
Primal Imperative 3: A Monster Girl Men's Fantasy de Quentin Kilgore

de Quentin Kilgore - Género: English
libro gratis Primal Imperative 3: A Monster Girl Men's Fantasy


Famine? Conquered. Sorcerer? Outsmarted. Goblin army? Annihilated. Now for the Witches.

With the birth of my two baby boys, it’s clear the curse that destroyed the male population has faded away. But the witch Brunhilda threatens to unleash a new curse, even deadlier than the last.

However, an uprising of radical witches threatens Brunhilda’s rule. Their cunning leader, Fang, has summoned dark powers that will kill Brunhilda — releasing her curse when she dies — and ignite an apocalyptic “Final Revolution.”

The only way to stop this is by reuniting Kem and Noorut, the gods of eternal Masculine and Feminine. But that won’t be easy. I’ll have to woo some ice-cold hearts and complete my quest to bind the souls of 12 maidens.