
Dove soffia il vento de Rainbow Rowell

de Rainbow Rowell - Género: Italian
libro gratis Dove soffia il vento


Dopo aver scoperto di non poter contare sulle certezze del mondo magico e dopo essersi chiesti cosa fosse veramente autentico della loro magia, Simon, Baz, Penelope e Agatha devono decidere cosa fare delle loro vite. Per Simon, questo significa capire se vuole continuare a essere coinvolto nelle vicissitudini magiche dei suoi amici e, qualora scegliesse di non farne parte, quali sarebbero le conseguenze per sé e per la sua relazione con Baz. Nel frattempo Baz passa da una crisi famigliare all'altra, senza avere un momento per concentrarsi su se stesso. Penelope ha deciso di tornare a Londra con un Normale, ma quando sua madre lo viene a sapere la situazione si complica e lei dovrà affrontare tutto da sola. E Agatha Monamour? Be', lei ne ha avuto abbastanza di tutti.

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I will be back to write a full review later when my full rage has set in.

Im back with my full review, SPOILERS AHEAD, but I don’t recommend reading anyway so I’d say read this anyway.

I think the thing that made me the most frustrated when reading this book, was how utterly pointless it was in the first place.

They never talk about the events of the second book, or about the vampire gangs, and they never tell anyone about it either. So why did it exist in the first place, my first thought was “oh to introduce Shepard into the plot” but as much as I love Shepard, he does absolutely nothing for this book. He gets his problem solved. He just serves as a stand in for Penny to distract herself from Simon, so that Simon and Baz can…I don’t know, have almost-sex in the most inappropriate places?

Rainbow created something I to call, The Simon and Baz Problem. Where she made it almost impossible for them to stay together. I was expecting for them to break up, what I wasn’t expecting was for them to dump eachother and then GET BACK TOGETHER TWENTY PAGES LATER. At that point what has changed? Why even breakup in the first place? And I know, it’s Simon realizing he has to “actually try” in his relationship with Baz, but did this issue really need to take up the first 200 pages?? Especially if their breakup is essentially IRRELEVANT.

Pretty much everyone’s losing their shit for the first 250 pages, to the point where it’s not even fun anymore, you’re just watching them all fall apart. Another big problem I had was how out of character a lot of these interactions felt. You’re telling me Simon couldn’t even bring himself to hold Baz’s hand in the second book, but now he’s trying to dry hump him in the Watford library? Good god.

They’re both just weirdly out of character, and also very…I don’t know how to phrase this…pervy? I did not need to read as much smut as I did, especially because half the time it was confusing as hell. They would be in the middle of a sweet and romantic moment and I’d go “that is so sweet I- and one of them has their dicks out again, great…” THIS HAPPENS MULTIPLE TIMES.

I really was rooting for this third book, I was so excited for it, but it just feels so random and disconnected with itself. Every single character is doing their own thing and not communicating, but I’d argue that the character interactions and everyone working together, were the best part of Carry On. And even though this was supposed to be the “final book” there was a lot of unanswered questions, and a lame ending. I’m just so upset because it feels there didn’t even need to be a second or third book.

Any Way The Wind Blows finally gets good at around the 300 mark, but what am I gonna tell people “yeah, just stick it out for two thirds of the book, I promise it’s worth it” all the good stuff happens at the end, and the main villain in the third book, is just a carbon copy of The Mage. I don’t know, maybe that was the point? I just wish I didn’t spend so much time being made to read about Simon and Baz’s weird kinks, Christ. I’m so disappointed, I felt really represented by Simon in Carry on, now what am I gonna say, yeah I relate to the guy whose constantly trying to chew the hell out of his boyfriend? I know they had to touch on Simons issues with intimacy, but they did it in such a sexual way, and it’s frankly weird that only Simon and Baz got this treatment.

Anyway, I doubt anyone’s read all this, I’ll see you in two years when she says she’s making a fourth book.706 s1 comment Lauren Lanz763 292

Someone tweeted at Rainbow Rowell, asking “on a scale of 1 to 10, how romantic will AWTWB be?” and she replied with something “61”.

After the rampant miscommunication in Wayward Son… I am here to happily announce that she did not lie !! Not only did Simon and Baz get to experience happiness together, but Penny, Shepard and Agatha also got their fair share of romance.

“I thought we had the sort of love that you can’t set down or walk away from. An undying fire. The love that you hear about in the old stories.”

As the final book in the greatly beloved Simon Snow trilogy, Any Way the Wind Blows had big shoes to fill. While I do think this installment showcased the best character development of the three, I also think it suffered from the weakest plot. (Yes, this is coming from me, miss “I don’t need a good plot if I love the characters enough”)

After Wayward Son, I was looking forward to further exploration into the world of vampire gangs and river spirits and pretty much anything that took place in that book. Instead, most of what happened in America is scrapped as everyone gets back to Watford, replaced by something entirely new. Don’t get me wrong, the storyline in AWTWB isn’t bad by any means. It kept me really entertained. It was just hard not to notice how big of a book this is, and how not a lot happened plot-wise in comparison. Relationship-wise is a different story; if you’re reading solely for Simon and Baz and their romance, I’m sure you’ll be very happy with this book. Above all else, the entire cast got their fairytale endings, so who would I be to ask for more?

“I know I'll never love anyone I love Baz. I know he's the love of my life. Of all my lives.”


At this point SnowBaz is my life source, my soul food and my happiness.

Let them be happy, Rowell, I beg you.3-stars i-own816 s enqi ???*??? (semi-hiatus till late april)311 936 Want to read

i am just waiting for my finals to end in november so i can read this

never ever thought carry on would get a sequel and now it's a trilogy (!!!!!)632 s Alex ? Comets and s ?173 2,852 Want to read

after wayward son, please let this entire book be rainbow rowell putting snowbaz's relationship in rice.enemies-to-lovers fantasy-me-up lgbtq ...more2,315 s TheLibrariansDaughter42 Read

a little disappointed this one isn't called "there'll be peace when you are done"563 s1 comment Claudia LomelíAuthor 8 books80.2k

¡No había actualizado que terminé este libro!

La verdad es que me gustó mucho y sentí que me dio más de lo que esperaba, lo cual mi corazón de fangirl agradece. AMO A SIMON Y A BAZ. Y también me gustó todo lo de Penelope y Shepard, e incluso lo de Agatha.

Siento que no fue un libro final tan poderoso, pero los personajes tuvieron finales satisfactorios :).2021 i-ship-them526 s peachygirl282 810

I would have signed a marriage contract with a demon for Rainbow to have gotten these two married, but I'm pretty happy with this ending too
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