
Burning Slowly, But Surely...: "Life Is Full of Surprises, But Karma Will Always Be...." de Reatieva L. Coney

de Reatieva L. Coney - Género: English
libro gratis Burning Slowly, But Surely...: "Life Is Full of Surprises, But Karma Will Always Be...."


One thing for sure, Roxanne is playing a game that she has no clue of who the creator is. Money, greed and leadership can only lead to one thing. Making it to the top is her motive, but will her motive be enough to help her achieve the success she demands? Tiffany and Amanda are both friends and co-workers of Roxanne, but what will it take for them to recognize that she's "pouring out vials of wrath?" When life takes an unexpected turn of fait and trauma, who will sustain or get played by the brotherly players of lies and deceit? When life throws a curve ball at Roxanne and Karma is along side of her to give her in return what she dished out; Tiffany and Amanda will have their own Karma and reality moments to deal with. STD's, threesome's, infidelity and fun goes hand in hand with this mischievous circle of connection. Politicking and being diplomatic will not be enough to rescue Roxanne.