
Smokey (Tempest Elite 6) de Reagan Phillips

de Reagan Phillips - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis Smokey (Tempest Elite 6)


Smokey Tuve una vida perfecta… una vez. Saltar de aviones a incendios me hacía sentir vivo. Pero unas rodillas maltrechas me lo han arrebatado. Mi hermandad es mi vida ahora. Haría cualquier cosa por Tempest Elite MC, incluso no tocar a la bola de fuego con curvas que trabaja para Hawk. Las reglas son las reglas, y él dice que ella está fuera del mercado, pero hay algo en Rylee que no puedo evitar. Está en apuros y puede que yo sea el hombre que necesita para salvarla. Rylee El restaurante Hawk’s es mi oasis en medio de la tormenta. Soy uno de los afortunados. Me escapé. Pero mi ex no se rinde fácilmente, y yo necesitaba un lugar donde esconderme. Hawk tiene una regla para mí, nada de citas. Añadir un romance a la mezcla sólo complicaría las cosas. Tengo que concentrarme en alejar a mi ex para siempre. Nunca quise enamorarme de Smokey. Ni siquiera es mi tipo. Pero es lo único que me hace sentir segura.Elegir entre él y mi futuro podría destruirme. Smokey es un romance dulce y sexy de un club de moteros que forma parte de la serie Tempest Elite MC. No hay cliffhangers. Se puede leer por separado. Garantizado el «felices para siempre». Si te gusta el romance instantáneo, las heroínas con curvas y los héroes duros que se derriten por las mujeres que aman

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Smokey is on fire for his Rylee....whether she knows he has laid claim to her or not!

Smokey is the sixth and last book in the Tempest Elite MC series. This story is about Rylee and Smokey. Rylee has been one of the women that is in "the program", which puts her under Hawk's protection and in turn the Tempest Elite MC protection. She is in hiding from her ex who we learn is in jail awaiting trial for something really bad. So now she lives in the apartment Hawk owns with Jonas and Lo as her roommates, well Lo is now living with Hawk. Hawk also has her working as a waitress as his pizza parlor. There are rules that must be followed in order to remain under Hawk's protection and that includes no dating.....but that doesn't mean a girl can't look right?
Smokey is a Tempest Elite brother who is a bit broken. He used to be a fire jumper until his knees gave out and he was grounded. His whole identity was wrapped up in his job and when he could not do it any longer he was a bit lost. But he moved to Williamsburg, a burg of NYC and now works as a firefighter. He is not one to usually go into Hawk's but one night he did and he has been dragging anyone and everyone back as often as he can. It is not the food that he s but the beautiful and curvy Rylee that he just cannot get enough of. Hawk has a no dating his staff rule so Smokey keeps his distance but definitely admires and longs for Rylee.

This story was a roller-coaster ride of action, drama, suspense, romance and sinfully smexy passion. There is a lot that happens so buckle up and hold on as this last book in the series takes you on a wild ride with a lot of characters and a whole lot of angst, longing and burning desire that will finally erupt. My only issue is that it needs another visit with a proofreader as there are a number of easily spotted errors, which for me broke up the flow of the story and was annoying. But otherwise I did enjoy the story and the characters. Rebecca Grove3,491 22

Rylee is hiding out with the Tempest Elite MC. When she first started dating her ex-boyfriend she thought he was a businessman. Later she found out he was an abusive drug runner. She worked with the police to set him up to get him out of her life but he shot the undercover cop she was working with. Now Rylee is the only witness who can testify that he murdered a cop. To protect her, Hawk claimed her as his property to protect her and to give her a safe place to live and work. Rylee is living in fear but there is one man who makes her feel safe, Smokey a member of the MC. Rylee doesn't want to get into any relationship because it might put the guy in danger and if the trial goes badly, she might have to run. She is having problems resisting Smokey though. There are times when she thinks he wants her and others when he pushes her away.

Smokey used to be a smoke jumper until he damaged his knees. Now he works as a regular firefighter. When he first saw Rylee, he was very attracted to her. He would love to make her his own but it is against club rules. Since Hawk claimed as under his protection, Smokey must respect that claim if he wants to stay in the MC. Rylee makes it hard for him to remeber to keep his distance, Her fear pulls at the protector inside him, Can he resist both his and her desires?

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Melissa Headrick348 3

Trouble, capital T

When the last guy to protect Rylee from her psycho ex wound up with a tragic scary fate she vows she will never let anyone get close enough to her to be a target. When Hawk from Tempest Elite MC takes her in she knows she'll be safe because Hawk has a rule that no one bothers his staff. Smokey is a member of TE and knows the rules but once he sees Rylee that doesn't stop him from stopping in at Hawks everyday dragging a different brother in to have lunch when he doesn't even the food at Hawks. He stays away as long as he can but when crisis comes to Hawks 2 times in one day and Rylee finds herself in the middle of it Smokeys protective instincts kick in. The TE series was a great read. All the guys had some interesting back stories to get through to find their love. Jenni6,213 37

Book 6 in the epic Tempest Elite MC series! Rylee had only been at her new job in Hawks Dinner a week when she caught the eye of Smokey, but Hawk has rules about his employees dating his MC brothers but that's no all that stops her. Smokey was smitten the moment he first saw Rylee, he knew Hawks rules but he cant help the way she makes him feel. Smokey knows there's a reason why Rylees at Hawks but even without knowing the why, he knows he wants to protect her, from what ever shes hiding. Their pasts may not be great but together is there a chance of a bighter future? This is well written woth an engaging story line and chesty sizzling characters. Filled with suspense, desires, hot scenes and drama!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Judy Gittleson Hendrickson5,561 58

Rylee saw her abusive drug running ex kill an undercover cop that was helping her put him away. She runs and Hawk gives her protection at the MC, and she helps out at the bar. Smokey is part of the MC and was a smokejumper and now a firefighter. They have chemistry but they will not go against Hawks protection rules, until they do. So much happens in a short time and the exes court date is coming up soon. The characters are so strong and have dealt with so much already. The romance skyrockets and that ends up keeping her safe within the MC even after the trial. The storyline was full of twists and surprises while coming full circle to a great ending.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Yvonne276

I waited months on this book, the next in the Tempest Elite MC series. I am happy to say I was not disappointed! I love an MC romance, but only when the MC are the good guys and the drugs and club girls are either not included at all or are at least a sideline and not getting in the way of a feel good romance escape. These stories deliver all that and more. Smokey and Rylee both come with their own baggage and trust issues and their romance is more of a slow burn (with instant attraction) but I think that makes it so much sweeter. I read an ARC of this book via Booksprout and this is my honest review. Samantha4,299 27

I received an ARC from the author thru Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving my review. Book six in the Tempest Elite MC series is all about Rylee and Smokey. Hawk is trying to protect Rylee. She is trying to stay alive to put her ex away. Smokey is captivated by her from the first. They have chemistry that is off the charts. Things are really complicated with Hawk claiming her and trying to keep her safe. They can only deny their feelings for so long though. I enjoyed their story.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. T Nelson1,612 23

Standalone, interconnected characters
*over 18 readers only *

Trigger warnings
Murder of police officer

Rylee is in hiding. Smokey knows she's in trouble because she works for Hawk and he hires girls "in the program" that need work and protection. But that makes her off limits. Smokey has his own damage baggage from his past, but he tired of fighting his attraction to her. Her past is a danger, but all he wants to know is can she trust him...

Typos and questions left unanswered. Lo plays a strong part in these two characters' story. Alyssa799 3

Smokey is so captivated by Rylee from the moment that he met her and she is off-limits according to her brother Mark, but you can deny that they have the chemistry between them. Rylee is scared and Smokey is going to be her protector if she lets him, but can it possibly turn into more? He is charming, handsome and extremely protective—all of which she needs at the moment. Can she let him in though?

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. BusyM36,391 29

This is the sixth book in this Tempest Elite MC series. The story pulls you in and keeps you there till the end. The characters are enjoyable and have great chemistry. You will want to read all the books in this series. A great book to read on a rainy afternoon to get away for a bit.

I am voluntarily leaving a review. Debra6,577 36

An enjoyable book six in the Temptest Elite series! It is well written, engaging, entertaining, steamy, and guaranteed to pull you in from the first page. The characters are able and amazing together; the chemistry between them is undeniable and intense. Definitely recommended!

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Angelica Larsson1,581 4

A wellwritten and fastpaced book filled with exciting and caring characters. I love the bond between Smokey and Rylee.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Cynthia Khan1,651 5

This is book 6 in the Elite MC book and it is all about Rylee and Smokey. Oh man this book is full of danger and action. I loved this book and can not wait to read the next one.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Susan Green250

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from the author. I am voluntarily leaving a review. I really enjoyed reading this book. It had me captivated from the beginning with the hot steamy scenes. I really enjoyed reading this book and I would recommend it! Kanani 1,393

She's trying to put her terrible past life and ex away for good. She's found a safe harbor in Hawk's restaurant. The moment Smokey sees her, he's intrigued, but Hawk says she's off limits. I love how charming and protective he is. This is a great addition to the series. Gloria1,634 14

Smokey is attracted to Rylee as soon as he sees her, but she is off limits. She is under the protection of his boss. And what he says goes. Steamy romance

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review. Lorraine Anton2,533 9

I loved
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