
Immortalis de R.A. Salvatore

de R.A. Salvatore - Género: English
libro gratis Immortalis


"Salvatore [is] one of the premier writers in fantasy."—The News-Star (Monroe, LA)
From his usurped throne in Ursal, Aydrian, son of former queen Jilseponie, attempts to conquer the entire world of Corona. Even Aydrian does not fully understand what drives his ambition, the guiding voices he first heard from the shadow of Oracle, or the truth of his birth in the elven land—before it was stained and mortally threatened by the demon dactyl. As armies clash and plots unfold, darkness spreads across the land. Only the gemstone-bearing Pony can hope to free her son from the grip of evil—by any means necessary. Battles and magic, politics and loyalties build to a great crescendo in this stunning climax to a sweeping fantasy epic.
"As R. A. Salvatore continues to build his detailed world and complex history, his readership is sure to build as well."—Kevin J. Anderson

"Fans will dance with joy."—Kirkus Reviews

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Right or wrong I tend to compare Salvatore's novels against his Drizzt Forgotten Realms novels.

So how does this compare?

This is the 7th book in the Demon Wars Saga and it tells one long epic tale.

While I d the characters in Demon Wars I still prefer the Companions of the Hall.

For story and plot though...the Demon Wars books are on an epic scale that was not afforded Salvatore when he wrote the Drizzt books. In these books decisions and choices have ramifications across an entire world while in the Realms Salvatore had to remain more self contained.

And while I do prefer the Realms characters more - Salvatore was able to get much deeper into the characters in the Demon Wars books.

So how do these books compare to Drizzt?
They compare very favorably. Which one is better is a personal preference but the Demon Wars novels stand up on their own and I would recommend them to most anyone.

Good stuff
Good guys vs. bad guys
Plot twists

I enjoyed this one quite a bit.fantasy5 s Umair D30

This is by far the longest series I've stuck with. There were few plotholes here and there but overall the series was engaging. A fitting end to the story of two unly rangers. 2 s Cassidy Crawford60 1 follower

This could have been so much better. The avengers thing was truly thrown together haphazardly with the Dragon and Poganel, were both underutilized. But still pretty good.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Seth KenlonAuthor 8 books12

It's not possible to say much about this book without spoilers, but suffice it to say that this is, aside from the standards (LOTR, Narnia), this is the only saga series I have ever read from first book to last book. Since this is basically the first and only (so far) that's kept me entertained and intrigued enough for me to complete, i don't have much by way of comparison, but as finales go, this was amazing. It was the very definition of a page-turner.

I have to admit, I wasn't super eager, going in. I had enjoyed the previous book a lot and really didn't relish the idea of going back to Aydrian's storyline. But Aydrian has developed since last we knew him, and that makes it more interesting, but the continuing development of several other major characters makes the story what it is.

It was also unexpectedly emotional, for me, to return to some of the settings from the first trilogy. I didn't realise how familiar I'd become with the world of Corona, but revisiting old sites and characters I'd mostly forgotten about was actually nostalgic (and it hasn't been *that* long since I read the first books). Maybe this is the pleasure of a saga series that I miss out on by dropping series of books after the first two or three, or maybe it's actually done really well here.

Finally, I couldn't help but compare this story to Star Wars - probably because I know that Salvatore has written several Star Wars books, and because Star Wars is finally getting wrapped up now. There are really obvious comparisons to make between Aydrian and Anikin (significant parentage, serious fall from grace, whiny youth, tyrannical adulthood), but I think this book shows just how good the prequels and sequels *could have been*. It is possible to tell this story well. Where Star Wars has failed me, Salvatore has succeeded. And he has succeeded in a big way; he introduced a universe I didn't know or care about in The Demon Awakens and turned me into a diehard fan of the Corona universe.

And if you're an RPG gamer, this series is a great journey into a parallel realm. The first three books were excellent examinations of what it means to be a Ranger class. The series does a great job at exploring the psyche of the fae. And the final three books explore Bards, various curses, and a few spells. The soul stones are nicely developed in this book, too; they're sort of the pocket editions of the Player's Handbook, with all kinds of cool spells we'd not seen in previous books.

All in all, an amazing series. Highly highly recommended. sf1 Joshua Chocolas16 13

Easily one of the best finales to a fantasy series I've ever read. The book hits the ground running and never lets up. Every remaining character gets their moment to shine and everything comes together in one truly epic clash. Salvatore is a master at juggling all of the different factions, characters, and storylines and getting them all to the same place without it ever feeling forced.

Overall, the series was fantastic and truly underrated. It might be because the series has a somewhat more dark fantasy vibe, yet it's never touted as such and so never gets attention from dark fantasy fans. It also could be because a lot of people don't Salvatore's other work, which proves to be irrelevant as Demonwars is a very different beast from anything else he's ever written.

There were major ups and downs through the 7 book saga, but the good far outweighs the bad, and the final book is just so damn satisfying that it wins out in the end. I'll be revisiting these books in audio book format some time down the road. Great stuff. Michael91 1 follower

All right, here's the thing. (I'll keep it short.)

Pros: Absolutely loved the last 50 pages of this book.

Cons: Flat characters. 100 pages too long. Pacing was awful. Very little set up for the final reveal(s).

Glad to be done with the series. Not sure if I'll give Saga of the First King or The Coven a try... Maybe in a few years. 2020 fantasy Sean Watson21

A great ending to a incredible series. Really looking forward to more of the world of Corona. Blake Billings197 4

DNF ????????? ???????????Author 2 books3

The perfect culmination to an astonishing series... Brings closure, balance and fulfillment, as opposed to the imbalanced monster that was Aydrian Boudabras Kevin612 10

What a conclusion to this series....Amazingown-hc-1st Vijay271 6

Good closing too the whole series. Better and more interesting than some of the others in the series.
The epilogue for Adrian seems lacking though, too easy on him by far.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full reviewgraphicaudio Austin Outlaw37

Wow Mick142 1 followerRead

I don't want to say because it would be a spoiler. I would have preferred a different ending.
Kristopher Wagner110 1 follower

I try not to use the word epic too often, but I can't think of a better way to describe the last book of the Demon Wars Saga. Thanks Bob, I enjoyed this adventure Jake302 1 follower

Book seven in a double trilogy and I recommend all but the middle one. Without giving anything away, Immortalis ended well and I'll certainly read more from Mr. Salvatore. Chris Fox54 39

Immortalis's story is the culmination of 20+ years in the world of Corona, and the finale chapter of the story of Jilseponie, Elbryan and there son Adyrian. This book many in this series started off strong but overtime wore out its welcome and ended with a thud. There were some great moments throughout but most of them were found the beginning and middle of the story, as it felt by the end there was a rush to get secondary characters stores finished, and make sure everyone in the series got to have a little cameo.

Some of the biggest issues for me were all of the strategizing and battle planing which I know is necessary but often the battle plans took far longer than the actual battles and felt more numerous, and also the ending in my opinion was a complete flop. Let me elaborate on the ending, Adyrian is near perfect for the role as villain he is extremely skilled in all forms of combat and with the Soul Stones, he was razed in an unloving and demanding environment, and his contact with other humans was almost nonexistent this if the perfect formula to create a sociopath, and not to mention that he has had a demon in him from birth. I had once made the observation that a young Adyrian reminded me of Anakin Skywalker and I believe that analogy still holds, so then imagine if at the end of Return of the Jedi if Darth Vader had not died but was saved by Luke and went on to make up for his mistakes by helping people. Do you think that would have been a good ending? No because at a certain point it was clear that he had done to much had made to many mistakes and only his death would set things right. This is the problem with the ending Adyrian has done to much to live a normal life, and I believe the only reason for him to be left alive is just in case Salvatore wishes to pick the series back up.

Honestly thinking back on it I struggle to recall hardly anything that I really d through most of the book there was De’Unnero's story arc which was great and had a satisfying conclusion with a epic show down between him and Jilseponie. I also really enjoyed Adyrian's character (save for the ending) he felt the most fleshed out and well crafted in the whole series. Jilseponie to was great in this book and her reunion with Elbryan was touching.

while I have enjoyed my time in R.A. Salvatore's world of Corona I am happy to see it come to an end. Through out the series there have been some great moments and a lot of mediocre ones this series has had all of the right parts of a great fantasy epic but never seems to stitch them all together properly from scene to scene, and in my opinion the whole saga has suffered from pacing issues due largely in part to Oracle. Many of the secondary characters were also completely forgettable this made time away from the main characters feel long and drawn out, and took away from the more tight focus of the Wyndon family that made up the hart of the narrative. Chip Hunter576 6

With IMMORTALIS, Salvatore does a masterful job of wrapping up his [without question] EPIC series. You would be hard pressed to find a more conclusive ending to a modern day fantasy series, with nearly every storyline coming to a satisfactory and final end. While the entire DemonWars Saga was extremely good, this book in particular ranks up there with the very best of the series. Chronicling the dramatic and intense climax of the trilogy, this one brings the characters and events of the previous books into a earth shattering collision. Nearly every character from the entire rest of the series is involved in some way in the final scenes, where some of the most exciting action in all of RAS's books is to be found.

As for the Amazon reviewers who criticize this book for feeling rushed, I would suggest that an ending with as much action and intense emotion as this one will always seemed rushed. I doubt that anyone who has read this book has taken more than a single sitting to finish the last fifth of the book, as it is just too exciting to put down. Also, Salvatore's involvement of the Demon Dactyl wasn't added in at the last moment, but was obviously planned for and included from the beginning of the final trilogy. And, the first 2/3 of the book weren't boring, they set the stage perfectly for the final confrontation. Finally, how can you [complain] about the lack of a Pagonel vs Aydrian fight? Salvatore obviously envisioned this final scene the way he wrote it, and believed that it would be best this way. I'll take his word on it.

There really isn't anything in this book to be disappointed in. A great epic story with great characters comes to a very satisfactory conclusion. Bravo Mr. Salvatore! Very highly recommended. Kristin208 7

There were times where I truly hated this book, but now that I am done with it I loved it. It was an epic ending to a wonderful series. The battle plans and the many other things that were going on were very well written and very well thought out. I don't know how Salvatore can have so many things going on at one time and not get confused with the writing. I guess that is why he is such an amazing author.

All the main characters throughout the series were joined together in this book. The battles and wars were well thought out. The storyline was epic. As much as I hated things that were going on, I can't see how it would be better any other way. Even though Aydrian was absolutely horrific, you couldn't help but hope that the demon would be conquered and Aydrian would prevail. Poor Pony... She went through so much and still managed to be a hero. I loved all the characters except for the bad guys you just had to despise. =P

Either way, I loved the Demon Wars Saga. I would give the entire series a 5. It was well thought out and very well delivered.
Kostas302 42


In the last part of the series Salvatore has combined all the characters that played some role in this wonderful series in a big finale and has done it really good.

Even though in the begging Salvatore doesn't start really quick but he slowly builds the story with all the characters until most of half the book. But after that things start to move with lots of action and with all our favorite characters coming up in the big finale.
The finale though, I must admit is really great and Salvatore has done an excellent job at closing the story with a fair note for some characters which I believe that was also fitting.

Closing, I would say that this series for me had it's ups and downs but in the end Salvatore managed to hold me up until the very ending. Definitely a series worth reading.epic-high-fantasy fantasy Kyleigh142 7

This book did not live up to my expectations for it. The proceeding two books in this series had been meager, with a promise of a fabulous ending. Immortalis did not provide. It was interesting to see seven books worth of characters all come together in one time and place. The pace of the book was horrendously slow. Once the real fighting got started, it was rushed through much too quickly. The turn that Aydrian’s character takes after the demon is expelled was not very believable. One of Salvatore’s worst by far. Danny169

This was a good series of books; however, I feel as if the end was a little rushed.fantastical R.J. RolesAuthor 37 books61

A good and fitting end to the demon wars sagabooks Samantha wickedshizuku Tolleson2,157 60

As a whole this entire series is worth a re-read.2013 5-stars high-fantasy ...more Bill33

A challenging undertaking to combine so many characters and storylines into one story. Perhaps the author should have left out the entire Behren storyline. Too much was happening in a small space. Ryan36 4

Very good conclusion to the Demon Wars saga.fantasy Ruth Kyle223 33

I finally finished the series after two years. Well worth the read. read-in-2014 Jason4

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