
La ultima bata de R, Lawhead Stephen

de R, Lawhead Stephen - Género: Ficcion
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R, Lawhead Stephen Series: La cancion de Albion 3 Year: 2010

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Book 3 in The Song of Albion series first published 1991.

A 3 star conclusion.

Well that was a satisfying, if at times, ponderous conclusion to the series.
At the end of book two The Silver Hand the baddies had been dealt with and the land of Albion was once again the tranquil magical place it was meant to be. It was time for Llew, The Silver Hand, to return to his own world. But love had taken a hold of Llew’s heart and he could not tear himself away from all he now held most dear.
Life for Llew, his new wife and the people of Albion now seemed idyllic but Llew’s staying on in Albion had turn the time vortex on its head. This allowed a way in for some very unsavory characters to enter Albion and pillage the land and the people. On top of all that Llew’s new bride has been abducted by these very same people.

This was a mix of fantastical adventure and ponderous delving into the history of Albion.
I’m not one to skim or flick forwards but there was so much bardic songs, poems, eulogies and the I was forced to do that very thing. Which is a shame as the end game was really good.
As for the end it was just the way that all good fantasies should end. I’ll say no more.

Not a bad read but by no means a great one.2021-reads adult-fantasy25 s1 comment Branwen Sedai *of the Brown Ajah*1,024 182

I won't lie, when I got to the end of this book I cried. Not only because it was such a touching and emotional ending, but also because I knew it was the end of my stay in Albion. This series...it's simply amazing. I know I've said this before, but the characters in this series are so incredibly full of honor and virtue, it makes you wish you knew them in real life. And Albion itself is such a beautiful land of wonder and beauty that you can't help but wish you could live there forever. There is alot of symbolism in this series, and in this book particularly. The theme of the Celtic knot and the idea that everything we do is connected and intertwined really resonated with me, and I feel I will keep those concepts in my heart even though I have completed the trilogy. The ending is so amazing, so full of hope for the future that I really would love to recommend it to everyone who loves fantasy series. I have a feeling it will stay with me for a long time.

Albion Forever! :)fantasy10 s Nicholas KotarAuthor 36 books309

Wow. What a disappointment.

I wish Lawhead had finished the series with book 2. The first two books together make up one of the most exciting and beautiful stories in modern fantasy.

This book is tacked on, it feels, as though it were an afterthought. Nothing happens for 2/3 of the book. Then there's a quest, filled with the narrator ending chapters with phrases "if only they had known what was about to happen!!!" Dun dun dun... And then, yeah, there's a bit of danger, but nothing extraordinary. You never feel that there's any danger to the main character.

Until the sudden and very anticlimactic hero feat.

And the end. Are you kidding me? Is the author actually suggesting that the hero feat of Lewis in some way made the eucharist more eucharistic? That his feat somehow made people in the real world more religious? There was a reason Tolkien never attempted to write about the Incarnation in his fantasy. It's a very, very bad idea.

It took me half a year to finish this book. I wish I hand't. I wish I had just ended with book 2. 7 s Cole93

The Song of Albion is an amazing series! If you have an interest in Celtic mythology, do yourself a favor and read it. 4 s Rondi OlsonAuthor 1 book97

One of the things I really enjoyed about this series was Albion. More than a location, it was part of the story, a character with its own feelings and motives. Early on in THE ENDLESS KNOT, Llew (Lewis) informs us he will never return to Albion, and honestly, I mourned Albion the rest of the book. What? No more Albion? Instead, the bulk of this book takes place in The Foul Lands, which, aside from some cool beasts, was a little disappointing. I'm still not sure how The Foul Lands became foul, or why I should care about its fate.

The ending was at the same time interesting yet expected. I especially d the use of point-of-view near the end. The conclusion itself left me a little confused, and I'm not sure exactly what the author was trying to say, but all-in-all it felt a satisfactory finish.

As a side note, I listen to the audio version, and frankly, it was very difficult. Imagine watching your favorite TV series, and after a hiatus, you come back, and all of the actors have changed. The first two books were narrated by one actor, this last by another. It would be one thing if the second actor had attempted to sound the first actor, but he didn't, and I'm sure he was fine, but I was used to the voices and recognized each character. Hearing them sound entirely different was grating.

Regarding the entire series, I wouldn't say this is the type of fantasy I normally read, so it wasn't fantastic for me, but I'm sure others would love it. Highly recommended for readers of high fantasy who hero's journey stories.3 s Kalmar Shuffler63 2

A shocking and satisfying ending to a wonderful trilogy
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