
The Right Kind of Wrong de PJ Trebelhorn

de PJ Trebelhorn - Género: English
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kind of wrong?

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Fun,thoroughly entertaining and a very beautiful well written book..so many things stand out in this wonderful book,the character development is brilliant and complex,nice depth and pacing to the story plus the dialogue was often hilarious and had moments of seriousness. The author not only wrote about the most amazing chemistry driven and delightful friendship/relationship story which included both main and family characters that i have read so far. Its the uncertainties,contradictions,charm,flirty,fun,yet guarded and being sensitive that shines through is what makes each character okay and follow. This is also an engaging tale about the dynamics that exist between siblings when fears of homophobia arises with an awesome ending. Highly recommend to everyone!96 s Lex Kent1,683 9,284

I must be honest and say, I'm a little shocked how much I d this book. Over the years I have collected a few of Trebelhorn's books. The burbs have always attracted me, but I always put off reading her, for something else. If this book is any indication of what I can expect from her books, I can't wait to read the others.

This book is about Quinn and Grace, best friends for over 20 years. Quinn asked Grace out when they first met, but Grace needed a friend more than a lover, so they fell easily into best friend status. After being badly burned by an ex, Quinn has turned into a bit of a player, picking up younger girls at the bar she works. Grace, on the other hand, is in a relationship with a surgeon. When Grace tells Quinn she might move away with her girlfriend, both women start to wonder if they have more than just friendly feelings for each other. Do they have a chance at a relationship, or is it too late for them?

This is the quintessential best friends should be lovers story. It is obvious to us as a reader, and every secondary character in this book, that Quinn and Grace, should be together. The only two who can't see it, is them, and it made me frustrated to say the least. It is one of the reasons I'm so surprised how much I d this book. It was filled with frustration and angst, the kind that can drive me nuts. Half of it was missed communication, the other was characters thinking with their head, not their hearts. I wanted to yell at the characters more than once, but I ate up every page of this story anyway. It's so un me to this kind of unnecessary angsty story, but Trebelhorn's writing just drew me in.

The characters are wonderful. Even the secondary characters where well written and added to the story. I loved Grace. In fact I have a character crush on her. The chemistry and connection was so well written, that I was just begging them to come to their senses.

I absolutely recommend this to romance fans. Yes, parts will drive you nuts. But it is so well written, with such great characters, that you can't help but really this book. This was a wonderful surprise, and I can't wait to read more by Trebelhorn.

An ARC was given to me by Bold Strokes Books, for a honest review.f-f-bsb-romance31 s Tiff385 220

A lot of times if the romance genre we see a lot of the same plot devices recycled. You've read the I'm in love with my best friend but won't/can't tell her many, many times. When done really well this plot tends to deliver a lot of glorious angst, which I am a huge fan of. The Right Kind of Wrong by P.J. Trebelhorn falls somewhere in the middle. Not a fantastic book, but not terrible either.

Quinn Burke is a forty-something bartender who runs through college co-eds water. Having had her heart-broke not that long ago, Quinn has turned to one night stands to keep things emotionally easy. The only problem with that is she has long harbored romantic feelings for her bestie for about twenty years.

Grace Everett, a small bookstore owner adores Quinn. When Quinn asked her out years ago she told her she needed a friend more than a lover. Over the years, it always seemed as they were never single at the same time. So when attraction popped up, she would squash it down because their friendship is so precious. When Quinn's mom has a heart attack, that becomes the catalyst for Grace to finally admit to Quinn her feelings.

So much missed communication ensues, so much repressed emotion, and what was surprising to me is normally I all of that. This story, however, was lacking, I struggled to keep going. It's not overly complicated, it's just kind of flat. The angst is there but didn't really move me. All the side character drama felt filler and didn't help the story at all, it was more distracting than anything. Towards the end you feel your reading the same chapters over and over, characters having the same conversations yet again. By the end, I was glad to see the two mains get together so I could move on.

2.75 stars3-stars can-t-commit-commitment-issues can-t-communicate-worth-a-damn ...more18 s Harrow316 38

I think I might have already found the one, and I’ve just been too stupid to realize it.

Quinn and Grace have been best friends for 20 years. They finish each others sentences, love to hold hands, have dream about being intimate with other, typical best friends, you know. When they first met Quinn asked Grace out who declined and asked to be friends. Whenever Grace is in a serious relationship Quinn's romantic feelings for her return, only this time they are not going away and Grace might be feeling the same way. Both their families and friends keep telling them they should be together. I wanted to smack Quinn for saying 'it's wrong' over and over again. It's not you are related to her. That part felt completely unnecessary to me and once they slept together the book the drags on and on. I d the Burke women except Beth, she can choke. Callie was a fun character, might read her book. best-friends-to-lovers sapphic14 s Leah446 198

2.5 rounded up to be generous. I read the authors last book a while ago. I didn’t enjoy that one too much and was told this one was a lot better. I guess I can say this author just isn’t for me because I didn’t enjoy this one a whole lot either.
It’s too repetitive with both mains going on and on about how they can’t get involved with the other. Grace and Quinn don’t have distinct voices either. Because of how often the pov changes I would sometimes have to reread sentences/ paragraphs to figure out which was which. friends-to-lovers over-4014 s Les Rêveur461 140

It took a while for me to settle into this book. When I finally got about 20% of the way in, I really started to enjoy the story. Quinn has had her heart broken in the past and to avoid it happening again decides to enjoy life as a player. She’s always had feelings for her best friend Grace but when they met they decided to be friends and Quinn will always honor that commitment. Grace however is only now realizing 20 years later that she has maybe had feelings for Quinn all along… but can she take a chance on them loosing their very close friendship?

The love story between these two characters is well formed and you can understand their feelings for one another as well as knowing the inner turmoil of potentially loosing your best friend. I really enjoyed Grace’s character more than I thought I would. She’s decisive, knows what she wants and when she realizes that what she really wants is Quinn she goes after her. Plus, she owns a book store and is hot… who wouldn’t marry her.

The angst in this book that Quinn creates drove me crazy… but in a good way. I’m not always a fan of too much character angst but I actually enjoyed it in this instance because you can understand Quinn’s inner turmoil and I could empathize more than a few times with her thoughts regarding grace.

The sex scenes were enjoyable and had more chemistry than I thought there would be between the characters and the moments just prior created much sexual tension for both characters that you could almost feel.

The secondary characters in the story really made me laugh a few times. One scene in particular I enjoyed was when Quinn’s sisters go out for dinner with Quinn and Grace and Grace sets the homophobic sister in the family straight. Look out for it because I actually wanted to high five her afterwards.

All in all I went from not being sure of this book to loving it by the end.

4 stars
4-stars based-in-america best-friend ...more12 s Danni Mladenovic233 30

*The copy provided by NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books Inc. in exchange for an honest review.*

Quinn and Grace have been friends for two decades and they literally know what each other thinks in every moment. What they don't know, or at least they pretend not to know, is that they are deeply in love with each other. So, once you realize the truth , it's not hard to admit your feelings to the person you're in love with... Or is it? What is it you've got to lose? Just your best friend, it things don't work...
This is the plot this book revolves around. I was actually surprised with how good Grace character is. I really d her. This book is a quite nice read, it has its fluidity and it's very easy to go through it. Of course, there are moments that drive you nuts, while Quinn and Grace are playing cat and mouse, and you just want to smack them upside the head to knock some sense into them, but overall it was a very nice evening read.9 s Linda751 99

Was a fun and entertaining read with a dash of angst (it’s no fun if there aren’t any angst right
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