
The Ampersand Series: A Romantic Comedy Series de Pru Warren

de Pru Warren - Género: English
libro gratis The Ampersand Series: A Romantic Comedy Series


Pru Warren Publisher: Qui Legit Regit Press, Year: 2023 ISBN: 9781735991900,9781735991924,9781735991948,9781735991962

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This book will remain in my memories as my first read of 2021 after the year that was, well, you know. It was such a GREAT book to start the year with, it was an absolutely entertaining, quirky, delightful story with a little surprise suspense. I was invested from the start and got more devoted to the characters and their stories as I read.

Pru Warren’s character development is outstanding. Maddy, Cyn and Rhys were all relatable and all of them stolen a piece of my heart. The storyline was sometimes so unexpected that it kept me giddy with anticipation of what was to come next.

This is my first book by Ms. Warren, but it won’t be my last. A quick, highly engaging story with marvelous characters, I highly recommend this book. 5 Stars #2OCCMSmarie2 s Read.Review.Repeat Blog5,285 96

What an utterly adorable story. I was charmed from the first page to that last. This is a funny, quirky story that will take you on a journey into intrigue, danger and falling in love. Their meeting was unconventional but Cyn and Rhys were destined to be together. Madcap Maddy stole the show in this story. Maddy has dementia but her charm and zeal for life is admirable. Her moments of lucidness are fascinating and insightful. Get ready to laugh and fall in love with these characters. 2 s Erin Lewis4,927 180

4.5 star Review Cyn & The Peanut Butter Cup (The Ampersand Series #1) by Pru Warren 

Pru Warren is a new author to me and I am surprised I have not come across her books before. I was intrigued when I read the blurb for Cyn & The Peanut Butter Cup and couldn’t wait to read it.

This was an entertaining, funny read that had me laughing out loud on numerous occasions. All the main characters, Maddy, Cyn and Rhys were able and easy to relate too and I adored Maddy.

Maddy is slightly senile so she needs someone to help her out and that’s where Cyn comes in. When Rhys stumbles across these two, poor Rhys, he is sure that his job at the FBI is going down the drain when he becomes involved with Maddy and Cyn.

The journey that Cyn and Rhys find themselves on will keep you entertained from the first to the last chapter as they are drawn into Maddy’s mysterious past. Cyn is struggling with her confidence after a bitter and painful divorce and has buried herself in looking after Maddy.

There is suspense and intrigue which only added to my enjoyment of the story line. I cannot wait to read more in this series and Pru Warren.1 Sarah Festa325 8

This is just some good-natured fun with romance, humour and adventure.

Firstly I want to say that I related to Cyn, no I have not been divorced, but I do tend to question if a man finds interest in me, especially if I deem him attractive. Also the lack of experience, it is really nice to read something that encompasses this.

Also Rhys is a dreamboat that is the perfect match for Cyn, his patience and love for her is enough to make us swoon.

Madcap Maddie is my new hero! She brings so much humour and joy with her innocence and is also the catalyst for almost everything that happens.

It just made me smile and laugh and sometimes that is all you need from a book!1 Jessica Rackley119

I want to be Maddy when I grow up!!!
This is the story of Madcap Maddy (a 93 year young woman with atypical dementia), her caretaker Cyn (Cynthia who reminds Maddy of a pixie) and FBI agent Rhys ( the peanut butter cup just the Welsh spelling). It is a cozish mystery and we learn a bit about each main character's past and how it shapes them today. I can't get into any part of the mystery or facts around it without giving away spoilers so, just read it!
With the cover, the name and the first 60% of this delightful tale I was expecting a clean read, but there was some nookie in it.1 Cindy Fong1,769

What an utterly adorable story. I was charmed from the first page to that last. This is a funny, quirky story that will take you on a journey into intrigue, danger and falling in love. Their meeting was unconventional but Cyn and Rhys were destined to be together. Madcap Maddy stole the show in this story. Maddy has dementia but her charm and zeal for life is admirable. Her moments of lucidness are fascinating and insightful. Get ready to laugh and fall in love with these characters. 1 Patricia1,682 45

Cynthia is trying to get her life back together after the divorce from her idiot of a husband . So she takes the job as a care giver of a dementia patient Maddy . Who is the sweetest old lady ever . But when Maddy steals the gun of a sexy FBI agent Rhys and tries to shoot a random stranger at the grocery store. They are instantly attracted to each other but there is a mystery that needs to be solved . Will they be able to find the love that they both want and need or will Maddy lead them into more trouble then they both need .

These characters what can I say about them. Cyn well she is hiding mostly , her confidence took a nose dive after a divorce from a man who well was not really nice . She is always putting herself down and man has no confidence at all . She does love her job but she is so lonely and you can tell at the beginning .As she get entangled with Rhys she actually blossoms and you really see her confidence grow and be happy Rhys well he is a sexy FBI agent well he has his moments . He is fun loving and he really does get himself into trouble a lot . The break out star of the book though is Maddy . she is 93 years old and yes she has dementia but man she is so funny . She is the best escape artist out there and just keeps everyone on their toes . She really does grow on you and is smarter then they give her credit for and keeps everyone on their toes . You will love her when you read her.
This is one of those books that when you start you are instantly laughing your butt off . I mean come on when a book starts out with a shopping cart , stolen gun and shooting a random stranger in a grocery store, you will be on your way to a fun filled roller coaster ride . The characters are well written and you will love them . The author really takes her characters and puts them in some really funny situations through out the book. I was hooked by the end of chapter two and was laughing out loud all the way through the book . I can't wait to see where the author takes all the characters . I can't believe that it is the first book by this author . So if you want a good fun read check out this book .

book-challenge-2022 Laurie1,553 31

"Cyn and the Peanut Butter Cup" by Pru Warren was one of the most unique stories I've read in quite some time, and it was difficult for me to put it down once I started reading. I adored this hilariously funny, sweet story, which featured endearing characters and an engaging plot that kept me guessing until the very end.

Main characters Cynthia (Cyn) Quimby and FBI Special Agent Rhys Jones were in for a wild ride as they tried to figure out why so many people were after Cyn's patient, Maddy, a lovable elderly woman with dementia. Their growing feelings for each other meant that Rhys had to hand off the investigation to his FBI colleagues, but he continued to pursue Cyn with sweet determination and did his best to protect her and Maddy from all potential threats. He was such a good guy and exactly what Cyn needed following a terrible marriage and nasty divorce. I loved the two of them together and found it very easy to cheer them on to their HEA.

The book's secondary characters were also a ton of fun and added a great deal of depth and humor to the narrative. I particularly enjoyed "Madcap" Maddy, who was always so happy and sweet. She must have led quite a life; I wish I had known her when she was younger! I also enjoyed getting to know Maddy's daughter Belinda, who was a good friend to Cyn as well as her employer, and Rhys's partner, Dash Ashwood. He had a great sense of humor, especially for a law enforcement agent, and I really d the way he took Rhys under his wing and tried to help him find his way.

Overall, it's tough for me to believe that "Cyn and the Peanut Butter Cup" was a debut novel because the writing was so mature and the story was so well crafted. I enjoyed this story tremendously and highly recommend it for all fans of contemporary romance and romantic comedy. I look forward to seeing what this author writes next.

*Review copy provided by the author via L. Woods PR. All opinions expressed are my own.arc Mc Chanster476

Excellent. Just… excellent.

Maddy is 93 years old and has dementia. Her caretaker, Cyn (Cynthia) adores her and does her damnedest to care for the older woman her own family. When an unfortunate incident occurs including a shopping cart, a gun, and an accidental shooting, FBI agent Rhys Jones is suddenly thrust in into their lives. The attraction between him and Cyn is undeniable, but just as their relationship begins to develop, things go sideways once again and they’re all taken on an adventure they’ll never forget.

Cyn and Rhys were wonderfully written. I really d that they didn’t fall into bed after their first date, and I found their relationship to be honest and genuine. Also, can I mention how fantastic their meet-cute was? Yet as much as enjoyed them, the real star of his book is Maddy. I fell in love with her from the first page and I loved how Warren chose to portray her as a warm, caring and completely selfless woman who just happens to have dementia. I feel we often forget that while this illness can be devastating, there is still happiness and laughter among the struggles. Maddy’s positive and pure outlook on her golden years was refreshing and heartwarming and it was easy to see how she charmed everyone around her.

I thought the writing itself was very well done and I actually read this entire book in nearly one sitting because I just had to know what shenanigans Maddy would get up to next. The second half of the book came as a surprise, and kept me on the edge of seat right to the last page. Overall, a heartwarming, sweet and funny rom-com with a healthy dose of action. Highly recommended - Maddy will put a smile on anybody's face (except maybe Grumpy Bear). I will be looking for the rest of this series!

Thank you Voracious Readers and Pru Warren for my copy!adult-reads arc-reads favorites ...more Ashleigh StevensAuthor 13 books22

When a nonagenarian steals an FBI agent's gun in the middle of the grocery store, Cyn and Rhys both wonder if their jobs are on the line. Cyn loves being Maddy's caregiver, but the old woman with short-term memory loss is proving to be more of a challenge than she expected. Rhys has wanted to work for the FBI his entire life, but he keeps screwing up. When Maddy's past comes back to haunt her present, Cyn and Rhys must help her, possibly finding some romance along the way.

While I found the spiciness of this romance a littler more intense than what I am used to, I really enjoyed this book. The author does a great job with the voice. I loved that Maddy's chapters were in the present tense while Cyn and Rhys were in the past.

I only had two minor issues with the book. The first is the abrupt change in the story around chapter fifteen. We go from a leisurely day of volunteering to a different voice in a difficult situation, presumably on another day. I was very confused. It felt as if I had missed a chapter and it wasn't until near the end of that one that I began to understand what had happened. I think maybe having one more Maddy chapter in between the Rhys and Cyn might have helped that transition.

The other other issue I had was with the ending. I would have d a little more information at the end. Ultimately, there were a lot of players and I didn't quite figure out who all of them were and how they related to the situation. I was particularly confused about how "Oatmeal Man" fit into everything (and how he got that nickname). I would have d to have had a brief epilogue wrapping things up for me.

However, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more in this series. Lindsy636 13

First book I have read by Pru Warren and first in a new series.
I was intrigued by this story from a few blurbs I had previously read. I was pleasantly surprised when I was able to get an ARC of it. To be honest though I thought the writing style was a little weird and I found myself skimming paragraphs as I read.
This story hooks you from the beginning but can be a little confusing as the story progresses. Towards the end especially the shooting scene had so many characters that I was having a little problem keeping track of everyone. I enjoyed Maddy and learning more about dementia. It was also interesting to see her POV every once in a while. I d Cyn as a character and thought Rhys was intriguing. I d the chemistry between these two and the fact that Rhys was nothing Cyn's ex and actually made her feel seen and heard.
The craziness started right from the beginning and I thought Maddy was just escaping when she wanted to but then you find out what is actually happening. I thought it was a bit odd though that everything seemed fine but then tall of a sudden Cyn and Maddy are in the truck of a car. I had to go back and read the ending of the chapter before that because I thought I had missed something. Thankfully though the author did a good job of making sure most questions got answered and things got figured out. I thought the ending was interesting and exactly what everyone wanted. I definitely will be reading the special epilogue that goes with this book but I am not sure how soon I will be looking for the second one. Shoppermom50 1 follower

By definition, a rom-com should include romance and comedy. Check! Should it involve characters that endear themselves to you right off the bat? This one most certainly does. Should it involve heart-stopping suspense? This one surprisingly does. (Spoiler alert for wimps me: the scary parts turn out okay!) Should it involve a most interesting secondary character who the author's website indicates just might make an appearance in an upcoming sequel? Super check!
I fell in love with batty Maddy right from the get-go. Dementia can often be a devasting and soul-crushing experience, but in Cyn & the Peanut Butter Cup we see an aspect of it that isn't as rare as one might think; some people retain their very best qualities and continues to share love and laughter even as their hold on reality loosens. Maddy is the true heroine of this book, but the love that grows between her caretaker Cynthia (Cyn) and the FBI agent who comically enters their life (that would be Rhys, as in the peanut butter cup!) is genuine, warm, and ultimately downright hot.
I heard this book was coming from a writer friend, and I consider myself lucky to have gotten one of the first paperbacks hot off the press. Pru Warren looks to be an exciting new author to follow, and I’m overjoyed to know there are more works in the pipeline.
Gwen Stockbrudge2 Read

Wow what a story! Twists and turns around every corner. From the beginning, the characters are very realistic, and some are totally relatable to me, mother with dementia, the daughter (Belinda) that feels inadequate at times and has glimpses of what her mother (Maddy) and what their relationship once was.
Cyn is good hearted and keeps things close inside so she doesn’t inconvenience anyone. She feels that she is an outsider in her own body, at times, but would bend over backward to help those closest to her. Her strength of character grows as the story unfolds. She is a loyal friend and companion to those that she loves.
I can feel Rhys’s tortured feeling towards Cyn, and the chemistry between the two of them. You are captivated as the romance blooms throughout the story. The way he wanted to take care of her and his adoration for Maddie and her adoration for him, were so heartwarming.
There are several heart stopping moments, with some unexpected characters and situations. The story was realistic, and I thought it was an excellent job of bringing out characteristics and personalities, moods, and the connections. This book is a definite was a page turner. I couldn’t wait to see what happened next.
I give “Cyn and the Peanut Butter Cup”, thumbs up, definite 5-star rating. Excellent job! Can’t wait to read more works from Pru Warren!
Gwen Stockbridge
Kacy L. Kennett109 46

I feel if this book just had Cyn and Rhys, it wouldn't have been as good. Sure, their romance was cute and their chemistry was crazy hot, but without Madcap Maddy, what would have been the purpose of the book?

Madcap Maddy is 93 and suffering from dementia. When she steals the gun off hot blond sharpshooter/art buff, Rhys, and shoots at what everyone believes to be a complete stranger in the grocery store, no one is expecting the wild ride they would be in for. Cyn and Maddy suddenly find themselves the targets of several kidnapping attempts as Maddy's past comes back to haunt her (not that she remembers it all the time). Add in Cyn's ex-husband being a jackass, a traveling daughter, and plenty of funny and flirty moments, the adventure of Madcap Maddy, her caretaker Cyn, and the Peanut Butter Cup Rhys himself is sure to entertain pretty much everyone.

This book was hilarious. I honestly hope that everyone takes a chance on this book because you will not regret it. You'll never know where the book is going to go because, honestly, Maddy doesn't know either. But then again, knowing everything takes the fun out of it, doesn't it?

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.arcs favorites mystery-thriller ...more Thelma and Louise Book Blog50 10

4.5 star Review Cyn & The Peanut Butter Cup (The Ampersand Series #1) by Pru Warren 

Pru Warren is a new author to me and I am surprised I have not come across her books before. I was intrigued when I read the blurb for Cyn & The Peanut Butter Cup and couldn’t wait to read it.

This was an entertaining, funny read that had me laughing out loud on numerous occasions. All the main characters, Maddy, Cyn and Rhys were able and easy to relate too and I adored Maddy.

Maddy is slightly senile so she needs someone to help her out and that’s where Cyn comes in. When Rhys stumbles across these two, poor Rhys, he is sure that his job at the FBI is going down the drain when he becomes involved with Maddy and Cyn.

The journey that Cyn and Rhys find themselves on will keep you entertained from the first to the last chapter as they are drawn into Maddy’s mysterious past. Cyn is struggling with her confidence after a bitter and painful divorce and has buried herself in looking after Maddy.

There is suspense and intrigue which only added to my enjoyment of the story line. I cannot wait to read more in this series and Pru Warren. Anna Stewart McCall299 44

Cyn is just out of a divorce and looking after Maddy, a 93-year-old woman with dementia. The way the disease has affected Maddy is atypical though, she is always happy, all the time. Everything is a big party to her. So it's a bit of a surprise when she jumps into the grocery cart of an FBI agent in the store, steals his gun, and tries to shoot at someone she calls "The Oatmeal Man." Rhys ( the peanut butter cup) crushes hard on Cyn, and it doesn't take long to realize that maybe there's more to Maddy's story than anyone ever knew.

What I d:
-Cyn and Rhys were both kind of lost. Neither one saved the other, it was just a nicer balance than I'm accustomed to seeing in the romance genre.
-Maddy is a hoot. She looks at the world and just sees a big party, and her memory doesn't anger or frustrate her.
-Dash, Rhys' partner. I thought he was delicious and am glad he's getting his own HEA.

What I didn't :
-The story itself was kind of a mess. There were just too many bad guys to try and keep up with, especially at the showdown at the end. Honestly, I kind of ended up skimming through those parts until I saw a name I recognized. kindle-books romantic-comedy romantic-suspense Vicki539 14

Cyn & the Peanut Butter Cup was...amazing. I absolutely adored this debut novel by Pru Warren.

Cyn has been the live in caretaker for Maddy since her ex blindsided her with divorce papers after his mothers death. Caring for Maddy is always an adventure...but things become even more crazy when Maddy jumps into the shopping cart of FBI agent Rhys and manages to both charm him and put him in a compromising position.

Things begin to turn crazy when Maddy and Cyn find themselves on a high stakes adventure, and suddenly everyone realizes that not some of Maddy's delusions aren't all in her mind.

I thoroughly enjoyed this romantic comedy...the tenderness and sparks between Rhys and Cyn, the absolutely charming and captivating Maddy - and the crazy adventure they go through together is heartwarming, and left me feeling light with the joy Maddy brings to everyone she meets. I can't wait for more offerings from Warren - if Cyn & the Peanut Butter Cup are any indication, we're in for quite a ride.first-reads Anni1,141 3

What a wild ride! Twists and turns and one thing following another and it's all totally unexpected!

Right from the start, this RomCom is full of action, between Rhys (FBI agent Reese Peanut Butter Cup), Cynthia (Cyn) and "Madcap" Maddy, the absolutely adorable, 93 year old with dementia, who Cyn is the caretaker for.

This is an absolutely hilarious ride and I loved every single moment! So many crazy things kept happening in between the budding romance between Cyn & Rhys, Maddy being one of the most adorable, lovable and memorable characters I've ever come across, and all of the secondary characters just made this fantastic. After the first couple of chapters, I could not put it down for anything, and had to keep going straight to the end. Loved it!! Highly recommend it to everyone, and definitely looking forward to moving on to Dash's book next.

(I also really loved all of the super fun nicknames that kept popping up and changing - you really have to pay close attention to know what is going on; it moves so quickly!)kotm-books mysteries winter-challenge-picks Anne-Marie 868 22

A wonderful story that I couldn't put down. Had me giggling well into the late night

Pru Warren is a new author to me and I hope to read more of her books. She has a special gift of writing that had me laughing and sitting on the edge of my seat...the book has it all humour, romance, and some action adventure. I didn't see the book going down the route it took but the story was amazing.

And the characters were the best...especially Maddie, a 93yo woman with onset dementia, who is being taken care of by Cyn. Cyn has her hands full with Maddie but one day grocery shopping they are introduced to Rhys, an FBI agent, who is about to have his hands full with Maddie and Cyn. The chemistry between characters was brilliant and convincing.

I don't to give any of the storyline away when reviewing so I won't start now...just trust me on this....IF you to laugh, have a little bit of romance and some edge of your seat action then you need to read this book. You won't regret it.

Highly recommend.

Thank you to Pru Warren for allowing me to read a digital copy of her book for an honest review.
These are my heartfelt comments on this book and I really wish I could have given this story a higher rating than 5 stars...it deserves more!from-author Tammy Moldovan1,506 18

I am utterly in love with Cyn, Rhys, and Maddy. This is a hilarious, heart warming, sexy, love at first sight, with a bit of surprise suspense tale of all the things. Cyn is a caretaker for 93 year old Maddy who has dementia. Maddy is joyous in all things and charms everyone even if the slightest distraction can cause her to lose her train of thought. Cyn is recently divorced and still dealing with that pain, loss, and betrayal. While grocery shopping Maddy climbs into FBI agent Rhys’ shopping cart, steals his gun and shoots at someone. Thus begins the love story of Cyn and Rhys and the adventures of Madcap Maddy but its only the beginning of the dangerous situations. This is a funny story but it is also a deeply emotional story which includes witty dialogue, characters with depth, growth, and an engaging and often surprising storyline. Expect to feel all the things. This is my first book by this author but it will not be my last. Karen4

I met the author, Pru Warren before I knew she was an author. Once I found out she had a blog and had also written several RomComs I started following her blog. O MG! She is a hoot! So I decided to give her romcom stories a try. I started with her first book, Cyn and the Peanut Butter Cup and was not disappointed.

The characters are well developed and have the chemistry you always hope an author can express in their words. Cyn is a caregiver for Maddy who has dementia and I have to say, writing a story with a character who is forgetful could not have been easy, but I believe Pru Warren has captured the essence of an elderly dementia patient to a T. The storyline is compelling and the romance is not in your face gratuitous. Maddy’s forgetful charm and child antics will leave the reader laughing and loving her completely.

I don’t normally read RomComs, but I absolutely enjoyed this story and look forward to reading the rest of the Ampersand series books by Pru Warren. Sheila Schoenauer900 11

What an interesting book! It was fun, crazy, and laugh out loud weird. That didn't stop me from loving it! I loved Cyn and Rhys but Maddie is the star of this book. She is so sweetly adorable and constantly optimistic. She easily put a smile on everyone's face.

While I enjoyed this book it wasn't until chapter 15 that I became fully invested. It wasn't until then that I laughed with shock and confusion. There is so much going on that you want answers too. Before then I thought the book was good but frustrating. Cyn's subconscious desire to take all the blame for things she never did and Rhys' lack of confidence in himself bothered me. And don't get me started on Cyn's ex-husband!

I'm glad I didn't give up though. This book was a well deserved laugh with a sweet romance mixed in.

*I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.* Judy Samson74 2

Cyn & the Peanut Butter Cup by Pru Warren
You will experience many laugh out loud moments reading this funny, suspenseful & intriguing story that keeps you flipping through the pages to the end. Cyn’s reason for becoming a caretaker for Mandy was sad, but I found Cyn’s perspective on Maddy’s short term memory loss/dementia refreshing and sweet. It was obvious Maddy lived life to the fullest and enjoyed adrenalin rushes throughout her 93 years. Much of the confusion leads to the romance between Cyn and FBI agent Rhys. Just a heads up that the sweet romance turns into a sexy explicit love scene, which should make this book rated for Adult reading. I obtained a complimentary copy from the Author via Voracious Readers for an honest review. Enjoyed the entire book. JKSlovestoread/JudyKU/LuvsKU/JudySamson
Nebulous344 8

"Cyn & the Peanut Butter Cup" is one of the most quirky and unique books I have ever read. Pru Warren's debut novel grabs your full attention right from the start. With well developed and relatable main and supporting characters, get ready to be whisked away to a memorable adventure full of twists and turns. Madcap Maddy will grow on you, and her child wonder is infectious. Cyn is such a beautiful character who tries to do right by Maddie as her caretaker. The chemistry between Rhys and Cyn is electric, and their banter kept me smiling. They truly bring out the best in each other, and there's a level of authenticity attached to their personal strifes and challenges. A 5-star riot, and I look forward to reading more of Pru's work.

A thank you to VoraciousReadersOnly for giving me a free review copy of this book. This honest review is left voluntarily. Susan Hamann1,090 12

What a blast this story is! Sweet Maddy, a 93 year old with dementia, acts more a busy 3 year old. Everything is new and fun, everything is an adventure. And she takes off on her own, much to the consternation of her caretaker, Cyn (for Cynthia). What we don't know is that she's carrying a secret, deep down inside the twists and turns of her brain.

This is such a fun, madcap book. If you've ever seen the old "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World," you'll think of it when you read this book. I've enjoyed all of Pru's books, but I think this is my favorite. It's laugh out loud funny in some parts, sexy and hot in others, and there are all sorts of villains popping up. I could definitely see this as a movie. I'd be laughing my fool head off.

I highly recommend this book for mature audiences. There is a bit of language and a fair bit of sexy. Colleen148 1 follower

If you your romance with a little bit of adventure and humor then this is the book for you. Rhys and Cyn have instant chemistry and thankfully they have Maddy to help them get together. This story has an awesome older lady with a memory problem, a hot FBI agent who really should be an artist and Cyn who is beyond smart but is getting over a bad divorce.

I d the fast pace and the adventure that ensues throughout the book. There were a few times I wanted to smack Cyn out of it but she really came into herself and by the end I really d her. I found Maddy the older lady Cyn helped care for funny and a spitfire that really added to the book. Rhy was all of that and a bag of chips.

Overall I really d this book and enjoyed where it took me. Adena Lee1,480 12

This book is a riot! It begins with a totally improbable and utterly hilarious introduction of the title characters (read the book to find out why he's the Peanut Butter Cup) but the star of the book is our lovably charming and friendly-to-everyone-except-one Madcap Maddy. Who else could fall into the highway scene in this book and come out of it as the unofficial mascot of various police precincts in Maryland, Connecticut and Pennsylvania? (Just read the book!) I made the mistake of starting the book just before bedtime; I snorted and snickered too hard to sleep - I recommend that if you want to read this, start it early on your day off because you will not want to stop until you are finished.

I received a copy from the author and I am voluntarily leaving a review. Jamie Cha156 7

I received a free ecopy of the book from Voracious Readers Only. It is a sweet book. The chapters are very endearing.

The book started out as a sweet romance book. However, half way through the book, the book became about something else. It through me for a small loop.

The characters are complicated and kind hearted (for the most part). It is a fairly easy read. Half way through the book, it was harder for me to keep up with plot twists.

I really enjoyed the book in the beginning. The characters were so lovely. The middle of the book to near the ending was a little confusing to me. It lost a little on me. I enjoyed the ending.

The book is not predictable. It does keep you on your toes. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to read the book. Alexandria Haines2

Ever wonder where the comedy is in you Romantic Comedies? No worries here on that score; “Cyn & the Peanut Butter Cup” is laugh out loud funny! I dare you not to fall in love with Madcap Maddie, and all those left panting in her wake. There is romance, to be sure (that would be the titular Cyn and Rhys - the Peanut Butter Cup), and a pretty good mystery, but it’s the humor which will grab you and not let you go. A romp. That’s what it is. A good, old fashioned romp.

Full disclosure: I am the author’s sister, so I am biased, but Romance novels are not my personal preference, so I figure that must bring a bit more balance to the scales. I am all in on “Cyn & the Peanut Butter Cup”, as well as the books to follow in the Ampersand Series - you’re all in for a treat! Sharon137

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