
La Marcha De Los Reyes de Rice, Morgan

de Rice, Morgan - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis La Marcha De Los Reyes


"EL ANILLO DEL HECHICERO tiene todos los ingredientes para ser un éxito inmediato: tramas, tramas secundarias, misterio, caballeros valientes y relaciones florecientes repletas de corazones heridos, decepción y traición. Lo mantendrá entretenido durante horas y satisfará a todas las edades. Recomendado para tener en la biblioteca permanente de todos los lectores de fantasía."

—Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

LA MARCHA DE LOS REYES nos lleva más allá del viaje épico de Thor hacia la mayoría de edad, cuando empieza a darse cuenta de quién es, qué poderes tiene, mientras se embarca para convertirse en guerrero.

Después de escapar del calabozo, Thor queda aterrado al saber que había habido otro intento de asesinato hacia el Rey MacGil. Cuando MacGil muere, el reino se convierte en un caos. Como todos aspiran al trono, la Corte del Rey está más repleta que nunca, con sus dramas familiares, luchas de poder, ambiciones, celos, violencia y traición. Se debe elegir...

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This book was so cookie-cutter it was almost painful to read. There are no surprises at anytime. The author feels the need to spell everything out to you and is constantly repeating the same information over and over and over again as if I'm stupid and can't remember anything. I was annoyed with that.

The fast pace kept me reading and the fact this series was cheap on Kindle is the only reason I bought it. The pace keeps me going because there is constantly something happening, but at the same time I was almost bored. The boredom came from the fact that it felt very cliche, something I've read before but I can't name any specific novel. It's more along the line of, if someone were to summarize what generally happens in fantasy novels this fits the summery to the letter.

I think one of the most annoying things for me about this book is the speech patterns of the characters. Being as there isn't electricity and horses are the main mode of transportation, this is obviously a more 'medieval' setting yet I constantly saw characters answering with 'OK.' That just doesn't fit in a medieval setting to me.

Being as I have already bought the sequel, I am bound to my personal rule to finish every book I buy. If it wasn't for the pace this book kept up, it would not have made it into my 'it's okay' category.worst-books-ever16 s Seon Ji (Dawn)1,038 244


I enjoyed it and plan to read the other books. There are 17 in this series, but they are all pretty short and seem to end on cliffhangers. The first two books are free but the next is 3.99.

In this book we see Thor vindicated, as the dying king proclaims his innocense. After the kings death Gwen is passed over for Garth (the evil brother) to rule, and Thor and Gwen finally resolve their misunderstanding and declare their love for each other.

The book leaves off with Thor and the Legion heading out into enemy territory for thier Hundred days of training. They are currently on a boat in open sea. They've just been attacked by the enemy and were victorious, but not for long as an enemy fleet closes in behind. Now the Legion is going through the rain wall and we are left to wondering if they make it through.

Edrec, has set out to find a bride and was instantly taken with a servant girl. We still don't know if he will win her in the jousting toutnament.

Gareth is doing spledidly well in ruining all his father had done to keep the peace in the kingdom. He is arrogant, and greedy. He was last seen deciding that he will try to weild the Destiny Sword. We don't know yet if he was able to.

Safety: Blood, gore, violence. Kisses only, mild cursing.

Romance peeps: Gwen was very angry when she heard rumors of Thor going to a brothel and bedding women. She pushes him away and says some mean things to him. Reese finally sets the record straight and tells her he did not bed any woman and that was a lie spread by Alton who wants Gwen for himself. She reconciles with Thor and he forgives. There are some sweet romantic scenes with Thor and Gwen..kisses only. Ederc is 25 and his past with women is unknown. We only know that he never paid much attention to women as fighting was his main focus. He is instantly in love with a serving girl at a feast and only knows he must have her. We know nothing yet about the serving girl.bad- both-mcs-virgins clean-read ...more11 s Jane62 2

Book one was only worthy of a single star (actually none but there's no option for that). I figured that maybe the author would have learned a few things and improved her writing for this one. While the style of writing did show an improvement in flow and description, it wasn't enough to overcome the careless mistakes that proofreading and editing should have caught.
The magical Destiny Sword of the first book somehow became the Dynasty Sword in this one. The rival kingdom started out as the McLeods in book 1, then became the McClouds, then the McCleods, then back to McCloud. Really? You can't keep your names straight?
Thor is told he's leaving for the Hundred 'in the morning' then later says he doesn't know when but he's told it will be in 'the next day or two', but later it's back to being the next morning. A simple wall chart might help the author organize her thoughts better.
I won't even start with plot points that make no sense nor with this author's habit of ending books right in the middle of action. There's nothing wrong with a cliffhanger ending to entice the reader to continue a series, but it's just plain wrong not to tie up anything!!!
Luckily both of these books were free which is the only reason I bothered with them. I won't be reading any more.9 s Sofi ??126 28

?????? - Formato: Audiolibro.
2 libros terminados. Solo faltan 15 para acabar la saga... ¡Nuevo reto desbloqueado!

Este libro me gustó menos que el primero. ¡Aún así lo disfruté muchísimo! La historia cada vez se vuelve más interesante y más difícil para los personajes, o sea: cada vez sufren más, pero esto hace que crezcan, maduren y mejoren. El romance de la historia empieza a aparecer, pero a fuego demasiado bajo. Esto no me molesta, pues el tema principal de esta saga no es el amor. Así que, queridos protagonistas del libro: tárdense lo que quieran, aquí espero sentada a que vayan más allá de unos cuantos besitos.

Con este segundo tomo me di cuenta que a estos libros les URGE una buena cantidad de personajes femeninos. Hay muy pocos personajes mujeres y NINGUNA tiene la personalidad empoderada que me gustaría (y que debería). Esto puede deberse a la época y el ambiente en la que el libro se desarrolla, pero aún así, un personaje femenino fuerte nunca está de más.

Personajes favoritos: Thor, Gwendolyn, Reece, Kendrick, Krohn. 5 s The Jolly Elf277 36


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I noticed some glaring errors in this book,(One where they were talking about one brother and used the other brother's name in the next sentence- Maybe because both of them start with G--I am surprised an editor didn't catch this) but I still d the story. It is simplistic and somewhat the Arthurian stories, but I have enjoyed it. I Thor, I do think he is a little too clueless about things but considering his upbringing-being a sheep herder and not really being around girls, etc, then maybe it is understandable. It is an uncomplicated story, one which might be fun to read.4 s Nathan Wilson16

I’m over Morgan Rice. I mistakenly bought the third in this “Bestselling Series,” on audible, thus learning two things: 1) a lot of people know nothing, and 2) always check that a book you’re buying is the first, and if it isn’t don’t buy any more!

The first book was horribly written, and I spent my review discussing the poor characterization and overuse of key phrases, “He could hardly believe...”

This book, I began to actively hate how she writes out Thor’s thought process, or lack thereof, as here “he can’t imagine,” or “doesn’t want to seem...” or some such where she basically displays him to be overthinking everything, but coming to few conclusions and not usually doing anything productive, except by pure instinct and happenstance, because “he possesses a great power he doesn’t yet understand” - which is a bullshit premise from the beginning.

Then there are the internal and external inconsistencies. On the former, the Empire controls everything but the Ring, yet the Ring sends troops every year to another land?

A few of the latter are waste dumps in the same room as the prep kitchen. Sure Medieval times were gross, but nobody has a chamber pot in their kitchen. Also, ships big enough to carry 50 (more) giants (than one carrying hundreds of men) that have masts only connected by a single rope - a rope that is at the same time thin enough to be severed by a single, thrown spear - holding masts that are big enough that when brought down in such a manner, sink the entire ship. It’s not merely improbable, it’s impossible, and your story becomes dumb. Expend a little effort, do a little research, and write something plausible.

The one redeeming quality of this book is that it was short.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review3 s Roberto Mattos271 3

When you thought that the story could not get better, the author delivers an amazing sequence that will keep you entertained and wishing for more! In this second episode, our hero Thor escape from the dungeons where he was held captive under the charge of attempting to assassinate the king. But the king suffered another assassination attempt when Thor was captive and this time he is dying on his bed and Thor is proclaimed innocent by the king himself. But his adventures have just began for a second time. He needs to conquer again the heart of Gwendolyn while he continues with his training to become a member of the Silver, the elite guard of the palace. His time is short, as all the soldiers and trainees are about to leave to The Hundred, a period of hundred days of training that is done in a far away island under some challenging environment. While Thor continues his preparation to leave, the new king is crowned and some other threatens appears to disturb what was once a calm period for the kingdom.
I recommend this book to the permanent library of all readers who love a well written story with a fascinating plot, that will keep you entertained for hours.3 s V?lu Roberta128

Carte: Mar?ul regilor
Serie: Inelul vr?jitorului
Autor: Morgan Rice
Editur?: eBook
Raiting: 2,5?

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