
Steam & Aether Books 1-3 de Reed, Jaxon

de Reed, Jaxon - Género: English
libro gratis Steam & Aether Books 1-3


Reed, Jaxon Year: 2023

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Initially I really didn't this book but i figured out it was the person ding the reading i wasn't liking. Switched to a e-book and it became and OK read. Nothing great but a fun read. Recommended 11 s Sandy4,721 37

This is the first book WOW what’s to come?
I love a good steam punk story and this fit the bill so well. What I really d was how it incorporated themes. I adore fantasy and this one had it and it also had the feel that it could be a game. I had my son read some parts and he could really see this as a game. I found the characters were awesome with great dialogue and interaction between them. There is action, adventure and a bit of danger too. It is written so well it was entertaining book from start to finish. I did receive a free copy of this book from Booksprout and voluntarily chose to review it.
1 Christinaraven3,589 10

This story was a riot to read. It mixes steam punk with a bit of gaming and a dash of fantasy as poor Rip ends up in an alternate place and has to figure out what is going on and how to survive it all. The story was intriguing and fun to read. Lots of good characters and a mystery to be solved involving vaults. Lots of action and funny references to make me laugh. Started out with lots of action and danger and kept up the fun throughout. Enjoyed it and cannot wait to see where the story goes.1 Michael Wooten346 2

Steam punk with a twist

The premise is solid for science fiction. By combining with a bit of gamer and alternate Earth, it makes for a well crafted read. My only complaint is the levels of "enhancement" giving almost super human qualities
1 Nick Pugh55

Great book

This book would be an amazing movie. The visuals and the characters would be amazing on the big screen. I really enjoyed reading it. 1 Sabrina Nelson386 4

This book is great for someone who s a little steampunk with a gamer vibe. This is not bad science fiction book. The cover gets you and then you start reading it and you are right there. Not disappointed.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.1 Glenda83 Read

Oh my goodness!!

This is an incredible book! Borderline steam punk/futuristic! If you want adventure, excitement, fights and amazing things, then this is for you! 1 Debbie Eyre4,908 99

Steampunk meets fantasy gaming! This was incredible. A fantasy storyline with gaming and steampunk mixed in as we meet Rip who is torn out of his immersive gaming world to a place that is powered by steam and is so not at all what he is used to. It’s fast paced and full of action, intrigue, danger and plenty of mystery to be solved. It’s also fun and exciting and totally holds your attention from start to finish. The world building is descriptive and incredible and you can easily visualise yourself in this world as we follow this fantastic character on his adventures. A great read and I look forward to more. 1 Gene Steinbacher149 4

This review is for the entire series.

It was a fun read. A very interesting way to combine steam punk with litrpg. I am usually not a fan of litrpg but this series did a good job of incorporating it without messing up the flow of the story. The entire series is full of action and adventure. I will definitely be reading more from Jaxon Reed.1 Karen CollyerAuthor 2 books3

I am enthralled

All through reading, I intended to remove one star for errors in spelling, word usage and formatting.

I can't do it. Yes, there are occasions that will make grammatical peasants grind their teeth. There are also some intriguing and well rounded characters and a storyline that romps ahead, dragging the reader in its wake.

I was hooked before Dr Oggolopoli snatched Rio Counter out of one world and into another.
I shall definitely be looking for book 2.

Now.1 Sandra Tonkin507

A fantastic start to the series.

The characters are wonderful. The plot is interesting. The world building is superb. I can't wait to read the next book!1 Rick Gellman13

This was fun! I downloaded the free sample. I steampunk. It looked potentially interesting. I started reading the sample--and I didn't it. It starts off in a virtually reality game. I have nothing against that. It wasn't what I was looking for. I had no complaint with Jaxon Reed's ability as a author. So I almost quit part way into the sample. But, I decided to hang on a little longer. Good decision! A little after I might have given up, our protagonist finds himself in an alternate timeline that has steampunk technology. He starts in the U.S. but lands in an analog London (Ethinium), England (Greater Umbria). Then the story took off for me. I d the characters,, the setting, the writing, the plotting, the fast pacing, etc. It has science fictional and fantasy elements. There's a romance undercurrent. Some of what goes on I find unbelievable. I don't care. I'm willing to consciously suspend my disbelief for the sake of enjoying reading the book. Reed has a take on a steampunk world I haven't seen before. The energy to run this society in analog England comes from underground vaults. There is a society living underground that supplies the heat the above ground society runs one. People out of work can go work in the vaults, the underground. This is voluntary. There are many levels, the number unknown above ground. There are a permanent population who has no contact with above ground. Some of them, perhaps in league with hostile above ground opponents are starting to attack above ground society. Sgt. Ripley Coulter, the visitor from our world, immediately finds himself allied with the kingdom's forces. His military background and training make him an asset. This world has both steam driven airships and machine guns. It's not all 19th century technology. Lots of adventure. Lots of learning about his new society. Lots of learning to fit in. Lots of military action. All small scale and personal. The book does not end with a cliff-hanger. It does end with a blatant continued in the next book. I'm eagerly waiting for Jaxon Reed to publish the second volume of what looks a series to me. I want to continue reading this story. His name didn't ring a bell with me. But, in looking through m Kindle Fire Library I discovered I already had another series by him that I hadn't read. I started reading the first volume of that on another of my Kindle Fires. Totally different story. Pure adventure SF. I also just purchased another series by him because I enjoyed his story telling so much in this book that I wanted to read more that he's written. He has written a lot. A no caveat recommendation if any of what I described sounds the kind of book you'd be interested in reading.1 Richard KendrickAuthor 5 books2

Steampunk and LitRPG? Yes, please. Only...

The steampunk elements of this story didn't feel terribly authentic to me. The setting just didn't ring true. The LitRPG elements seemed kind of pointless, as leveling up didn't seem to make any noticeable difference.

The enhancement idea was interesting, but seemed over powered. People shrugging off 100 rounds of machine gun fire strains my suspension of disbelief and saps action scenes of a sense of danger.

The politics of the steam vaults is confusing, and seems to have several plot holes. The biggest being, if the residents of the vaults wanted to sow chaos, why didn't they just cut off power to the city? Follow up thought: if the vaults are so critical to the city and their residents hostile, why doesn't the city launch a military strike to capture it?

I don't expect LitRPG adventures to be high art, but my enjoyment was further diminished by the repetitive nature of the plot action and a very distracting audiobook narrator. The narrator paused awkwardly, hesitated often, and mispronounced many common words. My opinion of the book might be slightly more favorable if I had read it to myself.

The book ends at a break in the action, but definitely not with much of a resolution. I'm sure more books are intended in this story, but I'll give them a pass.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review Sean24 2

First off let me disclose that I am not a fan of steampunk. I don't have anything against it, I just don't read much of it. Honestly, I'm not sure this book would be considered steampunk, but that is what it seems to be to me. There are many twists throughout that make it appealing to fans of Reed's prior work. The book starts with a soldier in a virtual battle getting sucked into an alternate universe that is way behind ours, technology wise. Our hero quickly saves a band of trapped fighters in this new world. They take him in, and adventures abound. One interesting twist is our hero has an implant which keeps track of his various skills as if he is still in a virtual (game?) world.
Oddly others in this world are familiar with different skills and how to level up even though presumably they don't have implants?!? There are a few other fun bits the interspatial wallet, that allows the holder to essentially have unlimited storage space for any gear they might need. Seems a bit of cheat, but I'm willing to suspend disbelief. The story is entertaining and well-paced. It's not my favorite book by this author, but I am ready for the next in the series and would encourage everyone to give a read.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.1 Douglas Williamson5,567 29

Our hero is a soldier protecting the multiverse, but he never expected to end up in a steampunk world. Fortunately, he is very adaptable, something that will be put to the test almost immediately.

This is book one of the series, so a fine place to start.

This is a science fiction action story with a steampunk setting. The story is well written and easy to read with a fast paced action plot that starts fast and builds. Steampunk settings are always fun to explore with little surprises around every corner and this one is no exception. The characters are also very well done, particularly our hero. The journey has lots of twists and turns to it that kept me turning pages to see what was coming next. Overall, a highly enjoyable story and I look forward to the next book in the series.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout for review purposes.1 R Grisham-Whitehouse353 2

overall interesting

I find the premise of this book very unrealistic. While I imagine there will be cyberwars, I find videogaming military highly unly. The main world itself seems to be a video game, but that makes little sense. It was very long and drawn out. However it was well written and the characters created were enjoyable. albert olson11

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