
Historia de O de Reage, Pauline

de Reage, Pauline - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Historia de O


Reage, Pauline Year: 2009

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i am not going to write a serious review of this book. if you want to talk about why bondage erotica is bad for women or how negation porn makes its readers complicit in the victimization of women halfway across the globe or to sip tea and talk about depersonalization or dehumanization or anything even remotely intelligent - more power to you, but this book bored me so much i don't even care to elevate it or grant it any sort of intellectual discussion. i am really only interested in talking about why this book is boring.

i have said it before on here, but it bears repeating: despite my recent fascination with monster erotica, i personally find reading about sex boring. but even more boring than reading about sex? reading about non-sex. which is basically what this book is.

despite the lingering on the violence and the restraining, piercing, branding, whipping, the sex act itself is glossed over to the extent that at one point o has taken on several lovers, to completion, in the span of three sentences.

for example, the last line in the book:

it was only after daybreak, after all the dancers had left, that sir stephen and the commander, awakening natalie who was asleep at o's feet, helped o to her feet, led her to the middle of the courtyard, unfastened her chain and removed her mask and, laying her back upon a table, possessed her one after the other.

penthouse letters, that is not.

and it's all that.

but sir stephen's hands pried open her loins, forced the buttocks' portal, retreated, took her again, caressed her until she moaned.

obviously, this is intended to be a sadean experiment in impersonal and objectified sex, but more detail is given in this book to the construction of dresses than to the sex act. and that's fine, i said, i have no regrets at not reading about "glistening honey-pots" or "man-roots."but at least that would have gotten a giggle out of me.

and why am i the only one reading lactation porn and wondering who is supposed to clean up after it? and reading this and completely focusing on the hygiene?? the fact that her lover will not permit her to wear underwear. fine. but then he will also not let her sit upon her dress, so no matter where she is: on a bar stool, at a restaurant, in the backseat of a public conveyance, she is always bare-assed, and bare-"bellied" directly on the seats.and that grossed me out more than any of the more violent tearing and whipping and piercing she undergoes.do you know where that barstool has been? then don't go rubbing your open bits about on it!seriously. why would your lover/master want you to get scabies? it is contagious!

and don't go bloodying up the good towels after a rough session of buttsecks.it's so nasty.

this is what i took from story of o and i apologize, but i have my hang-ups same as anyone, and i just feel a place roissy, with all those bodily fluids squirting everywhere and all the blood all over the floor and how often do they clean those riding crops??? is all i could think about.

it is interesting that the bodice rippers chose this book to read during the height of fifty shades of gray mania. here are some pictures from the fifty shades event at my store:

seriously, do you see how many people are there?

insanity. i wasn't able to get a good photo of the author, just the woman interviewing her, but she was there, i swear.

as you can see, female-penned BDSM erotica is insanely popular.(is that redundant??is there BDSM that is just casual and unerotic? yes! and it is this book!) and i get why this book (story of o, i do not yet understand the shades phenomenon)is a BIG DEAL because at the time, it was unprecedented that a woman would have written such a violent and debasing novel. but i read it now and i can't help but think, "is that all??"

incidentally,this fifty shades phenomenon is out of hand. little old ladies reading bondage porn has got to be one of the signs of the end times.

but even fifty shades is having troubles:


and of course i am totally anti-censorship, but if that book is as dull as this one, who's to say that they aren't dodging a bullet here by not being allowed to read it.

full disclosure: i read a shitty translation. i am sure manny will come out and say it is better in its original language, and of that i have no doubt. but i honestly don't feel that i would have enjoyed it any better in french, even if my fluency in that language had not been severely compromised by years of disuse.

i read this first when i was in high school, when i thought that subversive literature would be cool. i read some de sade and i read story of the eye, and i read this, and honestly, it just bored the crap out of me. but i thought i still had my copy lying around. turns out, i did not. and i wasn't going to buy a new copy when the bodicers chose this book because i figured, quite rightly, that i wouldn't enjoy it any more the second time around than i had on the first. i read the introduction of the hard copy on my break at work, and i ended up borrowing a nook so's i could read it without having to shell out the whopping 8 bucks for it. and the introduction is worth reading, if you are interested in the history of its translation:

there exists an earlier translation of o, made in paris several years ago. i trust i shall not be accused of a corresponding lack of generosity if i say (and i am not the first, and far from the only one, to say it) that this earlier version is less a translation than an adaptation. it reads somehow as though the adapter-translator were in fact embarrassed by the work: certain parts are glossed over; whole descriptions, nonexistent in the original, are written in; and, indeed, much of the book is paraphrased rather than translated directly. as one who had read the work in french when it first appeared, and admired not only its contents but the extreme felicity of the style, what troubled me mostly about the earlier english version was its seeming disdain for this obvious style. subsequently, i learned this translator was a man, and it seemed to me that this fact alone sufficed to explain both the embarrassment - male embarrassment manifest in his version, and also why pauline reage had gone out of her way to comment favorably on mine: story of o, written by a woman, demands a woman translator, one who will humble herself before the work and be satisfied simply to render it, as faithfully as possible, without interpretation or unwanted elaboration. faced with a work such as o, male pride, male superiority - however liberal the male, however much he may try to suppress them - will, i am certain, somehow intrude.

now, i don't know about all that, but i do know that the translation i read was atrocious. it was boring. and at one point, it cuts off abruptly, and i was "weird," so i went to the hard copy only to find that eleven "pages" were missing in the electronic version! what the hell?

as grateful as i am that lulu press exists, because they gave semen recipes to the world, i do not think they have the best copyeditors.not only were the ELEVEN pages missing, but there were roughly a million typos, which are terribly distracting when you are trying to focus on the buttsecks. and those pages were the whole part about her and jacqueline and the command sir stephen gives o regarding jacqueline, and is kind of a big deal, plot-wise, and is followed by one of the only interesting sections in the book, where she contemplates her role in sir stephen's orbit, and speculates upon his intent and his feelings blah blah. but stephen is such a douche ,who cares, right?

but so why am i not going to go back and read the "better" translation? because that sums it up: i really don't care. i just wanted to let everyone know that if you are interested in reading this book, DO NOT read the version on the nook or kindle or the POD lulu press one. because from what i can tell, it definitely is just an adaptation, and since you probably aren't going to go learning french just to read this book, if you are going to read it, READ IT.


i wrote all that part yesterday, but i didn't post it because i wanted to do a side-by-side comparison of the text on the nook and the text in the hard copy, so i had to wait until i was at work to take notes and everything and I WAS WRONG! they are exactly the same. so this is not just an adaptation-mistranslation. this is the one that is supposed to be "good". that reage praised.

holy hell.

this ruins my whole review, but i do not care enough to rewrite it and this may well be my worst review ever, but i don't even care because this book bored the shit out of me TWICE and that should not be rewarded.

in more personal news, (because the rest of this review has been such intensive impersonal lit-crit, i know...)i read this on the new glow-y nook.

which is pretty cool. were i ever to buy a device for myself, i would probably buy the glow-y one because i to read while i am walking and it is much easier to read on a nook while walking than a book because you can do it all one-handed (LGM) but the problem i was having was with night-walking, and the light-em-up feature solves all of that. i can also late-night read without the lights on. i want to read something scarrrry on it, all alone in the dark, and see what happens.


even maggie approves:

and, no - barnes and noble is not making me say this. i actually this thing. and if i could get one for free and get all my books on it for free i do when i borrow one, my life would be awesome. as is, it is just mediocre. this review. no - this review sucks. the book.

come to my blog!bore-rotica distant-lands for-that-bodice-ripper-group270 s1 comment Petra on hiatus but getting better.Happy New 2024!2,457 34.8k

The original ending of this book was suppressed because it supposedly objectified women. However, I think the book is very empowering for women. It makes very clear the difference between being submissive as a person and being submissive as a sexual preference. O is a successful career woman who gets her freak on as a sexual slave. We are all hedonists at heart!

The prudish, Protestant roots of society plus the pc attitudes for which feminism is responsible in part, make this a very shocking book now. But not as much as in the past for its pornographic content,no now it is seen as the choices its protagonist makes that are shocking.

I would recommend the book to loads of people if only because it's fabulously well-written, a real literary classic and of course, it's hot, really hot. How many classics can you say are that?popculture-anthropology reviewed sex255 s Casey Wilson12 8

Since my child is currently one of my 2 friends, I will refrain from writing a real review of this book. Manon, when you're living far far away and are much older you should check this out. And when you do, please don't tell me about it. 203 s2 comments Emily May2,058 312k

I never had any intention of reading Story of O until I was recently asked to review it. I knew I wouldn't it, that it is not the kind of erotica I usually waste my Sunday afternoons with, so rather than purchasing the whole thing, I instead decided to read the Amazon Kindle sample. That, I'm afraid, was way more than enough. I'm not sure whether the sample starts at the beginning of the story or not, the first chapter felt a little out of place, but then none of what I read really followed the format of a regular novel.

The sample starts as it means to go on:

"Get in," he says. She gets in.

I laughed at this. Perhaps I shouldn't have. Perhaps I shouldn't laugh at the fact that O allows herself to be objectified and used sexually, perhaps I should pity her for feeling that it's okay to be ordered around in this way. Oh well, I'm just a firm believer that if someone tells you to jump off a cliff and you jump off said cliff, then it's your fault for being a cliff-jumping moron. Just sayin'...

Anyway, as far as your regular run-of-the-mill sex goes, there's hardly any description. It's all entering and plunging and then it's all over. The whipping, however, gets a lot more attention than the sex does, the whole sample doesn't actually feel erotica unless you're the kind to masturbate while Crimewatch is on. This is a story of violence, not sex. Because sex is a two (or more) way thing regardless of whether it is BDSM or straight-up (lol, pun!) vanilla. If all the participants aren't invested in the sexual activities and aren't getting pleasure out of it then it isn't sex, it's rape.

Okay, okay, before I get carried away with that idea, it's kinda important to point out that it wasn't clear as to whether O was giving consent to what the people were doing to her. She screams and she cries, which to me is something negative, but I'm no expert on how people behave during this kind of sexual encounter. We are not treated to O's thoughts, only her actions and the actions of the people around her. She doesn't express regret, sadness or even pain inwardly.

The only thing that is clear to me (and makes me feel sick) is that the men who are doing all this stuff to her are not concerned with her pleasure. Which, as I said in my review of Fifty Shades of Grey, is important because all parties are supposed to get something out of it. In BDSM relationships, submission is something that a person chooses to do and wants to do because they enjoy what it gives them and what it gives the dom. It is not forced out of someone. The psychological aspect of BDSM is a lot how it is (or should be) with regular sex. You give pleasure, you get pleasure. However:

"If you do tie her up from time to time, or whip her just a little, and she begins to it, that's no good either. You have to get past the pleasure stage, until you reach the stage of tears."

These men are evidently trying to break O. They rejoice when she is in pain, when she is distressed, and when she screams or cries. For me, trying to hurt someone for the sake of hurting them - not to give them what they want - is no different from rape. It is sick. This is sick:

The gag stifles all screams and eliminates all but the most violent moans, while allowing tears to flow without restraint. There was no question of using it that night. On the contrary, they wanted to hear her scream; and the sooner the better.

You could argue with me that O actually wants all of this to happen, so I have no point. We are not told what O is thinking, she never speaks to say whether she wants it or not, but I cannot be the only one thinking that this is not the sign of a woman enjoying herself:

Then one of the men, holding her with both hands on her hips, plunged into her belly. He yielded to a second. The third wanted to force his way into the narrower passage and, driving hard, made her scream. When he let her go, sobbing and befouled by tears beneath her blindfold, she slipped to the floor, only to feel someone's knees against her face, and she realized that her mouth was not to be spared.

Though, personally, I think her mouth is the least of O's problems if he's shagging her belly. What's that all about? For you clever dicks out there, I'd just to point out that yes, I do realise that he is actually talking about her vagina.

So, has Story of O changed my opinion about BDSM erotica and whether it is dehumanizing/sexist/etc.? Nope. But I'm learning more and more that people automatically categorize books that combine pain and sex as BDSM, even though they're not, or it's questionable. In BDSM, both the dom and the sub have got to want what's happening, or else it's simply abuse. Though O is hard to understand, there are about twenty quotes from the sample alone that suggest she isn't enjoying being tied up and hurt. And that's why this story is not erotic, but merely fucked up.2012 erotica140 s1 comment Jennifer Benson4 19

At first most people read this as erotica. However I read it for a psychology class. There is a much deeper story if you read it from a different perspective. Sad, definitely. This woman gives up everything. I don't mean everything in the passive way we use it today. I mean right down to her voice. She only speaks a few times, I can count the number of times on one hand. She gives away her core, her voice and her soul. Just to be loved. And what a silent psychological break she makes to remain a body but nothing more than a toy. The things some women do longing to be loved. In the end there is no more to give when all is taken. What is left?107 s El Librero de Valentina303 23.2k

Veámosla como lo que es, literatura erótica en el estricto sentido de la palabra, el concepto que, actualmente, conocemos del amor y del placer, se rebasan en esta historia. El dolor y la sumisión descritos a la perfección en cada página para intentar entender el comportamiento de los personajes y los motivos que llevan a O a entregar el poder de su placer a otras personas.77 s MannyAuthor 34 books15k

The most useful piece of advice on literary criticism that I've ever come across is Nabokov's dictum to identify with the author, not the characters. This book is a perfect example. If you make the mistake of identifying with O, it's all a bit bewildering. Why exactly is she interested in being blindfolded, tied up, whipped, and fucked from all angles by a bunch of people she doesn't even know? It seems bizarre and rather distasteful.

The rest of this review is available elsewhere (the location cannot be given for Goodreads policy reasons)

french if-research-were-romance no-redeeming-social-importance ...more66 s BAM can’t even go to the gym without going to the ER 1,962 430

Anonymous author grabs her reader by the proverbial balls right before bedtime god damn it

E. L. James should be ashamed. What I'm reading here is pure artistry and I almost wonder if the author isn't writing from experience. It's very difficult to explain these types of sexual and psychological relationships unless you've been in one.

RTC but let me say this...REALLY ANONYMOUS??? What's with that ending?

Audiobook #210 11/20/181000-before-death audiobooks erotica ...more53 s Paul Bryant2,292 10.7k

I did read this some years ago so honesty compels me to list it here. For those of you who haven't yet had the pleasure, I can save you some time. All you need are these few verses from Tom Lehrer - the book itself is much less amusing. I quote them here because it's just possible some of you will not know this lovely ballad.

I ache for the touch of your lips, dear,
But much more for the touch of your whips, dear.
You can raise welts nobody elts,
As we dance to the masochism tango.

Say our love be a flame, not an ember,
Say it's me that you want to dismember.
Blacken my eye,
Set fire to my tie,
As we dance to the masochism tango.

Your eyes cast a spell that bewitches
The last time I needed twenty stitches
To sew up the gash
That you made with your lash,
As we danced to the masochism tango.

Bash in my brain,
And make me scream with pain,
Then kick me once again,
And say we'll never part.

Take your cigarette from it's holder,
And burn your initials in my shoulder.
Fracture my spine,
And swear that you're mine,
As we dance to the masochism tangofrench-lit mentalillness novels51 s1 comment Ninoska Goris270 166

English - Español

OMG what did I just read? This is horrible and tremendously boring, every time I started reading my eyes closed.

It did not seem erotic, but totally abusive to those who not only accept it, but also yearn for it, demonstrating that it must be a person with serious psychological problems and zero self-esteem.

O, the protagonist, a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer, has Rene as a lover. As he had already told her that he wanted to prostitute her, it does not take her by surprise when he takes her to Roissy where she is treated as a sex slave, beaten and all included. She leaves there with a ring that allows to possess her to every man who knows what it means. Rene, for whom she would do anything because she loves him with madness and without whom she can not live, lends her to a friend and tells her that he is now her new master. Sir Stephen is more possessive and depraved than Rene and only takes her by where men and women have in common. After lending her, forcing her to be with women and marking her permanently in every possible way, then he abandons her.

"O was happy that Rene had had her whipped and had prostituted her, because her impassioned submission would furnish her lover with the proof that she belonged to him, ..."

I know that this book has mixed . I hated it, but every head is a world and my opinion should be taken as just that, my very personal opinion.


OMG que acabo de leer? Esto es horrible y tremendamente aburrido, cada vez que comenzaba a leer se me cerraban los ojos.

No me pareció erotico, sino totalmente abusivo con quien no solo lo acepta, sino que además lo anhela, demostrando que debe ser una persona con graves problemas psicológicos y cero autoestima.

O, la protagonista, una hermosa parisina fotógrafa de modas, tiene a Rene como amante. Como ya le había dicho que quería prostituirla no le toma por sorpresa cuando la lleva a Roissy donde es tratada como una esclava sexual, golpes y todo incluido. Sale de allí con un anillo que le permite poseerla a todo hombre que sepa lo que significa. Rene, por el que haría cualquier cosa porque lo ama con locura y sin quien no puede vivir, la presta a un amigo y le dice que ese es ahora su nuevo amo. Sir Stephen es más posesivo y depravado que Rene y solo la toma por donde hombres y mujeres tienen en común. Después de prestarla, obligarla a estar con mujeres y de marcarla permanentemente de todas las formas posible, entonces la abandona.

Sé que este libro tiene críticas encontradas. Yo lo odié, pero cada cabeza es un mundo y mi opinión debe tomarse como solo eso, mi opinión muy personal.201879 s3 comments persephone ?567 3,016

it takes some level of mediocrity to write an entire book about bdsm and still make it awfully boring1001-books boring disturbing ...more47 s Luís2,092 881

Rather than "read", I would have to check the box "half-read", but it does not exist. So I couldn't finish this book because I couldn't find what I was looking it.
I was hoping for eroticism and sensuality. Instead, I had violence, twisted power plays and a submissive heroine.
Still, I have to admit it's well written. It is not vulgar, sought the vocabulary after, and the author knows how to create an atmosphere.
Too bad it's not the kind of atmosphere I !e-1 female-writers44 s Kim732 1,865

This book must have been really something when it first came out, but to me, this was just another one of those unintentionally funny chick flicks. I do realize I completely missed the point of this book, because it just completely flew by me.

I won't go into detail too much but the story begins when O and her lover Rene (I use an Allo Allo! accent here) are in the backseat of a taxi, and O is instructed to take her underwear etc off, walk into a building and let herself be abused and tortured, no questions asked. And she'll learn to love it. Why? Because Rene keeps telling her he loves her so much. Because she wants to do whatever he wants her to do.

Maybe it's because I'm unable to see myself in this position, or to be more accurate, these positions, but I really don't see the point of everything that happens to O. If anybody ever suggested doing something that's even remotely in the general direction of the stuff they make her do, to me, I will laugh, to see if they are serious, and if it turns out they are, I will go batshit on their ass. And I do mean that in the literal sense. Because it's the woman who keeps getting degraded, not the man. See how he s it.

Chains, whips (a riding crop for christ's sake), multiple men at multiple entrances (real friends come in through the back door!), wearing a ring that means you'll have to do it with every guy who knows what that ring means, wearing stuff that expands certain holes, clothes designed for 'easy access' and last but not least: never cross your legs and always part your lips.

Try that last one. I'm serious. Try looking hot and ready by doing that. And I don't just mean for a few minutes, anybody can make that pose look hot. But try it everywhere and all the time. You'll look an ill mannered peasant with a saliva problem after 20 minutes.

After a while it even stopped being funny and it just got boring. I'm sure there is a purpose for this book. Possibly something of the door stopper variety. classics did-not--it ebook ...more41 s1 comment carol 664 132

I think this has become a classic in the BDSM genre and just about everything has been said about it. This is my second reading. I first read it some years ago and O's self serving masochism and debasement horrified me then. Rene didn't care for her in any emotional sense, yet that is what she desperately sought. Rene uses O to titillate and satisfy his sadistic appetite as well as passing her on to others for further humiliation and pain. O can't say no..becomes in need of whatever pain they administer in my opinion purely to be noticed and seeking an emotional as well as physical need to her abusers. I don't see this as a safe, sane even knowingly consensual relationship...there is no relationship except in her hope, her mind. Her debasement and abuse as a submissive is absolute. I didn't it, yet it drew me to read it the first time, and I reread it to see if i would have a change of opinion. Yet her type of submissive slavery and debasement to another human with nothing reciprocated emotionally just confirmed my first opinion, and the intervening years make me dis her subservient character less and Rene and friends even less.

It is still reasonably well written, and gives as is, regardless of human niceties and conventions. I would to say two star for lack of pleasure it gave me personally and the horror of her situation, which saddened me greatly...yet five star for presentation of a sadomasochistic couples relationship if this example could be said to be such, not healthy and written with no holds barred. Therefore, averaged to border 3/4 star.bdsm bondage caning ...more35 s RoxaneAuthor 115 books163k

This is a fascinating, uncomfortable but fascinating and intense book. IDGAF. I loved it.35 s Pakinam Mahmoud919 4,204

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While this was one of the most original and mind blowing books I've ever read (and the history behind it is fascinating as well), it is definitely not for everyone, especially the sexually squeamish and the faint of heart. It deals with a sadomasochistic relationship in early 20th century France. It feels very reminiscent of Marquis de Sade's type of literary eroticism, but is a much easier read in terms of language and prose. This book stayed with me for months after I read it leaving me with that type of sadness you feel when you know it may take years to find another book that is so intense, mind opening, and truly original.greatest-books-ever33 s Anna593 119

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31 s Don Rea130 13

My parents had a pretty hands-off attitude to my compulsive reading, and so in my early adolescence I read a lot of stuff that probably did my developing sexuality no good. Finding this book at a garage sale (I picked it up because I had read of it in /Playboy/, another ungoverned input) and reading it at the age of 13 was ly not to my benefit.

Re-reading it as an adult, I found it interesting in many ways that my eighth grade self could not have, such as noticing the exploration of the boundary between will and circumstance. It really is much more than a story of a woman who just gives it up, and repays a thoughtful reading. But it's also good wanking material for a middle schooler lucky enough to have the vocabulary to follow the narrative.31 s warhawke1,405 2,125

Genre: Erotica
Type: Standalone Book 1 of Story of O Duet
POV: Third Person

O was a fashion photographer in the heart of Paris. With her lover René, she decided to explore the darker side sexuality. She developed a taste for being used and abused, but how much more could she endure in the name of love?

“Your hands are not your own, nor are your breasts, nor, most especially, any of your bodily orifices, which we may explore or penetrate at will.”

I’ve wanted to read this book for a while now, unfortunately it ended up as a painful experience. This book is not long but I struggled to finish due to the writing with the very long paragraphs and chapters. Same thing with the sentences. They went on and on, started with one thing and ended with completely different thing. I had hard time holding my attention and had to re-read parts a lot of times to keep up with the story.

That she should have been ennobled and gained in dignity through being prostituted was a source of surprise, and yet dignity was indeed the right term.

The story itself posed its own problem. The book started and ended abruptly with things missing in between. Apparently the final chapter was “suppressed” from original version which significantly lessened the impact of the psychological aspect, making the story seemed ineffective.

She d the idea of torture, but when she was being tortured herself she would have betrayed the whole world to escape it, and yet when it was over she was happy to have gone through it, happier still if it had been especially cruel and prolonged.

Everything felt detached. I didn’t feel anything for O. I wasn’t repulsed/horrified by what happened. It wasn’t erotic. The only thing remotely interesting was the FF and the happenings towards the end of the last chapter.

She did not wish to die, but if torture was the price she had to pay to keep her lover’s love, then she only hoped he was pleased that she had endured it.

Story of O is iconic because it pushed boundaries. Unfortunately for me the writing and the content did not have enough power to uphold the status.

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