
En costas extranas de Powers, Tim

de Powers, Tim - Género: Ficcion
libro gratis En costas extranas


Powers, Tim Year: 2009

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THE SHANDY METHOD* Become the YOU you've always wanted to be in just 6 short months!!!
You want to work MAGIC? ... You can do it!
You want to become a MASTER SWORDSMAN? ... You can do it!
You want to CAPTAIN your own ship? ... You can do it! You want to be a MASTER OF SEAMANSHIP? ... You can do it!
You want to cook Bouillabaisse a FIVE STAR CHEF? ... You can do it! Just follow Jack Shandy's patented TEN STEP PIRATE PROGRAM
and you too can be a master of your own destiny.

Act now and you will learn--STEP ONE: How to kill everyone who offends your sensibilities!


STEP TWO: How to change your unpronounceable name to something catchy!


STEP THREE: How to drink your face off for three months and turn it into training!


STEP FOUR: How to always keep hoping!


STEP FIVE: How to selfishly use all those around you!

STEPS SIX through TEN are only available through our special, limited time offer.

FREE PAMPHLET!!!Order today and receive your introduction to the "The Shandy Method" absolutely free! Just send your $5.00 dollar cheque or money order for shipping and handling, and you will be the Pirate you've always wanted to be.

Chandagnac Enterprises
3 Hillside Ave.
Summerside, PE
C1N-4H3*obligatory disclaimer: the jack shandy method only works if you have spent your life as a professional puppeteer. any failure to approach this method without the proper life experience is the sole responsibility of the customer, and Chandagnac Enterprises cannot be held responsible for any side effects suffered by aforementioned customer. side effects may include loss of appetite, ghostly possession, alcoholism, dismemberment, incarceration or loss of life.adventure cinematic doing-the-dishes ...more99 s1 comment mark monday1,747 5,545

On the menu tonight: ON STRANGER TIDES

Amuse Bouche
This treasured bit of savory Pirate en Papillote will tantalize your taste buds: a choice cut of ole pirate lore and Caribbean history, spiced with traditional Creole seasonings, and glazed with a stringent sea salt reduction to further whet the appetite. Ahoy, diners, prepare yourself for a repast that is simultaneously light and fulfilling!

A tossed salad of varied delights: for the historian, we include historical greens as served during the actual time period on display – vignettes that are easily verified by a cursory search on Wikipedia; for the robust straight male, a hearty helping of derring-do, swordplay, vengeance, machismo, and chivalry; for those of the more faggy persuasion, we offer constant shirtlessness and the promise of much nocturnal shipmate “camaraderie”. Unfortunately for the gentler sex, this multi-course meal does not include the usual sampling of kick-ass female pirate; although this flavor is present (sparingly), we instead offer a blander side of helpless Rescue-Me-Please. Our regrets to our lady diners.

Although the classic pirate bouillabaisse is often over-spiced to confusion, our delightful offering has been stripped down to allow the diner to discerningly inspect and consume the essence of each ingredient: the pure hero - a straightforward poached scallop; the pure heroine - a handful of simple white rice; the spicy villains - a vivid combination of Haitian crawfish, robust Andouille sausage, and most surprisingly, the traditionally bland English haddock, which we have flash-fried with – some may say – “sorcerous” spices, hitherto untasted by English gentry. Prepare your senses to be born again, and again, as each spoonful allows the diner to imagine how they may return to taste and re-taste this classic dish. Some have said that this meal inspires the rare individual to attempt to conquer Death, if only to return to this meal, forever and again. On this topic, our lips are sealed and our flavor profiles shall remain sacrosanct!

For our last dish, we offer you this stunning and dramatic plate: a half-mad English sorcerer, reliving his days as a happily married man, furiously fucking the sand as he once again fulfills his wedding night duties, as all around him turn aside, aghast!

Wine Pairing
The vintage “Tim Powers” is a truly unique palate cleanser: it takes traditional historical figures and places them within the realm of the supernatural, all the while remaining true to their documented history. This fine wine takes the known and boldly combines it with the unknown: a marvelous feat!fantasy-60s-70s-80s into-the-past rain-man-79 s Overhaul389 1,060

"Las almas sin amarras viajarán a la deriva, hacia costas más extrañas que las que el hombre conoce, impulsadas por vientos que no agitarían ni un cabello"

"En Costas Extrañas" no tiene casi nada que ver con la cuarta película de, Piratas del Caribe, solo sirvió de inspiración. Y menos mal, porque a mi no me gustó la película. Este es un libro de fantasía con elementos piratas.

Pues ojo al parche, estoy muy satisfecho con esta lectura, buscaba algo de piratas para leer, y no me ha decepcionado, de hecho estoy contento ya que temía que tratase muy poco el tema de piratas, barcos, navegación, abordajes y todo tipo de batallas y la historia fuera a tirar más por otros cauces, pero no, tiene todas esas cosas con unas descripciones muy buenas aportándole al libro una ambientación en la mar muy lograda usando varios términos propios del momento en lo referente a la navegación, siguiendo la vida y costumbres de los piratas, y las ambientaciones en tierra firme que puedo decir,
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