
Relats inquietants de Ray Bradbury

de Ray Bradbury - Género: Ciencia ficción
libro gratis Relats inquietants


«La sabana», «El visitant», «La bruixa d’abril» i «La sirena de boira» són quatre inquietants relats situats en quatre ambients molt diferents: una cambra de jocs, Mart, un petit poble d’Illinois i un far.

Ciència-ficció i fantasia d’un dels grans autors de ciència-ficció del segle XX, autor de Farenheit 451 i Les cròniques marcianes.

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

The April Witch and Other stories, Ray Bradbury

Long Division-1988
Madame et Monsieur Shill-1997
The Marriage Mender-1954
One night in your life-1988
Death and the Maiden-1960
The Sea Shell-1944
The April Witch-1952
West of October- 1988
The Love Affair-1982
The Golden Apples of the Sun-1953

The April Witch-1952: Cecy is a 17-year-old girl born into a magical family. She has the ability to assimilate with other living plants or animals. Purely benevolent and innocent in nature, Cecy tells her parents that she wishes to feel love, despite their warning that she will lose her magical abilities if she marries a human.

She does not heed their warning and merges her essence with a young woman named Ann. She forces Ann to attend a dance with Tom, a 22-year-old man who has been interested in her for a while. However, Ann has no interest in Tom. Tom is aware of Ann's inconsistent behavior during the dance. The story ends with Cecy becoming attracted to Tom and trying to arrange a meeting with Tom and her human form through Ann.

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First published in the April 1952 edition of The Saturday Evening Post, this beautifully written and composed short story reveals BradburyÂ’s whimsical style while still remaining true to his recurring themes and settings.

Set in his Green Town mythos but also with shades of October Country, The April Witch introduces us to Cecy, who is from a magical family and wants to be loved. Born with the ability to travel on the wind and inhabit the bodies of other creatures, including people, we follow Cecy on a night ride in search of a man to love.

BradburyÂ’s work can be divided into several settings of fantasy: Green Town, The October Country and Mars. wise his stories will also fall into the categories of fantasy, science fiction and horror. The April Witch blends elements of fantasy with a hint, ever so subtly, of horror, and the result is this delightful short story.

53 s Bobby UnderwoodAuthor 120 books294

“I want to be in love,” she said.

Sweet and wistful, this short but wonderful little fantasy by Ray Bradbury has a life all its own. Though steeped in fantasy, it touches upon the heart and its yearnings, and in the end, simply touches the heart.

In language and descriptions as lovely as anything Bradbury ever wrote, he introduces us to Cecy, a seventeen-year-old girl in Illinois whose family is different from others. They can float on the wind and inhabit anything, seeing and experiencing life from the perspective of a flower petal, a rock, a dove, or, a human. But Cecy must be careful, because if she mixes or marries with an "ordinary" person, her ability to travel by magic will be lost.

Here, Bradbury casts an enchanting spell, showing the reader the heart of a seventeen-year-old girl, plain on the outside, yet aching to experience love. Losing her ability to travel magically, and soak in the wonder of the world around her is unthinkable, yet the ache to experience love that Cecy shares with all mankind, is strong. And then along comes Ann Leary and Tom, and Cecy cannot resist.

“Being in this body, this head, was basking in a hearth fire, living in the purr of a sleeping cat, stirring in warm creek waters that flowed by night to the sea.”

I canÂ’t reveal more, but what Bradbury accomplishes in only a few short pages puts most writers to shame. The April Witch is delicate and romantic, filled with gentle longing. Bradbury seems to be using a feather rather than a pen to write the story, so light and airy is the presentation. A marvelous, unforgettable bauble from one of the most unique writers of all time.51 s ???414 323

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Pronto la reseña.animales-monstruosos brujas ciencia-ficcion ...more22 s Moshtagh hosein357 25

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Here's an odd but interesting idea: take some short stories, remove them from their original anthologies and re-print them in individual specially designed volumes. The idea seems to be to allow the story to shine its own light and not be over-shadowed or out-shone by the other stories in the anthologies. Further, I think, the idea was to create physically beautiful books.

This project, going by this one volume alone, was a partial success; the literary merit of this story comes out clearly to me. I'd read it before, somewhere, being a Bradbury fan through-out my teens, but it had not stuck in my memory the way more famous works such as Zero Hour or A Sound of Thunder had. It's a delicate story, fragile, apt to be torn apart in the slightest breeze from a passing fictional sky-rocket such as The Veldt. Giving it its own space works. The melancholic mood of the story somehow evades falling into the Pit of Maudlin that awaits such works and instead climbs the Hill of Poignancy as we share the yearnings of a young, lonely, isolated witch, one Spring evening. The writing, as should only be expected, is beautiful and uniquely Bradbury's own; a delight.

The possible other objective, of creating a book as beautiful as the story it contains, was for me at least, a complete failure. The illustrations do nothing for me, in fact detract by being unappealing. I'm not very sensitive to typefaces, either, so the careful choice made here is a bit wasted on me. Other aspects of the design are unremarkable, accept for one; the author and title printed at the top of each set of facing pages in most books are at the bottom in this one, which I don't . On the other hand, the page numbers are at the top, which I prefer to the more common placing at the bottom.

I was given an overdue reminder of Bradbury's mastery by this book. Time to read more.short-fiction supernatural-horror10 s TT82 17

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La bruja de abril

4 cuentos (y creo que dos ya los había leído, y el de sabana seguro)
Bradbury es muy bueno así en cuentos, historias cortas, logra el impacto de la historia, el dejarte esa espinita con cada cuento, todos de 4 estrellas

4 stars

Reto popsugar 16. Un libro sobre brujas.short-stories-related zz_2022_sugar zz_2022books4 s ????107 11

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????? ?? ???? ? ?? ??? ????? ???. short-stories4 s Zohreh Hanifeh384 103

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???? ??? ????. ????!????-?????-??4 s Valentina Markasovi?Author 10 books47

A really imaginative portrayal of witches is this story - I would love to read a whole book about the mythology of this world. "The April Witch" is a story that that leaves you wondering, and also speaks volumes about the problematic of breaking the socially imposed boundaries between people (intermixing, marrying up or down).

I did feel rather sorry for Ann.collection read-in-english4 s ????1,082 1,949

???? ????????? ???? ?? ????????? ?????? ??? ?? ????? ? ?????? ??????? ?? ????????. ??? ?? ????? ???????? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???. ??? ??? ??????? ???? ????.??????-????? ????-????4 s Arezu Wishka266 241

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Como siempre Bradbury jamás me defrauda, el cuento de "La sirena del faro" me dejó pensando mucho y "La bruja de abril" es muy bonito, en general todos me gustaron, recomendado para los que somos fans de Ray.3 s Amir Ataei115 28

????? ?? ??? 5 ????? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ? ????? ? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???? .
??? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ? ???? ? ????? ????? ???? ???? .????? ?? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ?? ????? ???? ???? .2 s Carlos J. EgurenAuthor 19 books147

"La bruja de abril y otros cuentos" es un libro perfecto para acercar a los más jóvenes a la prosa de Ray Bradbury, el poeta de la ciencia ficción.

La colección comienza con "La sabana", que es una advertencia de las casas inteligentes tipo Google Home y similares, además de un aviso sobre la pérdida de la humanidad de los niños. A su vez, "El otro pie" nos pregunta y nos responde a: ¿qué pasaría si todos los negros hubieran huido del racismo y se hubieran marchado a Marte? ¿Qué ocurriría si, años después, un blanco va a Marte a pedir ayuda? Perfecto para una película de Jordan Peele. Estos dos cuentos ya habían aparecido en otra antología de cuentos del escritor estadounidense: "El hombre ilustrado").

A su vez, "La bruja de abril" es un relato mágico sobre una joven sin cuerpo que busca amar a alguien. Esta obra, que le da título a la antología, es, en realidad, uno de los capítulos de la mágica, poética y enigmática novela "De la ceniza volverás".

El cuarto y último cuento era el único que no había leído (o no recordaba), se titula "La sirena del faro" y es una demostración de por qué Bradbury era uno de los mayores genios de la literatura. Lo consigue a través de una historia sobre un monstruo que, cual Godzilla solitario, acude a las llamadas de una sirena.

En resumen, "La bruja de abril y otros cuentos" de Ray Bradbury es un título perfecto para que los ajenos a la carrera de Bradbury la descubran (sobre todo, los más jóvenes). Para los que ya lo conocemos, deben decidir si tener o no una nueva edición de varios de sus relatos; no obstante, más vale tener estanterías colmadas de Bradburys que de otros. En definitiva, magistral.3 s Mercedé Khodadadi206 21

Autor del comentario: