
Compass and Blade de Rachel Greenlaw

de Rachel Greenlaw - Género: English
libro gratis Compass and Blade


For fans of Fable by Adrienne Young or To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo, this romantasy debut is filled with sirens and mysterious magic, swoony romance and cutthroat betrayal.
This world of sea and storm runs deep with bargains and blood.
On the remote isle of Rosevear, Mira, like her mother before her, is a wrecker, one of the seven on the rope who swim out to shipwrecks to plunder them. Mira's job is to rescue survivors, if there are any. After all, she never feels the cold of the frigid ocean waters and the waves seem to sing to her soul. But the people of Rosevear never admit the truth: that they set the beacons themselves to lure ships into the rocks.
When the Council watch lays a trap to put an end to the wrecking, they arrest Mira's father. Desperate to save him from the noose, Mira strikes a deal with an enigmatic wreck survivor guarding layers of secrets behind his captivating eyes, and sets off to find something her mother has left...

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This was bad.

, laughably bad.

I'm honestly shocked Compass and Blade is getting rated higher than 3 stars by anyone. The plot of the book itself makes almost no sense. Our main character, Mira, lives on an island where the majority of people make money by wrecking boats. They lure a ship into the rocks, then go out and strip it bare. Then they sell what they find and voila. Not only is this illegal, it's highly dangerous. We find out this is how Mira's mother died very quickly. So with wrecking being illegal, of course someone gets caught doing it and imprisoned. Mira's father, naturally.

SO SHE DECIDES SHE NEEDS TO RESCUE HIM. But instead of making any ...normal, sensible plan she decides she needs to open the super secret chest that her father has kept of her mother's things. When she does so, she finds some coordinates on a journal her mother kept. NOW WHY ON EARTH WOULD THESE COORDINATES HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HER FATHER BEING IMPRISONED?


Of course, the crew she hires to go out to the coordinates is full of secrets. They only have eight days before her father is hanged. Eight. Days. Over the course of these eight days, of course, OF COURSE Mira falls in love with the most mysterious crew member. Because why wouldn't she???? Even though she knows nothing about him, and what he does tell her is quite obviously lies.

This book made me angry. The reveals towards the end are so laughably obvious that it didn't even feel a reveal. It just felt WELL, OF COURSE THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW. I'm not even going to go into the other mysterious guy with shadow powers that bargains with Mira to rescue her. He's so obviously the true love interest in this series that the author might as well have named him Rhysand.

I regret not DNFing this. I really do.

I'm not sure how you'd fix this other than going back to completely rewrite the book and make it make some sort of sense. Two stars. fantasy-romance ya-or-middle-grade47 s1 comment Krystal1,929 424

An interesting idea weighed down by every YA trope ever.

This one actually started out okay - Mira and her island fellows wreck ships so they can survive on the spoils, but Mira is determined to save as many lives as possible when they do. She feels at home in the sea, and it's clear she's a little bit different to those she calls friends.

Nothing new in a YA protagonist being 'a little bit different' and feeling a 'calling' that pulls them away from tradition. There's also a strange boy who is ridiculously attractive that is the obvious love interest, and a bunch of teenagers running around doing things that are not usually done by teens.

From the get-go, this was far too predictable while trying far too hard to pretend it wasn't. I wish we didn't have to pretend we didn't know what was going on, because it just became awkward. I wanted Mira to see the obvious clues and work it out but she was super thick, refusing to see what was right in front of her face.

Even the romance was full of stars and heat and all the other common YA tropes that make scenes more cringe-y than heartwarming. The love is instant and all about appearances and kisses of fire and it just made me sad that it couldn't come up with something fresh and new. Definitely reminded me of the Court series by Sarah J. Maas but in a 'pale copy' sense rather than 'respectful nod of similarity'.

Ultimately, it was a frustrating read that I really wanted to more than I did. If it wasn't trying so hard to be every other YA book out there, this could have been so much more satisfying.

With thanks to Harper Collins for an ARCfreebies-and-gifts to-re-home31 s Carrie3,369 1,605

Compass and Blade by Rachel Greenlaw is a young adult fantasy novel. I believe this one may be just the beginning of a series but not totally certain on that as it’s listed a standalone for now on most sites, there is mention of it being a trilogy though.

Mira has grown up on the remote island of Rosevear where she has learned to be just her mother once was a powerful swimmer and one with the water. Mira is one of seven that are sent out to shipwrecks to plunder them but it’s Mira’s job to rescue any survivors.

One day however the Council set in motion a plan to stop the wrecking and obtain Mira’s father taking him away. Mira becomes determined to do whatever she can to rescue her father before he is executed so she teams up with a survivor of the latest shipwreck and set out to find her father before it’s too late.

Compass and Blade by Rachel Greenlaw was compared to a couple of other young adult fantasy novels that I really enjoyed and I’ve read this author before so I had to take a chance and try this one out. I’m always a bit hit or miss with young adult fantasy though and this one while not bad wasn’t a total hit for me either. I just felt the pacing on this story was a little slow for my taste which is one of my biggest drawbacks to a lot of fantasy, wanting more. Compass and Blade wasn’t a bad read by any means but for me just came in at average at three stars but I do seem to be in the minority so if it sounds good to you I’d suggest checking it out.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more please visit https://carriesbook.com/netgalley24 s sophie131 63

DNF@13% this is a little too YA for me21 s8 comments Kacey Daniels125 26

4.5 stars

I was given an arc copy of the book from Goodreads so thank you to the author, publishers, and Goodreads for that!

Now what do I say about this. I was surprised by how much I d this. The cover is super pretty and blurb is interesting but they are misleading because there is so much more to this then you would expect.

Yes, there were parts that I did not : the predictability, the insta-love, the insta-forgiveness, etc. but those things are pretty common in ya books and I feel they weren’t to heavily involved that it hindered the story. The way this one ended also seems as though the next few in the series are going to lean away from that so I am willing to forgive it in this book. I also heard a few say it was trope heavy but I personally didn’t really notice many tropes other than the insta stuff.

I loved the way it was written. In super simple terms that were interesting and easy to follow. It drew me in and kept me there. I have been sick for the last few days and I’m finally feeling a little better so I picked this one up hoping to get my mind of things for a little and I just now put it down when I finished it.

I loved how it was unique and different from other stories I have read but also reminiscent of some of my favorites. If you loved the Little Mermaid as a kid, and then grew up on Pirates of the Caribbean after, this one will call to you. I also got vibes similar to Daughter of the Pirate King which is one of my favorites.

There were a lot of characters that I d too. I loved the whole crew, Mer, Pearl, and Joby. Their loyalty really shown through and I can’t want to learn more about them in the next book. Mira got on my nerves at times but I also found myself liking her and relating to her at other times. I think after that ending she’s gonna become a badass tho so I can’t wait to see that transformation. And I loved Eli. I know I probably shouldn’t yet but what can I say, I’m weak for a new shadow daddy with dimples and a darker sides who’s desperate for love and that one female.

Just so y’all know there is a sorta love triangle but it’s not terrible. Sorta leaning on a more Tamlin/Rhysand type vibe right now. Aka the Tamlin in this case does have even half of a shot.

The pirate stuff was fun the pillaging, wrecking, and fights. I’m looking forward to more of that in the future as well as a girl out for vengeance.

I would definitely give this one a read when it comes out!
giveaways19 s2 comments MissBecka Gee1,793 841

This was everything I wanted in the start of a new pirate adventure series!
Because this better be the start of a new series.
All the characters are well developed and make you want to jump into the story to hangout with them.
High seas, found family, intrigue, high stakes, adventure and some kissing.
I really enjoyed everything about this and want more more more!!!
Much love to Inkyard Press for my ARC!1-2024-books-i-read fantasy gifts-from-authors-and-publishers ...more18 s Sîvan Sardar132 1,509

I was pleasantly surprised by this book, despite it having quite a few tropes sprinkled here and there that felt slightly forced at times, it was genuinely a great read

Mira, our MC, is very able - we understand her motivations, we understand her character and why she does everything that she does. It didn’t feel we were being told that she’s strong etc, we were actually shown it multiple times which I appreciate, and I really enjoyed her interactions with other characters

The last 100 pages absolutely bumped this up a star, it was INSANE.

Betrayal after betrayal, literally who do you even trust, I was left on the edge of my seat the entire time and I’m very excited to see what comes next in this series17 s Brend563 896

Mira strikes a deal with an enigmatic wreck survivor guarding layers of secrets behind his captivating eyes, and sets off to find something her mother has left her, a family secret buried deep in the sea.

202413 s Ashley3

This is quite possibly one of the most beautifully written books I’ve ever read. If you watched the Little Mermaid on repeat as a kid, and then realized that Pirates of the Caribbean was more your vibe, the imagery of this book is going to suck you in.

Plot wise it’s almost nonstop adventure and backstabbing and maneuvering and planning and ACTION. I was torn between ripping through this book in a day or two and forcing myself to slow down so I could hang out with the characters longer. I truly didn’t want it to be over.

Shouts out to NetGalley for providing the ARC and I can’t wait to see others get as hype about this book as I amarcs13 s kaitlyn128 10

I LOVE the premise of this book. When I studied Early Modern English history in university, I was always the most intrigued by the category of “social crimes” — smuggling, wrecking, poaching, etc. When I saw that wrecking was the subject of this fantasy book, I was so so excited. While I enjoyed that aspect (approximately the first 15% of the book), the truly ridiculous characters, random plot, and clumsy “romance” meant that this book went downhill fast and was overall very disappointing.

While the main character, Mira’s, goal is extremely clear and understandable: to save her father and Bryn from execution, the way that she sets out to accomplish this is extremely confusing. All of Mira’s decisions are based on her super special secret sixth sense, described in the nebulous language of “feelings.” This is lazy writing because the author never needs to provide any justification or reasoning for Mira’s decisions since Mira can just have a “feeling” to do something.

Even worse, her “feelings” frequently lead her astray with no reflection done on her part afterward about maybe using common sense instead. To save her father and Bryn, she decides to travel to the coordinates written down by her mother, who died a few years ago, in a secret notebook. Mira “feels” that her mother must have left something at those coordinates that will be able to save her father. What could possibly be left in the middle of the ocean that would save them? Who knows since Mira never even thinks that far out in her half-baked plan.

This gets even worse when Seth, the main “love” interest, is introduced. It’s totally instalove and the reader is never given a real reason to Seth. Consequently, I was not shocked when Seth ended up being totally awful. The “backstabbing” and “betrayal” might have been believable the first time but the second time that it happens from the SAME character, it’s so obvious. There is no tension but rather second-hand embarrassment from Mira being too blinded by lust to notice how clearly shady Seth is.

Mira acts in ways that are ridiculous and frankly stupid. It’s difficult for me to reconcile the idea that this is a strong female protagonist, as we are constantly shown in scenes of her being badass when she is so easily swayed by cute boys. Rather than connecting with Mira and being invested in her story, I felt I was watching a train wreck in slow motion since every “plot twist” was so clearly telegraphed, and yet, Mira is still unable to act with even half a brain.

The writing was also overly flowery with metaphors and analogies being used every other sentence. The dialogue between characters was awkward and completely unrealistic, especially since Seth’s dialogue is all weird foreshadowing, Whenever Mira talks with Seth or Elijah, there always has to be “banter” even when it doesn’t fit the mood. This leads to scenes where they begin talking about a serious topic and then the tone randomly switches to have a few lines of light-hearted “banter” before switching back to the serious topic at hand. It feels so forced.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkyard Press for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.11 s Andi1,373

Book two of my NYC win. I received this book and two others.

Compass and Blade is a book I don't think I would have navigated to on my own. It's billed as a romantasy, which has been a bit of a issue with me prior. Books that focus on the romance more than the plot have been misses for me than they have been hits. Something about sacrificing a story for the sake of a romance - no matter how much I want parings to take place or moments shared - is a problematic thing for me. Could be that my asexual ass clings heavily to chemistry and or building a friendship / camaraderie before we get to love. Or maybe I'm just a bit of a bitch.

Whatever the reason, this one wasn't that bad. I think it could be better, and I'm hoping it's something book two will iron out.

Billed also as Little Mermaid meets Pirates of the Caribbean, I can see where that comes from. The book borrows heavily from both ideas and the story is somewhat of one not quite unique. Girl's father is keeping secrets from her about her dead mom. Girl saves boy from wreck. Girl is being haunted by a demon lord (who you don't quite understand why he is a demonic lord of magic in the first place), and is tied into a deal that jeopardizes who she is and her people.

I feel the amount of times the book heavily focuses on the Lord - the way he moves, the way he ALWAYS shoves his hands in his pockets, the way that she is obsessed with how he fits into his black coat and shirt it's ready to bust right off his body - is way, way too much. The boy she rescues from the sea has an interesting angle to him, but he comes across really abusive and not a thing to about him. If they're setting this up to be a love triangle, save it - I know her horny ass is gonna choose the dark lord.

So, why am I giving this a good ol 3 stars? In the world of romantasy, I think this one held my interest. Again. I'm a picky bitch who usually DNF's these books, but the fact this one entertained me somewhat until the end says something. Or perhaps I'm softening to them. Either way, it's a better choice than most, but still has issues. Hopefully book two will solve it. Otherwise, this is probably no a series I'll continue with high interest.9 s Christy HealyAuthor 1 book105

If you loved the fast-paced, high-stakes plot and sizzling romance of FOURTH WING, then you will absolutely love this book!! Morally gray characters and deliciously charming villains abound in this pirate-esque fantasy, complete with hilarious banter and beautifully descriptive prose, and a fantastic twist at its climax that will have you screaming out loud as you read. An absolute must-read for YA fantasy romance fans!8 s2 comments akacya ?1,275 272

2024 reads: 49/250

i received an advanced review copy as part of the epicreads insiders program. this did not affect my rating.

mira is one of the seven wreckers who plunder shipwrecks. her people never admit the truth, that they intentionally cause the wrecks, but the council watch lays a trap to catch them in the act and arrests mira’s father. mira has nine days to save her father from the noose, spurring her to take risks and form dangerous alliances.

this book initially caught my eye due to the pirate aspect, which i do not see enough of in books! i really d this aspect of the book, especially the fact that these shipwrecks were not on accident. i also d how fast-paced this book was, as i needed a quick read!

something i didn’t really care for was the romance. i didn’t feel enough chemistry between the characters and it moved too quickly to make sense, in my opinion. still, i enjoyed the book, and this aspect did not take away from that enjoyment.arcs-finished audience-young-adult format-physical ...more11 s Maja32 3 Read

DNF at the one bed trope in this extremely Y YA book.7 s1 comment Jaime Arkin1,440 1,372

I clearly read a very different book than others. Plot was okay - romance was so ridiculous and just awful 2023 fantasy read-in-2023 ...more7 s Takealookinsideabook 348

Firstly, thank you to the publisher for sending me a proof copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.

I've been excited for this ever since I saw it making the rounds on Bookstagram! It has a gorgeous cover and I'm a sucker for adventures at sea!
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