
Caballo Os de Richard, Knaak A

de Richard, Knaak A - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Caballo Os


Richard, Knaak A Series: El reino de los dragones 4 Year: 2009

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Shadow Steed (Dragonrealm #4), Richard A. Knaak

The fourth and final episode in the Dragonrealm series, chronicling the story of Cabe Bedlam and his war against the evil Dragon Kings. Other titles in the series include Firedrake, Ice Dragon and Wolfhelm.

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This was a nice outing.
Things advance in the Dragon Realm.

Building on events from before, previous books.
Things come to resolution some areas.

Castle intrigues. A disfigured king, meeting his betrothed.
Her arrival, growth and struggles. Amid everything.
A nice strong female character. That can still be lady and princess.
Spies and secret agents, close to the throne.

A dragon armies attack.
As one of the dragon kings looks to take it all.
A good read. You want to keep working at, to see the finish.
Keeps your interest. fantasy-l-of-rings-f-relams-d-n-d Daniel401 17

I've had this book on my shelf for many years and I've finally finished it. I found the first half of the book to be a dreadful slog. It wasn't until about halfway through the book, when we see the Bedlams again, that the story really started to pick up for me. Once things started moving I struggled to put the book down.fantasy Hans212 2

Fourth book in the Dragonrealm series. Must say that I enjoyed reading it, but found the first three books better. Lots of magic and sorcery in this one. With a big battle coming up, I had expected to read more about it. It is only briefly mentioned in the end, and a lot of time is spent with Shadowsteed and Shade (or whoever he is).

Kniha je dob?e ?tivá a autor vytahuje z vedlejší role temného kon? a dává mu více prostoru. Žel se zde ukazují jeho rezervy a úpln? se na hlavní charakter nehodí. M?l by být extrémn? mocný ale i tak bývá polapen do pastí. Dob?e napsaná postava princezny Erini zde hodn? p?íb?h podrží což v kombinaci s prom?nlivým ?arod?jem Shadem zlepšuje ?tivost. Raul Santiago Almunia371 5

La primera obra de fantasía épica que leí en mi vida, con 8 años fue una gran revelación. Y con los años y otras obras Richard A. Knaak me ha demostrado ser un maestro dentro del mundo de la fantasía. Recordar que esta obra se escribió antes de que internet fuera lo que es hoy día.fantasia-épica Matias Selzer51 1 follower

Genial libro y muy buena historia.
Para aquellos fanáticos de historias de magia y hechicería, dragones, reinos y guerras, es un libro más que recomendado. Scott Brewster5 1 follower

Amazing book! I couldn't put it down! My copy was missing about 25 pages and it was still one of the best book I ever read Trae StrattonAuthor 3 books53

Disappointing. Just so little real action here.fantasy-sword-sorcery Dominic2 Read

Richard A. Knaak comes back with the fourth installment of his "Legends of the Dragonrealm" series "Shadow Steed". From the good people at Gallery books this one is well worth it's price of roughly $15 dollars.

An old an rich storyteller of the fantasy genre, Richard A. Knaak is the New York Times and US Times bestselling author of more than forty novels, including his celebrated Dragonrealm series (of wich this book is a part of). He has also written books for the Dragonlance series, as well as numerous novels for the Warcraft and Diablo series. Knaak has also scripted many mangas based on World of Warcraft.

In this invigorating title the character Darkhorse gets his own book but has to share with a new character, Princess Erini of Gordag-Ai. Shade has come back with apparently all his memories and nearly all his power. He will discover his true origins and will resume his ever long quest, but this time he might succeed. Also, Princess Erini fights to get rid of something that could destroy all she has worked for.

This book is a new and interesting branch off the main storyline. Darkhorse and Princess Erini present a new and interesting viewpoint. Although the hero, Cabe Bedlam, isn't the hero anymore he is still in the background. The book is a captivating title that will encourage longtime readers to keep going with the series.

This is a very good book that will excite readers everywhere cover to cover. Although I encourage readers to start with the first book in the Dragonrealm series "Firedrake" this book does not really relate to any of the previous books. Israha120 4

Temný k?? je jako vedlejší postava super, ale jakmile má táhnout celý román coby hlavní charakter, naplno se ukazují jeho rezervy. Je d?tinský (a to se za celou dobu, co jeho p?íb?h sledujeme, ani náznakem nezm?ní) a má být extrémn? mocný, takže vlastn? funguje jako neustálý živoucí deus ex machina prvek - a tak ho Knaak neustále musí p?echodn? odstra?ovat z d?je pomocí magických pastí, ?ímž zase podkopává tu jeho údajnou extrémní moc. A to je vlastn? vše, nic jiného tato mezi ?tená?i kdovípro? tolik oblíbená postava nenabízí. Našt?stí má kniha Stínový h?ebec i své silné momenty v podob? dob?e napsané postavy princezny Erini, která svým p?íb?hem drží knihu nad vodou jak samostatn?, tak ve spojení se znetvo?eným králem Melicardem; ko?ením je rovn?ž nep?edvídatelný element ?arod?je Shadea a nenudí ani pom?rn? okoukaná, ale zábavn? prezentovaná zápletka se zrádcem na královském dvo?e. Tenhle díl je spíš rytí?ská, st?edov?k evokující fantasy...její magické ko?ení tentokrát chu? spíše kazí.fantasy Guillermina101 17

I didn't remember almost anything of this book (and what I thought I did probably belongs to the next one). On my second read, I d it a lot.

The prose gets a tiny bit repetitive at points, and two or three dialogues sound a bit laughably purple if you imagine them said out loud, but otherwise it's great.

A disappointing lack of Cabe, though ;) - which was actually the only thing I remembered correctly about this book.fantasy Krystal4 1 follower

this was a intersting book. it was captivating but was a little hard to understand. with a demon, i mean a demon, horse, the Void, whiches and wizards, unknown land and weird creathers, it is a little unsettling. Christine6,869 525

This book makes me miss Encore bookstores. Un the author’s story of Huma for the Dragon lance series, the characters here are too stock and one dimensional. It feels far more formulaic then the Huma books, which you think would be the formulaic ones. It’s not bad, just not remember able.fantasy horse-fiction Timothy Pitkin1,892 8

Great book and all good sequels to fantasy novels it adds new lore while also expanding the lore that already exists however the final battle did get kind of hard to follow but still most of the book was a enjoyable fantasy mystery.fantasy Cheryl1,520

Rather confusing at times, it wasn't easy to follow the interesting turns in the plot.review-gr David Parsons20

Been some time since i read the series but i thought all four were great. BillAuthor 13 books21

No bad... needed more true horsiness... Michal83 7

Really good book but all books from series Dragonrealm could be a little bit longer. :)my-library Dustman299 4

It was a slow start but when it picked up speed it never slowed again.dustman LukᚠKone?ný200 2 Read

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