
The Fifth Avenue Story Society de Rachel Hauck

de Rachel Hauck - Género: English
libro gratis The Fifth Avenue Story Society


From the New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Dress comes a captivating new novel about the healing power of story, community, and love.
Executive assistant Lexa Prescott is trying to find her way after a devastating divorce. She's not prepared to come face-to-face with her ex as he assumes leadership of the place she feels safest—the Fifth Avenue Story Society. Professor Jett Wilder has plans for his life. They don't include a Monday night story society at an old library, but his university department chair has other ideas.
This Story Society isn't about writing. It's about the lives of the people sitting in the chairs. All the members of the Story Society are broken, and they've found community in sharing their stories with one another. With the arrival of Jett, things begin to shift, and the Society members must confront the secrets they wish they didn't have to tell anyone...M.F

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This is a lesson for me to check out an unknown to me author before committing to reading their book. It sneaked up on me, too - about 80% in the notions of "born again" and "Lord Jesus my savior" popped up out of the absolute blue, and once they were mentioned, it seemed as if they were referred to every other paragraph. I'm spiritual, not religious. After another 4% of the audiobook, I couldn't go on any more. It took me out of the story, which was heading to a very predictable ending anyway. DNF at 84%.audiobook did-not-finish fiction48 s4 comments Renee1,169 203

My new favorite Rachel Hauck book! Loved a magical library where healing and friendships happen. Loved being a fly on the wall for the journeys of these 5 characters. I think my favorite was Ed & his testimony of sacrificial love in the face of many hardships. This story made for a really enjoyable Audible listen. And it was fun for me (as an English teacher) that the head of the New York College English Department was named Renee ;) 2020-reading-challenge bestseller-authors christian-fiction ...more47 s Karen1,965 496

Five New York strangers receive an unexpected invitation to The Fifth Avenue Story Society. Each of them has no idea where the invitation came from or who sent it. But they each decide to go and check it out.

Now the premise of this alone was enough to grab me as a reader.

This book had me thoroughly engaged until about three quarters of the way through, when it suddenly morphed into something I was not expecting.

It became preachy.

It took me out of the story, which was heading to a very predictable ending anyway.

The author shared in her post notes what inspired her to write the story, but perhaps this should have been made more obvious from the beginning, so that those of us who aren’t into these type of stories could have recognized her intentions.

There is also something else the author failed to do, and for me to reveal it here would be to share a spoiler.

But the fact that she did not do this, was a major disappointment to me as a reader. I really wanted to this book.dark disappointed thumbs-down45 s Randi Annie Framnes146 236

When five strangers, Jett, Lexa, Coral, Chuck and Ed, out of the blue get invited to the Fifth Avenue Literary Society Library, they don’t understand what’s going on. Gradually they get past their insecurities and start sharing some of the stories of their lives. These strangers with no previous connection come to trust each other, pour their hearts out and wrestle with each other’s stories to get to the truths.

This story starts with background stories of each of the invited. Each has past issues they have been too afraid to deal with and prefers to keep secret. But as they keep meting every Monday night, they share more and more details and are bringing fresh, new perspectives into each member’s life. New input and new inspiration helps to reignite the lives of these somewhat stuck and lonely people. Their relationships seem to develop and the support of the society helps the members reflect on their past and move through some hard issues. They learn to love and be loved, be cared for and respected as they get more and more involved and willing to be there for each other.

I enjoyed the personal development we get to witness by following these individuals as members of the story society. From being rather closed off when joining, they learn to open up about their feelings and trusting the other members with the real truths about their lives. The stories they share become more and more heartbreaking, raw and honest.

The plot presents each society member similar to diary entries where we get to follow their unique process. The writing draws me into how their lives feel to them from the inside with all the fear, grief, and hurt feelings they experience. Going to the story society every Monday somehow adds to their lives and contributes to the healing they didn’t expect or seek.

The members of the story society is a good cast of well developed characters I feel are easy to identify with as they have their individual issues they try to lie, cover up or in other ways refuse to deal with leading to resentment and bitterness in their lives. This makes them all believable, real and special. I appreciated the faith element mixed into the plot which intensified towards the end.

My favorite of the characters is Lexa Wilder who is personal assistant in a burger chain. I am delighted to see her finally stand up for herself work wise. Her eyes get abruptly opened when she understands she really has caught the wrong end of the stick. Realizing this, she has to figure out what she wants and make a tough adjustment.

I felt the writing was vivid. In my mind’s eye I could see how the Fifth Avenue Story Society Library might actually look . Fascinating how the meetings were held in surroundings of antique furniture, floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and dusty carpets. I envisioned maybe it might look something a mini version of the library at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter movie.

This is the first book I read from Rachel Hauck, but she will be on my radar from now on and I will be on the lookout for more of her previous works as well as future releases. I would recommend The Fifth Avenue Story Society to fans of Rachel Hauck and readers of romance genre.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.chicklit-feelgood kindle miscellaneous ...more34 s Xenos207 11

I came across "The Fifth Avenue Story Society" by Rachel Hauck at my local library. The cover drew my eye. Exquisite. The synopsis -- a mysterious invitation delivered to five people asking them to join a literary society in an old library -- had me hooked. Fascinating. I figured it'd be the next book I'd be obsessing about and recommending to anyone and everyone I came in contact with. I was wrong. Unfortunately, by the halfway point, I had become thoroughly annoyed with the characters. By the three-quarter mark, I had become disgusted by the religious propaganda. (News flash: Not everything becomes magical and turns out the way you want just because you "find god".) And the end was farcical with its overly saccharine and highly unbelievable conclusion. I was downright angry when I found out who sent the invitations and why...COME ON!!! (Maybe I wouldn't have disd it so much if the publisher had simply indicated that this book contained Christian publicity.)

Again, I found the premise to be incredibly intriguing. I only wish someone Nora Roberts or Sandra Brown had written it.28 s Dale HarcombeAuthor 14 books381

Three and a half stars.
Five New York strangers receive an unexpected invitation to The Fifth Avenue Story Society. Each of them has no idea where the invitation came from or who sent it. But they each decide to go and check it out.
Jett is a literature professor who is procrastinating about submitting his dissertation on Gordon Phipps Roth for publication. Doubts have been raised in the past over the validity of Roth’s work. But Roth has always been a hero to Jett. Jett is also dealing with a broken heart, having lost his brother Storm and then his wife Lexa.
Lexa is looking to be promoted to CEO but her boss doesn’t seem to see the problem and refuses to see how much of a work load she has carried, without the requisite status and remuneration. The relationship between Lexa and Jett, is still strained. How will she go seeing him every week in this story society?
Chuck knows he has made mistakes in the past but he has paid a high price. It has cost him time with his two children. Can he hope to change his ex-wife’s mind and gain access to his kids?
Ed, the eldest of the five people, wants to write the story of his marriage and his loved wife Esmeralda. But is he prepared to acknowledge and write the truth?
Coral has broken her engagement to a real live prince and now is in danger of facing ruin of the multi million cosmetics empire her family has built up.
When these five come together they have no idea who sent the invitation of why they have been chosen. Initially they are wary and distrustful but over time they let down their guard and friendships form as they learn more about each other and their lives. As a reader I learned more about them too and came to care about their individual stories.
This book had me thoroughly engaged until about three quarters of the way through, when it suddenly morphed into something I was not expecting. From that point on it became extremely Christian oriented and preachy. After I finished the book and read the note from the author at the end, I discovered that what I found the jarring point is the main point the author believed God was telling her to write. I’m not doubting that at all. Just suggesting that since it was so important it should have been introduced earlier and not left till so late in the book. As a Christian, I still enjoyed the book, though I did think the ending was too neatly tied up. However, I couldn’t help thinking a non-Christian could end up feeling duped into thinking the book was one thing when it reality it turned out to be Christian fiction. How you respond to this book may well depend then on your views and what you are expecting.
Overall I d the characters and the story, even if I had my doubts about one of the romances. I loved the warm, bookish cover of this one and enjoyed the study, despite the misgivings mentioned above. I really d the interaction between the strangers given the differences in age groups and backgrounds of the participants.26 s Melissa (Home from vacay but WAY Behind)4,784 2,511

3.5 stars, rounded up
I love Rachel Hauck's writing style, she draws me into the story and I am captivated until the end. This offering is intriguing, but there are a couple of things that didn't work that well for me in this novel.
One, you really need to have read The Writing Desk fairly recently (or remember it well) to get the full impact Jett's storyline. His research into one of the main characters of that book is a major plot point, and I can see how one would be bored during those parts and maybe a bit lost if you haven't read it. I personally loved that book, but it was a while ago so I needed a refresher. The second thing was that every character had a "big" secret, and I thought some of them were drawn out a bit too long, and their reactions and things they said seemed forced because they were trying to cover those secrets.
Those aside, I grew to really all of the characters and cheered them on through their various emotional and spiritual journeys. I loved the theme of "the truth shall set you free" and how it manifested itself in many different ways throughout this book.
All in all, a great book from Hauck and worth the time to read it.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.24 s Me432

Jett, Lexa, Chuck, Coral, and Ed receive a mysterious invitation to Fifth Avenue Story Society. None of them know the reason why they got an invitation and almost all of them are reluctant to continue attending the meetings. However, they return every Monday night out of curiosity and they start developing a friendship. Each of them has a story and painful pasts. By then end of the book, they become a freer version of their former selves and find love, forgiveness and most of all friendship.

I loved each of these characters and loved reading about their individual stories…their past and present struggles, their hopes, and dreams. I imagined myself sitting in that room with them. It was so well written. I especially loved how the author made New York City come alive for me.

Overall, it was an inspirational, uplifting and heartwarming story and I am glad I read it. I will definitely be seeking out the rest of Rachel Hauck’s books in the future.

Thank you to Net Galley and Thomas Nelson for providing me with an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

christian newyork romance23 s Cara PutmanAuthor 61 books1,792

Rachel Hauck is well-known to her fans as an author of books with compelling characters, heaven invading earth, and a romance that will win your heart. With The Fifth Avenue Story Society, Hauck delves into the space of our greatest wounds and how confronting them brings freedom, healing, and hope. She accomplishes that with a story told from five characters’ perspectives, each one rich with the possibility of more constrained by the chains of the past. The characters’ search for freedom points the reader to healing while delving into the power of each person’s fully embraced story. I’m grateful for the time I spent with this group and these pages. Readers who love a story laced with heart and hope will adore this Hauck’s latest offering.19 s Sarita1,263 639

Rachel Hauck was on my to-read list for a while now, but this was my first read by her and know I understand why she is a favourite among my book-reading friends.

This story about 5 strangers receiving a strange invitation to a story society was intriguing and the author executed it well by the way she introduced the characters, hinting at their stories but slowly revealing more as the story develops. The story jumped between the characters, but it was never confusing and the flowed well between all the characters and the story as a whole.

The characters were flawed, had past hurts that influence their today and had to learn to face the truth to be able to move forward.

The Christian element came through more towards the end. This was about a group of lost souls who had to face truths and find the ultimate truth.

Now, for those readers who prefer very clean reads... this story included mention of adult romance which included mention of sexual intimacy and one heated kiss.

This is highly recommended to fans of contemporary fiction. I will definitely read more by this author.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."christian-contemporary e-books netgalley-review ...more17 s Heidi ChiavaroliAuthor 15 books939

I absolutely loved this book. The four different POVs, and how they all came together in a message of hope only added to this story. One of my favorite Rachel Hauck books yet!15 s Natalie WaltersAuthor 14 books1,106

Moving beyond the stunning cover, this book delivers a story that'll enchant every book lover's heart. A special invitation has been delivered to five unsuspecting individuals for purposes unknown until they each begin to share their story.

I really enjoyed each character and the way their lives intersected with one another. Well-developed and memorable, each storyline was unique and carried a theme specific to the character and the emotional/professional/physical challenges they faced. There's romance, mystery, a whisper of soul-challenging issues that bring heart and emotion to the pages of this book.

I loved that this story carried part of the plot from The Writing Desk, which was one of my favorite of Ms. Hauck's novels and I can easily say I now have another favorite.

***I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to give a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.***14 s Staci1,952 590

Unique contemporary fiction novel about five individuals that are mysteriously drawn together for a secret society. Watching them positively impact each other's lives was rewarding. Loved the unexpected story twists.read-in-202113 s1 comment Susan1,298 213

Finally! My first book read by Rachel Hauck. I have been wanting to read her stories for years but never seemed to have the time to get to them. Well, that all changes today! I will make the time to get to her backlist! That is how much I loved THE FIFTH AVENUE STORY SOCIETY!

Five strangers receive an invitation to join THE FIFTH AVENUE STORY SOCIETY. Jett, Coral , Lexa, Ed, and Chuck have no idea why they were chosen. The very different characters drawn together are all troubled, as we learn when they begin to share their stories. With five different points of view and so much going on outside the society meetings, it can be hard to track at first. But as I was reading, I got to know and care about each of the people involved. All of them are very real and relatable. Once I started reading, it was very hard to stop as I had to know what was going to happen.

Rachel Hauck has created some amazing characters and as I was reading THE FIFTH AVENUE STORY SOCIETY I realized that they were all pretending in their lives. As the five of them meet week after week and become more truthful with each other, they become friends and learn all about hope and second chances. Keep the tissues close by because all of these people will pull at your heart strings.

Each of the five characters goes through highs and lows, and at times they are even fighting with one another. But in the end, they all learn that trusting one another is better than having no one to trust at all. THE FIFTH AVENUE STORY SOCIETY is a story I really enjoyed and it keeps the reader emotionally invested and engaged in the story until the very last page. The twists and turns will keep you wondering what will happen next. If you are looking for an uplifting story filled with hope, then this is the book for you! Rachel Hauck’s writing is so vivid that I actually felt I was sitting in the history filled library amongst it’s dusty bookshelves! I love when an author can transport me right into the story and Rachel Hauck did not dissapoint.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from CelebrateLit. All opinions expressed are my own and were voluntarily given.review-for-celebrate-lit12 s Carole Jarvis831 48

Reviewed at The Power of Words: https://bit.ly/39hQLmG

The Fifth Avenue Story Society by Rachel Hauck is a moving story that goes on my “best of the best” list. The bookstore setting is atmospheric and charming, the characters rich and endearing, and every word of the prose is to be treasured. It’s a story of friendship, renewal and second chances, with a few heartwarming moments that moved me to tears.

The anonymous story society invitation goes out to five characters from various backgrounds and social status, all anchored to something in their pasts that kept them from moving on and living life to the fullest. The story is a piece of fabric, with threads of each character’s past, present and future woven together and interconnected.

As with any good book, it’s easy to care about the characters. This story, however, took me to a new level of caring. Hauck not only knows people, but she is able to project their innermost hearts and desires through her characters, desires that are common to all of us. I came to know Lexa, Jett, Chuck, Coral and Ed well through their raw honesty and humanness – their fears, insecurities, needs, and hopes. There’s a little mystery and supernatural element, but the real story is in what happens through these Monday night meetings. The librarian, Gilda, is an interesting character and I’d love to see what’s on the other side of her door that’s marked “private.”

The spiritual thread is gentle and subtle, culminating in a beautiful way toward the end. The image of Christ knocking at the door instantly came to mind and these closing words speak to all … "The invitation is always waiting. All you have to do is say yes."

Highly recommended.

I received a copy of this book through Prism Book Tours. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.inspirational romance women-s-fiction13 s Malia Saldaña273 18

Every character from the Fifth Avenue Story Society had my heart!! I loved it.
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