
Lovers to Die For: An Island Cozy Mystery (A Island Cozy Mystery Book Series 3) de Peyton Stone

de Peyton Stone - Género: English
libro gratis Lovers to Die For: An Island Cozy Mystery (A Island Cozy Mystery Book Series 3)


Peyton Stone Publisher: Authors Writes, LLC, Year: 2024

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Even though I was given Lovers To Die For for free, to help do the final proofreading, I will give an honest review. Let’s face it, any reader takes a chance that they might not a book when they pick it up. An honest review is the only hope that they have that they aren’t going to waste time and money on their next book.

I loved this book. Lola is the main character. She owns a successful antique store and has a great group of friends: Andie, Lucy, Cristina, Brandon, Frank, and Charles. All the friends in the group stick together, especially now with the escalating number of bodies in town as things get down-right scary!

The backstory tying everything together comes through as flashbacks Lola has at different points in the main storyline. Lola, I have seen situations when people have had to deal with partners whose dark side only showed up after they got together..

Lola also has a pretty cat named Jade. Lola finds Jade’s company quite soothing, especially when she is uneasy or afraid or when her fiancé Marco isn’t close by and another body is found.

Spoiler alert , Peyton Stone’s books don’t have a lot of spelling and grammar errors. In fact there were none. Well, they spoil my reading anyway !

Finally, I have to avoid giving the plot away.

That’s the reason you need to read « Lovers To Die For ». It’s a really enjoyable book. But I can’t tell you why. It’s your job to unravel the mystery.1 Jane litherland2,120 34

I love everything Peyton Stone has written and the Jaramillo Island Mystery series of which we now have three are superbly entertaining. Lola Hutchinson , an antique shop owner with a sassy telepathic green eyed comfort cat called Jade is the Island’s sleuth extraordinaire . Her fiancé is a retired police officer who is now a consultant.It’s a striking similarity between her and the victims that has Marco in a tizzy and not just because of her initials…. Brandon is in a flap and in his exuberant over the top way announces a frenzy…The island is overrun with tourists of a sudden and it soon becomes apparent why when rumours hit the store that sensational pop act Cipher the masked singer is to play a concert in a big identity homecoming reveal show. So now not only do they have a puzzle to solve but resolved to deal with Cipher worshippers looking for memorabilia in the shop too. Jade of course isn’t happy about them traipsing through her domain.. Christina, Charles and Lola set to decipher clues to the identity of the masked singer… Lucy and Brandon have grown closer of late and Lucy seeks Lola’s advice about her date. Lucy , Christina, Frank , Andie , Richard , Lola and Marco are concert bound as Christina has acquired VIP media entrance tickets , how lucky it is to have good friends who can score you front row passes to history in the making events. But what of the killer? Deciphering psychopath’s clues wasn’t high priority amidst her wedding planning but paying particular attention to the bond her and Jade have may just be her best attribute yet….Brilliant writing , exquisite storytelling, characters sing familiarity they’re so realistic and each one with their own traits and relatable qualities. The descriptors are superb and Jade’s off the cuff comments whether it be her sass remarks or cryptic clues are genius. The weave of the mystery is tension building and fun. I was forwarded this book and I’m leaving my review voluntarily in my own musings Melanie Stewart255 6 Read

I'm going to start at the end and fall back. The end threw me completely. We know something sinister is coming but something special must be too. The get answers for what comes next we will have to come back later. For now, let's talk about this book. This was another solid installment in the island series with a little extra drama from the zanier of Lola's employee. We have a strong cast of characters with friendships that have stood that test of time or have stood the test of Lola's constantly landing in the middle of something.

In this case, the island's population has exploded amping up the drama when the first body drops. All the extra tourists are in town to see Cipher, a masked musician. One of those people in town plan to pay homage to him in the bloodiest of ways drawing first Marco and then Lola and the others into the case. It becomes clear pretty quickly that Lola is in trouble, he initials LH are a major clue. She would probably not survive the trouble were it not for Jade. I love my dog but if we could communicate Lola and Jade, that would be unreal. The author does a nice job of filling their conversations with a bit of snark and a lot of caring. She is the star of the show and more capable than a cat should be, I hope she did not use up one of her nine lives.

The mystery was just twisted enough to keep me reading. The killer would use song lyrics to convey his obsession with our mysterious musician. Speaking of the reveal, I thought we could have added a touch more drama to that but he had been overshadowed by the fan.

I said at the beginning, the biggest twists seem to be coming in the next book. Will we get love or only darkness, I for one an anxious to find out what happens next.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Alisa2

Good story! 4 1/2 stars

I very much enjoyed this book. I've not read the first 2 books, but I was able to get involved and read this without any problems.

Lola Hutchinson owns an antique store on a lovely island. She has several employees, some really good friends, a handsome and wonderful fiance (a retired detective who now works with her at the antique store), and a cat with whom she can communicate telepathically and has a very strong bond, though who can be a bit cryptic in her communication.

There is a lot we learn about Lola's past life when she was away from the island, which I suspect is not all part of earlier books. It is all integral to this book.

A famous masked singer comes to town, bringing HUGE numbers of tourists to the island. Meanwhile, someone starts murdering people who have the same initials as Lola. Can she help find the person doing this?

There are a number of suspects, and I did not figure out the murderer until they were revealed.

I thought that the characters were wonderful. While I suspect reading the earlier books would give much more background about them (incidents I suspect are from earlier books are mentioned), they are well defined in this book. The setting is lovely, with a compelling story and mystery, all wound up with antiques and friendships.

There were a few editing issues, including some changes in tense and inconsistencies in the way used to distinguish telepathic conversations with Jade and texts Lola is sending and getting. Not too bad, though.

We are left with new questions that I suspect will be answered in the next book - looking forward to it and seeing more of all these characters!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Kay Cobbold85

I enjoyed reacquainting myself with Lola, Jade, Marco and the other familiar characters. Once again, Lola finds herself being drawn into a murder investigation and, again, it is personal. When women are killed who look Lola and who have the same initials, then there has to be a connection. Marco, Lola’s fiance, is, reluctantly, called into help with the enquiry, even though he has retired from detective work. At the time of the murders, there are lots of strangers on the island as mega star, Cipher, is performing a gig there. The murderer could be anyone. I guessed the identity of Cypher, but didn’t guess who the murderer was until Peyton Stone revealed it. As always, the plot is fast moving and pulls the reader along with it. Peyton Stone’s characters are well defined. She understands the importance of different kinds of relationships making her characters realistic and believable. I love the relationship between Lola and Jade, her cat, who, this time, was full of relevant, albeit cryptic information. The epilogue shows us Lola in her wedding dress, but the final word goes to Jade as she reveals to us a secret about Lola, setting us up, perfectly, for the next instalment. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Merry Chapman1,813 16

This is the third book in the To Die For series and it is a fantastic addition to the series! Once you begin this book you are drawn into a page turning frenzy. Lola Hutchinson, is the owner of the local antique shop on the beautiful, island of Jaramillo Island with her fiance, retired detective and consultant, Marco and her cat, Jade who she communicates with and helps in investigations. This time, a serial killer is on the loose killing girls that look a lot Lola with notes pinned to them with strange and cryptic clues. Will Lola, Marco, Jade and her friends be able to catch a killer before Lola becomes a victim? And now a famous masked entertainer and tourists are flooding the island. Only Lola can decipher the clues as they are bringing up things from her past. What a great and surprising ending. I can't wait to see what Lola, Marco, Jade and the rest of the subordinate characters from Lola's shop get into next. This is an edge of your seat read that keeps you entertained until the end. I received an ARC of this book but the opinions expressed here are strictly my own.my-books Kat Taylor1,665 19

A Cozy paranormal mystery murder that will capture your heart through the ongoing tale of Jade , Lola , Marco and their tight circle of friends .The array of familiar vibrant, colorful and quirky characters are back once again keeping each other safe in their journey to find answers to a murderess mystery drawing you into their dramatic lives and of course since this is a mystery you will find a deadly schemer hidden within. Although it may be the array of characters that draw you in it is a plot full of intrigue, of binding friendship ,lies, betrayal, love, unknown magic and murder that will have you captivated as well as entranced turning exciting page after intriguing page unable to put it down. As for myself once I started reading this fabulously written para mystery cozy time surrounding me became unnoticed with its passage until I reached the unexpected and climatic conclusion. Acquire " Lovers To Die For " today for hours of magical, intriguing and enjoyable entertainment in the third book of ( An Island Cozy Mystery ) .Kat

characters Teresa Collins892 14

A captivating and engrossing cozy mystery with a little more depth than most. (Not that that's meant as a criticism of other cozies. It's one of my favorites. It's just that this particular story is a little deeper and a touch darker than what is usually on offer.) I was worried that I would be lost and confused since I was starting the series with Book 3, but Ms. Stone created each part of the series to be read as a stand-alone. There are allusions to things that have occurred in past books, but more to provide a good foundation for the relationships and events occurring in the current installment. I loved all of the characters here that I was supposed to. And while I had figured out who the mystery singer was, the serial killer's identity came out of left field. I can't wait to catch up on the stories I've missed and make sure I don't miss any new ones. I highly recommend this series.

I received a review copy from the author via BookSirens and this review is my honest opinion. Debra A1 review

This book was a fascinating read, with several fascinating characters - Lola, an antique shop owner with her cat Jade and Lola's fiance, Marco who is a retired police detective on the island. It all starts out simple enough, the island will be holding a special concert and the community becomes overly crowded with concert goers. Lola starts having flashbacks to the time just before she came to the island, and people start showing up dead. Marco is pulled back into service to help uncover the killer, but partly also as the dead women seem to resemble Lola, and have the same initials as her. Can they uncover the killer before something happens to Lola? Do her flashbacks have something to do with the deaths? This was a read that had me on the edge until the very end, didn't want to put the book away. Suspenseful with a surprising end! Chloe LaBrune10

Peyton Stone has done it again! This third installment of the "To Die For" island mystery series is even better than the previous two books! I have loved watching Lola and Marco's relationship grow even in the midst of murder and mayhem.
Lola is planning for a calm year and to marry her beloved when a body is found that looks strikingly similar to herself. Strange notes are left on the body, a crowd of people hides a killer, and Lola is once more caught in the center of a life-and-death struggle to discover the truth. With touches of thriller intermingled with classic cozy, Lovers To Die For is a new favorite cozy mystery of mine!

I received an ARC and leave this review voluntarily.
animal-companion cozy-mystery island-mystery ...more Mary Ryan927 20

I really enjoyed this.I hadn't read the previous books in this series but it didn't make much difference and I was acquainted with the characters in no time. The island is hosting a concert by a masked singer called Cipher and this draws legions of fans to the area, and also a killer as a few women are murdered. All bear a striking resemblance to the main character here, Lola, as well as having the same initials LH as her.

I enjoyed the various red herrings and the unmasking of who Cipher was, was tense. A nice ending to the story tied things off nicely. I will definitely read more in the series.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. J Young1,923 10

The man in the mask.

Cipher concert attendees are flooding Jaramillo Island. A body is discovered while the police are already engaged in crowd control. The Chief has asked for Marco's assistance in the investigation. Marco's interest in only working at the antique shop with Lola wavers after he sees a picture of the victim. There are too many coincidences and Marco does not believe in coincidences.

This series is shaping up to be really good. Despite a few predictable moments, the mystery is solid and features compelling characters and a dash of romance. I received a free copy but my review is honest and voluntary.
Terri418 5

On the little island of Jaramillo, a string of murders seems to hit a little too close to home and Lola can’t help but feel that they are somehow connected to her. How they could possibly be connected to her brings up so many memories from her past, and all she can think of is to bring justice for those girls and to bring the peace back into her life. With the help of her group of friends and her very special cat Jade, will she be able to stop the serial killer before more girls, including herself, are killed? Very special characters and an engaging storyline make for a very delightful read! I hope there’s more to come! Sheila Cottingham19

This was a murder cozy with the right amount of drama and suspense. Lola has an interesting group of friends that are more sisters and her fiance who seems to worship her until he gets news she should have revealed earlier in their relationship he kinda flies off the handle so to speak. Then there's her interesting sidekick cat jade. She's a card. They're all brought together in their little town of jamarillo with Lola running her aunts antique shop.

So if you a good cozy to snuggle up with this is a good one to get.

I received an advanced copy for free,and am leaving this review voluntarily. Jackie Welcel316 6

I previously read Peyton Stones's small-town cozies and the stories and the characters. I really didn't care for the characters in this book and occasionally Marco who was supposed to be so much more caring than her previous boyfriend came across as kind of a creep to me. Lola and her friends were kind of boring too. I found myself kind of skimming areas. I'll read more small town with Luci but not too eager to read another with these characters.I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Renee77 3

Lola Hutchinson is an antique store owner, her fiancée Marco is a retired dectective.
Her cat Jade talks to her. A woman is murdered who looks a lot Lola and has her same initials. Then a second murder takes place that looks her with same initials. Lola’s ex boyfriend who is very possessive contacts her. Lola and Marco try to find the killer. Avery suspenseful book. A very good mystery. Really enjoyed it.

I received an advance review copy, ARC, for free, and I am leaving an honest opinion and voluntary review Kelly567 14

I enjoyed reading this book. The main characters are Lola Hutchinson, an antique store owner and her fiancée Marco who is a retired detective.

Lola has a cat, Jade, who talks to her. In this installment of the series, Lola has a doppleganger who has been murdered. The doppelganger also has the same initials. Local and Marco work on finding the killer. There are plenty of twists to make this a suspenseful read. I am looking forward to reading more books in this enjoyable series.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Ingrid Schwaller2

A great book, reconnecting the reader with Lola, Marco, Jade and friends. A serial killer is creating havoc in Jaramillo, and he seems to kill only women who look Lola. And then Lola's ex turns up, with whom she had an acrimonious break-up.
I really enjoyed this book. The plot is intricate enough to keep you guessing right to the end, the characters are well developed, and Jade is the perfect feline companion.
Can't wait for the next installment of the series.
I received an ARC copy from the author. Lynda561 7

Lola is doing well with the antique store on their island and it's a nice normal life until a rock star decides to do a special concert. Lola and her girl pals run around having time for lunches weekly along with an occasional get together with their guys. Marco and Lola are engaged and getting ready to marry when the island starts having murders and all the victims look Lola. Marco even though he retired from police work is helping. There are alot of surprises that come about to close out this book. I have loved all of Ms. Stone's books so far and this one is no exception. Bonnie360 5

What happens when a killer, kills women that look you and that have the same initials as you? That is the mystery that plagues Lola in the latest Island Cozy Mystery, Lovers to Die For. In this story we get to know more about Lola's past and how she ended up back on the Island. As always she has help from her faithful crew, Marcos and of course Jade. Spine tingling suspense and good characters are what you will find in Lovers to Die For. And the lase chapter is a testament to the life she is building and promises more adventures. G.Terenzio180 1 follower

Lola and her fiance Marco run an antique shop on the island when a mega star announces that he is giving a concert and the town is overrun by fans. A murder mares the anticipation and the eerie fact that the victim looks Lola, had her initials and lyrics of Cipher's song pinned to her makes it even more scary.

Also her obsessive ex-boyfriend is making a reappearance in Lolas's life and another murder is putting everyone on high alert.

I received an advance review copy, ARC, for free, and I am leaving an honest opinion and voluntary review." Sharmani Jayaram919 16

Several murders of women who look and had her initials has Lola Hutchinson and her fiancé Marco in a tail spin. There is a Ciper concert in Jaramillo Island where a lot of fans have gathered. These murders bring chaos to the community. There is a lot of suspense and a edge of the seat finish to the read. I received this ARC copy via booksirans and leave a honest review I recommend this book to other readers. Delphia Von Heeder 1,181 24

Lovers to Die For is book 3 in An Island Cozy Mystery by Peyton Stone. I thoroughly enjoyed this mystery. I the characters and the book friendships. Cipher is having a concert on the island when women are being murdered. The killer is after Lola and her cat, Jade, tells us something important about Lola. So much excitement and surprises are found in this book. I received an arc for free and am leaving my review voluntarily. Geraldine Lopez83 3

This was a great read, sinister and compelling in equal measure. Reading it sent a shiver down my spine.
I loved the unfolding back story of the protagonist Lola and her telepathic bond with her cat Jade.
This book had a strong feel of mysticism to it which I really enjoyed.
I can't wait for the next book in the series.
I received an advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Peg S8

I received an ARC copy of the third book in the Series and I definitely recommend this book. If you enjoy mystery books and a sidekick who can interact with their human companion, than you would enjoy this book. I did not expect the ending of the book as it turned out. I don't want to give too much away, that way you readers can enjoy the book as you wish. Another great book written by Peyton Stone, one of my favorite authors. Lori209 1 follower

I very much enjoy Peyton Stone's writing style. This series is a really good cozy mystery with lots of fun and a little telepathy with her cat, Jade. I really the background building with all the characters. Of course, there's a murder and Lola is right in the middle of the investigation along with her sidekick Jade and friends. Good storyline and if the hints are true, lots more to come!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Carol1,359 14

A dysfunctional relationship which turns toxic and infects all involved, turning the island of Jaramillo into a killer's hunting ground. But when the victims all bear an uncanny resemblance to Lola and have the initials L.H. on display, the hunt becomes personal.

I have not read any of the other island cozy mystery books but this one does work well as a standalone. Well written, exciting and intriguing, I will certainly be on the look out for more from Peyton Stone Doreen Fernandes872 11

A killer is targeting young women who look Lola. Lola's life is in jeopardy and her fiance, Marco and her friends are trying to find the murderer. Is it her ex-boyfriend? Or is it someone seeking revenge on Marco? And who is the famous singer who hides behind a mask while belting out haunting lyrics? An enigmatic thriller which kept me guessing. I the well fleshed out characters and the surprising ending. Donna59 4

Another great story by Peyton Stone! I'll read any book by her, especially her "… to Die For" series. Lola is running her antique store with Marco, who's retired from his detective job off island. But somehow murder always comes to Jaramillo Island. Read on to find out the twist at the end of this book, foretelling an upcoming book in the series.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. L KQ2,153 10

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