
Becky Lynch: The Man: Not Your Average Average Girl de Quin, Rebecca

de Quin, Rebecca - Género: English
libro gratis Becky Lynch: The Man: Not Your Average Average Girl


Quin, Rebecca Publisher: Gallery Books, Year: 2024 ISBN: 9781982157258,9781982157272

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Rebecca Quin, better known under her wrestling name Becky Lynch, has been at the top of the food chain in wrestling for quite a few years now. And it’s very interesting to read about her life up until now. The many struggles she dealt with as she climbed to the top of the mountain in her profession. The whole story of her life is a gripping rollercoaster ride full of ups and downs. The epic moments that defined her career are highlighted here. And there are plenty of personal and behind the scenes stories that keep you glued to the pages in between.

After describing her difficult childhood, we learn that Becky fell in love with wrestling by watching Mick Foley’s feud against Triple H. Based on appearances only, with as Becky puts it: “the physique of a springtime bear,” Mick Foley didn’t look he belonged in the ring. She could easily relate to him as she wasn’t an athlete and never felt she belonged anywhere too, she was a rebel without a cause. Because of his personality and his willingness to take big and insane risks, Mick Foley came across as a genuine bonafide superstar. Becky believed in him, cared for him and passionately rooted for him to win. It made her want to talk about wrestling to everyone all the time. The way she describes her love for wrestling here will easily appeal to any wrestling fan. Because she gets it, all of it. And it’s clear that that was a defining moment for her.

After a very long and rocky road with quite a lengthy detour somewhere in the middle, she ended up in WWE, the biggest wrestling company in the world. Now, for a very long time female wrestlers there were seen more as sex objects rather than actual wrestlers. This is something Becky herself struggled with and she addresses it a few times in this book. But times were changing. Becky shows a great deal of respect to Triple H in particular for making NXT, WWE’s development brand, what it was and has become. She credits him for treating the women as equals, and giving the women a chance to show that they could be real wrestlers in WWE too. The women were given great storylines, more time to shine in the ring and they got the chance to really develop their characters and get the audience invested in them. Becky knew how fortunate she was and she tried to make the most out of every opportunity she got to prove herself.

After that, we get to experience the women’s revolution in 2015. Which had been a long time coming but was probably a bit rushed because of the overwhelming demand from fans to give the women a chance. Becky was one of the lucky women to get called up to the main roster, as the women there finally got the chance to shine too. And we learn that it was as badly booked and organized backstage as it came across on screen. But it set something bigger in motion and it was clear that the women were there to stay. And for Becky, the only way was up. Because, no matter her insecurities, she was ready to blast through the glass ceiling and reach for the stars.

It’s a genuine, funny, interesting, gripping and very entertaining memoir told with passion, attitude and gratitude. I had a blast reading this one and (re-)watching some of the matches mentioned elevated the experience even more. A highly enjoyable read for anyone who s pro wrestling. And on a personal note, this reminds me of how much I love wrestling and it makes me realize that I want to write more stories about wrestling.favorites memoir wrestling47 s20 comments b ?? semi-hiatus!!158 34 Shelved as '2024-tbr'

becky lynch ily14 s *Thea 'Wookiee'sMama' Wilson*248 77

Absolutely brilliant!

'The Man' is one funny chick, great read and fascinating look behind the wrestling curtain...11 s Khurram1,892 6,665

Sometimes, I buy into the so much that I actually think this is who they are. I have gotten used to seeing WWE superstars come back from all darts of things, perform at the highest levels, in front of millions. I forget that they are human. It is just recently that one of the top stars had a panic attack before going out at Wrestlemsnia.

This book is brilliantly written, showing not just the physical and political struggles that must be overcome, but the mental side as well. In this book, Rebecca Quin shows the difference between her and the indestructible Becky Lynch. "The Man" Becky Lynch can say what she wants, do what she wants, but Rebecca has to deal with the repercussions of the mental and physical scars.

The book covers her early life to her start in pro-wrestling, to the new crop of women and thinking that has changed women's wrestling from a beauty contest ripping off each other's clothes to being equal (in some cases better) than the men. The trails and tribulations of her life. Her relationships with friends, family, lovers, and co-workers.

This is a great book, a great story of a great person. Following her dreams, the pitstops along the way, the obstacles, the highs, and lows, but it is her battles with her own self-doubt and lack of confidence that are most impressive. A great insight into the mindset athletes, entertainers, performers, and anyone who is successful needs.6 s Glen5,400 63

Former ( and possibly future) WWE Women's Champion Becky Lynch writes her biography.

She details her life as a youth in Ireland, heading for trouble until she found her way to professional wrestling school. Even though she didn't have much of a knack for the ring work, she did have the ability to connect with the crowd.

After various ups and down, she even quits for a time, only to get back in at the right time. From there, she takes advantage of her opportunities the best way she can.

If your thing is dirt being dished, this isn't the book for you, as she has nothing negative to say about anybody, except maybe herself. Very Horatio Alger.biography sports5 s2 comments Siobhan505 9

I have a really hard time rating this book. I enjoy hearing her stories about growing up and breaking into the business. However I don't believe her about her experience with Vince and hire up men she worked with in the WWE. I understand she still works of the family and more then ly has signed a NDA. But I can't wait to hear the really story one day.5 s Poppy70

Being able to read about wrestling is a dream, especially through the perspective of one of the greatest women’s wrestlers (and one of my favourite). I would consider myself a new(ish) fan of wrestling so I got a lot from this book in terms of learning about the ins and outs of the business, what the indie scene was and how piss poor the women’s division was before the s of the Four Horse-Women came along.

Quin has such a compelling voice that sucks you right in and holds your attention. She is funny where it needs it, she uses the format to her advantage to enhance what she’s trying to say. I loved hearing about her early days despite thinking I wouldn’t be as interested. I related to her body struggles, to her mental health struggles. If I didn’t love her before then I certainly do now.

I will say the Vince McMahon mentions always gave me whiplash. Obviously this book was written way before the allegations, lawsuit and resignation. I wouldn’t hold it against Quinn for writing him in a positive(ish) light. For one, that could have been her real experience and this book is all about her and her take on wrestling, the business and sharing her life so far. And for two, what she wrote was not all positive, for example, the no-sell chapter where in which he did cusses her out for supposedly no-selling. I think she skirted around his toxicity, gestured towards it by saying that there was a “way” you had to approach him. If Quin had wrote this book a few years in the future then I’m sure we wouldn’t have even had mention of him or if we did, it would have been very little.

Overall, this book met my expectations with all the excitement, glory, and emotions that I’ve come to expect from The Man. You’ll love it if you love wrestling or if you’re interested in learning about it or if you love a good story about a woman triumphing in a male-dominated industry. 5 s Kristen Thomason15 Read

Oh yay! A book for me!!!!!!! My love of WWE is no secret, and things this, that peel back the performance, the politics, and the journey of professional wrestling affirm that love further. Becky is an approachable writer with great wit and comedy laced throughout. She tells a story of her come up in WWE and all of the hard work that went into it. I have never been a big Becky Lynch fan, but this book has swayed that opinion entirely. She is a fascinating human with a very raw perspective on things, and it was great to get to sit with her on this journey. 5 s2 comments Grace Doran1 review

I was fortunate enough to receive a copy of this book prior to official release.

I found myself relating strongly to Becky’s character her motives, her self doubt, her intrusive thoughts, her passion. It’s a testimony to the writing and storytelling that she can be vulnerable to the reader so they can experiences the emotions involved during those difficult years of struggling to find your passion and identity.

I would recommend this book to anyone who s a Rocky Balboa type of story. But this is even better, Rebecca Quin did this for real. Becky Lynch story is palpable, endearing and remarkable. There is no doubt about it. She is The Man5 s Lilyanna Wright4

Ok, ??????????

It's probably the best biography I have ever read ( yes, this is the only biography I have ever read).

She keeps you wanting to keep reading after each chapter, and her writing style is so contagious and it pulls at your heart strings all the time
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