
Love's Masquerade de Radclyffe

de Radclyffe - Género: English
libro gratis Love's Masquerade


Plunged into the often indistinguishable realms of fiction, fantasy, and hidden desires, Auden Frost discovers a shifting landscape that will force her to question everything she has believed to be true about herself and the nature of love. It began one winter morning when Auden set out to interview for a much-needed position as an editor in the nonfiction division of Palmer Publishing. Haydon Palmer, however, the powerful young head of the company, offers Auden something far different--something that ultimately forces them both to confront their deepest fears and utmost desires. Unable to resist Hays's challenge and unaware of the charismatic woman's closely-guarded secrets, Auden soon finds herself on a journey that will transform both their lives.

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Published in 2004, this is my favourite novel by Radclyffe. A slow-burn medical romance with endearing characters, off the charts chemistry and a couple of twists and turns.

When Quinn Maguire, a trauma surgeon with impeccable credentials, accepts a position as an ER physician, her new boss, Honor Blake, suspects that Quinn is hiding a secret. But as Quinn proves herself more than useful in the ER department and Honor starts to bring her walls down, both women struggle with an unexpected mutual attraction. But an unpredicted turn of events will try their budding relationship and make them face the fragile nature of life.

A prime example of medical romance, ‘Fated love‘ is a beautiful story of endurance in coping with bereavement and illness. The mains chemistry is absolutely off the charts and despite the curveballs that life throws them, they completely belong to each other. This book has all that medical romances should have, ER fast-paced scenes, great dialogues, family life, and superb romance. I have to admit that this novel isn’t perfectly written, there is some head-hopping and some dialogues are a bit melodramatic, but the story is so powerful and compelling that I’m more than happy to ignore those details.

IÂ’ve read it a few times and this is my second time listening to the audiobook impeccably narrated by Abby Craden. As usual, Ms. Craden does an amazing job with great voices for all characters regardless of gender and age. This book goes through a very wide range of feelings and emotional situations, both positive and negative, and Ms. Craden narrates them with authenticity and competence.

The only audiobook issue for me is that sometimes itÂ’s hard to distinguish if the characters are thinking or talking aloud, but thatÂ’s not the narratorÂ’s fault, itÂ’s the fact that Radclyffe mixes thoughts with dialogues frequently, which is easy to pick when reading but hard when listening. Despite this, the powerful nature of the story and the narration makes it a must-read/listen for fans of lesbian medical romances. 5* stars.

Duration: 9 hrs and 46 mins

See all my at www.lezreviewbooks.com29 s Corrie1,577 4

After reading the latest Radclyffe (Passionate Feelings), I thought it might be nice to get back to the first one she wrote 14 years ago and read how Quinn Maguire and Honor Blake found each other in Fated Love (A PMC Hospital Romance #1).

It reminded me again that I need to read this author in very small quantities. IÂ’m not saying this to be unkind because Radclyffe is a seasoned writer, a bestseller in her genre (medical romance) and has a loyal following. When I pick one of her books to read, I pick them mainly for the medical setting because her romances are not really my cup of tea. I find them often overly sentimental (bordering on twee) and her characters are mainly the same two types (the noble tall-dark-and-handsome butch with a soft center and the tough femme whoÂ’s in charge).

I my romantic leads to be a bit more messy and unpredictable. I have never caught a Radclyffe character masturbating for instance, use a strap-on or have some very dirty sex talk. I think hers is more the idealistic, high romance.

Nevertheless, this was a decent but middle-of-the-road plot. An insta-attraction situation but still a slow burn as Honor comes to terms with giving her heart again after losing her wife six years prior. She has a young daughter to take into consideration. And Quinn has some demons of her own to battle. There was more focus on the romance than the medical this time.

f/f – explicit but in a clean (more poetic) way

Themes: can you give your heart twice, unstable arrhythmia, family, soccer, hurt-comfort, now I'm done for awhile.

3.4 stars
doc-nurse-therapist fell-for-boss ff ...more25 s pipsqueak588 437

Hospital romance.

I read Fated Love a long time ago, loved it but gave up on the PMC Hospital Romance series because the subsequent books weren't as good, in my opinion. I'm revisiting this series because my taste of books have somewhat changed along the way so I wanted to give it another try.

My second read of this book felt a first read. I could only recall bits and pieces of the storyline but I do remember really liking it. And I still do. The medical part of the book has the right balance. It isn't too detailed or difficult to understand, so that's nicely done. Radclyffe also created beautiful characters who are smart, nice and sexy. In short, both Honor and Quinn are lovable people. And they find each other attractive, although Honor finds it hard to move into a new relationship after losing a partner. Quinn makes it easy though because she's great with Honor, great with Honor's daughter, Arly and just great as a person in general... except there's that little secret that she's hiding.

This story is right up my alley because of the boss/subordinate trope. Honor is the ER chief and Quinn's boss, so that's a real bonus for me. Plus the chemistry is outstanding, the sex is good, and the side characters are so supportive that it's heartwarming.

My second read was just as great an experience as my first.24 s JulesGP515 164

Fated Love came out in 2004 and everything I read pointed to this book being the landmark start to everything RadclyffeÂ’s known for. For Fallback Friday, I wanted to read this book first. It seemed important.

New E.D. Attending mysteriously gets hired without the okay of the Chief of Emergency Room Medicine at a hospital in Philadelphia. ThereÂ’s hostility, then friendship, then more between Dr Honor Blake and Dr Quinn Maguire.

ThereÂ’s some good moments, especially when the interactions included HonorÂ’s daughter. Absolutely nothing wrong with the book but thereÂ’s also not much conflict so I just felt I was drifting along to the end. IÂ’m certain the storyline was fresh in 2004, but by now itÂ’s been replicated with varying success by so many other authors that I wonder if this affected my reading of Fated Love. IÂ’m still very glad I read this book. ThereÂ’s romance, steam, and a bit of angst.

As far as feeling dated, my big qualm was at the beginning. I almost fell out in the opening scene because allowing a stranger in street clothes to walk into the ED and cut into and start working on a patient, are you kidding me?!? I know the authorÂ’s a surgeon but that part almost made me stop reading and pick another book. 17 s2 comments Tristan25 25

Having read many of Radclyffe books, this, without doubt, is one of my favorites. Btw, loved the medical jargon...not too technical at all as some have suggested- adds believability to the story. Beautifully written, compelling characters and reminded me that all is not lost even when we're shooting ourselves in the foot . Okay, so here's my problem. Radclyffe has a huge list of publications, and typically when I read a book that I REALLY , it makes me want to read the author's next in the series. I think NIGHT CALL was next and I was sadly disappointed. To me, it was a demarkation point when Rad started writing from her head and not from her heart and soul. Just my 2 cents. This was great, and if you haven't read Radclyffe at her best, this is not to be missed. xo 16 s Gaby LezReviewBooks735 452

My favourite book by Radclyffe. Great romance with endearing characters. 5+ stars

This book is in my list of recommended books of the month:

https://lezreviewbooks.wordpress.com/...17 s Guerunche537 38

SA-WOOOON! I just started listening to audiobooks this year (yes - I know, I know) and have been going through them mad since discovering the error of my ways. So now not only am I listening to new releases, but going back a ways to older favorite books on audio. Such was the case here with Radclyffe's Fated Love, narrated by the delicious-voiced Abby Craden. I loved this book in the early 2000s and ate it up here again. We are so fortunate to have Abby narrate a good number of lesfic audiobooks. I'm getting to the point where I think I may have developed an addiction to her tones. - I want her voice to have my children. :-D Okay - not REALLY... but, well....really. lol In this book, ER Chief Dr. Honor Blake is still devastated after losing the love of her life in a freak accident when she was only in her 20s. Years later, she never even considered moving on and still wears her wedding ring. Then she meets Quinn Maguire, the gorgeous new trauma surgeon she got strapped with (and isn't too happy about it either.) Dr. Maguire is not only an extremely talented physician, she is also helpful, kind and loving and falls for Honor in a big way. Honor is terrified to feel again and tries to resist, but can't seem to keep her feelings for Quinn at bay. Abby does vulnerable no one else and she also excels at love scenes. Good lord - I could listen to the woman all day long. This was a great listen - a wonderfully romantic story and perfect narration for it. Loved it and will listen again.audiobook-faves lesbian-romance lesfic-favorites15 s Simone11200 3

One of my favorites books of all time. Simply perfection in all aspects: wonderful MCs and second characters, amazing slow burn romance and a setting in the medical world. What‘s not to love? Highly recommend and 5 ?? aren‘t enough. 5-stars audiobooks paperbooks ...more15 s Heather60 23

3.5 Stars.
Radclyffe has a way of writing love stories that draws you in and doesnÂ’t let you go. While this story wasnÂ’t my favorite out of what IÂ’ve read (listened) to of hers so far, I quite how she weaves her medical background into her work and how believable it is.

I d both Honor and Quinn, and fell in love with HonorÂ’s daughter and MIL along the way. Definitely fluffy with a side of angst, but a good read.audiobooks borrowed-books recs-kc ...more12 s Jacob Proffitt3,153 1,854

This is supposed to be the first in a series, but there are traces of a previous book that I tracked back to Passion's Bright Fury. Saxon Sinclair, from that story, plays a big role in Quinn's backstory and mental landscape. And she shows up later on and we can see traces of that romance closer up. It wasn't bad not having read that one first, but you might want to for yourself.

This is nearly twenty years old so I expected to see evidence of that. And I did, but not in the way I expected. Remember when PDAs were a thing? And flip phones and people not always having their cell on them and renting videos? Yeah, all of that. What it doesn't have is the preoccupation with being out and prejudice at every corner that I expect from lesfic of that era. So there's no angst in this story about two women being together and it felt perfectly natural that Honor would rely heavily on her ex-mother-in-law to help raise her young daughter Arly.

Indeed, Phyllis was a lovely supporting character, in every sense of that term. Her obvious and expressed love of Honor made a huge difference in Honor's emotional landscape, and one that imprinted strongly on the story. I loved how she actively helped Honor over hurdles in finding a new love. It was clear that she loved Honor for herself and not for the daughter who had died.

And I d, too, Radclyffe's handling of the workplace aspects of their romance. It wasn't really an issue because they took steps to make sure it wasn't an issue by having Honor make the tough calls and each treated the other with professional care when in professional contexts.

The only real drawback to the story is Honor's rather unrelenting negative motivation* in her grief of losing her wife five or six years previous. I'm not saying the grief is unreasonable or unrealistic. It was just a big amount of the story's conflict that slowed the plot down and is overcome by the character deciding she had overcome it. Offsetting that somewhat is Quinn's handling of this aspect of Honor's character. She was unfailingly patient and I loved that she was able to be honest about what she needed and expected. It was a good example of setting parameters and sticking to them, even though she had developed feelings for Honor.

So I'm going to go with five stars and only a little of that is allowance for its age. I d their relationship. I d the surrounding characters and their interactions. And I really d how they worked together in the end when I expected a dark moment that never came.

A note about Steamy: There were five or six explicit sex scenes putting this in the upper range of my steam tolerance. I frankly ignored them, mostly, because they weren't really relevant. I mean the characters' emotional intimacy was far more important so the physical intimacy was (barely/only) keeping up.

* Negative Motivations: I kind of hate that the term "negative motivation" isn't widespread, yet. Since it isn't, I'm going to save off this little jag to append to my that feature the term. Jennifer Crusie blogged about it a bit back (or, if that link doesn't work, here's a cache of the original) and it changed how I understand story. The problem with the term is that if you've never heard it before, you'd assume it meant motivations that are harmful or immoral. Not so. What it refers to is motivations not to do something. The thing is that many of us are motivated to not do things for a lot of different, perfectly valid and reasonable, reasons. The problem is that in a story motivations to not do things are a huge drag on the plot—particularly considering the fact that most negative motivations are overcome by the character simply deciding they don't care any more (or, rather, that they do care and are now motivated to do the thing). So not only do you have a counter to action but you also have a situation where to overcome it, all a character has to do is change their mind. Which means eventually, the reader is rooting for the character to get over him/herself already and do the thing we want them to do. Conflict drives story. Conflict between a reader and a main character drives readers away from story.audiobook lgbt negative-motivation ...more12 s Jo reece547 58

Rather good. The first few chapters I was slightly put off due to all the medical jargon, but once the story line developed, I started to enjoy it more. 11 s JF22

I finished reading passionate rivals and realized I never read the other two books in the series
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