
The Dragon's Mate Proposal de Riley Storm

de Riley Storm - Género: English
libro gratis The Dragon's Mate Proposal


Riley Storm Series: The Dragon Overlords 03 Publisher: High House Press, Year: 2024

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2/5 ??
Oh noooo… I have to mate with a sexy dragon man???? Darn! Dang! It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it.


Possible Triggers - Fantasy standards (War, violence, blood, death, injury)


Tl;Dr - The terms of a the dragon/human war say that the dragons get women. Katie is that woman. Ajax is the very conflicted dragon that is paired with her. Why is he conflicted? Well, Ajax the dude HATES humans. Ajax the dragon thinks that Katie is the best thing ever and obsessed with sexing her up. So… conflicted. To add onto that issue, Katie was actively an enthusiastically conducting research that would hopefully exterminate the dragons. Things are a bit tense.


The Characters -
Katie: A dragon hating science lady.

Ajax: A human hating dragon guy.


My Thoughts - We had HOT sexual tension and the first chapter. I was excitedly looking forward to some enemies to lovers dragon smut.

First kiss at 50%. Fifty. Percent. I was let down on the smut. It was okay.

Also, Ajax and Katie were inconsistent in their personalities. Ajax was vocally anti human but then after spending 24 hours with Katie, the dragon man is whipped. He is willing to sacrifice a powerful political position so Katie’s family can get justice. A noble mission, but he’s only know her for a day????? And then he flips again.

And Katie, she oscillated between unthinkably horny and snarky and terrified at a speed that made my head spin. When she saw Ajax and his dragon form, she had a full raving meltdown. How long did it take her to recover and hop on the back of dragon she was terrified of? Maybe 5 minutes????

I skimmed the last 25% of the book. 3 s CB227 11

At first I wasn’t sure about this one and I came pretty close to DNF’ing it around the 20% mark, but I stuck with it and I’m glad I did. Part of my issue is I’m not a fan of the whole “enemies-to-lovers” trope and these two just hated each other so much in the beginning that it turned me off. But little by little they each continually showed in their actions that they were at heart good people, and trust slowly started to develop, as did emotions. Then by the time the truth about Katie’s background came out, Ajax felt betrayed but that thankfully did not last long as he was deeply in love with her and he came to her rescue almost immediately.

This ended up being an interesting arranged mating plot and both MCs were intelligent and aware enough that they were able to see quickly through their respective biases, which I d. The author also did a nice job in crafting the dragon world and society, along with the intricacies of the politics involved which clearly will be a theme in this series. Looking forward to reading the next book about one of the other arranged couples. 4 stars.brainy dragons enemies-to-lovers ...more2 s Doreen312 1 follower

It was ok, the beginning was interesting, But it was nothing new and lacking….2 s Tammy Moldovan1,491 18

Love, hate and romance

I loved Ajax and Katie’s enemies to lovers, forced proximity, forbidden romance with a side of prejudice and danger. This story was the perfect balance of humor, heartwarming love, real life issues, intrigue, danger, and spice. Ajax and Katie are portrayed as real, relatable beings who have flaws, but are really just trying to do their best as messy fallible beings. Dragons and humans are in a war. The humans claim it started with an unprovoked dragon attack. The dragons claim it started because the humans kidnapped and imprisoned the son of their sovereign. When a ceasefire is negotiated, it included the requirement of eight human women to serve as mates. Ajax is a dragon and a member of the ruling family. He believes in isolationism and wants humans and dragons to continue to live completely separate. Katie is a human scientist who was the head of the project attempting to design a weapon to take down dragons. With the exception of her sister, her entire family and home town were destroyed by a dragon attack. Katie’s employer forces Katie to be one of the eight mates but when she arrives, Ajax rejects her as a mate. Nevertheless, Ajax is ordered to accept Katie. It is a rocky, push-pull, journey to Ajax and Katie’s HEA and to get there, they’ll need to learn to trust each other while trying to wade through the politics and backstabbing of both dragon and human society and unpack their own baggage. The story was well written and included witty dialogue, great world building, three dimensional characters who grow, and an engaging storyline as shown through sweet moments, steamy scenes, chuckles, supportive friends, messy families, painful pasts, mystery, plot twists, evil actors, henchmen, political machinations, missteps, and heart squeezing love. I am looking forward to reading more in this series. Linda193

"The First Dragon Bride" is the first book in this new series and begins with a ceasefire from a war between humans and dragons. Humans kidnapped a dragon prince and were doing testing on him trying to find ways to hurt the dragons. The dragons are demanding eight human women every year to volunteer to become dragon mates but the problem is the women are being forced by their government instead of given the choice. This first book is Ajax and Katie's story and it is a fast paced story full of deception, danger and drama. I couldn't put it down and am looking forward to reading the next book in this series. I read an Advanced e-copy and am Voluntarily leaving a review.arcs Jenny180 14

She’s a scientist trying to find a way for humans to defeat dragons. He’s… well… he’s a dragon.

When a number of female humans are sent to mate with dragons as a peace offering to end the war between them, of course she’s offered up.

Will they or won’t they?

You’ll have to read it to find out!

This isn’t a terrible book (although it’s riddled with terrible writing and whoever edited it didn’t do it any favors) and it’s got passable spice. I’m even tempted to read the second installment sometime in the future. Sharon Hendrix832 2

Great dragon tale!

The war between humans and dragon kind didn’t work out too well for the humans after they kidnapped the heir to the throne and then experimented on him.
Rescued and returned to his home, there is an end to the war. As a concession, 8 women are sent to the dragon isle, hopefully to mate with one of the males. What follows is the story of Alex and Katie, complete with awkwardness, half truths, war crimes, bigotry, harassment, and last but not least, smoking hot spice! Bev1,966

Katie works in a lab heading up a program to find a way to kill the dragons. Ajax is a dragon shifter and member of the royal family of dragons. To stop the war, a deal is set between the humans and dragons. The deal is that eight women be sent to live with the dragons as mates. Katie's boss sends her as one of them with threats to harm her sister. Ajax is told that he must choose one of the women as a mate. Fun times ahead. Such a fantastic story.
Merry One Maria1,631 5

It’s an easy read

This is book one of the series. It’s easy to read and low angst. I d the overall storyline but I was unable to connect with the lead characters Katie, Ajax, and Cyrus. I d the leader of the dragons, she was called the Sovereign. The other characters were so one dimensional and too predictable. It wasn’t until the last couple of chapters that the main characters felt real. Disappointed. Dirty Little Secret Book Blog437 175

The First Dragon Bride (The Dragon Overlords Book 1)
Riley Storm

Ajax is a dragon, a member of the ruling family.
Katie works in the lab experimenting on Vicek.
Ajax is matched up with Katie and he rejects her thinking humans are beneath him.
The characters in the story are well written including the villians.
Really enjoyed reading this book. ~ Diana

5 ?
Released November 9, 2023
2024- Kelly Alberti141 1 follower

A decent story, plot well thought out. Dialogue was good. It was difficult to feel sympathy towards the female lead, not because she was bad, but because she was well educated and still opted to be part of the science team that started the war. She was participating in torture of a sentinent being, and that was before any war atrocities occurred. Ashante Williams1,486 3

I d where the author was going with this but it took way too long to get there. I love the concept of a war between humans and dragons over land and using human females as a way to bring peace of they are mated but I feel this has been done before with alien romance books. I wish there was a little more mystery, more thriller, more drama to the book. Brittany3,207 25

I had this recommended to me and decided to give it a try. I just wasn't in love with it. It was a pretty good read but wasn't jumping up and down about it. It was some solid world building but would have d some more background on the dragons. It almost seemed there was maybe a prequel I missed somewhere.paranormal shape-shifters uno-2024 Lizette365 1 follower

Action, steamy romance, dragon's world

The points of view sections give us the inside track on Ajax's and Katie's worries, values, and attraction to each other. The Sovereign Dragon, dragon politics, Katie's egomaniac boss, and the human-dragon war provide an interesting context for this story. Lea & Sandra2,510 2


How many ways can deception and devious behavior play out. Greed and thirst for power bring war between dragons and humans in this first book. A cease fire is called but factions are still plotting. Looks to be a good series with mating to build trust. Virginie436 6

Not sure how I got to the end of this book. I skimmed so much of this book it is not funny, that’s how! This was really boring! Plot, what plot!?!?! And the spice was mediocre at best and I am being very generous here. Definitely not continuing this series and not reading this author again. crystal henderson35 1 follower

Good read

The mix of slight mystery and love and imagination. You've got war, death, unwilling sacrifices, love, dragons, and deceit all wrapped up into a love story. Well done, Ms. Storm. jdcruzan175 12

not my cup of tea.

There were to many inconsistencies or lack of background to help story make sense for me. I kept losing interest and after the second time I stopped, I decided wasn’t going to finish. DNF Ingrid Stephanie Jordan1,860 21

Bride to a Dragon

This was a really good book. I enjoyed every minute of it.. even a couple times on the edge of my seat definitely a must read! Diana Lepine232

Super entertaining, another Ripley Storm hit!!! Moomare4

I highly recommend this book.

A very interesting story line. Wonderful characters. Action, romance and love. Great feel good read. Looking forward to the next. Molly14

This was a quick enjoyable read. I d the main characters and the way the story unfolded. Looking forward to seeing what else unfolds in the world this author is building. Ron156 1 follower

World building was lacking. dnf Tracy G. D.54

Good read

Spice level 2; Story 5 starts; Characters 4 stars; Development of World, Characters, and Relationships 2 stars…… It was a nice read.
Bonny Fuller-Fells626 1 follower

Marrying to ensure the peace

Katie was a scientist who investigated dragons. When the dragons won, she was sent to mate a dragon. Ajax was told that he had to protect her. Shelley405 4

Well done

Knowing someone a long time does not insure you are aware of everything.Sometimes a short period is enough to know when you fit.Having a Dragon changes everything. Lisa56

Fantastic Dragon Romance

Really enjoyed this Book and can’t wait to read the second one in this series. Hopefully it will be just as good as this one was. Fran942 10

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