
L'asimmetria e la vita de Primo Levi

de Primo Levi - Género: Italian
libro gratis L'asimmetria e la vita


Il volume raccoglie una scelta degli scritti saggistici di Primo Levi comparsi su giornali e riviste fra il 1955 e l'anno della sua scomparsa, il 1987. Sono testi dedicati ad Auschwitz, all'ebraismo, recensioni di libri, saggi curiosi di argomento scientifico, letterario, linguistico. La scelta è fondata sull'edizione delle "Opere", pubblicate nel 1997 nella "Nue", cui si aggiungono alcuni scritti inediti o ritrovati successivamente

Reseñas Varias sobre este libro

Levi ensinou-me que as histórias do Holocausto terminam sempre com perguntas. E, sim, é bárbaro escrever Poesia depois de Auschwitz; mas vejam: é possível! Costumo pegar neste excerto e dizer ao mundo o quanto gostava de ter sido eu a escrevê-lo:

“E veio a noite, e foi uma noite tal, que se sabe que olhos humanos não deveriam assistir e sobreviver. Todos sentiram isso: nenhum dos guardas, quer italianos, quer alemães, teve a coragem de vir ver que coisas fazem os homens quando sabem que vão morrer. Cada um se despediu da vida da maneira que melhor sabia. Alguns rezaram, outros beberam além da conta, outros inebriaram-se numa nefasta e última paixão. Mas as mães mantiveram-se acordadas e prepararam, com cuidado amoroso, o alimento para a viagem, lavaram os seus meninos e prepararam as bagagens; ao raiar do dia, o arame farpado estava cheio de roupas de criança estendidas ao vento, a secar; e não esqueceram as fraldas, e os brinquedos, e os travesseiros, e centenas de outras pequenas coisas das quais as crianças sempre necessitam. Não fariam também vocês a mesma coisa? Se fossem morrer amanhã com os vossos filhos, não lhes dariam hoje de comer?”246 s Petra on hiatus but getting better.Happy New 2024!2,457 34.7k

It's hard to say anything about this magnificent book that hasn't been said many times before, so I won't even try but just write a note on why I have an abiding sadness when I think of the author.

Primo Levi lived all his life in the house of his birth in Turin, Italy apart from when he was in the concentration camp. Luckily he lived, just, through that awful, murderous year, and to all intents and purposes resumed the life of a chemist and author that the Nazis interrupted. He wrote The Periodic Table , lauded as the best science book ever written. Later he died from a fall down a narrow stairwell. It has been argued this wasn't suicide, but who climbs over banisters and falls down narrow stairwells except on purpose. As Elie Wiesel said, "Primo Levi died at Auschwitz forty years later". Alav HaShalom. Rest in Peace dear soul.

Finished July 21, 2014.
Reviewed Dec. 21, 2014.
10-star-books 2014-read biography-true-story ...more242 s Luca Ambrosino89 13.7k


Ero quattordicenne quando lessi Se questo è un uomo: unico libro tra quelli letti per dovere scolastico ad essermi piaciuto anche allora. Mi colpì molto, mi impressionò, era la prima volta che venivo a conoscenza di un'esperienza diretta di chi ha vissuto in prima persona la realtà dei campi di concentramento.Primo Levi racconta l'esperienza vissuta dal momento della sua cattura, l'insediamento nel campo di concentramento di Auschwitz, la vita quotidiana, fino alla sua liberazione. Può sembrare strano, ma nelle pagine del libro non c'è spazio per l'odio verso i tedeschi. Niente rancore. Niente desiderio di vendetta. I tedeschi stessi, sebbene siano responsabili del genocidio di massa, secondo Levi non sono mossi dall'odio:«Per noi il Lager non è una punizione, per noi non è previsto un termine, e il Lager altro non è che il genere di esistenza a noi assegnato»,a sottolineare che i tedeschi opprimono senza rancore, perchè per loro è giusto così. Ad ogni modo, odio o non odio, sono terribili le immagini di degrado che Levi ci presenta, l'abbrutimento della mente che l'autore cerca di respingere fino all'ultimo a favore della razionalità dell'intelletto umano.«ci siamo accorti che la nostra lingua manca di parole per esprimere questa offesa, la demolizione di un uomo»e si finisce inesorabilmente per chiedersi "se questo è un uomo".Voto: 8,5

I was fourteen when I read for the first time If this is a man: the only book among those read for schoolwork that I d even in those days. It hit me hard, it impressed me, it was the first time I knew a direct experience of someone who lived the tragedy of the concentration camps.Primo Levi told about his experience from the moment of his capture, the settlement in the concentration camp of Auschwitz, the daily life until his release. It might sound weird, but in all the book pages there is no room for the hatred towards the Germans. No rancor. No desire for vengeance. The Germans themselves, although they are responsible for mass genocide, in the author's opinion are not driven by hatred:«For us the Camp is not a punishment, we do not have a term, and the Camp is nothing more than the kind of existence assigned to us»,to emphasize that the Germans oppress jews without rancor, because for them it's natural and fair. In any case, hate or not hate, the images of degradation that Levi presents us are terrible, the brutalization of the mind that the author tries to reject down to the last in favor of the rationality of the human intellect.«We realized that our language lacks words to express this offense, the demolition of a man»and you'll end up inexorably to wonder "if this is a man".Vote: 8,5238 s Luís2,059 820

This testimony demonstrates pure horror carried by a fine intelligence and strength, unbearably intolerable.
Primo Levi tells the things seen and felt without hatred or victimization with disturbing but strangely captivating accuracy.
What arouses interest here is this demonic machine in motion, this well-oiled Nazi system, and this blatant dehumanization in which vice, hierarchy, and the hunt for death persist.
To those who will say that it is useless to read this book because they have had enough films, history lessons, various documentaries, and visits to memorials ..., I answer that yes, we must. Confront this human misery to face our condition. In addition to this story's integrity, the admirable Primo Levi delivers a refined analysis of the human spirit, its faults and possibilities, its instinct for survival, and our animality.
And if this book is essential today, it reminds us of what we can do to evoke our daily lousy behavior and posture as free women and men.biography e-5 italian-literature ...more209 s Valeriu GherghelAuthor 6 books1,655

Este ciudat s? afli despre un mare prozator abia la 20 de ani dup? moartea lui. Nu este în regul?. Am aflat despre Primo Levi dintr-un eseu-interviu scris de Philip Roth în 1987, anul mor?ii scriitorului italian.

Primo Levi a stat la Auschwitz un an (ianuarie 1944 - ianuarie 1945). Dup? ce a ie?it din lag?r, a dus via?a unui om simplu. S-a c?s?torit. A avut doi copii, un b?iat ?i o fat?. Era pasionat de chimie. A lucrat pîn? la pensie într-o fabric? de vopsele. Nu s-a dedicat întru totul scrisului (n-a avut încredere în talentul lui?), ?i-a redactat c?r?ile în pu?inul timp liber care-i r?mînea. Este limpede c? tot ceea ce a tr?it la Auschwitz l-a marcat adînc. Nici nu se putea altfel. În 1987, s-a sinucis. Un gest greu de priceput. Timpul trecut nu estompase, probabil, amintirea groz?viilor prin care a trecut. Nimeni nu cred c? e în stare s? ofere o explica?ie valid?.

În Mai este oare acesta un om?, Levi prezint? captivitatea la Auschwitz în propozi?ii sobre ?i precise, lipsite de orice patetism. Folose?te tonul unui om de ?tiin??. Consemneaz? întîmpl?ri, fapte, gesturi. Nu judec?. Prive?te de sus. Cel mai unit a fost grupul evreilor din Salonic. ?i cel mai afacerist. În lag?r, se fura tot (haine, nasturi, înc?l??ri etc.), se vindea tot. De?inu?ii sufereau cumplit de foame. Pentru o bucat? de pîine uscat?, unii î?i vindeau buc??i din c?ma?? ?i îndurau frigul. N-au sc?pat din lag?r cei mai nobili ?i nici cei mai pio?i. (Primo Levi n-a fost credincios). Nici vorb?. Au sc?pat cei care au avut ?ans?: ?i buni, ?i r?i. Asta i-a m?rturisit mai tîrziu ?i lui Philip Roth: „Nu m-a salvat Dumnezeu. Am avut un mare noroc”. Dup? eliberare, a fost prizonier la ru?i. Cînd a c?l?torit c?tre cas?, a trecut ?i prin România...

Paginile cele mai luminoase sînt acelea în care recit? (?i traduce) unui coleg de suferin?? francez cîntul despre Ulysse din Divina commedia (Inferno, 26).

Voi transcrie un singur pasaj:

„În lag?r se pierde obi?nuin?a de a spera, chiar ?i încrederea în propria ra?iune. În lag?r e inutil s? gînde?ti, întrucît evenimentele se desf??oar? în mod imprevizibil; ?i e d?un?tor, pentru c? între?ine sensibilitatea, surs? de durere...” (p.226).143 s Lea123 627

"Then for the first time we became aware that our language lacks words to express this offence, the demolition of a man. In a moment, with almost prophetic intuition, the reality was revealed to us: we had reached the bottom. It is not possible to sink lower than this; no human condition is more miserable than this, nor could it conceivably be so. Nothing belongs to us any more; they have taken away our clothes, our shoes, even our hair; if we speak, they will not listen to us, and if they listen, they will not understand. They will even take away our name: and if we want to keep it, we will have to find ourselves the strength to do so, to manage somehow so that behind the name something of us, of us as we were, still remains."

Primo Levi created the most magnificent, detailed and harrowing account of survival in Auschwitz. His writing style reflects the fact he is a chemist, a scientific observer of details of life, and at times can seem a bit dry, restrained and simple, yet it is perfectly compatible with the bleakness of the day-to-day life of the concentration camp.
In his own words: "I never stopped recording the world and people around me, so much that I still have an unbelievably detailed image of them. I had an intense wish to understand, I was constantly pervaded by a curiosity that somebody afterward did, in fact, deem nothing less than cynical: the curiosity of the naturalist who finds himself transplanted into an environment that is monstrous but new, monstrously new."

And as Philip Roth eloquently said; "If This Is a Man reads the memoir of a theoretician of moral biochemistry who has himself been forcibly enlisted as the specimen organism to undergo laboratory experimentation of the most sinister kind."

But Levi also has a side of a true artist and writer, and his poetic flare and profoundness come out in the descriptions of inner states, both his own and others. His mastery is in the capability to draw the reader in, to take the reader as his companion on this journey of a nightmare, submerging a person in existential dread of this way of existence. The dark point of human history that Levi had a misfortune to live through, is described with great detail, without rationalization, romanticization, or denial.

Frankl describes hope and the silver lining of tragic experience, Wiesel describes the anger, depression and resentment towards God, and Levi describes the indifference and apathy found in the extreme condition of dehumanization, as well as a drive to survive that some lose and some maintain, the constant oscillation between hope and despair, giving the most realistic account of the inconsistency of inner state of prisoners in camp in constant hunger, extreme coldness, extensive futile never-ending hard work and perpetual deterioration of physical and mental health. Levi described in surgical precision is how a man can be transformed or broken down and, a substance decomposing in a chemical reaction, losing his characteristic properties by the horrendous experience, extreme trauma he is exposed to.

"To destroy a man is difficult, almost as difficult as to create one: it has not been easy, nor quick, but you Germans have succeeded. Here we are, docile under your gaze; from our side you have nothing more to fear; no acts of violence, no words of defiance, not even a look of judgement."

The most horrifying thing about nazism is how calculated, structured and organized the brutality is, in cold machinery of evil and hatred, working precisely to destroy and exterminate. The most exquisite part of the novel is the scene of the execution of the rebel that tried to destroy the crematorium in Auschwitz. Here Levi has a moment of realization of his apathy and resignation and feels immense shame from the fact he has no strength left in him, no point of resistance to oppressors.

"Alberto and I went back to the hut, and we could not look each other in the face. That man must have been tough, he must have been made of another metal than us if this condition of ours, which has broken us, could not bend him. Because we also are broken, conquered: even if we know how to adapt ourselves, even if we have finally learnt how to find our food and to resist the fatigue and cold, even if we return home. We lifted the menaschka on to the bunk and divided it, we satisfied the daily ragings of hunger, and now we are oppressed by shame."

"The Russians can come now: there are no longer any strong men among us, the last one is now hanging above our heads, and as for the others, a few halters had been enough."

Levi has no denial left, he completely exposes the human nature of himself and others that managed to survive concentration camps. Survival was an immensely difficult task, one that could not leave a person morally intact. Traits that are considered to be virtues in normal circumstances, compassion, sincerity, hard work, compliance, were serious disadvantages in concentration camps that almost certainly led to death, while manipulation, theft, deceit, exploitation, brutality were the means to an end of successful survival. Levi gives us the insight that moral compromise was necessary for a prisoner in camps to survive more than three months, the usual duration of the ordinary camp resident if he was obedient, doing all the work, and eating only the food that was given to him. In camps, the will to survive and the will to power were entangled, as power structures and hierarchy were present among the prisoners. Concentration camps we set to destroy prisoners physically, mentally but also morally and spiritually, in complete stripping one of hope, dignity, integrity and humanity.

Primo Levi is an interesting person, and after reading the book and his conversation with Philip Roth, I wanted to read more about his life. I'm planning to read the other two installments of the trilogy also. Levi was 25 years old when he was departed to camp, where we as imprisoned for one year. Before, he finished the university highly successfully, as one of the best students. His highly energetic approach to scientific endeavors was fueled by the lack of romantic and sexual experiences he longed for but did not have. He was profoundly influenced by the laws and prohibitions against Jews, as well as the bullying behavior of his classmates, which perpetuated the feeling of inadequacy and lack of confidence needed for approaching women. After his one year imprisonment in Auschwitz, Levi never quite got out of melancholy and depression, even though later on he founded a family, and had a successful career in chemistry as well as a writer. He died in unclear circumstances, from a fall down a narrow stairwell, suspected in suicidal intent.

No doubt that Levi gave an immense gift to humanity, having the courage to relive in his memoir the most horrifying experience. I believe he suffered greatly for having a such sharp intelligent mind, one that remembered in high-resolution experiences that are too inhumane to even grasp, the mind that is both highly observant and painfully honest. Levi does not shy from human nature and the truth that he found about himself and others in horrendous circumstances. He painted his survival as mere luck, but with his actions he gave the experience meaning and purpose, in sharing it with humanity, making sure that the horror of the Holocaust never is forgotten, in giving us the most detailed study of the extent of hostility and terror man can adapt to, and at what cost.

"You who live safe
In your warm houses,
You who find, returning in the evening,
Hot food and friendly faces:
Consider if this is a man
Who works in the mud
Who does not know peace
Who fights for a scrap of bread
Who dies because of a yes or a no...."
biography death history-historical ...more124 s K.D. Absolutely1,820

This book is said to be one of the most important books ever written about Holocaust. What I am referring here are not the history books but the first-hand experiences written and narrated by the people who were there when the Holocaust happened. Since I read a handful of these, I can't disagree. I even think that, in some aspects, this could be the MOST important of them all.

You see, Anne Frank wrote her diary at 13 while hiding in her house with her family so she was not able to include her harrowing experience in the concentration camp where she died. The writing was innocent, poignant and endearing but did not contain much. Victor Klemperer wrote his 3-volume diary but a good bulk of it was his experience trying to elude the authorities as he had an "Aryan" wife so, although he was asked to live in a ghetto, he did not experience being in a concentration camp. Imre Kertesz wrote his quasi-autobiographical novel telling the concentration camp experience of a 15-y/o boy, Gyorgy (George) in Auschwitz but he disavowed the strong biographical connection of the book to his life even if he was 14 when he was sent with his family to the camp. Last year, I was teary-eyed when I finished reading Elie Wiesel's since it was too emotional and the writing was haunting. However, Elie Wiesel was 16 during the Holocaust so he wrote from the perspective of a teenager. What I mean is that given that the tragedy was all sad and harrowing, we already knew the perspective of a child or a teenager from Anne Frank, Kertesz and Wiesel, so I thought I also would to have the perspective of a grown-up survivor. This now is what Victor Frankl in his clinical book and Primo Levi in this book, provide.

In their books, Victor Frankl and Primo Levi recounted WHAT THEY DID TO SURVIVE. I thought that this could have only been possible to come from thinking adults who are expected to be less emotional and more rational than most teenagers.

Victor Frankl says that to survive, one has to hold on to the image of yourself stepping out of the camp and going back to your life prior to the concentration camp. Everyday, you think of yourself going back to your home, job, loved ones, hobby, etc. These happy images are so powerful, they will give you reason to hope and live.

Primo Levi is more comprehensive and to-the-point. He says three: (1) organization; (2) pity and (3) theft. Levi survived using #1 as he was a summa cum laude chemistry graduate from Turin so he got lucky to be asked to work in the laboratory making synthetic rubber inside Auschwitz. But in this book, he gave examples of the prisoners who thrived using the other two or combinations or all the three.

That's the reason why I said that this could, indeed, be the MOST important book written about the Holocaust. If it happens again (God forbid), you have the tips on how to survive. Those tips come from first hand experiences of people who experienced them. I mean, well, it is nice to cry and be sad after reading a book, but it better to have something a survival handbook too.

holocaust memoirs non-fiction ...more110 s Maziyar Yf592 345

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?????????????. ?? ?? ????????? ??????????.
read_in_202188 s Sidharth VardhanAuthor 22 books735

"Only an animal worries all the time about the next meal."
- Naguib Mahfouz

The desperation of the quote arising out of the idea that poor forced to live meal-to-meal might not be able to enjoy a human life can be found in Levi's memoir too. It's title coming from the poem that begins:

"You who live safe
In your warm houses,
You who find, returning in the evening,
Hot food and friendly faces:
Consider if this is a man
Who works in the mud
Who does not know peace
Who fights for a scrap of bread
Who dies because of a yes or a no.

Though Nazi violence is mentioned:

"how can one hit a man without anger?"

The book is more focused on the life of prisioners - how they survived while constantly feeling hunger (they would dream of food). How they learned to live the life of stealth, as people in such desperation circumstances are forced to - out of neccesity, nobody could survive the Auschwitz by being a nobel prisoner or by being altruistic to his fellow prisioners. They would avoid work as far as possible- even prefering being beaten to working

"one does not normally die of blows, but one does of exhaustion, and badly"

Stealing things - frequently from each other, trying to get up in the hierarchy that was present among prisioners. N0t all prisoners were equal, there were class divisions among prisioners - Jewish prisioners weren't the only one but they were the worst, there were transactions among Jewish prisioners as well as between Jewish prisioners and other prisioners - using daily rations as a unit of currancy of this underground economy. And there were informal classes among prisioners too based on where they come, based on numbers given to them - the lower numbers and higher numbers etc.

And daily torments they had to go - constant hunger

"One can hear the sleepers breathing and snoring; some groan and speak. Many lick their lips and move their jaws. They are dreaming of eating; this is also a collective dream."

the uncleanliness (as soap was a luxury only available to those who managed to steal it from somewhere), the rule of Jungle - where you look up to someone who is able to have an unfair advantage even if he doesn't share it rather than questioning them on moral grounds - well, that applies to most captialist societies to some extent., the hopelessness:

"Â… And for how long? But the old ones laugh at this question: they recognize the new arrivals by this question. They laugh and they do not reply. For months and years, the problem of the remote future has grown pale to them and has lost all intensity in face of the far more urgent and concrete problems of the near future: how much one will eat today, if it will snow, if there will be coal to unload."/I>

Things gratitude, sincerity and compassion came with a very serious disadvantage as they often are to poor. You couldn't trust the person with whom you shared your bed and this when even a small piece of metal wire or a spoon were tresure. However, the poverty imposed on them by Nazis -their name, their identity, their family and friends were all taken away from them.

"Imagine now a man who is deprived of everyone he loves, and at the same time of his house, his habits, his clothes, in short, of everything he possesses: he will be a hollow man, reduced to suffering and needs, forgetful of dignity and restraint, for he who loses all often easily loses himself."

‘… Until one day
there will be no more sense in saying: tomorrow."

4-europe bestest bio-memoir ...more81 s Nikos Tsentemeidis415 260

?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????, ?? ?????? ???????????.italian-literature77 s Sam44 12

I will try not to overstate my feelings on this book.

I believe this is one of (if not THE) most important book ever written. Everyone should read this book. It details Levi's journey from his home in Turin to Buchenwald. It is absolutely beautifully written. Levi's style of writing is un any other I've read. It is detailed, incredibly intelligent, moving, poignant, and in some way almost detached from his experience, which makes reading about it all the more moving and painful. To hear him describe the horrors he saw and went through in such a third-person sort of way is truly heart-breaking. All of his works are amazing, but this is the one that I recommend to all of my friends. I've bought several people copies of this book, because I feel it is that important. We must never forget what happened. And we must never allow it to happen again.73 s1 comment Skorofido Skorofido272 187

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??? ??? ?????, ????????? ??????? ?????????, ?Â’???? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????????? ???? ??? ?????????Â…
foreign-litterature historic holocaust ...more67 s ????? ????????????378 180

? Levi ?????? ?? ????????? ???????? ? ????????? ??????? ???? ?????, ?? «?????????? ?????». ?? ???????? ?? ????????? ?? ????: «…???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?’ ????? ??? ?????» ?, ?????, «…???? ? ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? ??? ???? ?????? ?????!» ?.?.?.

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??? ?????, ????????? ????? ?? ????? ????? (???????? ? ?????? ??? ???????? ????????????), ?? ??????? ???????? ?????????????, ?? ??? ????????? ???????? ???? ????: «Arbeit Macht Frei».

59 s Giannis139 28

?? ?????? ???? ???????? ??? ?????????? «?????????????» ????? ??? ??? ????? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ????????????. ? Levi ?? ??? ???? ???? ??? ?????????? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????, ???????? ?? ????????? ??? ???? ??????????? ??? «??????????» ????. ????? ?????? ???????????? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ????????? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ??? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ????????? ??? ????????? ??? ????? ??????????? ??? ??? ??? ??????????. ???? ?????? ??????? ?? ????????? ??? ????? ???? ??? ???????????? ?? ?????????? ?? ???? ??????? ???. ??? ?? ??????, ?? ???????? ??? ?? ???????, ????? ??? ????????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ???? ?????? ????… ?????????????.
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?????? ?? ??? ????? ??? ?? ??????:
«?????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??? ??????; ????? ?? ????»…56 s Diane S ?4,825 14.3k

In 1943 Primo Levi was a chemist, was an Italian Jew, captured and sent to Auschwitz. This is his story, his telling of the day to day trials, horrors for the ten months he spent in the camp.

There can be no way to read these stories without feeling anguish and horror. He tells this horror in a way that almost feels devoid of emotion. Very analytical. He also tells us the day to day events of his work camp that he calls a lager, a camp where questions are not answered, where one learns not to ask. Where there is no tomorrow. Of the finishing number of people that come and go as new people arrive and others are selected to go to the ovens. He explains the psychogical state of becoming less than, beaten down, hope finished, just focusing on the here and now. Not enough food, not enough warmth, not enough of anything but work and more work from sunrise to sunset. He tells of the camp liberation by the Russians and how he was one of the lucky few still alive.

Just horrific61 s KamRun 385 1,517

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????? ???
50 s Lilo131 410

There have been so many written on Primo Levi’s “Survival in Auschwitz” that I have very little to add. It has been said many a time that “Survival in Auschwitz” (original title “If This is a Man”) IS THE BEST OF ALL HOLOCAUST MEMOIRS, and it may very well be. Primo Levi not only tells about his horrific experience, he also adds psychological and philosophical reflections, which make this Holocaust memoir unique.

I would to endorse the following review:


I found it to the point.
holocaust memoir third-reich51 s Maciek569 3,553

"Here there is no why."

Primo Levi was an Italian Jew who came to live in very troubled times. Born and raised in Turin, he was subjected to the fascist racial laws which discriminated against Jews and made finding employment very difficult; after the German occupation of Italy began, he joined the resistance movement but was quickly caught and transferred to an internment camp. When the camp itself came under German control, the authorities started arranging mass deportations of captured Jews to labor and death camps in the occupied east. Travelling in a cattle truck through cold and misery, Levi arrived at Auschwitz in February 1944. He was 25 years old, and would be one of the twenty Jews who remained alive from his transport of 650 people when the Red Army liberates the camp in January 1945.

Survival in Auschwitz is the record of Levi's time at the camp, in his own words. It's worth noting that this is the title specifically picked for the American release; I much prefer the original Italian and English translation If This Is a Man , which conveys the tone and theme of the book much, much better. Survival in Auschwitz sounds almost a...survival manual, a set of precepts that one should follow if one finds him or herself at such a place. If This Is a Man is taken from a poem by Levi which opens the book, and in which he asks his readers - sitting contendly in their warm, safe heated houses, to remember and think about what happened, never forget about it and pass this knowledge on to future generations:

Consider if this is a man
Who works in the mud,
Who does not know peace,
Who fights for a scrap of bread,
Who dies because of a yes or a no.
Consider if this is a woman
Without hair and without name,
With no more strength to remember,
Her eyes empty and her womb cold
a frog in winter.

Levi's memoir is a chronicle of life inside a concentration camp, a world within a world; news from the outside world perpetrate the barbed wire very rarely and only at the end of the book, in the form of sound of distant artillery, which signify the slowly advancing Russians. and the growing panic among camp officials. Despite growing increasingly more deformed, squalid and haggard and their numbers thinning with every day, the camp had a cleaer hierarchical structure which had to be followed; and where there was no official hierarchy, a non-official one was quickly invented. When we think about concentration camps, we mostly remember their last and most gruesome part -the gas chambers and the crematorium. As important as they are, they are just a part of a larger whole - we often forget that people not only died in these camps, but also lived.

Levi's memoir is a chronicle of life inside a concentration camp, which in his own word is equal to reaching the bottom, with no other condition possibly being more miserable, a total demolition of what makes a man: the removal of one's personal dignity and reducing people to a sequence of numbers, taking away all that they own, even their hair, being forced to exist in conditions which make existence impossible and reduced to purely biological beings, who struggle only to remain alive. Despite all this, incredibly, living is possible even in a place where it couldn't be, and because of the smallest things: even a non-windy day can make a world of difference for a prisoner and give him the impression of good fortune, because a windy and rainy day is so much worse than ordinary rain. Prisoners steal from each other, as is the custom, but also interact and barter with one another, and sometimes even form what in another world would be a friendship.

The experience of reading this book is very intense, as Levi does not make excuses for either himself or his fellow prisoners and their behavior; he is not sentimental and self-pitying, and hides nothing. The memoir was first published in 1947, just two years after Auschwitz was liberated; his memory is still very fresh, and the images and events of Auschwitz are ingrained in his mind the number on his forearm. Because of this, If This is a Man Levi's testament of the Holocaust is very immediate, and reads as if the events described in it happened just yesterday - and with this immediacy is its power, resulting in one of the most powerful passages in all of literature.

Now everyone is busy scraping the bottom of his bowl with his spoon so as not to waste the last drops of the soup; a confused, metallic clatter, signifying the end of the day. Silence slowly prevails and then, from my bunk on the top row, I see and hear old Kuhn praying aloud, with his beret on his head, swaying backwards and forwards violently. Kuhn is thanking God because he has not been chosen.

Kuhn is out of his senses. Does he not see Beppo the Greek in the bunk next to him, Beppo who is twenty years old and is going to the gas chamber the day after tomorrow and knows it and lies there looking fixedly at the light without saying anything and without eve'n thinking any more? Can Kuhn fail to realize that next time it will be his turn? Does Kuhn not understand that what has happened today is an abomination, which no propitiatory prayer, no pardon, no expiation by the guilty, which nothing at all in the power of man can ever clean again? If I was God, I would spit at Kuhn's prayer.
memoirs non-fiction read-in-2016 ...more49 s Sepehr153 156

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???? ???? ? ??????46 s Melina61 64

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? Primo Levi ?????? ?? ??? ????????? ??? ??? ????????????? ???? ??????????, ??? ??? ????????? ??? ??? ??? ??????????? ????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???????????, ???? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? 1943 ????????? ?? ????? ??? ?????????????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ??? ?????????? ???????????? ??? ????????.

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‘’?????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ??, ?????? ??? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ???? ?????, ???? ?? ?? ????????? ??? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ???????? ?????? ??? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ??????? ??? ????????’’.

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??? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ??? 20?? ????? ??? ????? ??? ???????????? ?? ????????? ??? ?????.

‘’???? ?????, ???? ???????, ???? ????? ??? ?????, ???? ???????? ???? ????? ??????????? ????????. ????? ?????? ??? ????????? ????????, ?????? ??? ??????????? ??? ???????????? ? ????????? ??????, ??? ???, ??????????? ??? ???????? ??? ?????? ???. ??? ?? ?????????? ?
Autor del comentario: