
Star Bounty: Vindication: (A Military Sci-Fi Series) de Rick Partlow

de Rick Partlow - Género: English
libro gratis Star Bounty: Vindication: (A Military Sci-Fi Series)


Rick Partlow Publisher: Aethon Books, Year: 2022

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This was the final book in a 4-book set. I had seen a favorable review of the series and it was available with all 4 books in one audiobook. Fulfills the tropes nicely with its own touches. A bounty hunter, once a police officer who ran afoul of corruption in his department. The 4-book arc builds on the initial plot, adding characters along the way. It has the feel of good quality pulp, a fun SF story with engaging characters. A lot of fun.2 s Tim Fletcher17 1 follower

Vindication (interstellar Bounty Hunter)

Vindication feels the end of this series, and if it is, it’s a great way to go out.
Grant Masterson has given everything he has to keep his friends safe and keep up the good fight against the Oracle and her Nautilus organization, and this is his last chance to ring her down and make things right. 
He and Dog and the others risk their lives and their freedom to take the fight to the bad guys and the showdown is epic.  Great space opera action!

Great series

Awesome series! The lead character had a problem with being a human target; he got shot a lot...thank gawd for futuristic advanced medicine. But he had an astounding amount of loyalty to his peers, and a great sense oh humor.
All the characters in this series were well-rounded and believeable and the action was non-stop. I'm going to look at some other Partlow books to see if he picked up the story in another series...thanks for an entertaining read, Rick Partlow! Ed McNellis73 1 follower

Sorry that's all...or is it??

Loved this series it had it all,battles -
evil villains -romance and above all...a snarky AI DOG!! What could be better?
I'll tell you...."SPACE RANGERS - A NEW
BEGINNING" how's that for a continuing storyline title? Ok I'll leave the title's to you since you're the "writer" (LOL) but you have to bring all the guy's back for more adventures! Ya Meatbag! You just gotta!! Joe697 1 follower

A very busy time for all

Masterson finds that his team has more than enough enemies to fight when he discovers that Oracle is involved in messing up their plans and when he winds up in a life threatening situation he begins to realize that Oracle is involved there too.
There’s a lot of action that would fit in military Sci-Fi books before the ending that ties the different elements together well & leaving things set up for a new series (which I hope will come out soon!) Beto36 1 follower

I thought this story was going good, until this book came along and the hint of the female character being sexually abused when she is captured by a gang of criminals is horrible. The fact that that the MC shrug it off as: she needs to process things, without even claryfing it... or even getting worried about what she went through... I don't know. To me, it ruined everything. There was no need. No need at all. Garbage trick. Cmoore1,861

This book starts the action where the last book left off. And things just go from bad to worse, for Grant Masterson. As he ends up in the worst penitentiary in the Galaxy! But he's got one of the best teams including his AI dog backing him.
You'll need to grab this action-driven series to find out how they take on the marshals, the navy, and the orchastrator of the conspiracy.
And through it all Garrett Michael Brown gave us a perfectly nuanced performance. Sidney256 3

Good read

Great storyline enhanced by well thought out plots and subplots, brought to life by the incredible action, twists and awesome characters. This book made you really think. Your word is your bond. You don’t lie. You make a promise. Do you standby your morals and your word or do you sacrifice those ideals for the perceived greater good? Trevor1,256 2

Grant Masterson in his quest to save Allie, used unlawful actions and now finds himself in a notorious prison, courtesy of the Oracle. Having been broken out by Dog, Allie, Larry and Chase, the final confrontation with the Oracle begins. Good story that moves at a nice pace, as they finally meet up with the Oracle. rickwhitehorn7

Star Bounty a good read

As space operas go, this series was surprisingly good. The story was sensible and believable, the characters were well developed and I was able to have empathy with them. Partlow spins a good yarn and some of the nuances in this series felt slightly Asimovian to me. I would recommend this series to anyone who's looking for an exciting read.

Peter Bruyns406 1 follower

If we Can't...

If we can't have genetic mods then we are going to need some sort of AI. Some sort of AI means some sort of risks. I see the three Isamov laws as the basic. Anyway, this particular series is over. There are no hanging issues and it's been good reading. It has not been full of swearing and blatant sex and it really will suit all ages. Karl Hakimian473 3

Exciting, and aptly named, finale to this series. An enjoyable plot will keep turning pages. The characters are well written and their interactions quite enjoyable. Grant is a hero that you really want to root for. Chris62

Still good

I'd to find more books about animals found to have human intelligence. Dog was good but he was just a computer with a human mind. Enjoyed the ending if it was. Thank you. CURTIS PETTY12

clearly different

A renegade ex space marshal, a naval intelligence officer and a wet behind the ears kid bounty hunter , oh and a artificial intelligence computer camouflaged as a dog try to save the universe! What more do you need? Gabriel160

Great Story

A great story. Lots of fun, action and more. No spoilers from me but if you d the previous books in the series you will this one too. Victoria S. Torley8 2

Great story

Another gem. An action packed with a twisted plot. Rick tells a great tale with solidly written characters. And Dog? What else could it be named. Dog, the bounty hunter. DAVID583 5

Great story

Well that was another great storyline with plenty of action and blood and guts lol. Just hoping now that there will be more of Grant and A!lie and Dog as Rangers Mike Ward79

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