
Le sfide di Apollo - 3. Il labirinto di fuoco de Rick Riordan

de Rick Riordan - Género: Italian
libro gratis Le sfide di Apollo - 3. Il labirinto di fuoco


Domare le fiamme di un labirinto infuocato dovrebbe essere un gioco da ragazzi per il dio del sole se soltanto Zeus non l'avesse trasformato in un adolescente imbranato e senza poteri! Armato di ukulele e di una logorroica freccia parlante, Lester Papadopoulos, in arte Apollo, non sembra avere molte speranze di riuscire nell'impresa, eppure è l'unico che può tentarla: dovrà attraversare l'abisso più rovente del globo per liberare la Sibilla Eritrea, l'Oracolo che vi è incatenato. Prima, però, sarà costretto ad affrontare Caligola, il terzo e più temibile membro del Triumvirato che ha fatto prigionieri i cinque Oracoli. Dopo aver nominato senatore il suo cavallo, l'imperatore ha ora una nuova e più eccentrica ambizione: diventare dio del sole! E per realizzarla è deciso ad assorbire la forza del titano Helios e la poca essenza immortale rimasta nel povero Lester. Come sempre, il più vanitoso degli olimpi non potrà che confidare nell'aiuto degli amici e arrendersi al destino: per tornare a essere un dio, dovrà accettare la propria imbarazzante umanità! Ricordai l'improvvisa vampata di fiamme che per poco non ci aveva inceneriti nel Labirinto. Il calore sembrava dotato di volontà propria, di una rancorosa malevolenza. Pensai al mio sogno della donna in catene, ritta su una piattaforma sopra una pozza di lava. Nonostante i miei ricordi confusi, ero certo che fosse la Sibilla Eritrea, il nuovo Oracolo che dovevamo liberare dagli imperatori.

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all the emotions751 s P 691 338

“Pain is an interesting thing. You think you have reached your limit and you can’t possibly feel more tortured. Then you discover there is still another level of agony. And another level after that.”

Dear Mr.Riordan,
The Burning Maze wasn’t what I expected at all. You dared to DO THAT in this book, and yes, I’m here weeping for what you’ve done. The book is the mixture of The Battle of the Labyrinth and The House of Hades which turns up to be my favorite of the year since I was halfway through it. There's no moment when I got bored or annoyed by the characters, not at all.

“Satyrs aren't dryads, but we have roots, too. Camp Half Blood is mine.”

To be honest, Lester isn't always my favorite character when I started reading the first book. He's immature and often gets everyone in trouble. He is indeed Apollo but actually he doesn't act one. Besides, Meg is also a dull character that I almost look over her all the time. Yet they're the reasons why I'm in love with this book so much that I can't get my mind back to normal even though I finished it two weeks ago.

The book starts off with the gang exploring the maze while they're being chased by the avian creatures (i forget what they're called. so please forgive me lol). After they survive, Lester must to seek the third oracle whom he sees in his dream that she's the one being captured and used to lure him to the trap. However, he's left with no choices. Apollo must cooperate with Jason and Piper in order to acheive what he's set out to do.

There're so many twists and turns in this book and I dare say it's a real tearjerking and groundbreaking book that got me crazy with I finished. The cadence is very perfect and made me laugh so many times. The best of all is the development of the main characters after what they have been through making me so pround.

And the ending tore me apart. So be prepared!

“Remember what it's to be human,” favorites-2018 young-adult399 s Tharindu Dissanayake298 706

"Hail, the Meg!"

Didn't see that one coming... For the first time in ToA, it's difficult to laugh all the way, after encountering one of the most heartbreaking events of the entire camp half-blood series. Just when I thought things might get a little repetitive and predictable, the author has decided to drop a bomb on us. No fair, Riordan. If you must kill a character, please do with a new one.

"O Wise Projectile, we need help!"

Everything started great and adventurous as ever, and it was nice having Grover back after a long time. For the first half of the story, things were as hilarious as it was before. But then things took a depressing turn all of a sudden, delivering the aforementioned painful event. Takes one a while to recover from that one.

"I intend to overthrow the human race and institute a government by the horses, for the horses."
"That's straight from the horse's mouth."

The plot was thrilling, complex and more eventful than the previous two, and full of suspense right till the end. We do get the chance to understand some of the details about Meg's past, and it's interesting to see the way her character is evolving. As for Apollo, he's taking a time-off (for the most part) from regretting his past behavior he did in first two books.


Even though the cliffhangers of ToA are a little forgiving compared to PJO & HoO, all three ending so far weren't as satisfying as it did with the first two series. It's hard not to hate the major bad guy keeps on getting away at the last moment. Hopefully, this will make the ending more thrilling.

"Time makes a bric-a-brac of everything, no matter how important."
"The Meg has spoken!"
339 s Taylor511 141

"It's been my observation," I said, "that you humans are more than the sum of your history. You can choose how much of your ancestry to embrace. You can overcome the expectations of your family and your society. What you cannot do, and should never do, is try to be someone other than yourself."


*screams into the void*

Whelp. Rick's done it. Not since The Mark of Athena have I felt so destroyed by a Rick Riordan book.


*swings back wine bottle*

Okay. I think I'm ready to talk about this.

The Burning Maze is the third book in The Trials of Apollo series, and Rick Riordan's nineteenth demigod book. I've read every single one of this man's books, and I'm never disappointed. So it shouldn't be a surprise that I absolutely loved this.

I sound a broken record at this point, but I don't care. This series is just...so special. I love all of Rick's books, sure, but there's something about The Trials of Apollo that just gets me. This series centers around Apollo, the shining Greek god of archery, music, medicine, and the Sun, among other things. At the beginning of the first book, Zeus casts Apollo out of Olympus as punishment for his failures, and traps him in the body of a 16 year old boy named Lester Papadopoulos. Cursed with mortality, acne, and flab, Apollo must complete five trials in order to restore himself to his godly glory.

Apollo is still one of the funniest Rick Riordan characters ever put on the page. His voice is biting, self-absorbed, and utterly hysterical. He's not your conventional hero. He's not selfless, or brave, and he has absolutely no qualms about it. And that's what makes him great.

But, Apollo has gone through a lot since the beginning of the first book, and he has much more to lose.

What surprised me most about Apollo's character is how much growth he's experienced since book one. Our main character has lived for millennia, and he carries quite a bit of baggage from his past. On top of his past failures, Apollo is consistently confronted by his own mortality, and becomes all too familiar with the pain and love that comes with being human. Seeing his growth has been so powerful, and incredibly emotional.

The relationships he forms in this series are also wonderful. I'll continue to harp on the fact that Meg and Apollo have the most adorable friendship ever. Yeah, you heard me. Who knew the friendship between a former all-powerful god and a twelve-year-old girl would be so goddamn beautiful?

Our cast of side characters bring a ton to the story as well. I loved seeing more of the nymphs and dryads in this installment, and there were some amazing cameos in here. I've missed Grover so much. What a delight he was! Coach Hedge, Piper, and Jason were also welcome additions to this cast of characters.




On top of all that, The Burning Maze has the best villain this series has seen so far. I won't name the crazy Roman Emperor that makes an appearance in this installment, but he was...disgustingly evil. Quite the fitting villain, and a terrifying foil for our characters.

The story constantly kept me on my toes, and this was definitely a lot darker than the previous two books in the series. There was this feeling of constant dread interwoven throughout the narrative. The emotion was heightened to astronomical proportions, and I freaking cried my eyes out at one point. Sobbed.

The Trials of Apollo is an all-time-favorite for a reason, guys. It's that good.

With just the right balance of laughs and emotion, wonderful characters, a batshit crazy villain, and an exciting story set in the depths of the Labyrinth, The Burning Maze succeeds on so many levels. I absolutely adored this book. How, oh how will I wait for the fourth book?What must I do to get my hands on it?!

The wait might just kill me, but I'm so ready.
2018-books lgbtqia mythology-folklore ...more271 s Coreen Angelie319 70



(A-) 82% | Very Good
Notes: Soldiers sprout, old flames die out, hot game show situations, death done well, it's sad as hell: emotion conflagration.

*Check out progress updates for detailed commentary:

Progress updates:

08/28/2023 - Preamble
(1) It seems this series is cycling through all the previous Greek/Roman principal characters, each book starting off with a new trio.
- The first book started with Percy, Apollo and Meg, with Nico later replacing Percy.
- The second book started with Apollo, Leo and Calypso, with Meg and Thalia appearing halfway.
- Here you get Apollo, Meg and Grover to start, with the promise of Jason and Piper joining.

08/29/2023 - Chapters 1-6
(1) Apollo: "Meg! I told you not to kill [the strix]! You’ll get cursed!"
Meg: "I didn’t kill it. It committed suicide against that wall."
Apollo: "I don’t think the Fates will see it that way."
- That'd be an interesting episode of "People's Court."
- I wonder whether the racquetball defense ever works? Arguably, the wall is the killing blow, not the strike. Perhaps choosing death to the pain of a second hit?

08/30/2023 (1) - Chapters 7-11
(1) "Another discount sticker grazed my arm with the force of an angry Titaness's slap."
- Is he referring to Calypso? I don't recall her slapping Apollo, but it sounds about right. And it's not there's an excess of Titanesses running around.
(2) I don't mind that Meg can psychically share her memories with Apollo. What bugs me is she somehow knows she can do it, but doesn't why she knows or how it works.

08/30/2023 (2) - Chapters 12-15
(1) We finally get the answer to how Leo acquired the Mercedes in "The Hidden Oracle": he stole it.
- Piper's old habits must have rubbed off on him.
(2) Herophile speaks in crosswords (puzzles). She tells Michelangelo his painting of her is too "Eight letters, starts with M." "Muscular" is the answer.
- Problem is that's English. In Italian it would be "musculosa" or "musculare," which each have nine letters!

08/31/2023 - Chapters 16-21
(1) Jason goes to an all-boys boarding school in Pasadena.
- Probably to directly contrast Piper, who's broke and forced to move to Oklahoma.
- Being an orphan, I wonder how he pays the tuition? Possibly his movie star mother left him some inheritance.
(2) One of the noticeable differences about this series is the sheer frequency of crying.
- I don't recall characters "blinking back tears" so often previously.

09/02/2023 - Chapters 22-26
(1) "I had flirted with Thalia, which…Eww. Curse you, Father, for having so many children! It made dating a true minefield over the millennia."
- I'd think that'd be more an outlier, ever since the Big Three child moratorium.
(2) "I wondered again what was behind their breakup ... Full points for vagueness, girl, but I wanted the dirt."
- Yup, classic Riordan: answers are teased but continually put off.

09/04/2023 (1) - Chapters 27-32
(1) The pop culture references here feel really old. "The Kane Chronicles" companion I recently read, also a 2018 book, was the same.
- He references the 1980s almost exclusively, one exception is a Captain & Tennille song from the 1970s!
- Previously, Riordan would name-drop pop hits du jour, songs and artists so current I hardly knew any.
- I mean, better for me, but kids these days won't have a clue!

09/04/2023 (2) - Chapters 33-38
(1) The big death here really elevates the book from a somewhat forgettable story to something pretty special.
- It was my least favorite character in these Greek/Roman books, so I wasn't gutted or anything, but everything about it, the aftermath especially, was done so well that even I felt the loss... scratch that, Meg's my least favorite character.
- That beach scene is up there as an all-time Riordan best.

09/04/2023 (3) - Chapters 39-44
(1) The Meliai call Meg "The Meg."
- At first, I thought this was alluding to the film "The Meg," comparing Meg to a giant shark.
- However, even though they both came out in 2018, this book must have been written a year before the film came out.
(2) Being dyslexic, whenever I see "Herophile, my mind always reads it as "hermaphrodite." Can't be helped.
- It's the "her" + "ph" + "ile" that causes the confusion.

09/05/2023 - Chapters 45-47
(1) For a series where people weep often and for very little reason, it finally provided something worth weeping over.
(2) The big death was the best part, which is mixed bag.
- On one hand, it really elevated the book out of simply going through the motions.
- On the other hand, killing important characters to generate emotion is easy. Here it really contrasted how run-of-the-mill-Riordan everything else was.400-499-pp author-american genre-folklore-myth ...more243 s2 comments may ?510 2,377

so if I slap the book hard enough it’ll disappear right? Alexa how do you unread a book4-star fantasy i-actually-cried ...more236 s Tina ? lives in Fandoms442 439

Complete 5 Golden Stars
& 5 thousands more!

the Hidden Oracle: ?????/5= 4.9: Marvelous
the Dark Prophecy: ????(?)/5= 4.5: Gorgeous
the Burning Maze: ?????/5= 5 Compelete!!!: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Amazing. Wonderful. Painful.
(I don't think anyone ever used these words together)


One word,
says it all!

"Remember what it’s to be human."

this book had everything I want from a good (Fantastic!) book; the plot trio; humourous Fun, heartbreaking Feelz, breathtaking Excitements in a fast pace! best combination.
Rick Riordan knows how to build up an anticipation when it is its time & in the best thrilling funniest possible way!!
I loved it, page by page, wholeheartedly. every second reading this amazing adventure, every word, swallowed me up.

~book 3 of every series Rick Riordan wrote is where the story started to ascend higher in a steep slope! You just should wait until book 3 then BOOM! more thrilling! more mysteries! more revealing! the characters reunion, the main plot points, the turning event, the solid character development, etc. book 1 & 2 are fabulous too but they are more an introduction, the basis of the story to be build up on them.~

I can see how it will go on! No. Not really, I can't predict anything. I just know it's gonna BLOW UP my mind!

Rick Riordan is beyond Genius!

He can create such intense moments in which my heart was racing over 120 & it lasted for more than 50 pages constantly! (I LOVE THAT FEELING!) also there was intense plus fun at some points!
Same happening for laughter! Usually, I burst into laughter for 30 minutes straight! & my parents were "what's happening? you're just reading a book!". & my throat, my cheeks hurt after that much laughing & grinning but it was worth it! I still laughs by just remembering them!
Riordan’s jokes never gets old. & they are PRICELESS!

Apollo himself! (he ascended to my top 4 truly favourite characters! not just because his jokes, explaining later)
Apollo's Narration!
all Apollo's comments & thoughts!
all the readers’ comments!
Chapters haikus!
Meg! Grover! the Arrow of Dodona!
the crossword puzzles!

Many words of wisdom! Inspiring Apollo & others! (I love to see hopeful quotes in my favourite books in a realistic way, they made me keep going on the hard times.)

“It’s been my observation" I said, “that you humans are more than the sum of your history. You can choose how much of your ancestry to embrace. You can overcome the expectations of your family and your society. What you cannot do, and should never do, is try to be someone other than yourself"

& all the Characters (in the whole Half-blood chronicles) are awesome. Villains too are interesting; cruel & sometimes even fun!
In all Riordan's books, I love the villains too; from Kronos, the Titans & Gaea to Triumvirate. my favourites in special: Lit, Blemmyae, this emperor & his companions. & I'm the one from good guys side (loving the heroes) who said that. & that saying something! how interesting the characters were created!


and covered my guilty pleasure pretty pretty pretty well!
in which I LOVE to see my favourite character, suffer. (or breakdown; that'll work too.)
*evil laughter*
intense moments from the beginning!
So many times.
In these cases, My internal evil maniac laughing (so did I (mostly smiling), but sometimes I forced myself not to!)

also I love to cry over a book! (my villain side!) the pain! the feelz! this happened in this book, in both happy & sad way. many times.
Prepare to be soul-crushed & heartbroken in this book.
this was the first time my truly fav character (the hero who has main role (I always fall for the main heroes) & was a leader. my crush. my sweet boiiiiiiiiiii.) died *crying* I am truly crushed! how do you people bear it??? I never recover from this pain. that's the reason my rereading multiplied!
I loved him when apparently no one did before this book. I loved him when he was so clueless & seriously being funny in the Lost Hero.
I tear up every time I remember it. & even tho I've got a spoiler about that, months ago (which still infuriates me the way it happened! so accidental! & I wasn't even looking for fanarts! just. not. fair!), & I tried to forget that but I couldn't. I was waiting for it. & Riordan masterplanned it so well at the unexpected time & hit me the way I wanted, filling me up with feelZZZz! Falling in battle, worthy of a hero. Epic scene, even when he was so tired, trying to protect his friends. Epic act of sacrifice, just the way he would do, worthy of Jason. & the way Rick (Apollo) described it, the emotions..... gods, tears falling & I can't stop! & still can't believe it, Rick did that. I understand it, but I won't believe it.
& I think this event had a major impact on Apollo & his character development.
he didn't deserve it. of course he didn't.

“The people who deserved to die took forever to do so. Those who deserved to live always went too soon.”

burst out crying again at all the parts during Re-Reading too. every. damn. time!
he made peace with it, knowing he would die & still went to this battle. I still can't...

"It struck me just how young he was—no more than seventeen. Older than my mortal form, yes, but not by much. This young man had lost his mother. He had survived the harsh training of Lupa the wolf goddess. He’d grown up with the discipline of the Twelfth Legion at Camp Jupiter. He’d fought Titans and giants. He’d helped save the world at least twice. But by mortal standards, he was barely an adult. He wasn’t old enough to vote or drink."

"Certainly, I’d never had a brother defend me in front of Father.... This young demigod had stood up for me. He’d had no reason to do so. He barely knew me."

"Carry him away! I prayed, knowing that no god would listen. Please, just let Tempest get him to safety!"

"Where is Jason?"

so much Laughter
yet, so much Cry!
(price of reading a fantastic book)

I'm proud how Apollo is changing/growing through the books (especially in this book)
He actually cares & his sympathy levels increased, more human, maybe even heroic!

some of them made me gasp in astonishment: oh Apollo!
? They needed a plan, not a screaming, panicking Lester.
? “Grover!” I yelled up. “You can drop me now, but don’t worry. I have a—” Grover dropped me.... (& I cracked up laughing!)
? I fell to my knees. “Meg, Grover—get the Sibyl out of here. Leave me!” Another brave, self-sacrificing gesture. I hope you’re keeping count. (don't worry, Apollo, I did.)
? ...'Remember what it’s to be human'... I would be Apollo, I would remember

Without Doubt
this book was my BEST book of 2018
& one of the bests of my ALL-TIME favourite books.

again, I appreciate we have a series about Apollo.

"a problem with a good book is you want to finish it ASAP & you don't want to finish it..."

I'm crying, because:
it was beautiful. [& the last sentences made me sob: But from now on, I would be more than Lester. I would be more than an observer. I would be Apollo. I would remember.
it had so much feelz it can burst my heart.
it's over.
& next book coming next Autumn!
As it is my First Riordan's series to catch up with the fandom (including following the updates, fangirling, & waiting for the books), so I wrote a Pure Emotional review over it (which I read in its publication year too) & as you can see it is different; all my feelings, all my thoughts, all my fangirling have been gathered in one place & I tried to express my love & pain in words.
actually, I love this review! even though it sounds it is written by someone hysterically maniac. the constant come & go between pleasure & pain. I might even sound cruel, that's probably because the trauma I bore in this book. (I still love it. always will)

sums it up:
World building: ?????/5
Characters development: ?????/5
Written style: ?????/5
/ Fun: ?????/5
/ Feelz: ?????/5
plot & events: ?????/5
General idea: ?????/5
Re-read section:
1st read: [2018: Dec 1-Dec 4]
Really glad to read this Bless in my birthmonth, December!
I tried to swallow it up! tasted every pages, every words; because first time surprise is only once!
& I set a record! I read it in 4 days! best/happiest/funniest 4 days ever! best start of December ever!

I think for the first time in my reading life, I'm gonna be in book hangover!
I want to read this again! that's crazy!

2nd read: [2018: Dec 17-Dec 23] actually I did it! I set another record in my whole history of re-reading! XD
too soon? (maybe), but all the fun, feelz & thrills as fresh as the first time!
I love re-reading! I found some new clues I didn't find the first time! (as it was continuing a whole ToA re-reading.)

3rd read: [2019: May 1- May 3]
Book hangover! again!

4th read: [2022] Buddy reading with dear Caitlin
Already Crying
Always Crying...

5th read: {Aug 2023]: Buddy reading with dear Yeganeh, my quick fellow reader.
I started it out the Apollo mood, & was afraid that I wouldn't enjoy it as much as before. but NO NEED TO WORRY! after a few chapters my mood had returned with so much power that I couldn't put it down & I really had to force myself to stop!
Ha! this book is full of records & miracles. & feelings!
(901 highlights in my ebook)2018 5-stars 5-stars-complete ...more176 s Joel Rochester61 19.2k

rick riordan i will never forgive you

brilliant book though love u uncle rick <3favourites five-stars read-2021177 s - ?? jess ??-619 280

Hey folks! It's that time of year when I write a really incoherent screamy review about Rick Riordan's books and I get told to chill, but I have no chill when it comes to Rick Riordan. And believe me when I say that this time, Rick Riordan is not fucking around.

Don't get me wrong - for a lot of the book, we've got the same fun adventure romp that many readers have come to love about Rick's books, even if it is somewhat formulaic. We've got Apollo in all his melodrama, with soooooooo many references to pop culture and history, for both modern teenagers AND their parents. So many. SO. MANY. Apollo, as always, is such a horrifying delight to read, because he's a disaster, and he's so conceited, but it's all very endearing. That being said, I believe that Apollo's a lot more sympathetic than he was in the first or second books - he's learned some humility. His earlier adventures have stuck with him, and it was great to see so much character development.

It was really exciting seeing Grover again, and seeing how much he's matured. I'm so proud of him. And the Hedge family - I really grew into loving the three of them in this book, even though I didn't really pay them a lot of heed in the Heroes of Olympus. We also got some old villains, Medea, which was really cool to see.

Spoilers from this point on.

I was so excited for Piper and Jason, because I've really come to love them, even though when I first read The Lost Hero, I was not a fan of any of them. I was twelve. In the eight years in between, I have come to love each and every member of the Seven, including Leo Valdez, even if he can be really annoying. Especially since reading The House of Hades, I've really come to realize how much I love everything about Piper and Jason - I'm not a huge Jasiper fan, but I know now I love them in The Lost Hero, and all the books in between.

So the first shock of the book: Jasiper broke up. I was stunned, because this contradicted everything we had seen from the ending of the Heroes of Olympus, with everyone neatly paired off and getting a happily-ever-after. We all thought that they were going to get a happily-ever-after. But I thought that this was a really mature look on first love. While Percy and Annabeth are proof that first love can be your true love - as it was for Rick himself - Piper and Jason proves that things aren't always that cut and dry. Leo and Calypso, in The Dark Prophecy, talked about how they needed to find time to figure out how to be a couple away from travelling and danger. Piper and Jason figured that they weren't a good couple, but they were still friends, and that was okay.

Even seeing both Piper and Jason was so bittersweet, and it hurt that Piper's life was turned upside down. I admire how incredibly brave she was, dealing with so much in such a short time - even before the events of this book. And when we finally see Jason, we see him just the way as he's aways been - quiet, dedicated, loyal. The same qualities that I pegged him as 'boring' when I first met him in the end made me love him. And it was good to see that Jason, at least, was living as normal of a life that demigods can.

I have to admit that I had, up until this recent reread and this book, that I considered Trials of Apollo to be the most juvenile of Rick's series. But it's not: the silliness hides the brutality and tragedy that has always been inherent in Greek mythology, and, well, the Camp Half-Blood-verse as a whole. This book really brought it into the forefront. On the first page of The Lightning Thief, Percy says, "Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, scary ways." And sure, we've seen some pretty brutal deaths over the years. But Rick doesn't kill main characters. If he does, he brings them back. Or so we thought.

Because Jason. Jason Grace dies and even though I am in denial, it is made incredibly clear that this is final. There is no Piper charmspeaking him to life. No potion. No godly magic. We see him get stabbed, twice. We see his body. We see his coffin. In all Rick Riordan's books, this is the most final and brutal death, because it's so goddamn real. I think that a lot of other deaths in the series had hope and fantasy behind them: Beckendorf and Silena reunited in Elysium, Zoe Nightshade turning into a constellation, Bianca di Angelo showing up in ghost form - and even so, these were minor characters. They were sad, but you only knew them for a book or so. You don't spend FIVE FUCKING BOOKS with them only to see them end up in a coffin.

Jason's death is one of the hardest depictions of loss I've ever seen in a book, because it's so frank and human. It takes on a view of death that I've seen in books for older readers. I think it was very reminiscent of One Particular Death in one of Leigh Bardugo's books. He doesn't get a romantic monologue of dying Luke or Silena did. It was quick and brutal. And realizing it was just as - Jason's corpse tumbling onto the beach. Even though he finished his Grand Quest, he wasn't safe, because demigods aren't safe - and neither are humans, for that matter. It's a very straightforward look at mortality. Sometimes people die gracelessly (I'M SORRY, I'M SO FUCKING SORRY). Sometimes people die too early. Sometimes people die when no one expected them to. I have criticized Rick for not killing anyone in his books, that this lowers the stakes. I think we all didn't expect the stakes to be raised so quickly. Caligula says: it's not a game. And this book shows it.

I also have to commend Rick for this depiction of grief, because it's so fucking raw. Jason's death didn't really hit me until Leo flew in and asked, "Where's Jason," and I screamed because I realized Jason and Leo never got to say goodbye to each other. Hell, Jason never knew that Leo was ALIVE. , excuse me, I'm going to go cry under a rock now. Not to mention Leo going, "I can't even think right now? Is that normal? Just forgetting how to think?" That also hit me so hard because it was so real and human. And I think, if this book had been out when my dad passed away, this would have been the book I'd turn to for solace, because it covers all these complex and hard feelings about death and loss that you don't fully realize until someone you care about dies. Apollo found those feelings.

Jason Grace died as he lived, for the most part: selflessly and heroically (though, notably, it wasn't a brick that killed him). And even though his death fucking hurts, I think it's given everyone a lot more fire to defeat the emperors. I have a lot of complicated feelings right now, because I only just finished the book and this is the worst fictional death I've gone through, , ever. But I really do commend Rick Riordan on how he handled everything, even if I'm going to be shrieking into the next century.

As for the end: Bellona's daughter. On the one hand, this means we'll see Reyna again, one of my favourite characters. On the other, I don't believe we got Leo's bad news from Camp Jupiter? Also, I'm really really really really not wanting this Reyna/Apollo thing to happen, so I have a lot of mixed feelings? I just. Have. A lot of feelings about this book. I have no chill. I'm sorry.

So to sum it all up, in one non-spoilery sentence: Rick Riordan does it again - a fun adventurous romp through mythology, history, Roman emperors, and a bit of emotional turmoil thrown in, just for funsies. I'm really anticipating the next book. 161 s — Massiel247 1,228

Please Apollo. Remember. Please.2018134 s sally ?428 113

"Whatever happens, when you get back to Olympus, when you're a god again, remember. Remember what it's to be human."

I just cannot believe it. I don’t want to believe it.
My heart is in pieces and I hope we can all collectively agree to pretend this did not happen (i am joking) (mostly)bookshelf fantasy mythology102 s luke330

"I would be Apollo.
I would remember"

i just need to sit and cry for the rest of my life...

buddy reading with the #ReadRiordanBookClub and Iliana

As if it wasn't too hard already, i decided i'd read this book twice this year
I suffer maybe way too much
THIRD TIME REREAD: surprisingly, i didn't cry this time... i didn't cry as much as the other two at least ahahhaa2018-favs 5-stars buddy-read ...more87 s B122 12.4k


Though I really felt the ending of this book was amazing, I do feel it dragged at some points. I feel the main plot of the book wasn’t keeping me as entertained as the previous ones and even though the ending was phenomenal, I just don’t think it 100% makes up for the rest! I do think that the next book will be incredible though, and am so so excited to read it!2019-read audiobook books-in-my-library86 s ambsreads656 1,653

Thank you Penguin Random House for a full copy. All thoughts are my own


Dare I say it? I may just. The Burning Maze is one of Rick Riordan’s top five books of all time. This book had it all. Character development that didn’t fade away, action, death, drama and the inclusion of past characters didn’t feel forced. Oh, I forgot to mention the best part! The Burning Maze brought back Grover. I honestly feel as if Grover is one of the most underappreciated characters in all of Rick Riordan’s series. That satyr deserves a heck of a lot more recognition for what he’s gone through and the fact he was here in The Burning Maze? You bet I screamed.

The Burning Maze kicks off almost hours after the end of The Dark Prophecy. Meg, Apollo and Grover are travelling through the labyrinth (yes, the labyrinth is back) and are facing some complications, obviously. The trio goes through so much and at times even has to spilt up. However, I notice Rick Riordan always makes sure to use the Camp Half-Blood rule of three people going on a quest together. In The Burning Maze, we learn more about Meg’s biological father and see her interact with dryads of where she used to live. Piper and Jason even appear, characters from one of Rick Riordan’s other series, and they didn’t make me want to die (these two were my least favourite of Rick Riordan’s).

This story just seems to flow so much better than the previous one. It was honestly so exciting and I am so happy that I can passionately tell everyone to pick it up. If you’re into middle grade and Rick Riordan’s books this is so worth it.

Rick really changed up the game in this one is all I’ll say without spoiling anyone. I’m just so excited for people to read it so I have people to scream with.

Anyway, I’m babbling, let us jump into what I d and didn’t about The Burning Maze.


It’s not that Rick changed it up, it’s that he finally did things he was too afraid to do in previous books. I really can’t say much here without spoiling it and I want everyone to be as shocked as I was, so I’ll leave it at that.


I despise Jason and Piper. I think they’re an Annabeth and Percy remake and I just didn’t that in life and death situations the only person Piper cared about was Jason. It was annoying. However, finally, six books later I them. Wow, that was hard to say. I think what I enjoyed the most was a) lack of Jason and b) Piper getting real about their relationship. Their relationship had been forged on lies – shout out to Hera, you bitch – and in such a high intense situation as war it is difficult to go back to normal life in which you can relax. I feel that this pair really showed the struggles of something that and I am so happy Rick included it in the book.


I said it earlier but Grover deserves more love. Grover goes out of his way to saves everyone’s butt and protect the world. I honestly can’t even express my excitement at getting his humour back in the books and seeing his dedication towards his friends, both old and new. He’s seriously Percy’s best friend and y’all sleep on him too much.


I complained in my last review, The Dark Prophecy, about how Apollo took backward steps. Finally in The Burning Maze we see Apollo start thinking about others. He goes through so many emotions and has a general empathy that shocks even him. It was seriously enjoyable to see a god shocked at feeling something empathy towards a mortal. I feel if Apollo had kept up with the same level of douchebaggery as the first book I would have had to put this book down but I was very pleasantly shocked by what Rick Riordan chose to do with this story.


I’m as shocked as you are. I don’t know what happened. I always have something I disd about a book. I mean, The Burning Maze isn’t a perfect book either but I honestly just can’t pinpoint one thing I hated or that even irked me in this book. I had such a fun time reading it and I really can’t say anything negative. I’m speechless, for once. If you know me, you know this is a shock.

Overall, The Burning Maze shocked me in the best way possible. I truly can’t put in words how much I did enjoy this book. I clearly tried and reading over this review made me cringe because I literally can’t express my enjoyment. I probably wouldn’t recommend this series to someone who hasn’t read Rick Riordan’s previous series, but if you want to give it a go I do still recommend it! The pacing was beautiful and the intensity of some of the characters emotions was intense. We finally got a sense of grief as well, that Rick has shied away from in previous books.

Also, if you're looking to buy any books over at Book Depository, feel free to use my affiliate link! I gain a small 5% commission at no extra cost to you.fantasy magic mystery ...more61 s Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora)1,009 41.7k

“It’s been my observation" I said, “that you humans are more than the sum of your history. You can choose how much of your ancestry to embrace. You can overcome the expectations of your family and your society. What you cannot do, and should never do, is try to be someone other than yourself–Piper McLean”.

Creo que en este punto de mi vida he leído más de 20 libros de Rick Riordan y, aún así, cada nueva historia de él que leo me sigue pareciendo una fantasía. The Burning Maze es la tercera entrega de The Trials of Apollo y aquí seguimos viendo a nuestro dios del sol favorito convertido en un simple mortal e intentando recuperar el poder de todos sus oráculos para que el malvado Triunvirato no pueda dominar el mundo y matarnos a todos.

En esta historia volvemos al temido laberinto, pues Apolo debe rescatar al tercer oráculo que, evidentemente, está en el centro de esta trampa mortal. Y no sólo debe sobrevivir a las peligrosas trampas que lo esperan, sino que también tendrá que enfrentarse a uno de los emperadores romanos más retorcidos y sanguinarios que conoció milenios atrás: Calígula.

Creo que una de las mejores cosas de esta serie es que, poco a poco, vemos viendo cómo Apolo se adapta y va entendiendo cómo viven los mortales. En los primeros libros lo vemos muy perdido y cabreado por haber perdido su inmortalidad, pero en The Burning Maze Apolo tiene mucho más los pies en la tierra, piensa un montón en todo lo egoístas que son los dioses y, sobre todo, entiende la valía que tienen los héroes por arriesgar sus vidas en todas las pruebas que les envían los dioses por pura diversión. Me gusta muchísimo ver cómo empieza a reflexionar desde un punto de vista más humano y creo que, eventualmente, cuando vuelva a ser un dios, va a recordar esta experiencia mortal que tuvo y va a cambiar muchas cosas en el Olimpo.

Ahora, debo decirles que tienen que estar preparados emocionalmente para leer The Burning Maze. Hace varios libros que Rick Riordan no se animaba a matar a un personaje principal, pero aquí lo hizo. Y no sólo lo hizo, sino que lo sacrifica después de habernos apuñalado con el hecho de que destrozó la relación que tenía con otra persona antes de que eso sucediera. (Hola, esta soy yo intentando ser vaga y no dar ningún spoiler). Me dolió muchísimo esa pérdida, sobre todo porque durante mucho tiempo pensé que no era real, que pronto volvería a la vida, que irían hasta el Inframundo a recuperar su alma... pero cuando se acabó el libro y vi que ese personaje no volvía, joder, fue horrible. Es muy cruel todo. Desde las reacciones de sus amigos al enterarse como el saber que tienen que seguir adelante con sus misiones o, de lo contrario, todos van a seguir el camino de Jason.

En notas más alegres, amo que, poco a poco, los personajes de The Heroes of Olympus se vayan incorporando a la trama. Me encantó volver a ver a Piper en acción y, sobre todo, creo que voy a ser muy feliz en el siguiente libro porque siento que Leo va a hacer una aparición estelar.

Pensamiento random: sigue sin caerme bien Meg. Bah.

Como les digo, The Burning Maze es uno de los libros más oscuros de Rick Riordan hasta ahora y todo apunta a que los demás de esta serie van a seguir por ese camino. Aún les quedan varios emperadores psicóticos romanos por enfrentar y, además, en algún momento debe llegar el gran enfrentamiento de Apolo con Python, su serpiente archienemiga. ¡Quiero saber ya qué sucede con esta historia! Y, sobre todo, no quiero que muera ninguno de mis personajes favoritos. 62 s samantha Bookworm-on-rainydays285 111

This book has everything a Rick Riordan book needs to have with it making me laugh, cry and feel pretty much every feeling in between. It feels both dark yet light at the same time, which is very hard to have. i loved that Meg and Apollo have very difficult self journeys in this book. And we get to see Grover again which was a plus i love his character. But i do have a question for Mr Ridordan Why is the third book in a serie always so sad?! I mean The Titan's Curse, The Mark of Athena, and now The Burning Maze have each in their own way left me shook!! but saying that i still can't wait to read the next book and hate the fact that I have to wait a year for it to come out.. ps (i hope nico is in it, His my fav) favorites55 s E. 334 288

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