
Two Random Backpackers: An MM Holiday Romance (Far From Home, Book 1) de R. Gaen

de R. Gaen - Género: English
libro gratis Two Random Backpackers: An MM Holiday Romance (Far From Home, Book 1)


R. Gaen Year: 2023

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3.5 stars for an okay adventure romance.
Shannon, 29 years, is in Norway and continues on a journey around the world on the train.
Max, 24 years from Aussie, was on the same train with Shannon but hadn't spoken, just watching each other. Scenes lead on and Max and Shannon end up sharing a hostel room were things get urr snugly.
Shannon was straight and had never thought of a man in a romantically way.
The two become friends and travel to Sweden and Italy.
A great adventurous story for two friends becoming more to each other, Max was gay while Shannon was still figuring things out for himself.
A really great story written for the couple as feelings grow each day over 2 months traveling. This had 2 parts with them first meeting, then the breakup news which leads to the ending. I d the first part as they'd grown closer to be boyfriends.
The second part was a really fast pace. The story goes in a totally different direction filled with all the dramas. Blackmail and violent attack included. 2024 abuses adventure ...more2 s SJ1,791 17

I’m reading this and thinking, ‘Are others feeling this book I am?’ The writing, characters, and setting are hitting my heart! Max and Shannon are an awesome couple! The so far few for this new book, and writer?, are using the word ‘sweet’. I am thinking why sweet? To me that is faint praise. It has that element, but the intensity of the desire between the two MCs and the meeting and relationship building was socko from what I was reading, hanging on every well written word. Are others feeling this intensity? The inner thoughts from the dual POV were so well done. I noticed that the author had them exchanging no background information, which is odd as everyone asks, ‘What do you do?’ And being together 24/7 for weeks leaves room for a lot of conversation.
The book is divided into parts: Part One, Before Paris. An entertaining meeting between two very hot college backpackers and their subsequent falling into bed, and love. Part 2, Paris. L’amour, l’amour! I am a sucker for a Parisian fling and this one was scrumptious, beautifully written. Until it wasn’t.
Part 3, After Paris. I kept thinking while reading that this is 2023, not 1923, and views on morality are not as rigid. I’m a big fan of commitment, but not a forced one. The plot line went whiplash fast between ecstasy and agony. So much agony. Way too much for this reader and way too soap opera. To me, it was all needless, and not well written. In love partners talk. It was too unbelievable that Max and Shannon had no conversation about their bombshell breakup and subsequent separation. Their reconciliation and what led up to it was overwhelmingly overwrought and unbelievable.
There is a HEA complete with epilogue, but by then I was doing too much skimming to get an emotional payoff. I was going to give this five+ stars. I’m thinking that the word ‘sweet’ in the is from politeness. I would still read another book by this author as their writing style is clear with good word choices.This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review1 Jennifer390 2

This was a very sweet and engaging read from a new author. Max and Shannon’s story takes us on an amazing journey around europe, with just enough detail to make you feel you are there, but not so much that it gets boring. There was a perfect amount of angst that you could feel building up through their travels. There was a little bit of “telling not showing” but it was quite minor for a new author.

Overall I really loved their relationship and story, with just a few small caveats that I think are part of being a new author. I can’t wait to read more from this author and I recommend this book! I’ll definitely be following them.

Some critiques that might be a bit spoiler-y below, so proceed with caution.

————- spoilers below—————

The way that Shannon was sorta waiting for Max to get attacked was implausible… you can’t predict that sort of thing as assaults that are overall rare. It took me out of the story. And there was no explanation for why the guy started attacking. He was rich so it wasn’t for money so… whaaat?

Max’s previous history of sexual assault was alluded to but never explained, and this should have been in the story because Shannon needed to know.1 Saskia Veldhuis 936 9

I enjoyed the first part a lot, their meeting and travels were rather charming and felt fairly realistic if a little a tour guide. But then the break up drama was really too over the top for my liking and the way they got back together was also not particularly believable (maybe a me thing?) The writing style was very good and I do feel the author has a lot of potential.
I received a complimentary copy of this book and am happy to leave a voluntary review.1 Assh519 1 followerRead

Shannon et Max

L'intrigue expliqué dans le résumé ne commence pas au début du livre. Jusqu'au chapitres 5 n'y étions toujours pas.

La façon de revivre chaque scène au point de vue de l'autre à chaque chapitres est déstabilisant.

Cette romance de vacances MM comprend un voyage amusant à la découverte de la Norvège et de l'Europe avec un détour par l'Australie, un compagnon de lit inattendu, des inconnus pour les amoureux, un ex interférant, des amis solidaires, de mauvais choix, une angoisse modérée et un HEA durement gagné.

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