
The Soros Agenda de Rachel Ehrenfeld

de Rachel Ehrenfeld - Género: English
libro gratis The Soros Agenda


Rachel Ehrenfeld ISBN: 9781645720478,9781645720485

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Rachel Ehrenfeld presents her extensive research into the worldwide web of Soros-funded organizations. “He buys influence in the world of the intelligentsia, among opinion makers in academia and the financial world, as well as in the media. He builds and takes over political parties and NGOs. He organizes them into a network and uses them as covers. He creates chaos and apprehension. He weakens incumbent powers by all available means. He cries electoral fraud, if necessary, economic hardships whenever possible, or finds some other pretext. He gets large demonstrations organized, or if they are organized by others, his people join them immediately and take over the lead.” This thoroughly documented book is well written to expose the Soros agenda to promote a global neo-Marxist utopia. “Soros’s organizations have been meddling for years in the domestic affairs of independent nations to sway political alliances and remove leaders who won’t toe the Sorosian line. Under the guise of anti-corruption and justice reform programs, often backed by the U.S., the UN, the EU, the World Bank, and other national and international organizations, the OSF’s consultants influence local laws, economic developments, and politics by “developing potential strategic litigation options” through their Open Society Justice Initiative.” This book is a must-read for everyone interested in the Globalists’ threat. RIta6

What you read in the book makes you think how little we know the truth and how many lies are produced every day. William ScottAuthor 5 books12

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