
Dorothy's Domestic Bliss: A Loving Cuckold Tale de Quick, Cornelia

de Quick, Cornelia - Género: English
libro gratis Dorothy's Domestic Bliss: A Loving Cuckold Tale


When Dorothy is caught bent over the 23rd floor conference room table with Brad, the HR intern, behind her, her husband Calvin thinks that a change of scenery is in order and they move out of the city to a farmhouse in the country.

At first Dorothy is afraid that her impulsive pleasure seeking ways have come to an end. But when she throws herself into domesticity, she finds that chores like doing laundry, baking pies, and picking up packages at the Milhawket post office offer plenty of opportunities to connect with her neighbors and discover new kinds of pleasure.

Dorothy's Domestic Bliss is the fun and filthy story of a woman awakening into new and unexpected pleasures.

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