
Llibre dÂ’amic e amat de Ramon Llull

de Ramon Llull - Género: Didáctico
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Ramon Llull ens va deixar, com a porta d'entrada del V llibre del Blanquerna, el Llibre d'amic e amat, una joia de la literatura mística. El Llibre està format per un conjunt de 365 reflexions metafòriques que Blanquerna empra per ensenyar als seus deixebles l'art de la contemplació.

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"El amor es el árbol; amar, el fruto; y los trabajos y las penas, las flores y las hojas."estanteria2 s Brownie Brown4

El meu aforisme preferit “L'amor il•luminà el núvol que s'interposava entre l'amic i l'amat, i el féu clar i resplendent com la lluna en la nit, o com l'estel de l'alba, o com el sol a migjorn, o com l'enteniment en la voluntat. I a través d'aquest núvol Iluminós es parlen l'amic i l'amat.”This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 ???4 29 Read

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Rating: Infinity / 5

I confess that I read this book in shorter snippets, just so that I could focus on and treasure the verses to their fullest. Much the Song of Songs in the Bible, this is what I was expecting: a kind of recitation of lovers hidden away in a garden or something, crooning sweet nothings to each other. Little did I expect what the roles of the "Lover" and the "Beloved" really were.

For one thing, I'm glad of the author's historical background being provided to us in the introduction--thank goodness I decided to read it, for once. In any case, the meaning of the verses themselves then became much clearer, much more beautiful, and, most importantly of all, spiritual.

This is something that I'm sure to re-read many times in the years to come. It's somewhat sad and yet unsurprising that this author and book aren't things that I've heard about before, probably because they're not put at the forefront of history. Regardless though, I deem to appreciate it, and will keep it as a worthy companion to religious works that I have already read. Simple to read and get through, especially when read in short snippets, but with complex concepts behind it all. Beautifully written and kept to as much of the original verse as possible, or so I believe. I worthy undertaking by E. Allison Peers, and a masterpiece of Ramon Lull.books-that-more-people-should-read favourites spirituality1 Morzejko Leporello42

"The keys of the gates of love are gilded with cares and desires, sighs and tears..."
This is one of the 366 maxims in this work and it beautifully covers the many facets of love, it joys and sorrows. For me love was always a separate entity, an entity existing independently - other forces in nature. We, humans, can sometimes connect to this force and it can be through the love of another human being who is but a catalyst, a medium in this connection. And I found in Llull this same sentiment, so beautifully expressed in those Bible- verses. The love discussed here is indeed an eternal love; being the love of God, of other human, of a parent, a child. There is only one love and it is always a mixture of cares and desires, sighs and tears.1 Duane Alexander MillerAuthor 7 books25

If sometimes the meaning is inaccessible, the feeling is not. Here there is a strong, mission-minded and mystical insight into the reflections of one of the great minds of medieval Christianity. Llull, who is known as a missionary, poet, novelist, mystic, philosopher, father and husband, and even perhaps an alchemist, strongly connects tribulation-suffering with the greater experience of God's love. A challenging message.1 Juuso-jesperi Aro9

Llullin työtä ei sovi väheksyä, mutta kyllä tätä lukiessa hiipi mieleen väkisinkin ajatus, että josko tässä kirjassa on mitään järkeä?

"Kontemploin kontemplaatiota kontemplaatiossa kontemplaatiosi kontemplaatiolla. Olen hyveessäsi ja hyveesi kanssa saavun hyveeseesi, josta otan hyvettä. Tervehdin sinua tervehdykselläsi, joka on oma tervehdykseni sinun tervehdyksessäsi. Siitä odotan pysyvää tervehdystä siunauksesi siunauksessa, jossa saan siunauksen siunauksessasi."

"Sinä olet, rakastettuni, kunniani kunnia, ja kunniallasi sinä annat kunniassasi kunnian minun kunnialleni, jolla on kunnia sinun kunniastasi. Tämän kunniasi vuoksi sekä ahdingot että murheet ovat yhtä lailla itsellesi kunniaksi, sillä ne saapuvat luokseni kunnioittamaan sinun kunniaasi niiden ilojen ja ajatusten myötä, jotka saapuvat minulle kunniastasi."

Kaipa se on ihan hauska tuommoista kontemploida, joten ehkäpä vika olikin siinä, ettei minussa ole vielä tarpeeksi mystikkoa.aphorisms-poems Joshua136 11

366 short meditations upon the love of God, and the trails that await us in that love.

Beautiful little book - His focus on the Beloved and loving him primarily and in simplicity is provoking and speaks directly to the heart that seeks to be wholly His. Some of it I have no idea what he was trying to convey, but the things that did land were timely arrows to the heart.desert-fathers oriol abelanet72 1 followerRead

M’esperava un altre tipus de llibre. Tot i això és interessant i et fa pensar molt. Em quedo amb aquest fragment:

«I per això va dir a l'home que moria:
—Digues, ¿per què mors sense amor?
Va respondre: —Perquè sense amor vivia.»
Alex Kartelias210 79

Some beautiful passages. His words are full of emotion and devotion, but they don't sacrafice the truly mystical messages which are contained therein.religion Teresa Prats86 1 follower

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