
Mr. Benson de Preston, John

de Preston, John - Género: English
libro gratis Mr. Benson


Subtitle on cover: The complete novel

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UNF! Why has Mr. Benson been hiding from me all this time?

And here I go a little further down the rabbit hole…

Mr. Benson is iconic to the leather community. After reading it, it's clear several current BDSM writers have read this book. Some of my favorite reads had to have been at least partially influenced by it; so, it's worth the read just for the classic factor alone.

I can tell you this happened to me often whilst reading it.

Accompanied by…

Yap. Tis true. Needed some me time.

Mr. Benson played me a fiddle! Honestly, I couldn't have asked for anything more.

Age play
A bear

And the granddaddy of them all…

Fair warning: HEAVY on the watersports. I've gotten inured to it. The boys it and I the boys so… compromise. *shrug*

Mr. Benson is set pre-condom/AIDS era. I'm guessing it's lates 70s/early 80s because of the high prevalence of:

Tons of flannel, mustaches, Levis, burly "hunks" that are cops and construction workers even an Indian makes an appearance! Some of the lingo was priceless. Why are they all sweaty and hairy? Many of the happenings in Mr. Benson are not for the faint of heart. There are several instances that are reckless at best, however, let's be honest, a lot of this stuff still happens and the draw for both the reader as well as Jaime (our protag/slave) is the danger factor. The difference being this stuff is frowned upon in contemporary erotica in the PC era. Well, at least until the MCs have fallen in instalove and swapped tests.

There is nary a mention of contracts, hard limits, safe words, nothing, nada. That's not to say that Mr. Benson doesn't give Jaime opportunities to leave. He does. After their first encounter he tells him to decide if he really wants what Mr. Benson is offering and sends him on his way. Naturally, Jaime cannot stop thinking about him and even once he comes back, endures the "test", he's still given the first week as a trial period. Still, Mr. Benson undoubtedly would have extreme difficulty being published today.

Mr. Benson and Jaime's relationship is what drew me in. Jaime is obsessed with Mr. Benson. I found being inside Jaime's head fascinating. How he derives his self-worth in relation to not only Mr. Benson but by being viewed as desirable. How he defines himself as a slave and what all that entails. How afraid he is of failure and being left alone. Jamie tells the story of Mr. Benson aside from the epilogue and the way he sees and thinks about him is nothing short of god. He'll do anything for him, is lost without his guidance, spins out without him, desperate to find someone to fill that void, to complete him and take away the emptiness. Benson is harder to read but I saw glimpses of his true feelings for Jaime even prior to the epilogue.

Mr. Benson is just as much about the leather community as it is their relationship. The depiction of this early leather society is gritty and raw filled with hunters and prey, black knights and the suburbanite set from New Jersey who come into the big city to live out their fantasies and/or scratch an itch for a night. Backrooms, wharves, cruising, Crisco, amyl, anonymous sex, the game is hardcore and Jaime jumps in with both feet. Jaime makes so many decisions that are flat out reckless; he's lucky to have survived in all honesty.

As Jamie spirals through his self-flagellation he stumbles right into the secondary plot line which takes a hard left into some cheese filled 70s porn. Some of it is so nonsensical, so laughable… I have no words. Wait, no I have 4 words: beware of the kraut!

I laughed so hard at this line, I had to put it down. "Well, that's a relief," said Mr. Benson. "It would have killed me. I don't know if slavery's so bad," he repeated in his disbelieving low voice. "But Jersey City?"

It could've done with a final edit to clean up some typos and I'm waffling on the writing style. On the one hand it's told exclusively in a 25 year old's voice which seems authentic, but on the other hand it's choppy and unpolished. Either way the dialogue is oftentimes stilted or cheesy or hilarious, depending upon your perspective.

Mr. Benson entertained the hell out of me. It fascinated me, made me laugh, titillated me, educated me and most importantly it kept me engaged. I can't quite muster up 5 stars for it, but it's definitely in 4.5 star (rounded up) territory for me and I'll be reading more from this author.

In short/gif, Mr. Benson,

bdsm boys-who--boys branding ...more17 s Jason Bradley816 316

Mild Spoilers

While the over-all plot was a bit unrealistic, the Master/slave relationship portrayed, along with the other Dom and sub types shown in this novel, are very characteristic of the scene and the mentality of those involved. I felt a connection with Jamie, who tells the story, especially his feelings of loss and depression during the middle chapters when he feels he may have lost his master.

I also loved the Epilogue which shows some of the mushiness that lies beneath the toughness of a true Dom. :)

I recommend this book to anyone who has a piss fetish or wants to better understand a total power exchange or the underlying needs associated with the BDSM lifestyle. I also recommend this book to anyone who thinks rough sex is HOT!a-list bdsm favorites ...more16 s Kassa1,118 113

Mr. Benson is without question an iconic work of fiction. I’ve seen the book reviewed as a must have for anyone interested in BDSM and as the blurb mentions, has become a cultural symbol. The paperback is on many, many keeper shelves and remains a classic, much discussed story. What’s interesting is that Mr. Benson doesn’t actually try to be a story based in reality or a how to for BDSM fans. Instead the story delves into the ultimate fantasy and the psychological impact of heavy slavery and sadomasochism. The writing is raunchy, raw and delights in being stroke fiction while also offering a pretty cheesy and flat out bad mystery. Yet none of that matters for those that read this because the intimate look at the emotional, physical and mental desires of hard core BDSM participants remains fascinating. You don’t read this for a well crafted story per se – you read this for the glimpse into the heads of those who desire, crave, and fantasize about BDSM. Some may recognize their own desires within while others may understand the subculture better.

Jamie is a cute twink cruising gay bars looking for the perfect Master even though he doesn’t realize that’s what he’s after. He encounters the near silent Mr. Benson in a leather bar and goes back to his wealthy penthouse within minutes of meeting. Soon Jamie has pledged to be Mr. Benson’s slave and gives up his life entirely to be at the whim of his Master. What follows is Jamie’s sexual journey as a slave with a side trip into a bad mystery before a happy ending and tacked on epilogue. Of course Jamie wasn’t called a twink back then but he also makes some incredibly bad decisions that ly would have left him dead, maimed, or diseased if the setting was more modern. So right away the story is over the top in many ways and a fantasy. Frankly that works well since it’s trying to show a mentality and a culture more than anything else.

Jamie is the narrator as he describes his journey from hapless cruiser to well trained sex slave. His thoughts and observations are biased and focus more on the sexual aspects than the emotional. Jamie lives out his sexual fantasy in its entirety while indulging in just about every kink – water sports, fisting, branding, piercing, and masochism to name a few. Jamie also gives up his job, apartment, friends, family, and entire life to be submersed into the life of a 24/7 sex slave. This is part of Jamie’s ultimate fantasy and the narration luxuriates in such raw, brutal sex. Jamie is branded almost immediately and there is never a discussion of limits, desires, wants, or needs. There is only Mr. Benson and his immutable will. The lack of responsibility on Jamie’s side allows him to revel in his sexual fantasies. This delves into the mentality of a masochist and the more extreme desires and hidden longings.

Jamie is not perfect and questions, theorizes, and misinterprets a lot of what goes on. This is later contrasted beautifully in the epilogue written from Mr. Benson’s point of view where his mentality comes through strongly in mere pages. His strong desires and needs aren’t questioned and wondered, merely accepted point blank. He also explains the hard work and mindset of a sadist that is not out simply to use and abuse. The contrast is startling and a perfect ending to the book. The epilogue is especially nice since the last quarter of the book or so deals with the somewhat obvious and silly kidnapping mystery. This portion of the book is definitely not the highlight and thankfully by the time this aspect gets going, the strength of the writing, characters, and story are well defined.

Overall Mr. Benson delivers exactly what it is supposed to be – a tantalizing look at hard core BDSM participants that gets readers questioning, wondering, and squirming. Not all of the kinks are easy to read or imagine and the writing pulls no punches with the raw, blunt language. Some may find these aspects difficult to handle while others may be frustrated at the mystery portion, but most will be fascinated by the glimpse into the minds of Mr. Benson and Jamie. Even written over twenty five years ago, the themes, concepts, and portraits depicted have lasting impact. If you haven’t read this iconic work, you must.10 s Deanna244 2

I LOVED this book even though I agree with some of the other about the ending. It was so good that the ridiculous mystery part didn't really diminish the awesomeness of it.

It's not BDSM lite. Lots of pain, humiliation & water sports are involved.contemporary kinked m-m ...more6 s Danny TyranAuthor 21 books185

Mr. Benson is the first BDSM novel I read. And I read it several times since with renewed emotion. This book and his main characters became the symbol of the Leather Community.

Please find my complete review here: http://heartsonfire.com/?p=20101 bareback bdsm d-s ...more6 s James CoxAuthor 59 books309

A deeper look into the kinky side. I enjoyed it. 6 s A.B. GayleAuthor 17 books193

Okay, this book isn't perfect. I have yet to read one that is. There are a few typos, but not enough to detract from the overall effect, which is what I base my ratings on.

I'd heard so much about this cult classic, and the way it has been a forerunner for the genre, pre-empting many of the latter BDSM slave/master books. I didn't expect to find anything new, assuming most that have been written since to be derivatives of this.

And when I say I was surprised, I'm not talking here about the plot twist which the author used to make a couple of statements about different kinds of kink.

What I hadn't expected were two beautifully expressed aspects of the whole BDSM psychology.

Firstly from Jamie in that vivid scene where he goes back to the Mineshaft in his leathers and enters the room with the sling and just watches the men circling who want to be placed in it and the hawks against the wall: "Mr. Benson had taken away my pride, but then he had replaced it with a new kind - the pride of belonging.
But now I was the rest of them: in such great need that anyone who would pay attention would be the man for tonight. There was no emotional bond to be considered." This whole scene and the ones following it, resonated with me more than any others in the rest of the book. Not so much Jamie's involvement in them, but because of all the other people depicted. I could imagine the desperation and the boredom so easily. This disconnectedness and sheer want is very obvious to the onlooker, albeit on a less intense scale, at events the Mardi Gras party. There are a lot of lonely guys out there.

Then later, in the section from Mr Benson's POV, another epiphany came when he says:But no one ever writes about the cumulative effect of SM. How every time becomes another building block in your respect for a bottom...... Every time I'd present him with a test or an obstacle and he'd get through it, the emotion of my pride would build. It was the constant willingness on his part to work at being worthy of me that created the ever-increasing respect I had for him.The rest of the scenes in the book fell into line with others that have been written since, but for me, those two sections captured the essence of that need and what people really into BDSM get out of the experience.

For Jamie, it was having an emotional bond and belonging to not just any top, but to Mr. Benson and for Aristotle, it was having someone who trusted him enough to allow himself to be molded to what he wanted him to be.

I'm not saying other BDSM writers don't get this angle. Some do, brilliantly, but I did the way John Preston presented it all so simply.

The book is not for the squeamish, but after reading "Carried Away" by David Stein, short stories by Barry Lowe and true life accounts by Dirk Vanden, the more intense gritty scenes were not unexpected.

It's a shame the book isn't available as an ebook, and I do thank Kate for the gift.

bdsm first-person-pov glbt-romance5 s Josephine MylesAuthor 62 books645

A classic BDSM romance from the late 70s, this novel is every bit as powerful today, but definitely not a read for the squeamish.

Narrated by Jamie, now Mr Benson’s slave, it tells of their early history when cocky twenty-five year Jamie first approached Mr Benson in a leather bar. After a night together that tests Jamie’s limits, Mr Benson gives him a choice – to go away and think things through, but only to come back if he is willing to give himself over completely, abandoning everything from his previous life. As Jamie becomes the perfect submissive under Mr Benson’s training, rumours reach him of other young men himself going missing from the streets of New York, and Mr Benson is determined to solve the mystery.

If you’re expecting a BDSM romance along the same lines as the rather romantic offerings from m/m authors, then you’ll be in for a shock with this one. Jamie is most definitely a slave, eager to fulfil Mr Benson’s will, but still in need of plenty of discipline and training. This involves an awful lot of piss drinking. If that’s something you find repulsive to read about (along with licking toilet seats and boots), I would steer well clear of this novel. However, if you can tolerate (or even enjoy) reading about such activities, then there is much to recommend this story. I was captivated by Jamie’s narrative and his frank, if rather naive way of putting things. It was remarkably easy to understand what he was getting out of the relationship, despite his utter servitude. Indeed, I think the real strength of this novel isn’t in the more overtly sexual scenes (which are often underplayed), but in showing how Jamie and Mr Benson grow to depend on one another through their daily rituals.

The mystery plot was rather far-fetched but I was carried along by the momentum of the narrative and found it very hard to put the book down. And as far as I was concerned, the crowning glory was the short epilogue from Mr Benson himself, which threw a different cast over certain aspects of Jamie’s story, and revealed the true purpose of the gruesome nipple training he forced Jamie to undergo, which was far more romantic than I would have imagined. As Mr Benson himself confesses: “I’m man enough to admit that I love the little bastard.”

A powerful story and a true classic, recommended to anyone interested in the BDSM genre (provided they can cope with all the piss drinking!)bdsm erotica m-m ...more5 s Don195 26

So glad I soldiered on through the disgustingly detailed 'water sports' descriptions in this book. If you're a fan of such activities, rush out and buy it now. The rest of us will find enough other content to make for an excellent Master/slave read, despite them. There are some issues explored that lend insight to the psychological aspects of the slave and Master roles that I found quite interesting and hadn't read before. All is not just sleaze or clinical here, however. There is a decent plot, a good amount of steamy sex, some intrigue, pretty boys in peril and for those of you who insist on it, a HEA. This is one of the earliest books in the BDSM genre, some even consider it a classic, but it has only recently been released as an e-book, which is why I finally read it. I'm glad I did. bdsm4 s JustJen "Miss Conduct"2,287 151

Wow, fabulous master/slave story with more of a realistic feel. Told from Jaime's view as a cocky young hot guy who finds out how much he truly wants to submit to another and how Mr. Benson changes his life.

If you don't mind or can get past the heavier aspects, such as the piss drinking fetishes and fisting scenes, you will find a very well written story. I cannot always comprehend these types of relationships but they always fascinate me.

The clincher here was the epilogue given by Mr. Benson where he sort of gives his side of the story and how he saw things differently than Jaime. This book grabbed me right away, and I didn't want to put it down until I knew how things would end up. bdsm-d-s ebook mm5 s ClaireAuthor 25 books107

Made my sphincter contract and my eye balls pop. 5 s Sarah1,820 114

Mr Benson by John Preston was possibly one of the most challenging books I’ve read in a while, but the depth of feeling, trust and sense of belonging was so worth the ride. I have to agree with a comment made to me about the latter parts of the book, which did end up a little bit something out of Five Go Mad in Dorset. However, by the time I’d actually reached this point in the book I did not really give a rats as I was up at some ungodly hour reading it. I just wanted to see what happened. I think the final chapter was what really set me on my ear. Mr Benson is not BDSM lite, it is the full banana and then some. One of my top reads of the year. If you want to see an decent, in depth review, check out this one.
http://sharrow.wordpress.com/2009/09/...favorites glbt-fiction4 s Serena YatesAuthor 97 books770

This is not an easy book to read, as many reviewers have said before me. It's an honest look at the dynamics of a master/slave relationship, including the rough scenes, the fetishes, and the kink. The book lacks much of the "mushiness" of the more idolized master/slave stories written over the last few years, but it's not a "cruel" portrayal of just the "roughness".

I think it's a fascinating look at power exchange and the psychology behind it. Most of the story is told by Jamie's (the slave), but what really makes this book stand out for me is the epilogue. It's written from the point of view of the master (Mr. Benson) and illuminates many of his actions, giving them a meaning and interpretation you would have never suspected from reading Jamie's account.

gay4 s Kay Sachse207 6

I thought that it might be interesting to read a novel about a SM-relationship but I got the idea that I ended up reading something about a SM phantasy with a lot of sex in all kinds of environments: gang bangs, sex in a hotel, even a real slave market. Well, that might be entertaining and thrilling for some, but I was so curious about the emotional entanglement between two men who are involved with one another. But unfortunately except for a lot of sex I didn't get a convincing answer to that. Conclusion: to much phantasy about SM sex, to little real life ebooks schwulenromane4 s Sara 1,510 154 Read

I skimmed most of this after about 25% when the mystery came into play, so I won't rate it and it's going on my "yolo" shelf.

I bought this over a year ago. I should know by now, buying books that aren't the norm for me and are $9.99 is a clear sign it will not be a book I enjoy. I will try to to rant too bad.

This was bizarre. I've read a lot of BDSM and I love a good Master/slave story but this, told from the POV of Jamie, the new slave of Mr. Benson... was not something I loved. First, there was way too much piss being drunk, toilets being cleaned with tongues, the mention of cheese on dicks wanting to be licked off, sucking of dirty feet... and that was just in the first chapter! My germophobia and OCD was in overdrive with this and my gag reflex was tested so much I started to skim.

This was me through the whole book....

Jamie is a crap story teller. I never felt they why of anything he did and even his submission left me with a WTF feeling. I love a good slave or submissive story where we get in the head of the sub as they get into their role and float away into subspace. For me, with Jamie, that never happened. I never got him. He felt a whiny boy to me and he was boring and his favorite drink of daily urine, again, was disgusting to me but to each their own.

The best part about this book happens at 92% when we get Mr. Aristotle Benson's POV. Now THAT man can tell a story and I bought it. I felt what he felt when he first saw Jamie at the bar, when he took him home for the first time, how proud he was of his ability to learn and submit so quickly and his decision to bond with Jamie at the end. It was so well written and I wish the book had been from his POV the entire time or maybe a dual POV because Jamie, told the story shit.

But hey, at least I know now when I read "He was looking for Mr. Benson", what it means. I get the attraction to Mr. Benson, I just don't want to drink from his fountain. bdsm boys-who-love-boys but-not-for-me ...more3 s NanaAuthor 9 books16

When I think of SM, I tend to think about Patrick Califia and his work, Hard Men, because it was his writing, fictions and theories on SM and all, that had changed my views on SM and allowed me to peek into the psychology behind it all. Now I will think about Mr Benson as well. I was already familiar with the leather culture before I read this book so nothing here, piss drinking and all, surprised or shocked me. What the book offered was however an insight, an insight into which why men would allow themselves to be treated as a toilet. Before reading this book, I thought it was all about humiliation, but the book made me realize there could be more than just humiliation at work here. It was also about worshipping each and every part of the Master’s body. Piss drinking becomes an act of love in the slave’s eyes, and ah wow I bought that! It was no different from sucking the Master’s toes or adoring his symbol of manhood.

In terms of being sexy, no that wasn’t how I would describe this book. But it made a fascinating read in terms of what was going on the characters’ mind while participating in no nonsense Master/slave relationship. Even the cheesy kidnapping storyline, which should have made me wince with embarrassment and exclaim with disbelief ‘What?’, gave an opportunity to look more into the mind of the slave. Jamie’s despair was so deliciously written that I forgave the storyline that gave a surreal (and not in a good way) feel to the book. And the epilogue, well I loved it, because I always wonder what is going on inside the mind of the Master. It’s easier to write the slave’s perspective and leave the Master’s out, and many BDSM books do just that. Mr Benson’s perspective brought a smile on my lips and gave a perfect ending for this classic SM story.
bdsm classic slave3 s Kynthos-the-Archer (Kyn)683 385 Shelved as 'tbr2_read-now_tip-top-pile'

Bought from Kobobooks.com @ USD5.29 after 50% discount coupon on 15-Nov-2013 (Original price before discount is USD10.59)

Found an ebook version available on Kobobooks - http://www.kobobooks.com/ebook/Mr-Ben...

There's a paperback on Bookdepository too at a slightly more expensive price.

Ebook should be better I think. Since it would be more discreet when I am reading it.

Want to know what you will be getting into first before purchasing the book? Here's some preview pages for your reading pleasure - http://books.google.com.my/books?id=F...

bdsm dominance-submission gay_mm ...more3 s Clerah93 4

One of the more "hard-core" book that I've read. A look into the mind of a slave, Jamie, as he discovers his own desires and the dynamics of an S/M relationship.

By far the epilogue was my favorite part of the book, so don't skip that part :) It's about the only time that you get to see into the mind of Mr Benson, and the reason behind what and why he does the things he does to Jamie, which in some way are different than how Jamie "saw" or "received" them. _own bdsm m-m ...more3 s Lisa2,991 118

Wow, what a book. Told from the slaves POV with the exception if the epilogue, this is the story of slave Jamie and his master Mr Benson.
Brutal in places, lots of humiliation and golden showers this is a really good book which kept me reading into the early hours.
Only thing that counts against it is the high cost of the book, $9.99, which is alot for a 221 page book.m-m yy2015-spellapalooza-challenge z2015-battle-of-the-books ...more3 s R165 1 follower

It's been 14 years since I read the Bad Boys edition of this book, and I vividly recall LOVING it. It was one of the first gay books that I recall discussing with friends. Highly recommend to those interested in BDSM.erotica gay3 s Amber1,294 34

most people have said this is a more hardcore book to read, and covers alot of different kinks. Golden showers, partner sharing, humulation, whips, flogger, all sorts of toys, fisting, non-consent, age play, and more. It also does it with a lack of safewords, contracts, and most of the trappings found in most books these days. Told from Jamie's POV was get a lot of insights into what he goes through to become Mr Benson's slave. It is very well written taping into alot of Jamie's feelings and thoughts about what is happening to him as he goes through his trial to become a slave and training afterwards.

Towards the end Jamie gets some time away from Mr. Benson and it is interesting to see the contrasts of different Doms and their kinks when held up against Mr. Benson and his type D/s. The plot line does head into the absurd but because of the writing style and since it was fairly short it was forgivable for me.

many others I found the ending the best. Mr. Benson never struck me as an affection Dom in Jamie's narrative yet the ending helped to explain some things. It made a very interesting counterpoint to Jamie's tale to see what Mr. Benson POV was. This was a great book, very well written.genre-m-m-bdsm-kink2 s Chelsea904 7

This book was the ultimate in BDSM novels. There was so much I enjoyed about this book, I loved how the BDSM had no frilly edges, it was hard and dirty (no need to go into details as every other review has it covered), this was a full-on full time master/slave relationship and it didn't make it look particularly easy.

The story telling was wonderful I loved the retrospective first person POV, it gave hints as what was to come without giving anything away.

I found this was a love story although given the nature of their relationship, that love is expressed in unconventional ways. But I found it kind of sweet in its own way, the epilogue helped alot with that, which I absolutely loved that that was in the book!!!

Also the story took a turn I didn't really see coming because I knew nothing about the basic plot when starting this book, and that was the whole missing boys story.

This book definitly had some hard scenes to read, mainly when jamie went out on his own, but the crux of the story, Mr Benson and Jamie's relationship was a great exciting read.age-gap-significant bdsm-kinky-shit dub-con-non-con ...more2 s Carolyn329 2

I just started the book last night. It is a very intense book. Seems to cover a lot of kink. Oh I don't know if I will be able to finish this book. Mr Benson is really into the slave life style. He totally treats his boy as a slave. I really my Masters to have some romance in them at some time. I will continue to read to see if there is any. Right now the slave is not allowed on any furniture in the house. He must keep his cock covered at all times because Mr. Benson does not see the need for his cock. It is just something that get in his way.

Well I did continue reading the book and I fell in love with it. It had everything I love about Masters and slaves. I don't know who I more the Master or the slave. I think I just love the slaves. They are always so strong. I love the relationship between Master and slave. bdsm m-m-romance sm-extream-m-m2 s Soami42 1 followerWant to read

A bit of history from teddypig.com

"John Preston originally wrote Mr. Benson as a short story, a small run through of what it would later become. The editors at Drummer Magazine were so impressed with the writing that they sent it back and requested that the story be rewritten into a novel for serialization. This novel was then run with its first chapter appearing in issue 29 in 1979 till the final chapter was published in issue 38 in 1980. I myself only have issues 35 through 38 of those. Mr. Benson became an eagerly awaited almost mythic tale and Drummer became the magazine to read for most Gay men. Soon t-shirts would appear with the words Looking For Mr. Benson across the chest and for the really daring and together Leather Tops they added a question mark to the end."print-only2 s Sue bowdley1,446

I was out onto this author by a fb friend (thanks Will) he was looking for a book and it was by this author....I knew of the book from years back and more recently a certain porn star did something based on this.....I love bdsm and i love deeper bdsm...this was deep....Jamie and his Master...Mr Benson is a deep dark read....What Jamie goes through with his master would be hard for some people to read but he really loved what happened to him.....mostly....Some parts were hard to read....when his master made him leave for a few days that was a few hard chapters to read.....It has been written really well and i will be definitely reading some more from this author......A pity there won't be any new ones but still this one will be going in my favourites xbdsm dark-read favourites ...more2 s Lumina341 1 follower

I probably wouldn't have picked this titel up at all if it wasn't for a paperback in a box with second hand mm-books I got some time ago. And this after I've been looking for a book with total power exchange...

The watersports (lol Chelsea) almost had me put the book away. That was a close call but I'm glad I continued, because it turned out to be awesome.

Jamie's little adventure with the mafia boss had me laugh out loud, not so much of the care he got as it was him getting it.

I can't honestly recommend this to anyone, unless you know what you're getting into. This is dirty but warm and fluffy at the same time. If that is even possible.bdsm-kinks crime-mystery mm-romance2 s J.L. MerrowAuthor 144 books1,294

As other reviewers have made clear, this isn't for the faint-hearted. If you're squicked by piss-drinking, best to steer clear - at one point there was so much of it I started to wonder just what it might be doing to the narrator's kidneys!
It's basically a mix of BDSM bildungsroman and romantic comedy, with the first half being more the former, and the second half more the latter. Jamie goes from dissatisfied clone at the start, to the perfect bottom boy at the end, happy in his devotion to his master. I found it a quick, compelling read, and would definitely recommend it.2 s Kris354 34

A fascinating insight into the late 1970s/early 1980s world of part of the gay BDSM community. This will not be a novel for everyone because it is quite hardcore and therefore confronting in places, but at the same time it is a very compelling exploration of one young man's education and experience in submission. I think one of the things I most enjoyed about it was the epilogue which gave you a brief glimpse into Mr Benson's POV. All in all an interesting read, despite the rather odd mystery sub-plot.2 s Stephen8

Meh. The Master/slave dynamic is presented with authenticity which I appreciate greatly. The sex scenes are also pretty horny and enjoyable. The part I couldn't get with is the annoying and pointless murder/kidnap mystery that is far fetched and feels it's shoehorned in just to give the characters something to do. I also gagged in disgust when Mr Benson got 'hitched' to Jaime by piercing his nipple with diamond studded bar. Kudos though for a nice epilogue from the pov of Mr Benson and for a realistic snapshot into the mind of a new slave. This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.Show full review2 s Shannon2,163 40

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