would recommend people skip this and try another instead. Monique1,046 21

I loved it!
I was worried about the superhero world rules, but this one hit the spot exactly where I'm comfortable, it was great. I'm sad that Zoe isn't the head we're in in the next book, but this was enjoyable even if the rest of the series tanks.

Also I really wanted to edit this. Some annoying sentence structures and mistakes.awesome funny series ...more Scott WozniakAuthor 5 books88

Kid Romance

This is a very lighthearted romance story with super powers in the background. It’s very much for kids, with a rambling teenage girl as the narrator who breaks for fourth wall all the time. Kelley677 22

I'm in love with this book. Must read more!kindle superhero rachel milagro mclain5

Enjoyable read.

A fun read and interesting characters. I am not a YA but still found this entertaining. Looking forwards to the next one. Tevon Campbell5

Good read

Great character development so far. My wife and sons have read the whole series. I’m now ready for book 2. XxSnoZBeRRieSxX175 1 follower

Great series!

A must read for new teens starting to venture into super heroes. Also a good read for geeks of all ages. Kasey Johnson108 2

dnf Dantegideon1,878 12

I really didn’t the character voice. If you do, then I guess it’s pretty good. Ruby Ridge1,127 3

I really did not enjoy this book - a pathetic romance with pitiful characters (although Technico was OK and believable).
We learned nothing about the characters or their powers. Zoe is whiny and more a 5 year old than a teen super. Max is a stalker and should have a restraining order against him.
This book could have been so much better
If you sparkly vampires you probably deserve this book Isaac80 2

Zoe and Sunny, twins, were left in the foster system a couple years ago when their mother disappeared. They didn't know their father. Now, they are both experiencing the break through of their super powers and have a pretty good idea who their dad is.

I found the overall story cute, and full of teenage angst. I did not enjoy the perspective switches. Much of the book is told from the first person perspective of Zoe, but it switches to the third person often to follow other characters. There's repetition when switching perspective, which feels filler to me.

The book is short, and didn't feel it really had an end. The series seems to be highly rated, though, so I will probably give the second book a try (or is it part two of the first book?). Jerry Newhouse33 1 follower

This is a fantastically, well thought out world. Very detailed and complete. Another true page–turner. I could not put it down. It even interfered with my usual playing of Farmville 2, and that's saying a lot.

If you don't already know, this is a series about supers. The powers are creative, but the characters are unforgettable. If you comics and/or super heroes, this is a must series to read.

My only regret to report is that the first four books are novellas. I truly wished they were more than twice as long as they are because this is so much fun. supers Mim87 21

Super Villain Dad is a fantastic start to the Cape High series, and sets up the universe well. Zoe and Sunny are twins, and since their mother disappeared two years ago they have been in foster care. The problem is that Zoe and Sunny are supers and have no idea how to control their powers. When they try to get help that draws them to the attention of Maximum, a powerful young super villain, who Zoe has conflicting feelings about. Jasmine5

I love this book along with the rest of this series.

Its fun and entertaining to read. the kids are smart and wise when it comes to certain situations. The nice thing i about cape high is that even though the situation or even the character can piss you off. The author put a little bit of humour to it to shake off the strong emotion that you were feeling and dragging it along though the entire book. Which i find really nice because it was always tiring dealing with such things.genius reread-fantasy school ...more Geli124 10

I'm not that convinced of the concept. Yes, the characters all seem able enough, but it's all written almost without any deep moments. In short, it could also be a comic. Why use the medium of a novel then?

Still, I read the following books as well and slowly the author is getting better. If one wants a fun series without too many thoughts but several funny moments, this is it. superhero Katie DanielsAuthor 19 books44

This book was entertaining, and a fun, fresh look at a world where superheroes and supervillains are a normal part of life. I also greatly appreciated the teen romance angle. Few authors are brave enough to use the awkwardness of highschool drama for comedic effect. The characters are original and amusing and I look forward to seeing more of them in the rest of the series.outread-aubrey-2015 Stacey97

Short, but fun. The twin's reaction to their dad (and his to them) was hilarious.science-fiction Xander BoyceAuthor 5 books364

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