
Love on the Night Shift de Radclyffe

de Radclyffe - Género: English
libro gratis Love on the Night Shift


Between ruling the night shift in the ER at the Rivers and raising her teenage daughter, Blaise Richeilieu has all the drama she needs in her life. When a dashing young attending appears on the scene and relentlessly pursues her, Blaise has plenty of reasons to say no—or at least she tells herself she does, despite Grady's nearly irresistible charm. Even if Blaise had the slightest desire to play Grady's game, the past she's kept hidden from everyone is a secret she intends to keep buried. What Blaise doesn't know is the barriers she constructs make Grady even more determined to find a way through them.

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This was another good installment in the Rivers Community Romance series. I have been really lucky to be on a good stroke of books lately. I had a feeling when I picked up RadÂ’s newest I would be continuing that streak. This has been a good year for lesfic books so far and boy could we all use them.

I believe this is the 6th installment in the Rivers series. all of the books you really could start right here or at any book really, but to get the most enjoyment out of the series I would suggest starting from the beginning. Each book stars a new possible romantic couple, but Rad brings back characters from other books. These books take place in the Rivers hospital so think GreyÂ’s Anatomy for a second. When watching that show you know all of the big main cast because you have learned about them over the episodes. This series is that where almost all of the character you run into, are familiar because they stared in their own book earlier in the series. ThatÂ’s why starting at the beginning and reading all the books, makes the series more fun.

This story was about one of the head nurses Blaise and a new surgeon Grady. Blaise is best friends with Abby so you do get a good amount of Abby and Flannery in this one. And because BlaiseÂ’s daughter Taylor is friends with Blake and the other kids they are in this too. A few other characters make cameos but that is the main focus. We do spend some time with Courtney who is ValÂ’s sister so my guess is that Rad was setting up the next book for her story.

I really enjoyed the new character of Grady. She was great and almost too perfect. I did feel the connection between her and Blaise is a little fast for my tastes, but they had really good chemistry so I mostly ate my complaints. While the sex scenes were a little brief, there were nice and steamy so again I didnÂ’t mind so much.

My one main issue and why I didnÂ’t rate this as high as I was hoping to was because I found it to be really predictable. Meaning you can see the conflict and the resolution coming a mile away. It was way too telegraphed so I knew everything that was going to happen, and it did exactly I guessed it would. IÂ’m a big Rad fan and I have read every full-length book she has published. One of the reasons I love reading Rad is she is familiar and comfortable. I know what to expect and she rarely if ever disappoints. But there is a difference between being familiar and being able to guess all the main plot points. ThatÂ’s not what I want and it takes some of the fun out. So while I really enjoyed this, being so predictable stopped this from being higher than 4 stars for me.

While I was bummed about the predictability, I still enjoyed this. I really the Rivers clan and when I was at the end of the book I just wanted more so I could keep reading. IÂ’m not ready for this series to end anytime soon. If you are a Rad fan or a Rivers fan, this book is easy to recommend. If you are a medical-romance fan, I think you will enjoy this series too.

A copy was given to me for a honest review.
f-f-bsb-romance medical-romance zlocked-doc-nurse-paramedic-in-2066 s Sandra463 92

Radclyffe is a safe value for a solid romance. This book is #6 in the "Rivers Community Romance" series where everything revolves around the Rivers hospital and the founding family and friends. I the Rivers family, friends, and community very much. With every installment a new couple will be introduced, at least one is always working for the hospital, in this case, both MCs are working there.

What I really in series is that I get to know more and more about couples from previous books and how they are doing. Not always every couple is involved in every book but that's OK, and I'm always totally impressed by how an author can hold a track of everybody.

Grady is the new surgeon and Blaise is the head ER nurse for the night shift at the Rivers hospital. Blaise is best friends with Abby, Flann Rivers's wife, and her daughter Taylor is friends with Blake (Abby's son) and Margie (Flanns little sister), so we get to spend some time with them too. Grady is new in the town and only knows Flann. When Grady and Blaise meet the first time, Grady is unexpectedly drawn to Abby from the first moment she'd led eyes on her. But Blaise is somewhat reserved, almost unfriendly to her, what spikes her interest in this beautiful woman even more.

I d both the main characters very much, both are interesting women and I was curious about the secret Blaise was hiding. I loved the way Blaise was interacting and talking with her daughter and also the friendship she has with Abby and Flann's family. Grady is a wonderful character too, for the first time in her life she feels free from her family, a family of doctors, in a small town where nobody knows her. In this series, the teenager's Blake, Margie, and now also Tyler always have a part of the story, and I it.

Soon it was clear what Blaise's secret is and that it will cause some trouble in paradise. This is also my only minor complaint I have, the story was predictable. But sometimes it is exactly the right kind of story to read, without much angst and drama, twist and turns which messes with your brain. The writing is as flawless as ever and the story is entertaining and beautiful. I hope and are looking forward to more stories about the Rivers Community.

An easy and exciting romance recommended to everybody.
My rating 4 stars.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for receiving an ARC for an honest review.
docs f-f family ...more22 s Heinerway763 95

The storyline was rather predictable here. The ending was also a little so-so. But... But the main characters were absolutely awesome, and... it was really great to revisit our Rivers Community friends.bold-strokes-books co-workers doctor-nurse-medical ...more23 s Gaby LezReviewBooks735 464

No one in lesfic writes medical romances Radclyffe. Being a retired surgeon and a seasoned author of around 60 novels, she’s got the upper hand on everyone else. Whichever book the reader picks, they can be assured that they’ll find the perfect balance between hospital action and romantic chemistry. ‘Love on the Night Shift’ is no exception.

Blaise Richelieu is not interested in dating. As the chief nurse of the ER night shift at the Rivers Hospital and a single mother of a teenage daughter, sheÂ’s got enough on her plate. But when the new attending surgeon Grady McClure starts to flirt with her, she keeps her barriers high and her secrets buried. Despite that, Grady is more determined to break down her walls and win BlaiseÂ’s heart.

‘Love on the Night Shift’ is book 5 of ‘A Rivers Community Romance’ series and another solid lesbian medical romance book by Radclyffe. Even though it’s part of a series, it can be read as a standalone romance though there are a few secondary stories that pick up from the previous books. As it is the case with many of Radclyffe’s series, Rivers is a community with more lesbian couples than usual. Additionally, there is a trans character and a YA story that has been developing throughout the whole series. So, in order to get the most of the story, I recommend you start with book 1 ‘Against Doctor’s Orders’.

This novel has the perfect balance between action medical scenes and romance. Blaise and Grady have good chemistry together though for me it wasnÂ’t off the charts. There is an intrigue part in the form of BlaiseÂ’s old secret but if the reader pays minimal attention is easy to predict. However, the unveiling of the secret itself was a powerful scene that makes up for the authorÂ’s obvious hints and one of the charactersÂ’ oversight.

Overall, another enjoyable medical romance by Radclyffe that is not gonna disappoint her fans. 4 stars.

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

See all my at www.lezreviewbooks.com18 s Jude in the Stars932 611

Why, when my ARC list is so long, did I choose to read a book that is not on it? After a couple of intense reads, I was in need of something familiar, something reliable. Radclyffe is nothing if not reliable. And once again, IÂ’m so happy I followed my instinct, because Love on the Night Shift is now my second favourite book in the Rivers Community series. My favourite favourite being the first one, Against Doctor's Orders.

There’s nothing the first book in a new series, when you get to discover a new universe, a new set of characters, new dynamics. When I first read Against Doctor’s Orders, I fell in love with the Rivers – the hospital and the family. As much as I enjoyed the next four books, I never really got that feeling back, until Love on the Night Shift. I’m very character-driven, and I absolutely adored both Blaise and Grady, and got invested in their story – and stories – from the start.

Blaise Richelieu is a single mother and a night shift ER nurse at the Rivers. SheÂ’s very focused on her job and on raising Taylor, her teenage daughter, and is definitely not looking for any sort of drama in her life. Grady McClure is the opposite. SheÂ’s a surgeon, with the attitude that goes with it. Un Brody from Love to the Rescue, sheÂ’s not a Flann clone, even if Flann is her mentor in many ways. SheÂ’s arrogant and extremely self-confident, but sheÂ’s also genuinely charming and attentive.

As IÂ’ve written before, what I most about these books is the familiarity. IÂ’m not reading them to be surprised, IÂ’m reading them to be with people I care about. BlaiseÂ’s secret isnÂ’t difficult to guess and the reader knows all along that it will be the main obstacle to her relationship with Grady. What matters isnÂ’t the secret itself but how Blaise has dealt with the situation and what she will decide to do now that someone else is in the picture, especially given who that someone is.

With each new story, Radclyffe changes the perspective, giving the reader a chance to see characters from previous books through someone elseÂ’s eyes. I appreciate FlannÂ’s fierce loyalty better when sheÂ’s not the main character. I d seeing Abby as BlaiseÂ’s best friend. And TaylorÂ’s arc shows a different side of the group of teenagers, with, still, a slight focus on Margie and Blake.

There are all the usual ingredients in this novel: a city girl falling in love with the small-town lifestyle, the sense of community, the instalove mistaken for instalust. RadclyffeÂ’s talent resides in her capacity to bring something new to a well-tried recipe and make you feel youÂ’re coming home.17 s Betty649 84

Sometimes we need a chance to get away from real life for a while. We need an escape from the harsh or sad times we may be living through. That was me this past week, and IÂ’m very glad I had Love on the Night Shift by Radclyffe to give me a few hours escape.

This novel is the sixth book in the Rivers Community Romance Series, and it is a great addition. In this story we meet Blaise, the head ER nurse on the night shift, and Grady, a new attending surgeon at The Rivers. Sparks fly the moment the two meet, but the road to romance and love will always have its speed-bumps. One of the bumps in this story may be the secret that Blaise has kept to herself for many years. Even Abby, her best friend doesnÂ’t know this secret, but it could completely derail the budding relationship between Blaise and Grady.

The story is well written, as are all of the books in this series. The characters are well developed and easy to fall in love with. The setting, of course is lovely, and I enjoy visiting this small town and all the people in it with every book.

This book is a fitting addition to The RiverÂ’s series. I happen to really reading medical dramas/romances, and The Rivers Community series is one of the best. Each story is about a different couple, but they also add on to the stories in the previous books. The main characters in one novel will become secondary but often important characters in the following stories. You can read these stories individually, but I honestly think you should read them all, hopefully in the order they were written. I believe you will enjoy them all more that way.

If you are looking for something to read that will take you away for a bit, and leave you feeling happy, then try not only Love on the Night Shift, but this entire series. You wonÂ’t be disappointed.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

Rainbow Reflections: http://rainbowreflections.home.blog/
2020 bold-strokes child-children ...more14 s Corrie1,579 4

And so we have arrived at RadclyffeÂ’s 6th installment of the River Community Romance Series, Love on the Night Shift. It pretty much follows the theme of the other 5 books. Dark haired, blue eyed, handsome butch meets unattainable femme and falls for her a brick.

Grady McClure is the new surgeon at Rivers. Invited by buddy Flannery Rivers (see book 2), Grady was happy to escape Baltimore and her prestigious surgeon family to spread her wings and shine on her own. Grady works hard and keeps her love life casual. Until she lays her eyes on Blaise.

Head nurse Blaise Richeilieu is a single mom with a big ‘no entry’ sign on her heart. She trusted in the past and ended up pregnant and heartbroken so she is adamant not to fall for the charms of this new hot shot surgeon. She tries to keep her focus solely on her daughter Taylor, but Grady proves to be a relentless flirt.

Radclyffe weaves a predictable plot but she does it so well that I really donÂ’t care. A lovely blend of medical and romance with a great cast. Flannery Rivers and Abby Remy (see book 2) are in the supporting role as friends of Grady and Blaise. I still love the Rivers Community Series and its very gay hospital. ItÂ’s safe and entertaining.

f/f explicit

Themes: small rural community, the Rivers Clan, the 80% drama felt very contrived, RadclyffeÂ’s femmes are always topping from the bottom, they hold all the cards.

4 Stars

* A free copy was provided by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.arc butch-femme doc-nurse-therapist ...more13 s Elske486 42

As always with books by Radclyffe this is a very well written book. In preparation to reading this last instalment the Rivers Series I first read the other books again. I enjoyed those and I enjoyed reading this new one. ItÂ’s warm-hearted and romantic even if it was a little too predictable and I insta-love for me. The instant-love seems to be happening more in this series. I very much would the next one to be about a slower building love and relationship. I am looking forward to the next book in this series. I love reading about all the people at the Rivers and how they are doing. 10 s Kexx1,948 71

talking to an old friend after a long time (read No 5 a year ago) - loved picking up with the characters from previous books & flehing out new MCs. A bit "WTF" - but go with it. Superb writer.business-work-colleague lesbian-romance medical ...more11 s Kitty McIntoshAuthor 10 books50

Do you ever read a love story and feel immediately that it’s meant to be? Well that’s exactly what happened when I read ‘Love On The Night Shift’. I love the Rivers series with a passion. Every single time, I’m convinced the one I’m currently reading is my all-time favourite and can’t be topped. But they get better and better as the series progresses. Blaise and Grady’s story pulled at my heartstrings again and again, and by the end I was on an emotional high.

Charge Nurse Blaise Richelieu has spent seventeen years raising her daughter alone, keeping all admirers at a safe distance. When hot new attending Grady McClure starts to show an interest, she goes into shields-up mode as usual. But thereÂ’s something endearing about Grady and maybe this time it wonÂ’t be so easy to resist. She has her reasons to be wary of attachments, but GradyÂ’s charm might be beginning to wear her down.

Blaise was strong, intelligent and brilliant at her job. Caring for her daughter has been her top priority. Maybe she has forgotten that sheÂ’s a woman with needs and deserves find that special someone. I could see exactly where she was coming from, but Grady was an irresistible force. Who could resist? I loved seeing them begin to get to know one another. Their gently flirting was beautifully done. The attraction was intense and hot and so was the sex. Interweaving the stories of the Rivers clan, their kids and the townsfolk pushed this novel up even further in my estimation. I want to know what is happening to them and the impact their stories have on each other.

When I finished this book I had all the feels. It was emotional and important. Their story was important. And not just for them as a couple. It was romantic and sexy but above all it felt right. They were meant to be together . I adored it. Highly recommended.

I was given this ARC for review.emergency-services f-f lesbian ...more9 s MJSam477 37

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the 6th book in the Rivers series. The mains here are Blaise, a nurse at the Rivers hospital and Grady a new surgeon who happens to be an old friend of FlannÂ’s. Blaise also has a teenage daughter, Taylor, who is friends with Margie and Blake. Blaise is AbbyÂ’s best friend, so she and Flann show up a fair bit. ThereÂ’s also a bit of time spent on Courtney who also popped up in Love to the Rescue, which featured her cousin Val. IÂ’m assuming if thereÂ’s a book 7, it will be about her.

This wasnÂ’t my favourite of the series, as has happened before, the book takes place over a ridiculously quick time period. The first 70% of the book takes place over three days (a large portion of that taken up with talking about a party and then at the party), and in that short time the leads meet, fall for each other, and have sex. Then a bit of (very convenient) melodrama pops up to advance the story another week or so. This seems to be the formula for these books, but for the life of me I canÂ’t work out why Rad canÂ’t have these take place over longer time frames and have the characters actually get to know each other instead of all this instalove. The reader also has to overlook the incredibly unly high LGBTQIA population in such a small town.

If you’ve read the others, you’ll want to read this. I wish it had had more substance and the relationship had been fleshed out. At this point the ‘b’ storyline that runs through these that features the teens is the most interesting part. I also wish Rad would focus on that more in the next one. 3 starschild-children doctor hospital ...more9 s XR1,775 99

I was happy to see that there was an addition to the Rivers Community Romance series 'cause I love seeing what's new with the cast of characters that I adore. This book is really good but when it came to the romance between the two main characters, Grady and Blaise, it was really predictable. I was glad to see that there was a secondary plot with the Rivers teens 'cause without that additional drama, this would have been a very short book.

I love Radclyffe's work though, and as predictable as this book was I still enjoyed reading it.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review20206 s Kat667 10

I absolutely love the series. Each book brings out new characters into light and still shows some of old. This one of course it is not disappointing! The family drama, future and past mix is welcome. The characters are lovable from the beginning. I definitively love this hospital and whole family and friends that work at it. This book sheds some light on future characters that I hope will see in next book?
I do wish to see more of Grady and Blaise in future work and see how their relationship progresses, because in this one we got a glimpse on their future. As reader I want it all, the happy ever after we have a wedding and live in one house thing. I hope that will be included as part of next book in this series.7 s Kennedy1,047 72

The instant spark. There is just something about you. I crave to know more. this is what I thought while reading. Blaise Richelieu, mother, nurse, focused on just that. Grady McClure, surgeon, focused on settling into her new work environment and community. Neither women was looking for a relationship or love. Friendship companionship, possibly.

Being a fan of the Rivers series, this story provided a nice addition with two new characters. Both characters were able as well as passionate and caring. I thought the focus was not only on Grady and Blaise but the teens (Taylor, Margie, Dave, Blake, and Tim) and their interaction with each other and their parents. I enjoyed that focus and especially Blaise and her friendship with Abby. It is good when when there are people that care about your well-being and you can lean on when when needed. Just a nice feel good read with little angst.

ARC provided by Bold Strokes Books, Inc via NetGalley2020-ng-medical-personnel 2020-ng-romance-enjoyed 2020-ng-some-angst6 s Wendy767 9

**Thank you to Bold Strokes Books for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review!**
Wow! This was one book I had a hard time putting down. If not for stopping reading to go to work, this could easily be read in less than one day. That's how engaging I found this book to be. But, then, it is written by Radclyffe, one of my most favourite authors.
Despite being a book in the Rivers series, it can be read as a standalone. Main characters are Blaise, who is a single mother nurse, and Grady, a new-hire surgeon who moved to this small town to escape the shadow of her family's legacy. Grady's family is full of doctors and she's tired of being the "other Dr. McClure". Both of them have emotional baggage that they're working through. I know that eventually Blaise and Grady will get together. This is a romance novel, after all. But I really enjoy reading the evolution of their relationship.
Bonus of reading a series is that we also see beloved characters from previous books. In this case, we see Flann and Abby more prominently. It's always nice to re-visit them and see how they are doing.
Needless to say, I am looking forward to more Rivers Community Romance books.6 s Carolyn McBrideAuthor 4 books106

Radclyffe can be counted on to always deliver a satisfying love story with angst, heartache, passion and secrets. Love On The Night Shift was no exception. There are sparks, a past laden with more baggage than an airport and well-developed characters with believable hang-ups.

A very satisfying book, perfect to read as you snuggle beneath the blankets.
Many thanks to Rad, Bold Strokes Books and Netgalley for the ARC, in exchange for my honest opinion!7 s Ameliah Faith863 41

Oh So Good!
Blaise is a busy single mom who is a charge nurse at the Rivers Hospital ER department, coaches field hockey and worries about her daughter. Grady is a new attending trying to find a place where she isnÂ’t overshadowed by her family. SheÂ’s charming and confident and when she meets Blaise, she is instantly smitten. Blaise too is drawn to the newcomer and is frightened by her reaction to the Dr. When secrets are reveled, can Grady be trusted to do the right thing or will the life Blaise has carefully constructed be destroyed foreverÂ…

I LOVED this book!!! I love all the Rivers Community books and every time I read a new one I feel I am coming home to family and friends that I love and adore. This story has so many feels in it, sorrow and joy, lost, loss and found, fear and courage, love and contentment and so much more. There were tears of disappointment and pain as well as tears of relief, happiness, and contentedness. It will make your heart swell, make you sigh with delight and whimper in need at the sexy bitsÂ… The whole thing is just so wonderful and such a perfectÂ…I REALLY want to start at the first book and read through the whole series again! This is another piece of awesomeness by Radclyffe that I am confident you will adore too.
5 s Marilyn501 7

Another good entry in the Rivers series. Radclyffe delivers another engaging romance with interesting characters. In this one I got a better sense of the town, with both characters living in town.doctors favorite-author lesbian ...more5 s Cheryl387 24

This is an ok read. Just a typical Rivers Hospital drama. Not good not bad, just the usual.
The 2 mc's are able and the dialog is normal. Im not a fan of insta love and the dramatic problem that presents itself is sort of uncomfortably odd. And seems totally unresolvable......and them wala....resolved. What? But what about, this and what about that?
Radclyffe is one of my favorite authors, but I give this one a 3.

I was given this ARC for an honest review.3 s AL656 5

Beautiful story

A beautiful story continues from the Rivers community characters. It is a standalone book but it makes more sense when the previous books are read. Love, feelings, responsibilities, intimacy and suspense with realistic characters and dialogues, these are the characteristics of this book. Loved it and continue with the rest of the Series.3 s Bee Sherrard502 14

This is another novel in Radclyffe’s series “A Rivers Community Romance, I think this is number 6 but don’t hold me to it, I could be wrong. Having said that, anyone who has read a book by this author knows they are in for a real treat.
Grady McClure has finally got what she has always wanted. Some place where she can work with top notch doctors and a hospital that is not only a part of the community itÂ’s also one of the best equipped. Being a surgeon has been her dream but the thought of working with, or even around, her father and brother isnÂ’t something she wants. She s the idea of putting the patients first, not how many operations she has done. As for her love life sheÂ’s content with a hook up once in a while but that all changes when she meets Blaise Richeilieu, a nurse working the night shift who wants nothing to do with the new surgeon.
Blaise has lived most of her life in the community, content with being alone. She has enough on her plate with raising her daughter. Luckily her daughter has a good group of friends that she hangs with. Talking with the new doctor isnÂ’t high on her list but the handsome surgeon is making it very hard.
As in other books in this series, much of the story revolves around the Rivers family so we also get a chance to catch up with whatÂ’s going on in their lives. I have never read a book by Radclyffe that didnÂ’t make me happy. Nicely paced with a really good story line. If you can itÂ’s better to read the series from the start because if you start with this book youÂ’ll have no choice but to go back and read the rest. Now many others IÂ’ll have to wait for the next installment. A really good read that will be kind of hard to put down.
ARC via NetGalley Bold Stroke Books

3 s Dani403 14

I loved this addition to the Rivers series! I admire Blaise is a single mom, who had to raise her daughter, Taylor, without any help from her family or the father. While also finishing nursing school. Grady is an amazing surgeon who is excelling at the Rivers, out of the oppressing shadow of her father and brother. Grady and Blaise connected from the first, no matter how hard Blaise tried to distance herself. I love how when Grady finds out that Taylor is her niece and she decides to step in where her brother should have and helps ensure that Taylor is able to go to any school she wants to. Grady also tells Blaise she will wait however long it takes to be with her. She loves her and wants to be with her no matter how long it takes. Abby and Flann are amazing friends and provide great support as Blaise and Grady struggle to figure things out. Love this series and am excited to read the newest one. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review3 s Karen610 16

This is the 6th book in the A Rivers Community Romance Series. I have read all except one and they pretty much can be read as standalones, but it's a good series so I would say read them all. Love on the Night Shift focuses on Blaise who is head ER nurse on the night shift and Grady who is a newly hired surgeon. Things start off really shaky between these two mains because Blaise has a really negative reaction to Grady's last name. She wants to dis Grady, but Grady is charming and likable. Abby and Flann also appear pretty heavy in this romance and so does the teens from the previous series. Radclyffe does a really good job at giving some details about the previous characters that she has introduced in this series. That does make it easier to follow along if you have not read the previous books.

I think that Radclyffe is one of the best writers at creating chemistry between characters. Blaise and Grady for sure have chemistry and as much as Blaise wants to focus on her career and daughter she has a hard time saying no to Blaise. This romance really takes place over the first few days that Grady and Blaise meet and I do wish that the time was spread out over a longer period. Even though there is chemistry, this really isn't a love at first site kind of romance for me. That probably would be the only thing I changed about Love on the Night Shift. Otherwise, it is just a nice wonderful romance. The dialogue between all of the characters was great. There are some really good twists that are introduced early and build up to the end. This is just a solidly written book by Radclyffe.

I give this one 4 stars.

This arc was provided by netgalley and the publisher for an honest review.2020-published arc hospital-romance ...more2 s Charkie83 1 follower

This is exactly how a slow-burn romance should be written. I have not read any book from this series prior to reading Love on the Night Shift, but this book works perfectly as a stand-alone. I the secondary characters in the book. I think the relationships between secondary and main character is what makes this book stand out among others. All in all, this is a well balanced book which hits all the marks for an excellent reading experience.

Main Characters:
Blaise - A parent who focus on her job and raising her teenage daughter. Being a young single mother adds dimension to Blaise, and it clearly define her as a person. You learn early on that she has walls surrounding herself and she has a hard time letting other people in.
Grady - A woman who has grown up in the shadow of a successful brother. She strives to prove herself and focus on work. She does not want to be the other McClure, which is part of the reason she starts her new job at the hospital in the first chapter. She meets women, but she's not interested in a relationship.

Medical romance - This is a favorite genre of mine. I that this book has achieved perfect balance between the work place and the life outside the hospital.
Single parent
Lovely secondary characters
Trans character
Dramatic surprises - Sometimes I feel the focus in slow-burn romance slips from the actual romance in an attempt to increase the drama. This is NOT the case in this book. Radclyffe has gotten the suspense and surprises just right. There are some twists and turns, but they are not filled with too much angst.

No Epilogue - I this in books, but can understand it's no suitable for book in series. This is a minor con and should in no way keep you from reading this book.

This review is based on NetGalley ARC provided in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion.2 s Rosi328 102

This is a new story from the Rivers community, the sixth in the series, which relates the romantic relationship between two women who belong to the Rivers hospital payroll, located in a rural setting in the United States. In this case, between an ER nurse and a new surgeon, from New York, who comes to the hospital to take a breather in her somewhat competitive career, marked by the family saga to which she belongs.

As usual and almost standard in Mrs. Radclyffe's formula, they feel an instantaneous and irresistible attraction, they deny it, they avoid it, they persecute it, until they finally succumb. And also in this case there is the inevitable drama at 80%, in this case not very intense and somewhat vague. Don't take this as a criticism, I'm an enthusiast and fan of Radclyffe's books, of all of them and in all her series. So it will be that this formula works for me and for many other readers, if we consider the multiple positive that she has.

For me it is a sure thing, reading a Radclyffe book, so far has been so and this is no exception. I'm biased this.

An advanced reading copy has been sent to me by the publisher Bold Strokes Books through Netgalley for my honest review
1 Michele282

This is book number six in the Rivers Family Romance Series and the pairing between new attending doctor, Grady McClure and nurse Blaise Richelieu is an electric slow burn romance. This is the second book that I've read in this series and these books can be read as stand alone or the reader can enjoy the entire Rivers series.

When Grady and Blaise initially meet in the ER there is an immediate attraction and chemistry. Blaise gets the impression however that Grady is a sexy player who is trying to charm her next conquest. While that might have been Grady's approach to women in her past, she admits to herself that Blaise is different. Blaise is focused on her career and her teenager daughter, Taylor, and she rarely dates. Eventually Blaise begins to thaw to Grady's charm as they begin to spend time together and start to know each other on a deeper level.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book with the smoldering chemistry between Grady and Blaise, the hidden looks, and simple touches. The only downside for me in the Rivers series is that there are so many characters that initially I'm lost for awhile as to who is who.

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.1 Vee Stone31 1 follower

I'm definitely a fan of the Rivers Community series! It was fun seeing a lot of familiar characters and I enjoyed getting to know the new ones. I'm having a hard time putting my thoughts into words... after finishing the book I wanted to re-read the whole series again. I was left a bit unsettled though... a tiny bit of a cliff hanger or a to be continued moment. Not sure if that was how it was intended but there's definitely more to explore within this series and with all of these characters. I'm thankful for what we've already experienced within these books and I'm hopeful for more to come... If you haven't read the books before this I highly recommend reading them before this one...1 Melissa131

I love this author's works and rarely have a single critique. This sequel in the Rivers Community Romance series is another winner. I am an absolute sucker for the butch femme dynamic and Radclyffe's books always deliver. My only comment for this author and many others who've started using more gender neutral names is: stop, lol. I have trouble keeping track of who is who unless a description of them is included with their name. But that could just be me who feels the way and it is my 1 percent negative criticism. I've loved the Rivers series from the first book. The scenery is beautifully described, the medical scenes are well written and often keeps you on the edge. The characters are inclusive, which as the parent of a trans son, I appreciate. I will always highly recommend works from this author, this one included. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.1 Aleana630 18

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

I loved that the author came back to The Rivers Community Romance series.

I reading about the old characters while introducing new ones this story is about Blaise and Grady.

Blaise has always put walls up around heart when it comes to romance and when Dr. Grady comes on the scene it has her putting more walls up.

When Grady meets Blaise she completely into her and finds ways to be around her as Blaise realize that she got Grady all wrong she finally decide to give romance a chance.

I their love story it didnÂ’t have that much drama which I . Enjoy the friendship between Blaise and Abby as they talk about their kids. Overall a great read look forward to next book in this series itÂ’ll be so cool if the author could cross over first responder series with this series with any of the couples.1 Brenda Freeman832 18

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