
Shattered Bonds de R.A. Vincent

de R.A. Vincent - Género: English
libro gratis Shattered Bonds


R.A. Vincent Series: Broken Legacy 02 Publisher: R.A. Vincent, Year: 2024

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Chapter 5: "Zaeah and Parthelan are twins.”
Chapter 19: I’d almost say they were twins,"

Chapter 11: “One month. Give me one month to get what we need.”
blah, blah, blah
“She asks for two weeks. We can give her that.”

When did it go from one month to two weeks? I even double checked and saw no mention of agreeing to change the time limit.

Ainsley is spending almost every waking minute with Dominic plus having sex with him on the regular. How does this equal them not being together, not that I’ve grasped her reasoning as to why they shouldn’t be.*

Chapter 17: I opened my palm. A beautiful, impossible celestial dragon scale glittered back at me... It is always stated that Ainsley needed a celestial dragon claw. The scale is referred to as a claw from this point forward. Pretty major error if you ask me.

i’m enjoying this tale but have to admit it’s one of the most convoluted I’ve recently read. People keep dying and then coming back to life. Hundreds of thousands of dragons are captured and are going to be put to death. First, how were these dragons caught? How long have they been imprisoned? Where are they being kept? How are they being fed? I also want to know how puny humans manage to kill dragons. Is magic involved? No explanation is given here. Was it covered in book one?

The majority of this book deals with Ainsley & her crew's search for the magical objects that will let her free the incarcerated gods. How was General Roark able to control and ride a dragon? Where did he get the scythe?

I assume Atlas is no longer a dragon slayer after Ainsley’s incantation. Did he become human? Who cursed him and Velez with the Gemini curse? I don’t remember Rickard’s age magic being used on Maili and Ormr. Actually I don’t remember Rickard.

*Her faulty reasoning is finally revealed. Even she realizes how stupid it is.1 Gizelle Chia423 9

Rating: 2.75 Stars Jamie Leigh6,475 29

Great read

Cliffhanger and final book is not out yet! This has been an entertaining series as you never know what's coming next! Good writing and unique mages keep things hoping! Vicky74 1 follower

What? NO, NO, NO. Don't this cliffhanger at all. How long until book 3?
Lauren Richardson16

Left it on a cliff hanger
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