
Follow Me de Rachel Graham

de Rachel Graham - Género: English
libro gratis Follow Me


Be a good psych patient, till they let you out.
Haunted by voices and delusions her entire life, Lena longs to be free of controlling doctors and indifferent nurses. When a woman from a religious group claims Lena's psychosis is not illness, but divine gifts, Lena thinks this could be the answer to her prayers.
But if all is not what it seems, will the woman's claims really free Lena, or instead send her further into the labyrinth of her own delusional mind?

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A book about the struggles of mental illness and religion. Lena has heard voices in her head her whole life. While locked in a psychiatric ward she has a visitor from a religious group that believes Lena’s psychosis is not an illness, but a gift. Could this be her getaway to freedom or send her further into madness?

I really enjoyed this book it really had me thinking! I really enjoyed the storyline and digging in to the mind of a psych patient that struggles with voices and delusions. The twist in the end was mind blowing and I found myself thinking about it for hours!

I can not wait to read more books from Rachel!thriller-horror7 s Eva Edge621 20

Follow Me by Rachel Graham is good! It's really good! It's different and different is good! As usual, I dived in blind so I didn't know what to expect so I was confused at the beginning. I d that, even though I wasn't sure, the story was engaging and sort of sucked me in and I was curious, where all this is going? Around 48% I was really into the book and was desperate to find out where this story is heading. I started to create some theories but none of them was correct. The end twists came in unexpectedly and left me with an open mouth! WoW! And the ending! Oh my! I loved it!

Lena's dream is to get out of the mental hospital and enjoy freedom! Unfortunately, it's not so easy, doctors don't trust her and keep drugging her to keep calm. Lena feels trapped and abused and is ready to take things into her own hands. Will she find freedom or trap herself in a situation that will cost someone's life? Are the voices in her head mental illness or a precious gift that she must learn to control?

This is the debut novel of Rachel Graham and it's amazing! Can't wait for the next book!

Thank you Rachel Graham for the privilege to read an advance copy!2024-ebook 5-stars6 s Shhh ... I’m Reading55 4

A fast impelling story of a psyche patient struggling with whether she was psychotic or Mary, God incarnated as Mary, Jesus’ mother.

The struggles Lena suffered at the mental facility was a bit sad to read. ~ “There was no escape from this place. From the needles, the drugs, the haze that would steal away all my sense of self. A tear slid down and over the bridge of my nose, dripping onto the pillow beneath me.”

This book kept me compelled with the storyline, capturing bits of Lena’s past and present.

What a great read! Thanks for allowing me to be an ARC for this truly compelling story.4 s kailesbooks16

Rated: 4.5/5

“Follow Me” is a YA psychological suspense with deep and somewhat dark themes. It took me a few chapters to get into it, but once I did, I couldn’t put it down!

I really enjoyed the comedic relief that is seamlessly interwoven throughout the narrative especially in a story where you wouldn’t think it’d work. And on the more serious side, a woman, Rose, from a popular religious group introduces an intriguing dynamic, challenging Lena’s perception of her condition and offering a different perspective on her experiences. This had me even second guessing my thoughts and emotions throughout the story!

The story follows Lena, a 16 year old girl in a mental facility due to an incident that occurred months before the story begins. Her journey blurs the line between reality and delusion, keeping me on the edge of my seat and constantly questioning what is real. The depiction of her mental health struggles is both empathetic and authentic, shedding light on the complexities of living with psychosis.

Lena’s heart-wrenching self-discovery journey is beautifully portrayed. Her struggle to find her own identity and the courage to believe in herself is inspiring and deeply moving. The novel’s exploration of coerced and forced psychiatric treatment can be unsettling for some readers, though it raises important ethical questions and adds to the overall tension of the story.

Overall, “Follow Me” is a compelling psychological suspense novel that I very thoroughly enjoyed. I’m rating 4.5 only because the ending made me a little upset, although I get it was particularly necessary in that setting. However, I highly recommend it and look forward to more works from this talented author!2 s Nikki | graciouslybooked352 60

This is a very interesting book. Very well written. I enjoyed reading into the mind of a psych patient. The patient is a young girl, at only 17 years old. It was a very suspenseful read. I finished it within a day. Very good book.

This ARC was received via the author. All opinions are my own. 2 s Areeba | Bookaddicted_soul 82 3

?“The world was crazy and this whole notion of psychiatry was just a band aid for society. I’d been one of the unlucky ones to get caught in the middle.”?

There’re thrillers which you read just for adrenaline rush but then there're thrillers that tug at your heartstring and Follow Me was the latter one for me. I never thought I could cry while reading a thriller.

Lena longs to be free from the voices in her mind, the psych ward, and the controlling doctors and nurses. When a woman from a religious group claims Lena’s psychosis is not an illness, but divine gifts, could this be her getaway to freedom or send her further into madness?

Lena as an MC was instantly likable, she was sassy and you could feel emotionally connected to her. The mystery part was so well done that pages flew by. The narrative kept me emotionally invested and intrigued to see what would happen next.

It has been quite some time since I've read such an in depth and well written YA thriller. The storyline was unique and well crafted. Even without any murder, gore or as such, the thrilling part was never compromised.

I actually held my breath for the last 50 pages. And the ending was clever and crafty: something I am pondering on afterwards.

To conclude, if you’re looking for a short, easy yet well written thriller, this should top your list! I was in a reading slump for almost a month, and this ignited my love for reading again. Highly recommended!

Thanks to the author for providing me with an arc copy in exchange for an honest review.
This book will be published on June 4, 2024.

My Rating: 5/5 ?

?Follow @bookaddicted_soul on Instagram for more and recommendations?2 s s_bookrealm53 15

I’ve never read quite a story this one! I enjoyed the take the author took on this book, for the fmc to really struggle through her mental illness in whether she had truly lost her mind or if she was really a reincarnation. If you love thrilling suspense I definitely recommend this one! Thank you Rachel for the opportunity to receive this arc!
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